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lsm_localization package from lsm_localization repolsm_localization |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.0.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ihadzic/lsm_localization.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2022-12-21 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Ilija Hadzic
- Ivan Dryanovski
- Ilija Hadzic
LSM Localization for ROS
This package implements a localization algorithm that can be used with ROS Navigation as an alternative to the popular AMCL.
In the core of the algorithm is the Kalman filter that fuses the odometry with LIDAR scan measurements. The twist (velocity) part of the odometry topic is integrated in the SE(2) space to calculate the prediction for the Kalman filter. Measurement is produced by first constructing the expected LIDAR image that the robot would see at its previous pose, given the map, followed by calculating the incremental transform that would bring the constructed image into the alignment with the actual LIDAR scan image. The incremental transform is applied to the previous robot pose to produce the measured pose, which updates the Kalman filter state. The incremental pose is calculated using the PL-ICP algorithm from Canonical Scan Matcher package and has been derived from the Laser Scan Matcher package.
To install the package, clone this repository into your workspace
and run catkin_make
. You need CSM library which you can build from
source using the script provided in this misc
directory of this
cd misc
sudo ./install_csm <ROS distro>
Parameter <ROS distro>
above is the ROS distribution you are
building for (e.g. melodic, noetic).
You can start the LSM Localization node using the launch files provided
in this repository. The stand-alone lsm_localization.launch
has a sane
and robust set of parameters that will work across many environments.
You can start the node as follows:
roslaunch lsm_localization lsm_localization.launch
The node will expect map, odometry, and LIDAR scan on standard topics
, /scan
and /odom
respectively) and it will publish the result
on lsm_localization/pose
topic. Frame names are
standard map
for fixed frame and base_link
for robot base. Other
frames (e.g. odometry, LIDAR) are deduced from the messages and the
transform tree. The initial pose must be sent on initialpose
topic to
bootstrap the localization.
For localization to work correctly, you must make sure that odometry is publishing valid covariance in the velocity (twist) section of the odometry message. A common mistake is to publish velocity with zero covariance, in which case the Kalman filter will give all weight to odometry and the output will simply become the replica of odometry.
To save the computation, the node will downsample the LIDAR scan and the downsample rate is set to 4 in the above example launch file. Further the node will only publish the output pose when PL-ICP matching succeeds. So the output pose will not be continuous and it rate will be at most the LIDAR scan rate divided by the downsampling rate.
If you need continuous tracking, you must enable publishing of map-odometry transformation and make sure that your odometry is continuous. Very often poorly designed and or buggy odometry may cause the appearance that the localization is not working, so make sure your odometry is continuous and presents valid covariance.
For a more canned example, you can run
roslaunch lsm_localization lsm_localization_jackal_example.launch
For this example to work, you must install
and jackal_navigation
The launch file will start the simulation if Clearpath
Jackal robot on a racetrack along with along with the map server and
LSM Localization node. The node will be configured to subscribe to
topics that the Jackal simulation package publishes and it will
publish map-odometry transformation. It will also take the initial
pose from /initialpose
topic, so you can bootstrap it from RVIZ.
An example configuration for RVIZ is available in misc
in this repository.
You can give it the initial pose that approximately matches the robot position and orientation and watch it converge. Unlike most implementations of particle filters, LSM Localization runs even if the robot is not moving, so after giving it a reasonably close initial pose, you can watch it converge without moving the robot.
Subscribed topics
This is the standard LIDAR topic. Only the
array is considered andintensities
can be all zeros.
This topic is used to sent the initial pose to bootstrap the filter. It must be sent after the filter has received at least one odometry message.
This is the standard map topic used to communicate the map information to the filter.
This is the standard odometry topic used for prediction stage of the filter. The frame must be continuous with no jumping. It is very important that the topic publishes valid velocity (
field) with valid covariance associated with it.
In addition to the above-listed topics, the LSM Localization node listens on standard transform topic to determine the relationship among the frames of reference.
Published topics
This topic is used to publish the result of the localization. It represents the pose of the robot’s base in the fixed frame. Alternative topics with different types are also available and can turned on by configuration.
This topic is the LIDAR scan that the filter constructs given the predicted pose and feeds it into the PL-ICP matcher together with the actual scan (see the Overview section above). One way to tell that the filter has converged is to observe that the constructed scan is aligned with the actual scan. If the two scans also match the map, the localization output is correct. If the two scans are aligned, but not aligned to the map features, then the filter is stuck in the local minimum.
This is the pose produced by the output of the PL-ICP matched and before feeding it into the Kalman filter. It can be used to analyze the filter operation.
This is the pose predicted by the odometry before feeding it into the Kalman filter. It can be used to analyze the filter operation.
The node can be enabled to publish map-odometry or map-base_link transform. Normally, only one of these two transforms should be published. Publishing both will result in conflicting transformation tree.
Alternative outputs
In addition to the primary output pose topic, the filter can also publish on the following topics using different type. Each topic can be turned on by setting the parameter that controls it. Note that some topics may not include all information that the filter output is producing:
: geometry_msgs/Pose2D
: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
: geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance
Debug topics
The topics listed here are meant for debugging and provide additional insight into the filter operation. The type for all topics is geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
: This is the differential pose between
previously sampled odometry and current odometry at the time when the
prediction is calculated. This topic essentially represents the estimated
robot motion.
: This is the differential pose
between the constructed LIDAR scan and the actual LIDAR scan. This topic
essentially represents the transform that PL-ICP matcher has generated.
: This is the reference pose in the
odometry frame used to calculate the motion prediction.
: This is the current pose in
the odometry frame used to calculate the motion prediction.
, default: base_link
This parameter specifies the frame of reference for the robot base. The output publishes the pose of this frame in fixed frame.
, default: world
This parameter specified the frame of reference for the fixed reference frame. The output publishes the pose of the base frame in this frame.
, default: initialpose
This parameter specifies which topic to listen on for initial pose.
, default: 1)
This parameter specifies the downsample rate for LIDAR
, default: false
If this parameter is set to
, the Kalman filter will not fuse odometry-based prediction with the measurement. Instead, the measured pose based on PL-ICP matching will be used at face value. This is mathematically equivalent to running the Kalman filter whose odometry covariance is always infinite.
, default: true
If this parameter is set to
, the PL-ICP matching will not be done against the constructed scan, but against two consecutive scans of LIDAR measurement. This will essentially degenerate the LSM Localization into the original Laser Scan Matcher function from which this node has been derived.
, default: 10)
This parameter specifies which value in the map occupancy grid will be considered occupied. The value to use depends on the map representation, but for most maps the default value will work.
, default: -1)
This parameter effectively cuts the LIDAR range. This may come useful for long-range LIDARs operating in environment in which nearby features are diverse enough to perform successful matching. Cutting the LIDAR range will reduce the computational load in this case. Another use is when evaluating how the algorithm would perform with shorter-range LIDARs. The value of -1 means no limit (full LIDAR range is used).
, default: 1e-5)
This parameter specifies the positional variance above which the PL-ICP matcher output will not be accepted. Setting this parameter too high will allow false-positive matches, resulting in incorrect localization, typically manifesting itself in shifted or skewed position. Setting it too low, will result in rejecting good matches, effectively reducing the output rate of the filter. In our experience, default value is a reasonable tradeoff.
, default: 1e-5)
This parameter specifies the rotational variance above which the PL-ICP matcher output will not be accepted. The same tradeoff as for
, default: 0.707)
This parameter defines the maximum yaw difference between the output and input of the PL-ICP matcher that will be accepted. Setting this value too low will result in a low pull-in range and the algorithm may not converge. Setting it too high may result in locking the output off by 90-degrees.
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish map-base transform. Only one ofpublish_base_tf
may be set at the same time. It is OK to set both tofalse
if there is an external node responsible for publishing the transformations.
, default: true
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish map-odom transform. Only one ofpublish_base_tf
may be set at the same time. It is OK to set both tofalse
if there is an external node responsible for publishing the transformations.
, default: true
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/pose_with_covariance_stamped
topic. This should be the preferred topic to publish the filter result.
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/constructed_scan
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/pose2D
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/pose_with_covariance
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/measured_pose
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/predicted_pose
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish on debug topics
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, it will turn on debug log messages in CSM library.
, default: 1e-9)
The value to use for z-component of the position covariance. Because localization is performed in 2D space, z-height is not calculated and this parameter gives the option to use the placeholder value for the corresponding covariance. The covariance along x and y dimension is calculated and reflects the filter’s output confidence.
, default: 1e-9)
The value to use for pitch and roll components of the orientation covariance. Because localization is performed in 2D space, pitch and roll are not calculated and this parameter gives the option to use the placeholder value for the corresponding covariance. The covariance or yaw estimate is calculated and reflects the filter’s output confidence.
In addition to the above-listed parameters, LSM Localization node
carries over a number of parameters that control the PL-ICP algorithm.
We don’t describe these parameters here, but instead we
refer to the original
Laser Scan Matcher node.
These parameters are: kf_dist_linear
, kf_dist_angular
, max_linear_correction
, max_iterations
, epsilon_theta
, max_correspondence_dist
, sigma
, restart
, restart_threshold_mean_error
, restart_dtheta
, clustering_theta
, orientation_neighbourhood
, do_alpha_test
, do_alpha_test_thresholdDeg
, outliers_adaptive_order
, outliers_adaptive_mult
, outliers_remove_doubles
, debug_verify_tricks
, use_sigma_weights
While this may look like a lot, the values listed in example launch files, provided in this repository, along with default values that are not specified in launch files, are typically good enough to achieve robust localization for most environments.
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
csm | |
geometry_msgs | |
nav_msgs | |
roscpp | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
message_runtime | |
tf | |
catkin |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Recent questions tagged lsm_localization at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
lsm_localization package from lsm_localization repolsm_localization |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 1.0.0 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/ihadzic/lsm_localization.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | master |
Last Updated | 2022-12-21 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | UNRELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Ilija Hadzic
- Ivan Dryanovski
- Ilija Hadzic
LSM Localization for ROS
This package implements a localization algorithm that can be used with ROS Navigation as an alternative to the popular AMCL.
In the core of the algorithm is the Kalman filter that fuses the odometry with LIDAR scan measurements. The twist (velocity) part of the odometry topic is integrated in the SE(2) space to calculate the prediction for the Kalman filter. Measurement is produced by first constructing the expected LIDAR image that the robot would see at its previous pose, given the map, followed by calculating the incremental transform that would bring the constructed image into the alignment with the actual LIDAR scan image. The incremental transform is applied to the previous robot pose to produce the measured pose, which updates the Kalman filter state. The incremental pose is calculated using the PL-ICP algorithm from Canonical Scan Matcher package and has been derived from the Laser Scan Matcher package.
To install the package, clone this repository into your workspace
and run catkin_make
. You need CSM library which you can build from
source using the script provided in this misc
directory of this
cd misc
sudo ./install_csm <ROS distro>
Parameter <ROS distro>
above is the ROS distribution you are
building for (e.g. melodic, noetic).
You can start the LSM Localization node using the launch files provided
in this repository. The stand-alone lsm_localization.launch
has a sane
and robust set of parameters that will work across many environments.
You can start the node as follows:
roslaunch lsm_localization lsm_localization.launch
The node will expect map, odometry, and LIDAR scan on standard topics
, /scan
and /odom
respectively) and it will publish the result
on lsm_localization/pose
topic. Frame names are
standard map
for fixed frame and base_link
for robot base. Other
frames (e.g. odometry, LIDAR) are deduced from the messages and the
transform tree. The initial pose must be sent on initialpose
topic to
bootstrap the localization.
For localization to work correctly, you must make sure that odometry is publishing valid covariance in the velocity (twist) section of the odometry message. A common mistake is to publish velocity with zero covariance, in which case the Kalman filter will give all weight to odometry and the output will simply become the replica of odometry.
To save the computation, the node will downsample the LIDAR scan and the downsample rate is set to 4 in the above example launch file. Further the node will only publish the output pose when PL-ICP matching succeeds. So the output pose will not be continuous and it rate will be at most the LIDAR scan rate divided by the downsampling rate.
If you need continuous tracking, you must enable publishing of map-odometry transformation and make sure that your odometry is continuous. Very often poorly designed and or buggy odometry may cause the appearance that the localization is not working, so make sure your odometry is continuous and presents valid covariance.
For a more canned example, you can run
roslaunch lsm_localization lsm_localization_jackal_example.launch
For this example to work, you must install
and jackal_navigation
The launch file will start the simulation if Clearpath
Jackal robot on a racetrack along with along with the map server and
LSM Localization node. The node will be configured to subscribe to
topics that the Jackal simulation package publishes and it will
publish map-odometry transformation. It will also take the initial
pose from /initialpose
topic, so you can bootstrap it from RVIZ.
An example configuration for RVIZ is available in misc
in this repository.
You can give it the initial pose that approximately matches the robot position and orientation and watch it converge. Unlike most implementations of particle filters, LSM Localization runs even if the robot is not moving, so after giving it a reasonably close initial pose, you can watch it converge without moving the robot.
Subscribed topics
This is the standard LIDAR topic. Only the
array is considered andintensities
can be all zeros.
This topic is used to sent the initial pose to bootstrap the filter. It must be sent after the filter has received at least one odometry message.
This is the standard map topic used to communicate the map information to the filter.
This is the standard odometry topic used for prediction stage of the filter. The frame must be continuous with no jumping. It is very important that the topic publishes valid velocity (
field) with valid covariance associated with it.
In addition to the above-listed topics, the LSM Localization node listens on standard transform topic to determine the relationship among the frames of reference.
Published topics
This topic is used to publish the result of the localization. It represents the pose of the robot’s base in the fixed frame. Alternative topics with different types are also available and can turned on by configuration.
This topic is the LIDAR scan that the filter constructs given the predicted pose and feeds it into the PL-ICP matcher together with the actual scan (see the Overview section above). One way to tell that the filter has converged is to observe that the constructed scan is aligned with the actual scan. If the two scans also match the map, the localization output is correct. If the two scans are aligned, but not aligned to the map features, then the filter is stuck in the local minimum.
This is the pose produced by the output of the PL-ICP matched and before feeding it into the Kalman filter. It can be used to analyze the filter operation.
This is the pose predicted by the odometry before feeding it into the Kalman filter. It can be used to analyze the filter operation.
The node can be enabled to publish map-odometry or map-base_link transform. Normally, only one of these two transforms should be published. Publishing both will result in conflicting transformation tree.
Alternative outputs
In addition to the primary output pose topic, the filter can also publish on the following topics using different type. Each topic can be turned on by setting the parameter that controls it. Note that some topics may not include all information that the filter output is producing:
: geometry_msgs/Pose2D
: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
: geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance
Debug topics
The topics listed here are meant for debugging and provide additional insight into the filter operation. The type for all topics is geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
: This is the differential pose between
previously sampled odometry and current odometry at the time when the
prediction is calculated. This topic essentially represents the estimated
robot motion.
: This is the differential pose
between the constructed LIDAR scan and the actual LIDAR scan. This topic
essentially represents the transform that PL-ICP matcher has generated.
: This is the reference pose in the
odometry frame used to calculate the motion prediction.
: This is the current pose in
the odometry frame used to calculate the motion prediction.
, default: base_link
This parameter specifies the frame of reference for the robot base. The output publishes the pose of this frame in fixed frame.
, default: world
This parameter specified the frame of reference for the fixed reference frame. The output publishes the pose of the base frame in this frame.
, default: initialpose
This parameter specifies which topic to listen on for initial pose.
, default: 1)
This parameter specifies the downsample rate for LIDAR
, default: false
If this parameter is set to
, the Kalman filter will not fuse odometry-based prediction with the measurement. Instead, the measured pose based on PL-ICP matching will be used at face value. This is mathematically equivalent to running the Kalman filter whose odometry covariance is always infinite.
, default: true
If this parameter is set to
, the PL-ICP matching will not be done against the constructed scan, but against two consecutive scans of LIDAR measurement. This will essentially degenerate the LSM Localization into the original Laser Scan Matcher function from which this node has been derived.
, default: 10)
This parameter specifies which value in the map occupancy grid will be considered occupied. The value to use depends on the map representation, but for most maps the default value will work.
, default: -1)
This parameter effectively cuts the LIDAR range. This may come useful for long-range LIDARs operating in environment in which nearby features are diverse enough to perform successful matching. Cutting the LIDAR range will reduce the computational load in this case. Another use is when evaluating how the algorithm would perform with shorter-range LIDARs. The value of -1 means no limit (full LIDAR range is used).
, default: 1e-5)
This parameter specifies the positional variance above which the PL-ICP matcher output will not be accepted. Setting this parameter too high will allow false-positive matches, resulting in incorrect localization, typically manifesting itself in shifted or skewed position. Setting it too low, will result in rejecting good matches, effectively reducing the output rate of the filter. In our experience, default value is a reasonable tradeoff.
, default: 1e-5)
This parameter specifies the rotational variance above which the PL-ICP matcher output will not be accepted. The same tradeoff as for
, default: 0.707)
This parameter defines the maximum yaw difference between the output and input of the PL-ICP matcher that will be accepted. Setting this value too low will result in a low pull-in range and the algorithm may not converge. Setting it too high may result in locking the output off by 90-degrees.
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish map-base transform. Only one ofpublish_base_tf
may be set at the same time. It is OK to set both tofalse
if there is an external node responsible for publishing the transformations.
, default: true
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish map-odom transform. Only one ofpublish_base_tf
may be set at the same time. It is OK to set both tofalse
if there is an external node responsible for publishing the transformations.
, default: true
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/pose_with_covariance_stamped
topic. This should be the preferred topic to publish the filter result.
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/constructed_scan
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/pose2D
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/pose_with_covariance
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/measured_pose
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish onlsm_localization/predicted_pose
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, the node will publish on debug topics
, default: false
When this parameter is set to
, it will turn on debug log messages in CSM library.
, default: 1e-9)
The value to use for z-component of the position covariance. Because localization is performed in 2D space, z-height is not calculated and this parameter gives the option to use the placeholder value for the corresponding covariance. The covariance along x and y dimension is calculated and reflects the filter’s output confidence.
, default: 1e-9)
The value to use for pitch and roll components of the orientation covariance. Because localization is performed in 2D space, pitch and roll are not calculated and this parameter gives the option to use the placeholder value for the corresponding covariance. The covariance or yaw estimate is calculated and reflects the filter’s output confidence.
In addition to the above-listed parameters, LSM Localization node
carries over a number of parameters that control the PL-ICP algorithm.
We don’t describe these parameters here, but instead we
refer to the original
Laser Scan Matcher node.
These parameters are: kf_dist_linear
, kf_dist_angular
, max_linear_correction
, max_iterations
, epsilon_theta
, max_correspondence_dist
, sigma
, restart
, restart_threshold_mean_error
, restart_dtheta
, clustering_theta
, orientation_neighbourhood
, do_alpha_test
, do_alpha_test_thresholdDeg
, outliers_adaptive_order
, outliers_adaptive_mult
, outliers_remove_doubles
, debug_verify_tricks
, use_sigma_weights
While this may look like a lot, the values listed in example launch files, provided in this repository, along with default values that are not specified in launch files, are typically good enough to achieve robust localization for most environments.
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
csm | |
geometry_msgs | |
nav_msgs | |
roscpp | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_msgs | |
message_runtime | |
tf | |
catkin |