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multimaster_fkie package from multimaster_fkie repodefault_cfg_fkie master_discovery_fkie master_sync_fkie multimaster_fkie multimaster_msgs_fkie node_manager_fkie |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.7.3 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/fkie/multimaster_fkie.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | jade-devel |
Last Updated | 2017-04-24 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Alexander Tiderko
- Alexander Tiderko
Changelog for package multimaster_fkie
0.7.3 (2017-04-24)
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed problem with "pass_all_args" attribute
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash on start master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: fixed network discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added "pass_all_args" for highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while stop or start a lot of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: changed font color in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: changed default color in description widget
- node_manager_fkie: added a workaround for "CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV"
- node_manager_fkie: reverted url changes
- fixed warnings in API documentation
- node_manager_fkie: fixed url handling in host control
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.2 (2017-01-27)
- node_manager_fkie: added a parameter to hide domain suffix in description panel and node tree view
- mutlimaster_fkie: reverted the cut of domains in hostnames
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.1 (2017-01-26)
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed some problems on macOS
- perform test for multicast interfaces only on Linux and FreeBSD
- changed detection for local interface to support discovering on iOS
- master_discovery_fkie: removed domain suffix from hostname
- master_discovery_fkie: removed a not needed import
- master_discovery_fkie: digrammar fix in exception message
- node_manager_fkie: increased precision for float values in combobox (used by settings)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed editor for kinetic; removed setMargin since it not suported by Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: fixed URLs for some buttons in description panel to use it with Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: added more details on start if no 'screen' is available
- node_manager_fkie: changed supervised_popen initialization to avoid multi subclassing
- node_manager_fkie: added a raise Exception if no terminal is availabe
- node_manager_fkie: raise an error now if 'paramiko' is not available
- node_manager_fkie: fixed startup if a node manager instance already running
- node_manager_fkie: added xterm path for macOS
- node_manager_fkie: removed domain suffix from hostname to avoid name problems
- node_manager_fkie: fixed UnboundLocalError for 'selectedGroups' and 'self._accept_next_update'
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Jason Mercer, Dirk Schulz
0.7.0 (2017-01-09)
- master_discovery_fkie: added detection for timejumps into the past
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the shutdown process
sometimes blocks the SimpleXMLRPCServer the shutdown process. Added a timer to kill the own process at the end.
- master_discovery_fkie: #55 change the message handling routines Introduced a send and receive Queue. It was need to implement new features like hub/client structure. Added more debug output.
- master_discovery_fkie: splitted send_mcast into send_mcast and listen_mcast to get a hub functionality
- node_manager_fkie: fixed visualisation of not local nodes
repaired gui_resources.py for Qt5 compatibility restore Qt5 compatibility
- node_manager_fkie: added update/set time dialog to update time with ntpdate or date
- node_manager_fkie: added rosbag record to rqt menu
- node_manager_fkie: copy now all selected nodes, topics, services or parameter names to clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C
- node_manager_fkie: added cursor position number to editor
- node_manager_fkie: added indent before hostname in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: added a colorize_host settings parameter
the color of the host will be now determine automatically you can also set own color for each host by double-click on the hostname in description panel.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error after cancel color selection
- node_manager_fkie: use gradient to set color
- node_manager_fkie: now you can define colors for each robot
- node_manager_fkie: removed a broken import
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: no longer clear the search result on click into editor
- node_manager_fkie: find dialog in xml-editor shows now all results in as list
- node_manager_fkie: added clear button to filder lines in dialogs
- node_manager_fkie: add filter to nodes view added also a clear button (also ESC) to all filter lines
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some extended visualization for synced nodes
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed start nodes with same name and different namespaces
- default_cfg_fkie: fix the namespace for rqt-cpp-plugins
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Sr4l, deng02
0.6.2 (2016-11-12)
- master_sync_fkie: Increased logging. Added more logging around synchronization to help with tracking changes in the local ROS master due to multimaster.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node view for multiple cores on the same host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed capabilities view
- node_manager_fkie: fixed view of group description by groups with one node
- Drop roslib.load_manifest, unneeded with catkin
- node_manager_fkie: moved controls in group description to the top
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the link to node in group description
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while kill screen on remote host
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Denise Eng, Mike Purvis
0.6.1 (2016-10-18)
- fix for issue #50: do not sent and reply requests while own state is not available
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, deng02
0.6.0 (2016-10-12)
- master_sync_fkie: updated launch file
- master_sync_fkie: added a 'resync_on_reconnect_timeout' parameter that controls how long the offline-online period is before the resync. see enhancement #48
- node_manager_fkie: changed find-replace doalog to dockable widget
- node_manager_fkie: changed highlight colors
- node_manager_fkie: added more info for search error
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: comment lines with less then 4 characters
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: #49
- node_manager_fkie: added highlightning for yaml stuff inside of a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: comment of lines with less then 4 characters in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: activation of network window after join from network discovery
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: does not open a second configuration editor for a selected node.
- node_manager_fkie: added: 'subst_value' to xml highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: network discovery
- node_manager_fkie: comment/uncomment fixed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: detection of included files
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.8 (2016-09-10)
- master_discovery_fkie: fix for #46: bouncing offline/online reduced discovery heartbeats, especially if one of the masters is not reachable anymore.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the error occurs while open configuration for a selected node
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.7 (2016-09-07)
- fix imports for Qt5
- fix issue #43 - "cannot import name QApplication"
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Sr4l
0.5.6 (2016-09-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error "No module named xml_editor"
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.5 (2016-08-30)
- master_sync_fkie: added resync after the host was offline
- master_sync_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed issue#16
- multimaster_fkie: changed indent in source code to 4
- master_discovery_fkie: added network separation to zeroconf discovering
- master_discovery_fkie: changed the ROS service initialization The ROS service will be created after discovering process is started. This is especially for visualisation in node_manager.
- multimaster_fkie: removed unused imports
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- master_discovery_fkie: replaced time.sleep by threading.Timer to handle connection problems while get remote master info
- master_discover_fkie: added warning on send errors
- master_discovery_fkie: removed '-' from master name generation for ROS master with not default port
- master_discovery_fkie: reduced/changed log output
- node_manager_fkie: version in info dialog updated
- node_manager_fkie: changed all buttons of the editor to flat
- node_manager_fkie: changes on xml_editor
- XmlEditor is renamed to Editor and moved into a subdirectory.
- xml_edit.py splited to exclude all subclasses
- Search (replace) dialog is redesigned
- node_manager_fkie: added linenumber to the xmleditor
- node_manager_fkie: fix issue #40 and some other Qt5 changes
- node_manager_fkie: changed the comment/uncomment in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some highlightning problems in xmleditor
- node_manager_fkie: added shortcuts for "Add tag"-Submenu's
- node_manager_fkie: changed xml block highlighting
- node_manager_fkie: fixed seletion in xmleditor
- multimaster_fkie: changed indent in source code to 4
- node_manager_fkie: added a question dialog before set time on remote host Time changes leads to problems on tf tree and may have other unexpected side effects
- node_manager_fkie: compatibility to Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the showed network id
- node_manager_fkie: fixed host identification in node view
- node_manager_fkie: changed hostname detection for decision to set ROS_HOSTNAME
- node_manager_fkie: removed pep8 warnings
- node_manager_fkie: fix local discovery node detection
- node_manager_fkie: changed master_discovery node detection
- node_manager_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- node_manager_fkie: removed pylint warnings
- node_manager_fkie: new feature: close tabs in Launch-Editor with middle mouse button
- node_manager_fkie: fixed style warning in xml_editor and capability_table
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear of configuration nodes
- node_manager_fkie: changed identification of master (now it is only the masteruri without address)
- node_manager_fkie: fix in capability table
- node_manager_fkie: removed '-' from master name generation for ROS master with not default port
- node_manager_fkie: remove the ssh connection if the master goes offline. This avoids timeouts after reconnection
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.4 (2016-04-21)
- multimaster_fkie: added '/do_not_sync' parameter this allows to hide some topics/services, topic types, from synchronisation. It can be defined as string or as list.
- master_sync_fkie: fixed unnecessary update requests wrong timestamps leads to updates
- node_manager_fkie: added visualisation for not synchronized topics/services
- node_manager_fkie: add parameter to the order of publisher/subscriber in description dock new parameter: 'Transpose pub/sub description'
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour of description dock while update info
- node_manager_fkie: fixed deselection of text on context menu
- node_manager_fkie: fixed threading problem while searching for sync interfaces
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.3 (2016-04-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fix remote start
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.2 (2016-03-31)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start process on remote hosts without Qt
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.1 (2016-03-23)
- Use ROS_HOSTNAME before ROS_IP. To determine which interface to use follow ROS master convention of ROS_HOSTNAME being used before ROS_IP. This is as per: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/EnvironmentVariables#ROS_IP.2BAC8-ROS_HOSTNAME
- Contributors: Mike O'Driscoll, Timo Röhling
0.5.0 (2016-03-17)
New Features: * node_manager_fkie: the start with different ROS_MASTER_URI sets now the ROS_HOSTNAME environment variable if a new masteruri was selected to start node_manager or master_discovery * node_manager_fkie: added parameter to disable the highlighting of xml blocks * node_manager_fkie: added ROS-Launch tags to context menu in XML editor * node_manager_fkie: mark XML tag blocks * node_manager_fkie: show the filename in the XML editor dialog title * node_manager_fkie: close configuration items are now sorted * node_manager_fkie: the confirmation dialog at exit can be deaktivated to stop all nodes and roscore or shutdown the host you can use the close button of each master * node_manager_fkie: allow to shutdown localhost * node_manager_fkie: shows 'advanced start' button also if the selected node laready runs * default_cfg_fkie: added 'load_params_at_start' parameter. On start of default_cfg_fkie all parameters are loaded into ROS parameter server. If this parameter is set to [False]{.title-ref} the parameter are loaded on first run of an included node.
Fixes: * node_manager_fkie: fixed print XML content in echo_dialog * node_manager_fkie: avoids the print of an error, while loads a wrongs file on start of the node_manager * node_manager_fkie: fixed check of running remote roscore * node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while echo topics on remote hosts * node_manager_fkie: changed cursor position in XML editor after open node configuration * node_manager_fkie: fixed replay of topics with array elements * node_manager_fkie: fixed close process while start/stop nodes * node_manager_fkie: fixed namespace of capability groups, fixed the missing leading SEP * node_manager_fkie: fixed - avoid transmition of some included/changed but not needed files to remote host * node_manager_fkie: fixed start node after a binary was selected from multiple binaries * node_manager_fkie: removed "'now' FIX" while publish messages to topics * node_manager_fkie: fixed log format on remote hosts * master_discovery: fixed avg. network load calculation, added checks for some parameters * multimaster_fkie: Set correct logging level to warning * Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Gary Servin
0.4.4 (2015-12-18)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed republish of array values in paraeter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: reviewed the name resolution
- node_manager_fkie: added an IP to hostname resolution it is usefull for detection of automatic master_sync start if an IP was entered while start of master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added a settings parameter 'start_sync_with_discovery' The start_sync_with_discovery determine the default behaviour to start master_sync with master_discover or not. This presets the 'Start sync' parameter in Start-dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added an option to start master_sync with master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added network ID visualization
- node_manager_fkie: fixed joining from discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed discovery dialog, which was broken after changes in master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: highlighted the sync button in ROS network dock
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.3 (2015-11-30)
- node_manager_fkie: start rviz now as NO rqt plugin
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the sort of paramerter in [add parameter]{.title-ref} dialog
- node_manager_fkie: adapt the chagnes in master_discovery_fkie
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the tooltip of the buttons in the description dock
- node_manager_fkie: stop /master_discovery node before poweroff host to avoid timout problems
- multimaster_fkie: reduced logs and warnings on stop nodes while closing node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: added a new button for call service
- node_manager_fkie: added a "copy log path to clipboard" button
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the displayed count of nodes with launch files in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: fixed errors showed while stop nodes on close
- multimaster_fkie: reduced logging of exceptions
- node_manager_fkie: added poweroff command to the host description
- node_manager_fkie: added tooltips to the buttons in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: replaced some icons
- node_manager_fkie: added advanced start link to set console format and loglevel while start of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: skip commented nodes while open a configuration for a selected node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed xml editor; some lines was hide
- node_manager_fkie: added ctrl+shift+slash to shortcuts for un/comment text in editor
- some small changes in find dialog
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed compatibility to older versions
- master_fiscovery_fkie: integrated pull request #24 Thanks for creating the PR to \@garyservin and \@mikeodr! The change lets you define an interface by [~interface]{.title-ref}, [ROS_IP]{.title-ref} envar or append the interface to multicast group like The master_discovery then binds to the specified interface and creates also an unicast interface for active requests on communication problems or if [~robot_hosts]{.title-ref} are defined. Now you can also disable the multicast communication by setting [~send_mcast]{.title-ref} to false. In this case the requests are send to hosts defined in [~robot_hosts]{.title-ref}.
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the 'local' assignment while updateInfo()
- master_discovery_fkie: adopt some changes from pull request
#24 Thanks to
\@garyservin for pull request
- Don't exit if we're on localhost, just log a warning
* Added support for different logging levels in master_monitor: currently all logs are marked as warnings, where some should be marked as errors.
- master_discovery_fkie: spaces and typos removed
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed link quality calculation
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.2 (2015-10-19)
- node_manager_fkie: added further files to change detection
- node_manager_fkie: fixed parameter dialog for some messages e.g. MarkerArray
- node_manager_fkie: shutdown now all nodes and roscore at exit (if selected)
- node_manager_fkie: changed diagnostic visualization
- node_manager_fkie: propagate the diagnostic color of a node to his group
- node_manager_fkie: update the description of selected node after a diagnostic message is recieved
- multimaster_fkie: added a possibility to set time on remote host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the comparison of host time difference
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning if the time difference to remote host is greater than a defined value (default 3 sec)
- node_manager_fkie: added ControlModifier to package navigation
- History file: goto the package of the launch file
- ..: goto root
- folder: go only one step down, not until first config file
- node_manager_fkie: changed param template for parameter name in editor
- node_manager_fkie: added log button for remote master_discovery
- show now only the screen log
- node_manager_fkie: fixed save/load in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fix load parameter with absolute path
- node_manager_fkie: added more info for error while set a parameter with None value
- node_manager_fkie: added icon for rqt plugin
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error which prevent display info and configuration dialogs
- node_manager_fkie: check now for changes of local binaries and ask for restart if these are changed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while publishing to topic with lists and byte values
- node_manager_fkie: added support diagnostics_agg topic
- node_manager_fkie: added a remote script which does not use qt bindings
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the updates of remote nodes registered on local master
- master_discovery_fkie: added \@part to define interface with mcast group
- master_discovery_fkie: add posibility to specify the interface to use
- master_discovery_fkie: check for local ip addresses to avoid wrong warning messages
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.1 (2015-04-28)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while parsing list of lists in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added scrollarea for dynamic_reconfigure widget
- fixed the usage of new parameter in node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: fixed binary selection while 'add node'
- multimaster_fkie: fixed double log output
- node_manager_fkie: fix to enable the master list if a master_discavery was started
- node_manager_fkie: fixed recursive search
- multimaster_fkie: added network problem detection on remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: older paramiko versions does not support get_pty parameter in exce_command
- node_manager_fkie: fixed stdout error while transfer files to remote host
- node_manager_fkie: ignore errors caused on after the echo dialog was closed
- node_manager_fkie: changed the color of illegal ros node names
- master_sync_fkie: Deprecate is_ignored_topic. Move new parameters to the end of the parameter list
- master_sync_fkie: Make configuration more granular
allows filtering of specific subscribers or publishers
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.0 (2015-02-20)
- multimaster_fkie: discovery changed
- reduced the amount of heartbeat messages for discovery
- added fallback for environments with multicast problems
- node_manager_fkie: added log_level parameter to all nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed syntax highlightning
- node_manager_fkie: fix ssh handler
- node_manager_fkie: parameter changed in dialog "start master discovery"
- node_manager_fkie: fixes in parameter dialog
- fixed filter in parameter dialog
- fixed parser of the list values
- update only changed values in ROS parameter server
- node_manager_fkie: default value for heartbeat changed to 0.5
- node_manager_fkie: improved the discovery dialog to detect masters using new methods
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the button view in the sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a xml and yaml validation on save of a configuration files
- master_sync_fkie: fix the long wait time on first sync
- master_sync_fkie: fix annonce publisher about the AnyMsg subscribers
- master_discovery_fkie: discovery changed
- reduced the amount of heartbeat messages for discovery
- added fallback for environments with multicast problems
- master_discovery_fkie: added log_level parameter to all nodes
- master_discovery_fkie: changed discovery after the host was set to offline
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed a problem if more then one master discovery is running on the same host
- master_discovery_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- master_discovery_fkie: removed some debug output
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed change to offline state after a refresh service was called and host is not reachable
- master_discovery_fkie: fix set to offline state
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed link quality detection. The requests for each master are now stored, to detect the right count of messages that we have to receive.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.18 (2015-02-18)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed alt+space for context menu in xml editor
- node_maanger_fkie: removed sync+AnyMsg option, it is now sync with all messages
- node_manager_fkie: fix an error printed on close of echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some ssh issues
- node_manager_fkie: enabled ssh compression
- node_manager_fkie: store user per host
- node_manager_fkie: added rviz to rqt menu
- node_manager_fkie: show now unknown topic types through the SSH connection
- node_manager_fkie: close running nodes on exit
- node_manager_fkie: fixed bug while creation of a new file in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: added binary selection dialog to xml editor, if you add a node section using 'add tag' button
- node_manager_fkie: trap the errors printed to stderr in popen
- node_manager_fkie: fixed highlightning in editor
- master_sync: subscribers with None type are now subscribed as AnyType message
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.17 (2015-01-22)
- node_manager_fkie: switch to local monitoring after connection problems to local master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added an update procedure to refresh discovered masters In same cases the messages, which are send on the shutdown of the master_discovery are not received by node_manager. To update the discovered list in node_manager the complete list of discoevered hosts will be requested, if the localhost master is added as new master.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while publishing to 'std_msgs/Empty'
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed discovery support for ipv6
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.16 (2014-12-08)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem with screen view The node_manager uses the /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator to show the screen content of the nodes. To execute a command with arguments 'konsole', 'xterm' uses -e, 'terminator', 'gnome-terminal' or 'xfce4-terminal'use '-x'.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.15 (2014-12-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed sync button handling
- multimaster_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- node_manager_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node selection in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: some icons changed
- node_manager_fkie: 'autoupdate' parameter added The autoupdate parameter disables the automatic requests. It is usefull for low bandwidth networks.
- node_manager_fkie: reduced remote parameter requests
- node_manager_fkie: added a republish functionality This function is accessible in extended info widget.
- node_manager_fkie: fix publish with rate slower one Updated the topic info. Added constants to message definition view.
- node_manager_fkie: restores the view of expanded capability groups after reload of a launch file
- node_managef_fkie: fix sidebar parameter selection
- node_manager_fkie: fixes in parameter dialog
- fixed filter in parameter dialog
- fixed parser of the list values
- update only changed values in ROS parameter server
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.14 (2014-10-24)
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning to capability table, if multiple configurations for the same node are loaded
- node_manager_fkie: remove now the configuration in capability table after a host was removed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while navigate in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: changed sidebar parameter handling (for start host dialog)
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling on click the sync button in master list
- node_manager_fkie: fixed tooltip for recent loaded files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problems in capability table with multi-launch-files for the same host and group
- CapabilityHeader: Keep indices of _data and controlWidget in sync when inserting new capabilities
- Fixed crash in master_list_model if IPv6 addresses are present on the host
- node_manager_fkie:manual link added
- node_manager_fkie: added args and remaps to change detection after reload a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: ignore namespace while display the Capabilities in Capabilities table
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some template tags in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: stop nodes first while restart nodes after loading a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: added support of $(find ...) statement to add images in decription of capabilities
- node_manager_fkie: xmleditor - ask for save by pressing ESC
- node_manager_fkie: changed the update strategy for description dock
- node_manager_fkie: changed the update strategy for description dock
- node_manager_fkie: changed name creation for default configuration node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed blocked focus if a xmleditor was open
- node_manager_fkie: fixed highlighter problem in pyqt
- node_manager_fkie: improved respawn script
- node_manager_fkie: fixed handling of history files
- node_manager_fkie: mark line with problems in launch editor
- master_sync_fkie: reduced update notifications after registration of a subscriber
- Contributors: Alexander, Alexander Tiderko, Stefan Oßwald, Timo Röhling
0.3.13 (2014-07-29)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the button view in the sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a xml and yaml validation on save of a configuration files
- node_manager_fkie: changed the navigation in info widget
- node_manager_fkie: raise launch dock after the settings are restored
- node_manager_fkie: show up directory while package selection
- node_manager_fkie: added comment/uncomment functionality
- node_manager_fkie: added caching for browsing in launch files
- node_manager_fkie: show also folder with additional config files
- node_manager_fkie: stores the xml editor geometry
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.12 (2014-07-08)
- node_manager_fkie: fix instalation problem with missed .ui files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed ros master preparation Do not try to start ROS master on remote hosts for echo topics, if this host are not reachable.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.11 (2014-06-04)
- node_manager_fkie: replaced the rxconsole and rxgraph by rqt button to start rqt plugins related to selected master
- node_manager_fkie: added a setting docking window
- node_manager_fkie: hints on start problems fixed, if no screen is installed
- node_manager_fkie: added a dock widget and button which shows warning messages
- node_manager_fkie: select the topics and services of a node while tab change and not while node selection. This reduce the cpu load.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detection of local host at start
- node_manager_fkie: fix the removing of local master at startup
- node_manager_fkie: added features to launch file view
- Search for packages
- rename files
- copy files
- node_manager_fkie: do not wait in the discovery loop at shutdown
- node_manager_fkie: cancel buttons redesined, some titles renamed
- node_manager_fkie: reduced the displayed namespace of the topics and services in info area
- node_manager_fkie: added F4 and F3 shortcasts for aditing a configuration and show a screen of a node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed InteractionNeededError while starting nodes on remote hosts using run dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added timestamps to each printed message
- node_manager_fkie: fix detailed message box. Close using ESC button.
- node_manager_fkie: reload root path in xml file view, if the current path was deleted
- node_manager_fkie: fixed include tag of dropped file in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: added for each node respawn parameters
- node_manager_fkie: improve respawn script The new script correctly checks the exit code of the launched process and can limit the number of respawns for faulty nodes.
- node_manager_fkie: use -T for terminal emulator -T is compatible with more terminal emulators than -title
- node_manager_fkie: added handling for some of other configuration file types to launch file view
- Open terminal windows with x-terminal-emulator The /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator symlink is available on Debian based systems and points to the default terminal emulator on the system. /usr/bin/xterm will be used as fallback.
- node_manager_fkie: changed side bar selection while start hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the parameter handling of parameter with list type
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a block while connection problems
- master_discovery_fkie: added some error catches to solve problems with removing of interfaces
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed a short timestamp represantation
- default_cfg_fkie: added 'default_cfg/autostart/exclude' parameter to exclude nodes from autostart
- default_cfg_fkie: flush stdout before SIGKILL Otherwise, the error message may not reach the console output in time.
- default_cfg_fkie: added a console output for count of pending autostart nodes
- default_cfg_fkie: set autostart to False after all node are started
- default_cfg_fkie: added a reload service, to reload the configuration
- default_cfg_fkie: added for each node respawn parameters
- default_cfg_fkie: added a possibility for delayd start or after a published topic is available
- default_cfg_fkie: loads now without the private namespace of the default_cfg node
- default_cfg_fkie: removed BASH_ENV from environment while start with respawn script
- default_cfg_fkie: added an autostart option
- Contributors: Alexander, Alexander Tiderko, Sammy Pfeiffer, Timo Röhling
0.3.10 (2014-03-31)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the activation of the local monitoring. Fixed the cancelation in selection dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added an indicator for running roslaunch server
- node_manager_fkie: fixed layout problems
- node_manager_fkie: dialog size of [start master_discovery]{.title-ref} changed
- node_manager_fkie: added a side bar with checkitems in start host dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed remove entries in combonox of parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: remove comments in launch file fixed
- node_manager_fkie: added a check for changed files in parameter value
- node_manager_fkie: inform about changed files only on activating the main GUI
- node_manager_fkie: fixed search routine
- node_manager_fkie: fixed multiple entries in dialog for publishing to a new topic
- node_manager_fkie: added a context sensitive proposals in XML editor
- node_manager_fkie: enabled drag&drop action in xmleditor and launch view
- node_manager_fkie: added a button for quick insertion of launch tags
- node_manager_fkie: reduced the cpu load of echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a line limit in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the processing of jobs after the [cancel]{.title-ref} button was pressed
node_manager_fkie: added a [reload global parameter]{.title-ref} link - select the loaded row in launch dialog after loading the launch file with double click
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes with ns
- node_maager_fkie: the launch files are now loaded in a thread, so they don't block
- node_manager_fkie: fixed duplicate detection of running and synchronized nodes
- node_manager_fkie: sync dialog extended by a new button to sync topics containing AnyMsg as type
- node_manager_fkie: cmd line output for registered parameter changed
- node_manager_fkie: removed project file
- node_manager_fkie: remember the used path in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling of localhost in machine tag of launchfile
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a bug which sometimes does not synchronized some topics
- master_discovery_fkie: unsubscribe from parameter at the end
- master_discovery_fkie: remove invalid roslaunch uris from ROS Master
0.3.9 (2013-12-12)
- node_manager_fkie: set node to warning state, if it not renning propertly because of problems with illegal name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detailed_msg_box error
- node_manager_fkie: added highlighting for illegal ros names
- master_discovery_fkie: added warning outputs on errors
- multimaster_fkie: moved .gitignore to top level
0.3.8 (2013-12-10)
- node_manager_fkie: added support for /robot_icon parameter to show an image of the roboter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed handling of binary data in ROS parameter server
- node_manager_fkie: update robot image on cancel file selection dialog
- node_manager_fkie: can now change the robot image by double-click on robot image
- node_manager_fkie: added autoselect corresponding topics and services on node selection
- node_manager_fkie: reduced timestamp updates, if node_manager is not active
- multimaster_fkie: added a possibility to deaktivate the multicast heart bearts
- node_manager_fkie: selection dialog extended by an description label
- node_manager_fkie: handling of included files chagned, to avoid errors if a package was not found
- node_manager_fkie: buttons of the discovery widged chagned
- node_manager_fkie: control buttons redesigned
- node_manager_fkie: added 'Do not display this warning again' button to warning message
- node_manager_fkie: fixed deleting of not reachable hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed wrong reference in sync_dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy mode (Ctrl+C copy now first column, Ctrl+X: type or value)
- node_manager_fkie: update launch file view after loading launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed echo dialog (icons, additional info)
- node_manager_fkie: added ROS_NAMESPACE environment parameter to launch process to handle some cases, e.g. rqt_cpp plugins
- node_manager_fkie: fixed watching for changes in included files
- node_manager_fkie: Delete key deletes now the selected history launch file
- node_manager_fkie: reduced window size
- node_manager_fkie: ignore empty 'capability_group' values
- multimaster_fkie: catkin_lint inspired fixes, thanks \@roehling
- node_manager_fkie: fixed help call in the console
- node_manager_fkie: fix detection for included files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed open sync dialog from info panel
- node_manager_fkie: added a yaml highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: argparse integrated
- node_manager_fkie: fixed lower compare of topic and service names
- node_manager_fkie: fix - use now sensetive comparison of node names
- node_manager_fkie: fixed launch file browsing
- node_manager_fkie: fixed skipped display messages on latched topics
- master_sync_fkie: added sync for subscriber with AnyMsg, e.g relay (topic_tools), if local a publisher with known type is available
- master_discovery_fkie: added output info about approx. netload
- master_discovery_fkie: description in der package.xml changed
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed forward error to service caller
- default_cfg_fkie: ignore empty 'capability_group' values
0.3.7 (2013-10-17)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start button description
- node_manager_fkie: added an info button
- node_manager_fkie: changed calling of sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: showing duplicate nodes fixed
- multimaster_fkie: fixed problems with resolving service types while sync while synchronization not all topics and services can be synchronized because of filter or errors. A detection for this case was added.
- node_manager_fkie: added user selection for remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some paths
- node_manager_fkie: added SAVE and LOAD buttons to parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes in multimaster on the same host
- node_manager_fkie: replaced the sync checkbox in masterlist by a sync icon
- node_manager_fkie: fixed filtering topics, services and parameter
- node_manager_fkie: buttons resized
- node_manager_fkie: added missed start parameter to master_sync
- node_manager_fkie: removed some unneeded borders in gui
- node_manager_fkie: fix loading launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed parameter groups
- node_manager_fkie: added new interface of dynamic_reconfigure
- node_manager_fkie: show node_manager window maximized, if the screen is small
- node_manager_fkie: fixed raise conditions
- node_manager_fkie: added filter to selected dialog and changed selection behavior
- node_manager_fkie: fix node matching
- node_manager_fkie: fixed absolute path in env of the launch file
- master_discovery_fkie: do not publish not resolvable ROS MASTER URI to own ROS network
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed parameter groups
0.3.6 (2013-09-17)
- node_manager_fkie: added a notifiaction, if [use_sim_time]{.title-ref} parameter is set to true
- node_manager_fkie: added some control elements to node/host description
- node_manager_fkie: fix load launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fix filter in paramter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed do not store the launch file on error
- node_manager_fkie: the minimum size of the parameter dialog increased
- node_manager_fkie: update the capability group of the node using the ROS parameter server, if no launch file is loaded
- node_manager_fkie: fixed cancel loading of the launch file, on cancel input args node_manager_fkie: do not restart anonymous nodes on relaod launch file node_manager_fkie: fixed closing of the remote default configs on same host but other roscore
- node_manager_fkie: resize the node_manager window on small
- node_manager_fkie: changed the intepretation of the group description
- node_manager_fkie: remove not existing remote node information. In case of restarting a ROS node without stopn a running node.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed buttons description
- node_manager_fkie: fixed change detection in included files
- node_manager_fkie: add detection of changes in the reloaded launch file and restart affected nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear_params
- multimaster_msgs_fkie: added SyncServiceInfo message to detect changes on services
- master_sync_fkie: kill the own ros node on error while load interface to inform the user in node_manager about errors
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the origin master uri for services
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the result of the synchronized nodes (handle the restart of the nodes without stop the running node)
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the test of local changes -> not all changes are propageted to other hosts
- default_cfg_fkie: changed the intepretation of the group description
0.3.5 (2013-09-06)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed launch selection for favirites with same launch file name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed process id view of nodes for multiple sync hosts
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a brocken connection after desync
0.3.4 (2013-09-05)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed file paths (removed warnings in file_watcher)
- node_manager_fkie: clear cached package names on refreshing launch file view
- node_manager_fkie: capability_group parameter can now be defined in a namespace
- node_manager_fkie: fixed pakage_name result added caching for package_name results
- default_cfg_fkie: capability_group parameter can now be defined in a namespace
0.3.3 (2013-09-04)
- node_manager_fkie: Parse package.xml for name Although package folders should have the same name as the package, some packages (e.g. swig-wx) violate this. Thus, we use catkin_pkg.package.parse_package to parse the package.xml and look for the <name> tag, which contains the correct package name.
- node_manager_fkie: Install data files without executable bit
- node_manager_fkie: added a button to hide the dock widgets
- node_manager_fkie: added a question dialog to start the synchronization with a loaded config, if any exists
- node_manager_fkie: increased timeout for transfer of parameter while start of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node name creation for publishing of topics
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start of master_sync with interface file
- node_manager_fkie: removed some exeption for pyqt workaround
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning in paramter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed names, preselect all files to reload after a file was changed
- node_manager_fkie: added a buttons to save and load configurations
- node_manager_fkie: show the parent of the src-folder
- node_manager_fkie: plugin renamed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed finish function to stop the running timer
- node_manager_fkie: file watcher updated, changes now notified once for all master
- multimaster_fkie: .gitignore changed
- node_manager_fkie: don't ask for argv's while reloading
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem while launching a default cfg nodes
- node_manager_fkie: searching for packages in rundialog after dialog opened
- node_manager_fkie: fixed waiting for roscore
- node_manager_fkie: added the default group for system nodes, fixed an often update problem
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while openning an editor
- node_manager_fkie: increased the wait for ROS Master
- node_manager_fkie: added the possibility to enter a varible count of list entries while calling a service or publishing to a topic
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling while close multiple configurations
- node_manager_fkie: added the parameter as pkg:// URL to launch a default_cfg at start of node_manager
- multimaster_fkie: () added additional filtered interface to master_discovery rpc-server to get a filtered MasterInfo and reduce the load on network. () added the possibility to sync remote nodes using ~sync_remote_nodes parameter
- node_manager_fkie: added a possibility to create a new files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while browsing in launch files
- node_manager_fkie: (1) added a button to transfer launch files to remote machines, (2) upgraded the editor for sync dialog (3) added more info to progress bars
- node_manager_fkie: limited displaying frequency for echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: limited the displayed messages in echo widget
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem while launching a default cfg nodes
- master_sync_fkie: added support to ignore nodes/topic/services of selected hosts
- master_sync_fkie: fixed ignore hosts, some topics sync ignores
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed out, if the ROS_MASTER_URI refs to 'localhost'
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the load interface
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
multimaster_msgs_fkie | |
default_cfg_fkie | |
master_discovery_fkie | |
master_sync_fkie | |
node_manager_fkie |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged multimaster_fkie at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
multimaster_fkie package from multimaster_fkie repodefault_cfg_fkie master_discovery_fkie master_sync_fkie multimaster_fkie multimaster_msgs_fkie node_manager_fkie |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.8.12 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/fkie/multimaster_fkie.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | indigo-devel |
Last Updated | 2019-04-30 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Alexander Tiderko
- Alexander Tiderko
Changelog for package multimaster_fkie
0.8.12 (2019-04-30)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed lost nodes while grouping
- Merge pull request #100 from stertingen/patch-1 zeroconf.py: Detect IPv6 usage from environment Set environment ROS_IPV6=on to enable the IPv6 RPC server.
- master_discovery_fkie: zeroconf: added fqdn-parameter, see issue #99
- master_discovery_fkie: zeroconf use for monitoruri the same hostname from masteruri
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Hermann von Kleist
0.8.11 (2019-02-27)
- fix release issues
0.8.10 (2019-02-26)
- node_manager_fkie: exapand (nodes, topics, services) on filter
- fixed build node_manager_fkie without .git repository issue #91
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on show critical message dialog
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.9 (2018-12-21)
- fix install build
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.8 (2018-12-19)
- fixed install node_manager_fkie
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.7 (2018-12-18)
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed changelog format
- node_manager_fkie: added version detection
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.5 (2018-12-11)
- node_manager_fkie: removed install author warning
- node_manager_fkie: fixed navigation in topic and service view do not open echo/call dialog on activate namespace group
- master_sync_fkie: added a simple node to sync parameter Original code from https://github.com/jhu-lcsr-forks/multimaster_fkie/tree/param-sync adapted to change only local ROS Parameter Server
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.4 (2018-12-08)
- master_discovery_fkie: fix zeroconf to avoid request loop in master_sync see issue #90
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.3 (2018-12-07)
- node_manager_fkie: added: Augment CMake script to install node_manager launcher on Ubuntu. pull request #82 from acschaefer/master
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter to disable namespace groups
- node_manager_fkie: editor: improved seletion of node definition by moving selected text to top
- node_manager_fkie: new: apply enhancement to organize nodes view by namespaces, see issue #83
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy paste error
- node_manager_fkie: changed highlighting for groups and nodes
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fixed uncomment of -- statements
- node_manager_fkie: added launch file to test namespace grouping.
- node_manager_fkie: fix namespace view
- node_manager_fkie: fixed topic publish dialog for messages with arrays
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while start master_discovery with master_sync on
- node_manager_fkie: fixed add new parameter in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter for timeout to close closing dialog
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed typo hearbeat[s] to heartbeat[s] pull request #87 from Paulls20/master
- master_sync_fkie: install launch dir pull request #81 from ahoarau/patch-1
- Contributors: Alexander Schaefer, Alexander Tiderko, Antoine Hoarau, Paul.Varghese
0.8.2 (2018-08-10)
- fixed issue #79
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.1 (2018-08-03)
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour on question to reload files and display noscreen errors
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.0 (2018-07-16)
- node_manager_fkie: added warning if while remote start no executable was found rosrun throws no error if no executable was found it is only an output.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed activation of minimized launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: added settings parameter 'movable dock widgets' to prevent dock widgets from moving
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error in select_dialog on close node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: added group icon with count of nodes inside
- node_manager_fkie: added info icons for groups
- node_manager_fkie: added timer to close exit dialog on close node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: fixed delay open io screen
- node_manager_fkie: use priority queue for sreen io only if normal queue has more than 5 elements
- node_manager_fkie: reduced update count
- node_manager_fkie: changed color of question box
- node_manager_fkie: added link for nodelet manager in description of nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: add an option to disable the question dialog while restart nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: changed background of question dialog to non transparent
- node_manager_fkie: changed question dialog for launch and transfer files
- changed visualization for available configurations, added visualisation for nodelets changed qestion dialog on changes of launch files and restart of nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: fixed trasfer of wrong files on change to remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fix recursive search
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on call of an unknown service
- node_manager_fkie: fix administratively prohibited error while delete logs This error occurs while delete more than 10 logs on remote host
- node_manager_fkie: resolve pkg:// in all arguments
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while assigne color
- Added configuration for Travis CI
- Contributors: Timo Röhling, Alexander Tiderko
0.7.8 (2018-03-24)
- Fix catkin_lint warnings
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on errors while open network discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy function in launch file browser
- node_manager_fkie: fixed file name copy crash
- node_manager_fkie: added more checks while handle nodelet restarts
- node_manager_fkie: added check for restart of nodelet manager
- node_manager_fkie: reset package cache on reload in lauch widget so you don't need to restart node_manager if new packages are added at runtime
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour of detailed message box
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added shortcut Ctrl+R to restart nodes
- Merge pull request #69 from AlexisTM/fix_exit_zeroconf Solve zeroconf sys.exit( ..., ...) issue
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Alexis Paques, Timo Röhling
0.7.7 (2017-10-27)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed install problem #65
- node_manager_fkie: changed tab order and added Ctrl+Shift+F behaviour
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.6 (2017-10-04)
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fixed un/comment function
- node_manager_fkie: detailed dialog: created own one, enable resize feature
- node_manager_fkie: echo dialog: added a checkbox to dis-/enable message filter
- node_manager_fkie: added log for start and wait for ROS master at the beginning
- node_manager_fkie: fixed utf8 problem with service call
- node_manager_fkie: fixed view problem if ROS_IP is set
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while navigation in launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: convert error messages to utf-8
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a lot of utf8 problems
- node_manager_fkie: do not ask changed files for reload an offline master
- node_manager_fkie: reload global parameter, if ROS master was restarted
- node_manager_fkie: file_watcher: fixed wrong detection for paths in parameter values
- node_manager_fkie: editor: adapt indent to previous line on tab
- node_manager_fkie: editor: ident to preview line on pressed return/enter
- node_manager_fkie: label for decimal length changed
- node_manager_fkie: echo_dialog: added array length and a filter for digits after '.' in arrays
- node_manager_fkie: launch dialog: improved graph view
- node_manager_fkie: launch editor: changed line selection behaviour
- node_manager_fkie: added Ctrl+W to close current tab in launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: event connection between launch editor and graph view
- node_manager_fkie: create complete include graph
- node_manager_fkie: added upperBotton again
- node_manager_fkie: removed uppper Button, use Include Graph instead
- node_manager_fkie: added dock widget with include files overview for launch file editor
- node_manager_fkie: reorganized buttons in launch editor and fixed search for included files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed display not complete node/topic/service name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed icon space in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: added icons
- in editor for going to next higher launch file
- restart node and reload global parameter of the launch file
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour after filter changes
- node_manager_fkie: open upper files and insert these in between
- node_manager_fkie: Tab and Backtab fixed
- node_manager_fkie: size units fixed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed search for included files in editor
- node_manager_fkie: enable / disable upper button
- node_manager_fkie: added upper button to the editor dialog opens the file which include the current open launch file
- node_manager_fkie: redesigned echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added priority queue for opening output console before all nodes are started
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.5 (2017-07-17)
- node_manager_fkie: improved echo dialog
- added combobox for maximal size of a message
- added status for message size (also avarage)
- added bandwith calculation
- added info in status bar for latched topic
- removed status for "std dev" and "window size"
- store last messages in echo dialog to show them after some filter was chagned
- node_manager_fkie: new feature - start profiles you can save and restore the current state for all hosts.
- node_manager_fkie: added a node 'script_runner.py' to launch scripts in a ROS node The node exceutes the script on startup and stay alive. On stop you can specify a stop script.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed displayed topics in description panel (for different namespaces)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the warning about illegal ROS name on open echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed rate filter in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed poweroff host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the end process
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while remove history file
- node_manager_fkie: added more error handling for script_runner
- node_manager_fkie: added question on stop profile load
- node_manager_fkie: stops profile loading on close profile status
- node_manager_fkie: moved profile code to new file and added progress bar for profile
- node_manager_fkie: fixed rename of file in the launch history
- node_manager_fkie: added a possibility to delete all logs (select host->rosclean purge in description)
- node_manager_fkie: changed key event handling in launch dock to avoid double events
- node_manager_fkie: fix Ctrl+double click on profile history
- node_manager_fkie: added support for default_cfg in profiles
- node_manager_fkie: store the default configuration nodes for profiles currently no support to load the profiles with default configuration! User will be informed on save a profile with default configuraion.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detailed dialog for messages without detailed text
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes by load new profile with same launch files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed save profile after load profile
- node_manager_fkie: added description for online state of a master proxy
- node_manager_fkie: skip update of offline hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the list of closing hosts
- node_manager_fkie: added possibility to resize the details message dialog
- node_manager_fkie: removed handling for Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X, so this shortcut now works in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: fixed call of host url options
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem with editor in foreground
- node_manager_fkie: changed filter handling for latched topics
- node_manager_fkie: fixed warning about echo of last scrapped message
- node_manager_fkie: use objectName() instead of text()
- master_sync_fkie: changed default filter for sync nodes, see issue #63
- master_discovery_fkie: reduced warning outputs in cases a node or service is not reachable
- default_cfg_fkie: store the arguments of default_cfg to parameter server
- multiamster_fkie: fixed installation configuration
0.7.4 (2017-05-03)
- node_manager_fkie: updated highlightning in sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: add tooltip to a filter in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problems with ampersand. The ampersand is automatically set in QPushButton or QCheckbx by KDEPlatformTheme plugin in Qt5 [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337491] A workaroud is to add [Development] AutoCheckAccelerators=false to ~/.config/kdeglobals This fix removes the ampersand manually.
- master_discovery_fkie: improved filter logging
- master_snyc_fkie: fixed sync_hosts parameter
- master_snyc_fkie: fixed filter for specific hosts
- added description how to filter for specific hosts
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.3 (2017-04-24)
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed problem with "pass_all_args" attribute
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash on start master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: fixed network discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added "pass_all_args" for highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while stop or start a lot of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: changed font color in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: changed default color in description widget
- node_manager_fkie: added a workaround for "CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV"
- node_manager_fkie: reverted url changes
- fixed warnings in API documentation
- node_manager_fkie: fixed url handling in host control
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.2 (2017-01-27)
- node_manager_fkie: added a parameter to hide domain suffix in description panel and node tree view
- mutlimaster_fkie: reverted the cut of domains in hostnames
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.1 (2017-01-26)
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed some problems on macOS
- perform test for multicast interfaces only on Linux and FreeBSD
- changed detection for local interface to support discovering on iOS
- master_discovery_fkie: removed domain suffix from hostname
- master_discovery_fkie: removed a not needed import
- master_discovery_fkie: digrammar fix in exception message
- node_manager_fkie: increased precision for float values in combobox (used by settings)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed editor for kinetic; removed setMargin since it not suported by Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: fixed URLs for some buttons in description panel to use it with Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: added more details on start if no 'screen' is available
- node_manager_fkie: changed supervised_popen initialization to avoid multi subclassing
- node_manager_fkie: added a raise Exception if no terminal is availabe
- node_manager_fkie: raise an error now if 'paramiko' is not available
- node_manager_fkie: fixed startup if a node manager instance already running
- node_manager_fkie: added xterm path for macOS
- node_manager_fkie: removed domain suffix from hostname to avoid name problems
- node_manager_fkie: fixed UnboundLocalError for 'selectedGroups' and 'self._accept_next_update'
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Jason Mercer, Dirk Schulz
0.7.0 (2017-01-09)
- master_discovery_fkie: added detection for timejumps into the past
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the shutdown process
sometimes blocks the SimpleXMLRPCServer the shutdown process. Added a timer to kill the own process at the end.
- master_discovery_fkie: #55 change the message handling routines Introduced a send and receive Queue. It was need to implement new features like hub/client structure. Added more debug output.
- master_discovery_fkie: splitted send_mcast into send_mcast and listen_mcast to get a hub functionality
- node_manager_fkie: fixed visualisation of not local nodes
repaired gui_resources.py for Qt5 compatibility restore Qt5 compatibility
- node_manager_fkie: added update/set time dialog to update time with ntpdate or date
- node_manager_fkie: added rosbag record to rqt menu
- node_manager_fkie: copy now all selected nodes, topics, services or parameter names to clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C
- node_manager_fkie: added cursor position number to editor
- node_manager_fkie: added indent before hostname in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: added a colorize_host settings parameter
the color of the host will be now determine automatically you can also set own color for each host by double-click on the hostname in description panel.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error after cancel color selection
- node_manager_fkie: use gradient to set color
- node_manager_fkie: now you can define colors for each robot
- node_manager_fkie: removed a broken import
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: no longer clear the search result on click into editor
- node_manager_fkie: find dialog in xml-editor shows now all results in as list
- node_manager_fkie: added clear button to filder lines in dialogs
- node_manager_fkie: add filter to nodes view added also a clear button (also ESC) to all filter lines
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some extended visualization for synced nodes
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed start nodes with same name and different namespaces
- default_cfg_fkie: fix the namespace for rqt-cpp-plugins
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Sr4l, deng02
0.6.2 (2016-11-12)
- master_sync_fkie: Increased logging. Added more logging around synchronization to help with tracking changes in the local ROS master due to multimaster.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node view for multiple cores on the same host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed capabilities view
- node_manager_fkie: fixed view of group description by groups with one node
- Drop roslib.load_manifest, unneeded with catkin
- node_manager_fkie: moved controls in group description to the top
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the link to node in group description
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while kill screen on remote host
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Denise Eng, Mike Purvis
0.6.1 (2016-10-18)
- fix for issue #50: do not sent and reply requests while own state is not available
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, deng02
0.6.0 (2016-10-12)
- master_sync_fkie: updated launch file
- master_sync_fkie: added a 'resync_on_reconnect_timeout' parameter that controls how long the offline-online period is before the resync. see enhancement #48
- node_manager_fkie: changed find-replace doalog to dockable widget
- node_manager_fkie: changed highlight colors
- node_manager_fkie: added more info for search error
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: comment lines with less then 4 characters
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: #49
- node_manager_fkie: added highlightning for yaml stuff inside of a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: comment of lines with less then 4 characters in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: activation of network window after join from network discovery
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: does not open a second configuration editor for a selected node.
- node_manager_fkie: added: 'subst_value' to xml highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: network discovery
- node_manager_fkie: comment/uncomment fixed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: detection of included files
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.8 (2016-09-10)
- master_discovery_fkie: fix for #46: bouncing offline/online reduced discovery heartbeats, especially if one of the masters is not reachable anymore.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the error occurs while open configuration for a selected node
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.7 (2016-09-07)
- fix imports for Qt5
- fix issue #43 - "cannot import name QApplication"
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Sr4l
0.5.6 (2016-09-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error "No module named xml_editor"
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.5 (2016-08-30)
- master_sync_fkie: added resync after the host was offline
- master_sync_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed issue#16
- multimaster_fkie: changed indent in source code to 4
- master_discovery_fkie: added network separation to zeroconf discovering
- master_discovery_fkie: changed the ROS service initialization The ROS service will be created after discovering process is started. This is especially for visualisation in node_manager.
- multimaster_fkie: removed unused imports
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- master_discovery_fkie: replaced time.sleep by threading.Timer to handle connection problems while get remote master info
- master_discover_fkie: added warning on send errors
- master_discovery_fkie: removed '-' from master name generation for ROS master with not default port
- master_discovery_fkie: reduced/changed log output
- node_manager_fkie: version in info dialog updated
- node_manager_fkie: changed all buttons of the editor to flat
- node_manager_fkie: changes on xml_editor
- XmlEditor is renamed to Editor and moved into a subdirectory.
- xml_edit.py splited to exclude all subclasses
- Search (replace) dialog is redesigned
- node_manager_fkie: added linenumber to the xmleditor
- node_manager_fkie: fix issue #40 and some other Qt5 changes
- node_manager_fkie: changed the comment/uncomment in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some highlightning problems in xmleditor
- node_manager_fkie: added shortcuts for "Add tag"-Submenu's
- node_manager_fkie: changed xml block highlighting
- node_manager_fkie: fixed seletion in xmleditor
- multimaster_fkie: changed indent in source code to 4
- node_manager_fkie: added a question dialog before set time on remote host Time changes leads to problems on tf tree and may have other unexpected side effects
- node_manager_fkie: compatibility to Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the showed network id
- node_manager_fkie: fixed host identification in node view
- node_manager_fkie: changed hostname detection for decision to set ROS_HOSTNAME
- node_manager_fkie: removed pep8 warnings
- node_manager_fkie: fix local discovery node detection
- node_manager_fkie: changed master_discovery node detection
- node_manager_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- node_manager_fkie: removed pylint warnings
- node_manager_fkie: new feature: close tabs in Launch-Editor with middle mouse button
- node_manager_fkie: fixed style warning in xml_editor and capability_table
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear of configuration nodes
- node_manager_fkie: changed identification of master (now it is only the masteruri without address)
- node_manager_fkie: fix in capability table
- node_manager_fkie: removed '-' from master name generation for ROS master with not default port
- node_manager_fkie: remove the ssh connection if the master goes offline. This avoids timeouts after reconnection
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.4 (2016-04-21)
- multimaster_fkie: added '/do_not_sync' parameter this allows to hide some topics/services, topic types, from synchronisation. It can be defined as string or as list.
- master_sync_fkie: fixed unnecessary update requests wrong timestamps leads to updates
- node_manager_fkie: added visualisation for not synchronized topics/services
- node_manager_fkie: add parameter to the order of publisher/subscriber in description dock new parameter: 'Transpose pub/sub description'
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour of description dock while update info
- node_manager_fkie: fixed deselection of text on context menu
- node_manager_fkie: fixed threading problem while searching for sync interfaces
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.3 (2016-04-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fix remote start
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.2 (2016-03-31)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start process on remote hosts without Qt
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.1 (2016-03-23)
- Use ROS_HOSTNAME before ROS_IP. To determine which interface to use follow ROS master convention of ROS_HOSTNAME being used before ROS_IP. This is as per: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/EnvironmentVariables#ROS_IP.2BAC8-ROS_HOSTNAME
- Contributors: Mike O'Driscoll, Timo Röhling
0.5.0 (2016-03-17)
- New Features:
- node_manager_fkie: the start with different ROS_MASTER_URI sets now the ROS_HOSTNAME environment variable if a new masteruri was selected to start node_manager or master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter to disable the highlighting of xml blocks
- node_manager_fkie: added ROS-Launch tags to context menu in XML editor
- node_manager_fkie: mark XML tag blocks
- node_manager_fkie: show the filename in the XML editor dialog title
- node_manager_fkie: close configuration items are now sorted
- node_manager_fkie: the confirmation dialog at exit can be deaktivated to stop all nodes and roscore or shutdown the host you can use the close button of each master
- node_manager_fkie: allow to shutdown localhost
- node_manager_fkie: shows 'advanced start' button also if the selected node laready runs
- default_cfg_fkie: added 'load_params_at_start' parameter. On start of default_cfg_fkie all parameters are loaded into ROS parameter server. If this parameter is set to [False]{.title-ref} the parameter are loaded on first run of an included node.
Fixes: * node_manager_fkie: fixed print XML content in echo_dialog * node_manager_fkie: avoids the print of an error, while loads a wrongs file on start of the node_manager * node_manager_fkie: fixed check of running remote roscore * node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while echo topics on remote hosts * node_manager_fkie: changed cursor position in XML editor after open node configuration * node_manager_fkie: fixed replay of topics with array elements * node_manager_fkie: fixed close process while start/stop nodes * node_manager_fkie: fixed namespace of capability groups, fixed the missing leading SEP * node_manager_fkie: fixed - avoid transmition of some included/changed but not needed files to remote host * node_manager_fkie: fixed start node after a binary was selected from multiple binaries * node_manager_fkie: removed "'now' FIX" while publish messages to topics * node_manager_fkie: fixed log format on remote hosts * master_discovery: fixed avg. network load calculation, added checks for some parameters * multimaster_fkie: Set correct logging level to warning * Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Gary Servin
0.4.4 (2015-12-18)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed republish of array values in paraeter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: reviewed the name resolution
- node_manager_fkie: added an IP to hostname resolution it is usefull for detection of automatic master_sync start if an IP was entered while start of master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added a settings parameter 'start_sync_with_discovery' The start_sync_with_discovery determine the default behaviour to start master_sync with master_discover or not. This presets the 'Start sync' parameter in Start-dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added an option to start master_sync with master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added network ID visualization
- node_manager_fkie: fixed joining from discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed discovery dialog, which was broken after changes in master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: highlighted the sync button in ROS network dock
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.3 (2015-11-30)
- node_manager_fkie: start rviz now as NO rqt plugin
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the sort of paramerter in [add parameter]{.title-ref} dialog
- node_manager_fkie: adapt the chagnes in master_discovery_fkie
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the tooltip of the buttons in the description dock
- node_manager_fkie: stop /master_discovery node before poweroff host to avoid timout problems
- multimaster_fkie: reduced logs and warnings on stop nodes while closing node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: added a new button for call service
- node_manager_fkie: added a "copy log path to clipboard" button
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the displayed count of nodes with launch files in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: fixed errors showed while stop nodes on close
- multimaster_fkie: reduced logging of exceptions
- node_manager_fkie: added poweroff command to the host description
- node_manager_fkie: added tooltips to the buttons in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: replaced some icons
- node_manager_fkie: added advanced start link to set console format and loglevel while start of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: skip commented nodes while open a configuration for a selected node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed xml editor; some lines was hide
- node_manager_fkie: added ctrl+shift+slash to shortcuts for un/comment text in editor
- some small changes in find dialog
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed compatibility to older versions
- master_fiscovery_fkie: integrated pull request #24 Thanks for creating the PR to \@garyservin and \@mikeodr! The change lets you define an interface by [~interface]{.title-ref}, [ROS_IP]{.title-ref} envar or append the interface to multicast group like The master_discovery then binds to the specified interface and creates also an unicast interface for active requests on communication problems or if [~robot_hosts]{.title-ref} are defined. Now you can also disable the multicast communication by setting [~send_mcast]{.title-ref} to false. In this case the requests are send to hosts defined in [~robot_hosts]{.title-ref}.
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the 'local' assignment while updateInfo()
- master_discovery_fkie: adopt some changes from pull request
#24 Thanks to
\@garyservin for pull request
- Don't exit if we're on localhost, just log a warning
* Added support for different logging levels in master_monitor: currently all logs are marked as warnings, where some should be marked as errors.
- master_discovery_fkie: spaces and typos removed
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed link quality calculation
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.2 (2015-10-19)
- node_manager_fkie: added further files to change detection
- node_manager_fkie: fixed parameter dialog for some messages e.g. MarkerArray
- node_manager_fkie: shutdown now all nodes and roscore at exit (if selected)
- node_manager_fkie: changed diagnostic visualization
- node_manager_fkie: propagate the diagnostic color of a node to his group
- node_manager_fkie: update the description of selected node after a diagnostic message is recieved
- multimaster_fkie: added a possibility to set time on remote host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the comparison of host time difference
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning if the time difference to remote host is greater than a defined value (default 3 sec)
- node_manager_fkie: added ControlModifier to package navigation
- History file: goto the package of the launch file
- ..: goto root
- folder: go only one step down, not until first config file
- node_manager_fkie: changed param template for parameter name in editor
- node_manager_fkie: added log button for remote master_discovery
- show now only the screen log
- node_manager_fkie: fixed save/load in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fix load parameter with absolute path
- node_manager_fkie: added more info for error while set a parameter with None value
- node_manager_fkie: added icon for rqt plugin
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error which prevent display info and configuration dialogs
- node_manager_fkie: check now for changes of local binaries and ask for restart if these are changed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while publishing to topic with lists and byte values
- node_manager_fkie: added support diagnostics_agg topic
- node_manager_fkie: added a remote script which does not use qt bindings
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the updates of remote nodes registered on local master
- master_discovery_fkie: added \@part to define interface with mcast group
- master_discovery_fkie: add posibility to specify the interface to use
- master_discovery_fkie: check for local ip addresses to avoid wrong warning messages
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.1 (2015-04-28)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while parsing list of lists in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added scrollarea for dynamic_reconfigure widget
- fixed the usage of new parameter in node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: fixed binary selection while 'add node'
- multimaster_fkie: fixed double log output
- node_manager_fkie: fix to enable the master list if a master_discavery was started
- node_manager_fkie: fixed recursive search
- multimaster_fkie: added network problem detection on remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: older paramiko versions does not support get_pty parameter in exce_command
- node_manager_fkie: fixed stdout error while transfer files to remote host
- node_manager_fkie: ignore errors caused on after the echo dialog was closed
- node_manager_fkie: changed the color of illegal ros node names
- master_sync_fkie: Deprecate is_ignored_topic. Move new parameters to the end of the parameter list
- master_sync_fkie: Make configuration more granular
allows filtering of specific subscribers or publishers
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.0 (2015-02-20)
- multimaster_fkie: discovery changed
- reduced the amount of heartbeat messages for discovery
- added fallback for environments with multicast problems
- node_manager_fkie: added log_level parameter to all nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed syntax highlightning
- node_manager_fkie: fix ssh handler
- node_manager_fkie: parameter changed in dialog "start master discovery"
- node_manager_fkie: fixes in parameter dialog
- fixed filter in parameter dialog
- fixed parser of the list values
- update only changed values in ROS parameter server
- node_manager_fkie: default value for heartbeat changed to 0.5
- node_manager_fkie: improved the discovery dialog to detect masters using new methods
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the button view in the sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a xml and yaml validation on save of a configuration files
- master_sync_fkie: fix the long wait time on first sync
- master_sync_fkie: fix annonce publisher about the AnyMsg subscribers
- master_discovery_fkie: discovery changed
- reduced the amount of heartbeat messages for discovery
- added fallback for environments with multicast problems
- master_discovery_fkie: added log_level parameter to all nodes
- master_discovery_fkie: changed discovery after the host was set to offline
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed a problem if more then one master discovery is running on the same host
- master_discovery_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- master_discovery_fkie: removed some debug output
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed change to offline state after a refresh service was called and host is not reachable
- master_discovery_fkie: fix set to offline state
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed link quality detection. The requests for each master are now stored, to detect the right count of messages that we have to receive.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.18 (2015-02-18)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed alt+space for context menu in xml editor
- node_maanger_fkie: removed sync+AnyMsg option, it is now sync with all messages
- node_manager_fkie: fix an error printed on close of echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some ssh issues
- node_manager_fkie: enabled ssh compression
- node_manager_fkie: store user per host
- node_manager_fkie: added rviz to rqt menu
- node_manager_fkie: show now unknown topic types through the SSH connection
- node_manager_fkie: close running nodes on exit
- node_manager_fkie: fixed bug while creation of a new file in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: added binary selection dialog to xml editor, if you add a node section using 'add tag' button
- node_manager_fkie: trap the errors printed to stderr in popen
- node_manager_fkie: fixed highlightning in editor
- master_sync: subscribers with None type are now subscribed as AnyType message
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.17 (2015-01-22)
- node_manager_fkie: switch to local monitoring after connection problems to local master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added an update procedure to refresh discovered masters In same cases the messages, which are send on the shutdown of the master_discovery are not received by node_manager. To update the discovered list in node_manager the complete list of discoevered hosts will be requested, if the localhost master is added as new master.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while publishing to 'std_msgs/Empty'
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed discovery support for ipv6
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.16 (2014-12-08)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem with screen view The node_manager uses the /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator to show the screen content of the nodes. To execute a command with arguments 'konsole', 'xterm' uses -e, 'terminator', 'gnome-terminal' or 'xfce4-terminal'use '-x'.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.15 (2014-12-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed sync button handling
- multimaster_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- node_manager_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node selection in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: some icons changed
- node_manager_fkie: 'autoupdate' parameter added The autoupdate parameter disables the automatic requests. It is usefull for low bandwidth networks.
- node_manager_fkie: reduced remote parameter requests
- node_manager_fkie: added a republish functionality This function is accessible in extended info widget.
- node_manager_fkie: fix publish with rate slower one Updated the topic info. Added constants to message definition view.
- node_manager_fkie: restores the view of expanded capability groups after reload of a launch file
- node_managef_fkie: fix sidebar parameter selection
- node_manager_fkie: fixes in parameter dialog
- fixed filter in parameter dialog
- fixed parser of the list values
- update only changed values in ROS parameter server
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.14 (2014-10-24)
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning to capability table, if multiple configurations for the same node are loaded
- node_manager_fkie: remove now the configuration in capability table after a host was removed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while navigate in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: changed sidebar parameter handling (for start host dialog)
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling on click the sync button in master list
- node_manager_fkie: fixed tooltip for recent loaded files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problems in capability table with multi-launch-files for the same host and group
- CapabilityHeader: Keep indices of _data and controlWidget in sync when inserting new capabilities
- Fixed crash in master_list_model if IPv6 addresses are present on the host
- node_manager_fkie:manual link added
- node_manager_fkie: added args and remaps to change detection after reload a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: ignore namespace while display the Capabilities in Capabilities table
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some template tags in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: stop nodes first while restart nodes after loading a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: added support of $(find ...) statement to add images in decription of capabilities
- node_manager_fkie: xmleditor - ask for save by pressing ESC
- node_manager_fkie: changed the update strategy for description dock
- node_manager_fkie: changed the update strategy for description dock
- node_manager_fkie: changed name creation for default configuration node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed blocked focus if a xmleditor was open
- node_manager_fkie: fixed highlighter problem in pyqt
- node_manager_fkie: improved respawn script
- node_manager_fkie: fixed handling of history files
- node_manager_fkie: mark line with problems in launch editor
- master_sync_fkie: reduced update notifications after registration of a subscriber
- Contributors: Alexander, Alexander Tiderko, Stefan Oßwald, Timo Röhling
0.3.13 (2014-07-29)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the button view in the sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a xml and yaml validation on save of a configuration files
- node_manager_fkie: changed the navigation in info widget
- node_manager_fkie: raise launch dock after the settings are restored
- node_manager_fkie: show up directory while package selection
- node_manager_fkie: added comment/uncomment functionality
- node_manager_fkie: added caching for browsing in launch files
- node_manager_fkie: show also folder with additional config files
- node_manager_fkie: stores the xml editor geometry
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.12 (2014-07-08)
- node_manager_fkie: fix instalation problem with missed .ui files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed ros master preparation Do not try to start ROS master on remote hosts for echo topics, if this host are not reachable.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.11 (2014-06-04)
- node_manager_fkie: replaced the rxconsole and rxgraph by rqt button to start rqt plugins related to selected master
- node_manager_fkie: added a setting docking window
- node_manager_fkie: hints on start problems fixed, if no screen is installed
- node_manager_fkie: added a dock widget and button which shows warning messages
- node_manager_fkie: select the topics and services of a node while tab change and not while node selection. This reduce the cpu load.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detection of local host at start
- node_manager_fkie: fix the removing of local master at startup
- node_manager_fkie: added features to launch file view
- Search for packages
- rename files
- copy files
- node_manager_fkie: do not wait in the discovery loop at shutdown
- node_manager_fkie: cancel buttons redesined, some titles renamed
- node_manager_fkie: reduced the displayed namespace of the topics and services in info area
- node_manager_fkie: added F4 and F3 shortcasts for aditing a configuration and show a screen of a node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed InteractionNeededError while starting nodes on remote hosts using run dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added timestamps to each printed message
- node_manager_fkie: fix detailed message box. Close using ESC button.
- node_manager_fkie: reload root path in xml file view, if the current path was deleted
- node_manager_fkie: fixed include tag of dropped file in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: added for each node respawn parameters
- node_manager_fkie: improve respawn script The new script correctly checks the exit code of the launched process and can limit the number of respawns for faulty nodes.
- node_manager_fkie: use -T for terminal emulator -T is compatible with more terminal emulators than -title
- node_manager_fkie: added handling for some of other configuration file types to launch file view
- Open terminal windows with x-terminal-emulator The /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator symlink is available on Debian based systems and points to the default terminal emulator on the system. /usr/bin/xterm will be used as fallback.
- node_manager_fkie: changed side bar selection while start hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the parameter handling of parameter with list type
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a block while connection problems
- master_discovery_fkie: added some error catches to solve problems with removing of interfaces
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed a short timestamp represantation
- default_cfg_fkie: added 'default_cfg/autostart/exclude' parameter to exclude nodes from autostart
- default_cfg_fkie: flush stdout before SIGKILL Otherwise, the error message may not reach the console output in time.
- default_cfg_fkie: added a console output for count of pending autostart nodes
- default_cfg_fkie: set autostart to False after all node are started
- default_cfg_fkie: added a reload service, to reload the configuration
- default_cfg_fkie: added for each node respawn parameters
- default_cfg_fkie: added a possibility for delayd start or after a published topic is available
- default_cfg_fkie: loads now without the private namespace of the default_cfg node
- default_cfg_fkie: removed BASH_ENV from environment while start with respawn script
- default_cfg_fkie: added an autostart option
- Contributors: Alexander, Alexander Tiderko, Sammy Pfeiffer, Timo Röhling
0.3.10 (2014-03-31)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the activation of the local monitoring. Fixed the cancelation in selection dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added an indicator for running roslaunch server
- node_manager_fkie: fixed layout problems
- node_manager_fkie: dialog size of [start master_discovery]{.title-ref} changed
- node_manager_fkie: added a side bar with checkitems in start host dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed remove entries in combonox of parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: remove comments in launch file fixed
- node_manager_fkie: added a check for changed files in parameter value
- node_manager_fkie: inform about changed files only on activating the main GUI
- node_manager_fkie: fixed search routine
- node_manager_fkie: fixed multiple entries in dialog for publishing to a new topic
- node_manager_fkie: added a context sensitive proposals in XML editor
- node_manager_fkie: enabled drag&drop action in xmleditor and launch view
- node_manager_fkie: added a button for quick insertion of launch tags
- node_manager_fkie: reduced the cpu load of echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a line limit in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the processing of jobs after the [cancel]{.title-ref} button was pressed
node_manager_fkie: added a [reload global parameter]{.title-ref} link - select the loaded row in launch dialog after loading the launch file with double click
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes with ns
- node_maager_fkie: the launch files are now loaded in a thread, so they don't block
- node_manager_fkie: fixed duplicate detection of running and synchronized nodes
- node_manager_fkie: sync dialog extended by a new button to sync topics containing AnyMsg as type
- node_manager_fkie: cmd line output for registered parameter changed
- node_manager_fkie: removed project file
- node_manager_fkie: remember the used path in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling of localhost in machine tag of launchfile
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a bug which sometimes does not synchronized some topics
- master_discovery_fkie: unsubscribe from parameter at the end
- master_discovery_fkie: remove invalid roslaunch uris from ROS Master
0.3.9 (2013-12-12)
- node_manager_fkie: set node to warning state, if it not renning propertly because of problems with illegal name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detailed_msg_box error
- node_manager_fkie: added highlighting for illegal ros names
- master_discovery_fkie: added warning outputs on errors
- multimaster_fkie: moved .gitignore to top level
0.3.8 (2013-12-10)
- node_manager_fkie: added support for /robot_icon parameter to show an image of the roboter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed handling of binary data in ROS parameter server
- node_manager_fkie: update robot image on cancel file selection dialog
- node_manager_fkie: can now change the robot image by double-click on robot image
- node_manager_fkie: added autoselect corresponding topics and services on node selection
- node_manager_fkie: reduced timestamp updates, if node_manager is not active
- multimaster_fkie: added a possibility to deaktivate the multicast heart bearts
- node_manager_fkie: selection dialog extended by an description label
- node_manager_fkie: handling of included files chagned, to avoid errors if a package was not found
- node_manager_fkie: buttons of the discovery widged chagned
- node_manager_fkie: control buttons redesigned
- node_manager_fkie: added 'Do not display this warning again' button to warning message
- node_manager_fkie: fixed deleting of not reachable hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed wrong reference in sync_dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy mode (Ctrl+C copy now first column, Ctrl+X: type or value)
- node_manager_fkie: update launch file view after loading launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed echo dialog (icons, additional info)
- node_manager_fkie: added ROS_NAMESPACE environment parameter to launch process to handle some cases, e.g. rqt_cpp plugins
- node_manager_fkie: fixed watching for changes in included files
- node_manager_fkie: Delete key deletes now the selected history launch file
- node_manager_fkie: reduced window size
- node_manager_fkie: ignore empty 'capability_group' values
- multimaster_fkie: catkin_lint inspired fixes, thanks \@roehling
- node_manager_fkie: fixed help call in the console
- node_manager_fkie: fix detection for included files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed open sync dialog from info panel
- node_manager_fkie: added a yaml highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: argparse integrated
- node_manager_fkie: fixed lower compare of topic and service names
- node_manager_fkie: fix - use now sensetive comparison of node names
- node_manager_fkie: fixed launch file browsing
- node_manager_fkie: fixed skipped display messages on latched topics
- master_sync_fkie: added sync for subscriber with AnyMsg, e.g relay (topic_tools), if local a publisher with known type is available
- master_discovery_fkie: added output info about approx. netload
- master_discovery_fkie: description in der package.xml changed
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed forward error to service caller
- default_cfg_fkie: ignore empty 'capability_group' values
0.3.7 (2013-10-17)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start button description
- node_manager_fkie: added an info button
- node_manager_fkie: changed calling of sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: showing duplicate nodes fixed
- multimaster_fkie: fixed problems with resolving service types while sync while synchronization not all topics and services can be synchronized because of filter or errors. A detection for this case was added.
- node_manager_fkie: added user selection for remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some paths
- node_manager_fkie: added SAVE and LOAD buttons to parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes in multimaster on the same host
- node_manager_fkie: replaced the sync checkbox in masterlist by a sync icon
- node_manager_fkie: fixed filtering topics, services and parameter
- node_manager_fkie: buttons resized
- node_manager_fkie: added missed start parameter to master_sync
- node_manager_fkie: removed some unneeded borders in gui
- node_manager_fkie: fix loading launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed parameter groups
- node_manager_fkie: added new interface of dynamic_reconfigure
- node_manager_fkie: show node_manager window maximized, if the screen is small
- node_manager_fkie: fixed raise conditions
- node_manager_fkie: added filter to selected dialog and changed selection behavior
- node_manager_fkie: fix node matching
- node_manager_fkie: fixed absolute path in env of the launch file
- master_discovery_fkie: do not publish not resolvable ROS MASTER URI to own ROS network
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed parameter groups
0.3.6 (2013-09-17)
- node_manager_fkie: added a notifiaction, if [use_sim_time]{.title-ref} parameter is set to true
- node_manager_fkie: added some control elements to node/host description
- node_manager_fkie: fix load launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fix filter in paramter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed do not store the launch file on error
- node_manager_fkie: the minimum size of the parameter dialog increased
- node_manager_fkie: update the capability group of the node using the ROS parameter server, if no launch file is loaded
- node_manager_fkie: fixed cancel loading of the launch file, on cancel input args node_manager_fkie: do not restart anonymous nodes on relaod launch file node_manager_fkie: fixed closing of the remote default configs on same host but other roscore
- node_manager_fkie: resize the node_manager window on small
- node_manager_fkie: changed the intepretation of the group description
- node_manager_fkie: remove not existing remote node information. In case of restarting a ROS node without stopn a running node.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed buttons description
- node_manager_fkie: fixed change detection in included files
- node_manager_fkie: add detection of changes in the reloaded launch file and restart affected nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear_params
- multimaster_msgs_fkie: added SyncServiceInfo message to detect changes on services
- master_sync_fkie: kill the own ros node on error while load interface to inform the user in node_manager about errors
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the origin master uri for services
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the result of the synchronized nodes (handle the restart of the nodes without stop the running node)
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the test of local changes -> not all changes are propageted to other hosts
- default_cfg_fkie: changed the intepretation of the group description
0.3.5 (2013-09-06)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed launch selection for favirites with same launch file name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed process id view of nodes for multiple sync hosts
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a brocken connection after desync
0.3.4 (2013-09-05)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed file paths (removed warnings in file_watcher)
- node_manager_fkie: clear cached package names on refreshing launch file view
- node_manager_fkie: capability_group parameter can now be defined in a namespace
- node_manager_fkie: fixed pakage_name result added caching for package_name results
- default_cfg_fkie: capability_group parameter can now be defined in a namespace
0.3.3 (2013-09-04)
- node_manager_fkie: Parse package.xml for name Although package folders should have the same name as the package, some packages (e.g. swig-wx) violate this. Thus, we use catkin_pkg.package.parse_package to parse the package.xml and look for the <name> tag, which contains the correct package name.
- node_manager_fkie: Install data files without executable bit
- node_manager_fkie: added a button to hide the dock widgets
- node_manager_fkie: added a question dialog to start the synchronization with a loaded config, if any exists
- node_manager_fkie: increased timeout for transfer of parameter while start of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node name creation for publishing of topics
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start of master_sync with interface file
- node_manager_fkie: removed some exeption for pyqt workaround
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning in paramter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed names, preselect all files to reload after a file was changed
- node_manager_fkie: added a buttons to save and load configurations
- node_manager_fkie: show the parent of the src-folder
- node_manager_fkie: plugin renamed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed finish function to stop the running timer
- node_manager_fkie: file watcher updated, changes now notified once for all master
- multimaster_fkie: .gitignore changed
- node_manager_fkie: don't ask for argv's while reloading
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem while launching a default cfg nodes
- node_manager_fkie: searching for packages in rundialog after dialog opened
- node_manager_fkie: fixed waiting for roscore
- node_manager_fkie: added the default group for system nodes, fixed an often update problem
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while openning an editor
- node_manager_fkie: increased the wait for ROS Master
- node_manager_fkie: added the possibility to enter a varible count of list entries while calling a service or publishing to a topic
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling while close multiple configurations
- node_manager_fkie: added the parameter as pkg:// URL to launch a default_cfg at start of node_manager
- multimaster_fkie: () added additional filtered interface to master_discovery rpc-server to get a filtered MasterInfo and reduce the load on network. () added the possibility to sync remote nodes using ~sync_remote_nodes parameter
- node_manager_fkie: added a possibility to create a new files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while browsing in launch files
- node_manager_fkie: (1) added a button to transfer launch files to remote machines, (2) upgraded the editor for sync dialog (3) added more info to progress bars
- node_manager_fkie: limited displaying frequency for echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: limited the displayed messages in echo widget
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem while launching a default cfg nodes
- master_sync_fkie: added support to ignore nodes/topic/services of selected hosts
- master_sync_fkie: fixed ignore hosts, some topics sync ignores
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed out, if the ROS_MASTER_URI refs to 'localhost'
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the load interface
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
multimaster_msgs_fkie | |
default_cfg_fkie | |
master_discovery_fkie | |
master_sync_fkie | |
node_manager_fkie |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged multimaster_fkie at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
multimaster_fkie package from multimaster_fkie repodefault_cfg_fkie master_discovery_fkie master_sync_fkie multimaster_fkie multimaster_msgs_fkie node_manager_fkie |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.4.1 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/fkie/multimaster_fkie.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | hydro-devel |
Last Updated | 2015-04-28 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Alexander Tiderko
- Alexander Tiderko
Changelog for package multimaster_fkie
0.4.1 (2015-04-28)
0.4.0 (2015-02-20)
0.3.18 (2015-02-18)
0.3.17 (2015-01-22)
0.3.16 (2014-12-08)
0.3.15 (2014-12-01)
0.3.14 (2014-10-24)
0.3.13 (2014-07-29)
0.3.12 (2014-07-08)
0.3.11 (2014-06-04)
0.3.10 (2014-03-31)
- multimaster_fkie: fixed problems detected by catkin_lint
0.3.9 (2013-12-12)
0.3.8 (2013-12-10)
0.3.7 (2013-10-17)
0.3.6 (2013-09-17)
0.3.5 (2013-09-06)
0.3.4 (2013-09-05)
0.3.3 (2013-09-04)
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
multimaster_msgs_fkie | |
default_cfg_fkie | |
master_discovery_fkie | |
master_sync_fkie | |
node_manager_fkie |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged multimaster_fkie at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
multimaster_fkie package from multimaster_fkie repodefault_cfg_fkie master_discovery_fkie master_sync_fkie multimaster_fkie multimaster_msgs_fkie node_manager_fkie |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.8.12 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/fkie/multimaster_fkie.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | kinetic-devel |
Last Updated | 2019-04-30 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Alexander Tiderko
- Alexander Tiderko
Changelog for package multimaster_fkie
0.8.12 (2019-04-30)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed lost nodes while grouping
- Merge pull request #100 from stertingen/patch-1 zeroconf.py: Detect IPv6 usage from environment Set environment ROS_IPV6=on to enable the IPv6 RPC server.
- master_discovery_fkie: zeroconf: added fqdn-parameter, see issue #99
- master_discovery_fkie: zeroconf use for monitoruri the same hostname from masteruri
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Hermann von Kleist
0.8.11 (2019-02-27)
- fix release issues
0.8.10 (2019-02-26)
- node_manager_fkie: exapand (nodes, topics, services) on filter
- fixed build node_manager_fkie without .git repository issue #91
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on show critical message dialog
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.9 (2018-12-21)
- fix install build
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.8 (2018-12-19)
- fixed install node_manager_fkie
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.7 (2018-12-18)
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed changelog format
- node_manager_fkie: added version detection
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.5 (2018-12-11)
- node_manager_fkie: removed install author warning
- node_manager_fkie: fixed navigation in topic and service view do not open echo/call dialog on activate namespace group
- master_sync_fkie: added a simple node to sync parameter Original code from https://github.com/jhu-lcsr-forks/multimaster_fkie/tree/param-sync adapted to change only local ROS Parameter Server
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.4 (2018-12-08)
- master_discovery_fkie: fix zeroconf to avoid request loop in master_sync see issue #90
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.3 (2018-12-07)
- node_manager_fkie: added: Augment CMake script to install node_manager launcher on Ubuntu. pull request #82 from acschaefer/master
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter to disable namespace groups
- node_manager_fkie: editor: improved seletion of node definition by moving selected text to top
- node_manager_fkie: new: apply enhancement to organize nodes view by namespaces, see issue #83
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy paste error
- node_manager_fkie: changed highlighting for groups and nodes
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fixed uncomment of -- statements
- node_manager_fkie: added launch file to test namespace grouping.
- node_manager_fkie: fix namespace view
- node_manager_fkie: fixed topic publish dialog for messages with arrays
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while start master_discovery with master_sync on
- node_manager_fkie: fixed add new parameter in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter for timeout to close closing dialog
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed typo hearbeat[s] to heartbeat[s] pull request #87 from Paulls20/master
- master_sync_fkie: install launch dir pull request #81 from ahoarau/patch-1
- Contributors: Alexander Schaefer, Alexander Tiderko, Antoine Hoarau, Paul.Varghese
0.8.2 (2018-08-10)
- fixed issue #79
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.1 (2018-08-03)
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour on question to reload files and display noscreen errors
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.0 (2018-07-16)
- node_manager_fkie: added warning if while remote start no executable was found rosrun throws no error if no executable was found it is only an output.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed activation of minimized launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: added settings parameter 'movable dock widgets' to prevent dock widgets from moving
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error in select_dialog on close node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: added group icon with count of nodes inside
- node_manager_fkie: added info icons for groups
- node_manager_fkie: added timer to close exit dialog on close node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: fixed delay open io screen
- node_manager_fkie: use priority queue for sreen io only if normal queue has more than 5 elements
- node_manager_fkie: reduced update count
- node_manager_fkie: changed color of question box
- node_manager_fkie: added link for nodelet manager in description of nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: add an option to disable the question dialog while restart nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: changed background of question dialog to non transparent
- node_manager_fkie: changed question dialog for launch and transfer files
- changed visualization for available configurations, added visualisation for nodelets changed qestion dialog on changes of launch files and restart of nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: fixed trasfer of wrong files on change to remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fix recursive search
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on call of an unknown service
- node_manager_fkie: fix administratively prohibited error while delete logs This error occurs while delete more than 10 logs on remote host
- node_manager_fkie: resolve pkg:// in all arguments
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while assigne color
- Added configuration for Travis CI
- Contributors: Timo Röhling, Alexander Tiderko
0.7.8 (2018-03-24)
- Fix catkin_lint warnings
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on errors while open network discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy function in launch file browser
- node_manager_fkie: fixed file name copy crash
- node_manager_fkie: added more checks while handle nodelet restarts
- node_manager_fkie: added check for restart of nodelet manager
- node_manager_fkie: reset package cache on reload in lauch widget so you don't need to restart node_manager if new packages are added at runtime
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour of detailed message box
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added shortcut Ctrl+R to restart nodes
- Merge pull request #69 from AlexisTM/fix_exit_zeroconf Solve zeroconf sys.exit( ..., ...) issue
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Alexis Paques, Timo Röhling
0.7.7 (2017-10-27)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed install problem #65
- node_manager_fkie: changed tab order and added Ctrl+Shift+F behaviour
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.6 (2017-10-04)
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fixed un/comment function
- node_manager_fkie: detailed dialog: created own one, enable resize feature
- node_manager_fkie: echo dialog: added a checkbox to dis-/enable message filter
- node_manager_fkie: added log for start and wait for ROS master at the beginning
- node_manager_fkie: fixed utf8 problem with service call
- node_manager_fkie: fixed view problem if ROS_IP is set
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while navigation in launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: convert error messages to utf-8
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a lot of utf8 problems
- node_manager_fkie: do not ask changed files for reload an offline master
- node_manager_fkie: reload global parameter, if ROS master was restarted
- node_manager_fkie: file_watcher: fixed wrong detection for paths in parameter values
- node_manager_fkie: editor: adapt indent to previous line on tab
- node_manager_fkie: editor: ident to preview line on pressed return/enter
- node_manager_fkie: label for decimal length changed
- node_manager_fkie: echo_dialog: added array length and a filter for digits after '.' in arrays
- node_manager_fkie: launch dialog: improved graph view
- node_manager_fkie: launch editor: changed line selection behaviour
- node_manager_fkie: added Ctrl+W to close current tab in launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: event connection between launch editor and graph view
- node_manager_fkie: create complete include graph
- node_manager_fkie: added upperBotton again
- node_manager_fkie: removed uppper Button, use Include Graph instead
- node_manager_fkie: added dock widget with include files overview for launch file editor
- node_manager_fkie: reorganized buttons in launch editor and fixed search for included files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed display not complete node/topic/service name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed icon space in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: added icons
- in editor for going to next higher launch file
- restart node and reload global parameter of the launch file
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour after filter changes
- node_manager_fkie: open upper files and insert these in between
- node_manager_fkie: Tab and Backtab fixed
- node_manager_fkie: size units fixed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed search for included files in editor
- node_manager_fkie: enable / disable upper button
- node_manager_fkie: added upper button to the editor dialog opens the file which include the current open launch file
- node_manager_fkie: redesigned echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added priority queue for opening output console before all nodes are started
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.5 (2017-07-17)
- node_manager_fkie: improved echo dialog
- added combobox for maximal size of a message
- added status for message size (also avarage)
- added bandwith calculation
- added info in status bar for latched topic
- removed status for "std dev" and "window size"
- store last messages in echo dialog to show them after some filter was chagned
- node_manager_fkie: new feature - start profiles you can save and restore the current state for all hosts.
- node_manager_fkie: added a node 'script_runner.py' to launch scripts in a ROS node The node exceutes the script on startup and stay alive. On stop you can specify a stop script.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed displayed topics in description panel (for different namespaces)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the warning about illegal ROS name on open echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed rate filter in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed poweroff host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the end process
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while remove history file
- node_manager_fkie: added more error handling for script_runner
- node_manager_fkie: added question on stop profile load
- node_manager_fkie: stops profile loading on close profile status
- node_manager_fkie: moved profile code to new file and added progress bar for profile
- node_manager_fkie: fixed rename of file in the launch history
- node_manager_fkie: added a possibility to delete all logs (select host->rosclean purge in description)
- node_manager_fkie: changed key event handling in launch dock to avoid double events
- node_manager_fkie: fix Ctrl+double click on profile history
- node_manager_fkie: added support for default_cfg in profiles
- node_manager_fkie: store the default configuration nodes for profiles currently no support to load the profiles with default configuration! User will be informed on save a profile with default configuraion.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detailed dialog for messages without detailed text
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes by load new profile with same launch files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed save profile after load profile
- node_manager_fkie: added description for online state of a master proxy
- node_manager_fkie: skip update of offline hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the list of closing hosts
- node_manager_fkie: added possibility to resize the details message dialog
- node_manager_fkie: removed handling for Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X, so this shortcut now works in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: fixed call of host url options
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem with editor in foreground
- node_manager_fkie: changed filter handling for latched topics
- node_manager_fkie: fixed warning about echo of last scrapped message
- node_manager_fkie: use objectName() instead of text()
- master_sync_fkie: changed default filter for sync nodes, see issue #63
- master_discovery_fkie: reduced warning outputs in cases a node or service is not reachable
- default_cfg_fkie: store the arguments of default_cfg to parameter server
- multiamster_fkie: fixed installation configuration
0.7.4 (2017-05-03)
- node_manager_fkie: updated highlightning in sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: add tooltip to a filter in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problems with ampersand. The ampersand is automatically set in QPushButton or QCheckbx by KDEPlatformTheme plugin in Qt5 [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337491] A workaroud is to add [Development] AutoCheckAccelerators=false to ~/.config/kdeglobals This fix removes the ampersand manually.
- master_discovery_fkie: improved filter logging
- master_snyc_fkie: fixed sync_hosts parameter
- master_snyc_fkie: fixed filter for specific hosts
- added description how to filter for specific hosts
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.3 (2017-04-24)
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed problem with "pass_all_args" attribute
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash on start master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: fixed network discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added "pass_all_args" for highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while stop or start a lot of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: changed font color in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: changed default color in description widget
- node_manager_fkie: added a workaround for "CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV"
- node_manager_fkie: reverted url changes
- fixed warnings in API documentation
- node_manager_fkie: fixed url handling in host control
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.2 (2017-01-27)
- node_manager_fkie: added a parameter to hide domain suffix in description panel and node tree view
- mutlimaster_fkie: reverted the cut of domains in hostnames
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.1 (2017-01-26)
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed some problems on macOS
- perform test for multicast interfaces only on Linux and FreeBSD
- changed detection for local interface to support discovering on iOS
- master_discovery_fkie: removed domain suffix from hostname
- master_discovery_fkie: removed a not needed import
- master_discovery_fkie: digrammar fix in exception message
- node_manager_fkie: increased precision for float values in combobox (used by settings)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed editor for kinetic; removed setMargin since it not suported by Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: fixed URLs for some buttons in description panel to use it with Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: added more details on start if no 'screen' is available
- node_manager_fkie: changed supervised_popen initialization to avoid multi subclassing
- node_manager_fkie: added a raise Exception if no terminal is availabe
- node_manager_fkie: raise an error now if 'paramiko' is not available
- node_manager_fkie: fixed startup if a node manager instance already running
- node_manager_fkie: added xterm path for macOS
- node_manager_fkie: removed domain suffix from hostname to avoid name problems
- node_manager_fkie: fixed UnboundLocalError for 'selectedGroups' and 'self._accept_next_update'
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Jason Mercer, Dirk Schulz
0.7.0 (2017-01-09)
- master_discovery_fkie: added detection for timejumps into the past
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the shutdown process
sometimes blocks the SimpleXMLRPCServer the shutdown process. Added a timer to kill the own process at the end.
- master_discovery_fkie: #55 change the message handling routines Introduced a send and receive Queue. It was need to implement new features like hub/client structure. Added more debug output.
- master_discovery_fkie: splitted send_mcast into send_mcast and listen_mcast to get a hub functionality
- node_manager_fkie: fixed visualisation of not local nodes
repaired gui_resources.py for Qt5 compatibility restore Qt5 compatibility
- node_manager_fkie: added update/set time dialog to update time with ntpdate or date
- node_manager_fkie: added rosbag record to rqt menu
- node_manager_fkie: copy now all selected nodes, topics, services or parameter names to clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C
- node_manager_fkie: added cursor position number to editor
- node_manager_fkie: added indent before hostname in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: added a colorize_host settings parameter
the color of the host will be now determine automatically you can also set own color for each host by double-click on the hostname in description panel.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error after cancel color selection
- node_manager_fkie: use gradient to set color
- node_manager_fkie: now you can define colors for each robot
- node_manager_fkie: removed a broken import
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: no longer clear the search result on click into editor
- node_manager_fkie: find dialog in xml-editor shows now all results in as list
- node_manager_fkie: added clear button to filder lines in dialogs
- node_manager_fkie: add filter to nodes view added also a clear button (also ESC) to all filter lines
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some extended visualization for synced nodes
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed start nodes with same name and different namespaces
- default_cfg_fkie: fix the namespace for rqt-cpp-plugins
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Sr4l, deng02
0.6.2 (2016-11-12)
- master_sync_fkie: Increased logging. Added more logging around synchronization to help with tracking changes in the local ROS master due to multimaster.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node view for multiple cores on the same host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed capabilities view
- node_manager_fkie: fixed view of group description by groups with one node
- Drop roslib.load_manifest, unneeded with catkin
- node_manager_fkie: moved controls in group description to the top
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the link to node in group description
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while kill screen on remote host
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Denise Eng, Mike Purvis
0.6.1 (2016-10-18)
- fix for issue #50: do not sent and reply requests while own state is not available
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, deng02
0.6.0 (2016-10-12)
- master_sync_fkie: updated launch file
- master_sync_fkie: added a 'resync_on_reconnect_timeout' parameter that controls how long the offline-online period is before the resync. see enhancement #48
- node_manager_fkie: changed find-replace doalog to dockable widget
- node_manager_fkie: changed highlight colors
- node_manager_fkie: added more info for search error
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: comment lines with less then 4 characters
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: #49
- node_manager_fkie: added highlightning for yaml stuff inside of a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: comment of lines with less then 4 characters in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: activation of network window after join from network discovery
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: does not open a second configuration editor for a selected node.
- node_manager_fkie: added: 'subst_value' to xml highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: network discovery
- node_manager_fkie: comment/uncomment fixed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: detection of included files
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.8 (2016-09-10)
- master_discovery_fkie: fix for #46: bouncing offline/online reduced discovery heartbeats, especially if one of the masters is not reachable anymore.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the error occurs while open configuration for a selected node
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.7 (2016-09-07)
- fix imports for Qt5
- fix issue #43 - "cannot import name QApplication"
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Sr4l
0.5.6 (2016-09-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error "No module named xml_editor"
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.5 (2016-08-30)
- master_sync_fkie: added resync after the host was offline
- master_sync_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed issue#16
- multimaster_fkie: changed indent in source code to 4
- master_discovery_fkie: added network separation to zeroconf discovering
- master_discovery_fkie: changed the ROS service initialization The ROS service will be created after discovering process is started. This is especially for visualisation in node_manager.
- multimaster_fkie: removed unused imports
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- master_discovery_fkie: replaced time.sleep by threading.Timer to handle connection problems while get remote master info
- master_discover_fkie: added warning on send errors
- master_discovery_fkie: removed '-' from master name generation for ROS master with not default port
- master_discovery_fkie: reduced/changed log output
- node_manager_fkie: version in info dialog updated
- node_manager_fkie: changed all buttons of the editor to flat
- node_manager_fkie: changes on xml_editor
- XmlEditor is renamed to Editor and moved into a subdirectory.
- xml_edit.py splited to exclude all subclasses
- Search (replace) dialog is redesigned
- node_manager_fkie: added linenumber to the xmleditor
- node_manager_fkie: fix issue #40 and some other Qt5 changes
- node_manager_fkie: changed the comment/uncomment in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some highlightning problems in xmleditor
- node_manager_fkie: added shortcuts for "Add tag"-Submenu's
- node_manager_fkie: changed xml block highlighting
- node_manager_fkie: fixed seletion in xmleditor
- multimaster_fkie: changed indent in source code to 4
- node_manager_fkie: added a question dialog before set time on remote host Time changes leads to problems on tf tree and may have other unexpected side effects
- node_manager_fkie: compatibility to Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the showed network id
- node_manager_fkie: fixed host identification in node view
- node_manager_fkie: changed hostname detection for decision to set ROS_HOSTNAME
- node_manager_fkie: removed pep8 warnings
- node_manager_fkie: fix local discovery node detection
- node_manager_fkie: changed master_discovery node detection
- node_manager_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- node_manager_fkie: removed pylint warnings
- node_manager_fkie: new feature: close tabs in Launch-Editor with middle mouse button
- node_manager_fkie: fixed style warning in xml_editor and capability_table
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear of configuration nodes
- node_manager_fkie: changed identification of master (now it is only the masteruri without address)
- node_manager_fkie: fix in capability table
- node_manager_fkie: removed '-' from master name generation for ROS master with not default port
- node_manager_fkie: remove the ssh connection if the master goes offline. This avoids timeouts after reconnection
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.4 (2016-04-21)
- multimaster_fkie: added '/do_not_sync' parameter this allows to hide some topics/services, topic types, from synchronisation. It can be defined as string or as list.
- master_sync_fkie: fixed unnecessary update requests wrong timestamps leads to updates
- node_manager_fkie: added visualisation for not synchronized topics/services
- node_manager_fkie: add parameter to the order of publisher/subscriber in description dock new parameter: 'Transpose pub/sub description'
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour of description dock while update info
- node_manager_fkie: fixed deselection of text on context menu
- node_manager_fkie: fixed threading problem while searching for sync interfaces
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.3 (2016-04-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fix remote start
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.2 (2016-03-31)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start process on remote hosts without Qt
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.1 (2016-03-23)
- Use ROS_HOSTNAME before ROS_IP. To determine which interface to use follow ROS master convention of ROS_HOSTNAME being used before ROS_IP. This is as per: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/EnvironmentVariables#ROS_IP.2BAC8-ROS_HOSTNAME
- Contributors: Mike O'Driscoll, Timo Röhling
0.5.0 (2016-03-17)
- New Features:
- node_manager_fkie: the start with different ROS_MASTER_URI sets now the ROS_HOSTNAME environment variable if a new masteruri was selected to start node_manager or master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter to disable the highlighting of xml blocks
- node_manager_fkie: added ROS-Launch tags to context menu in XML editor
- node_manager_fkie: mark XML tag blocks
- node_manager_fkie: show the filename in the XML editor dialog title
- node_manager_fkie: close configuration items are now sorted
- node_manager_fkie: the confirmation dialog at exit can be deaktivated to stop all nodes and roscore or shutdown the host you can use the close button of each master
- node_manager_fkie: allow to shutdown localhost
- node_manager_fkie: shows 'advanced start' button also if the selected node laready runs
- default_cfg_fkie: added 'load_params_at_start' parameter. On start of default_cfg_fkie all parameters are loaded into ROS parameter server. If this parameter is set to [False]{.title-ref} the parameter are loaded on first run of an included node.
Fixes: * node_manager_fkie: fixed print XML content in echo_dialog * node_manager_fkie: avoids the print of an error, while loads a wrongs file on start of the node_manager * node_manager_fkie: fixed check of running remote roscore * node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while echo topics on remote hosts * node_manager_fkie: changed cursor position in XML editor after open node configuration * node_manager_fkie: fixed replay of topics with array elements * node_manager_fkie: fixed close process while start/stop nodes * node_manager_fkie: fixed namespace of capability groups, fixed the missing leading SEP * node_manager_fkie: fixed - avoid transmition of some included/changed but not needed files to remote host * node_manager_fkie: fixed start node after a binary was selected from multiple binaries * node_manager_fkie: removed "'now' FIX" while publish messages to topics * node_manager_fkie: fixed log format on remote hosts * master_discovery: fixed avg. network load calculation, added checks for some parameters * multimaster_fkie: Set correct logging level to warning * Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Gary Servin
0.4.4 (2015-12-18)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed republish of array values in paraeter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: reviewed the name resolution
- node_manager_fkie: added an IP to hostname resolution it is usefull for detection of automatic master_sync start if an IP was entered while start of master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added a settings parameter 'start_sync_with_discovery' The start_sync_with_discovery determine the default behaviour to start master_sync with master_discover or not. This presets the 'Start sync' parameter in Start-dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added an option to start master_sync with master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added network ID visualization
- node_manager_fkie: fixed joining from discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed discovery dialog, which was broken after changes in master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: highlighted the sync button in ROS network dock
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.3 (2015-11-30)
- node_manager_fkie: start rviz now as NO rqt plugin
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the sort of paramerter in [add parameter]{.title-ref} dialog
- node_manager_fkie: adapt the chagnes in master_discovery_fkie
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the tooltip of the buttons in the description dock
- node_manager_fkie: stop /master_discovery node before poweroff host to avoid timout problems
- multimaster_fkie: reduced logs and warnings on stop nodes while closing node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: added a new button for call service
- node_manager_fkie: added a "copy log path to clipboard" button
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the displayed count of nodes with launch files in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: fixed errors showed while stop nodes on close
- multimaster_fkie: reduced logging of exceptions
- node_manager_fkie: added poweroff command to the host description
- node_manager_fkie: added tooltips to the buttons in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: replaced some icons
- node_manager_fkie: added advanced start link to set console format and loglevel while start of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: skip commented nodes while open a configuration for a selected node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed xml editor; some lines was hide
- node_manager_fkie: added ctrl+shift+slash to shortcuts for un/comment text in editor
- some small changes in find dialog
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed compatibility to older versions
- master_fiscovery_fkie: integrated pull request #24 Thanks for creating the PR to \@garyservin and \@mikeodr! The change lets you define an interface by [~interface]{.title-ref}, [ROS_IP]{.title-ref} envar or append the interface to multicast group like The master_discovery then binds to the specified interface and creates also an unicast interface for active requests on communication problems or if [~robot_hosts]{.title-ref} are defined. Now you can also disable the multicast communication by setting [~send_mcast]{.title-ref} to false. In this case the requests are send to hosts defined in [~robot_hosts]{.title-ref}.
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the 'local' assignment while updateInfo()
- master_discovery_fkie: adopt some changes from pull request
#24 Thanks to
\@garyservin for pull request
- Don't exit if we're on localhost, just log a warning
* Added support for different logging levels in master_monitor: currently all logs are marked as warnings, where some should be marked as errors.
- master_discovery_fkie: spaces and typos removed
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed link quality calculation
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.2 (2015-10-19)
- node_manager_fkie: added further files to change detection
- node_manager_fkie: fixed parameter dialog for some messages e.g. MarkerArray
- node_manager_fkie: shutdown now all nodes and roscore at exit (if selected)
- node_manager_fkie: changed diagnostic visualization
- node_manager_fkie: propagate the diagnostic color of a node to his group
- node_manager_fkie: update the description of selected node after a diagnostic message is recieved
- multimaster_fkie: added a possibility to set time on remote host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the comparison of host time difference
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning if the time difference to remote host is greater than a defined value (default 3 sec)
- node_manager_fkie: added ControlModifier to package navigation
- History file: goto the package of the launch file
- ..: goto root
- folder: go only one step down, not until first config file
- node_manager_fkie: changed param template for parameter name in editor
- node_manager_fkie: added log button for remote master_discovery
- show now only the screen log
- node_manager_fkie: fixed save/load in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fix load parameter with absolute path
- node_manager_fkie: added more info for error while set a parameter with None value
- node_manager_fkie: added icon for rqt plugin
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error which prevent display info and configuration dialogs
- node_manager_fkie: check now for changes of local binaries and ask for restart if these are changed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while publishing to topic with lists and byte values
- node_manager_fkie: added support diagnostics_agg topic
- node_manager_fkie: added a remote script which does not use qt bindings
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the updates of remote nodes registered on local master
- master_discovery_fkie: added \@part to define interface with mcast group
- master_discovery_fkie: add posibility to specify the interface to use
- master_discovery_fkie: check for local ip addresses to avoid wrong warning messages
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.1 (2015-04-28)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while parsing list of lists in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added scrollarea for dynamic_reconfigure widget
- fixed the usage of new parameter in node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: fixed binary selection while 'add node'
- multimaster_fkie: fixed double log output
- node_manager_fkie: fix to enable the master list if a master_discavery was started
- node_manager_fkie: fixed recursive search
- multimaster_fkie: added network problem detection on remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: older paramiko versions does not support get_pty parameter in exce_command
- node_manager_fkie: fixed stdout error while transfer files to remote host
- node_manager_fkie: ignore errors caused on after the echo dialog was closed
- node_manager_fkie: changed the color of illegal ros node names
- master_sync_fkie: Deprecate is_ignored_topic. Move new parameters to the end of the parameter list
- master_sync_fkie: Make configuration more granular
allows filtering of specific subscribers or publishers
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.0 (2015-02-20)
- multimaster_fkie: discovery changed
- reduced the amount of heartbeat messages for discovery
- added fallback for environments with multicast problems
- node_manager_fkie: added log_level parameter to all nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed syntax highlightning
- node_manager_fkie: fix ssh handler
- node_manager_fkie: parameter changed in dialog "start master discovery"
- node_manager_fkie: fixes in parameter dialog
- fixed filter in parameter dialog
- fixed parser of the list values
- update only changed values in ROS parameter server
- node_manager_fkie: default value for heartbeat changed to 0.5
- node_manager_fkie: improved the discovery dialog to detect masters using new methods
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the button view in the sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a xml and yaml validation on save of a configuration files
- master_sync_fkie: fix the long wait time on first sync
- master_sync_fkie: fix annonce publisher about the AnyMsg subscribers
- master_discovery_fkie: discovery changed
- reduced the amount of heartbeat messages for discovery
- added fallback for environments with multicast problems
- master_discovery_fkie: added log_level parameter to all nodes
- master_discovery_fkie: changed discovery after the host was set to offline
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed a problem if more then one master discovery is running on the same host
- master_discovery_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- master_discovery_fkie: removed some debug output
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed change to offline state after a refresh service was called and host is not reachable
- master_discovery_fkie: fix set to offline state
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed link quality detection. The requests for each master are now stored, to detect the right count of messages that we have to receive.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.18 (2015-02-18)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed alt+space for context menu in xml editor
- node_maanger_fkie: removed sync+AnyMsg option, it is now sync with all messages
- node_manager_fkie: fix an error printed on close of echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some ssh issues
- node_manager_fkie: enabled ssh compression
- node_manager_fkie: store user per host
- node_manager_fkie: added rviz to rqt menu
- node_manager_fkie: show now unknown topic types through the SSH connection
- node_manager_fkie: close running nodes on exit
- node_manager_fkie: fixed bug while creation of a new file in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: added binary selection dialog to xml editor, if you add a node section using 'add tag' button
- node_manager_fkie: trap the errors printed to stderr in popen
- node_manager_fkie: fixed highlightning in editor
- master_sync: subscribers with None type are now subscribed as AnyType message
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.17 (2015-01-22)
- node_manager_fkie: switch to local monitoring after connection problems to local master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added an update procedure to refresh discovered masters In same cases the messages, which are send on the shutdown of the master_discovery are not received by node_manager. To update the discovered list in node_manager the complete list of discoevered hosts will be requested, if the localhost master is added as new master.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while publishing to 'std_msgs/Empty'
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed discovery support for ipv6
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.16 (2014-12-08)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem with screen view The node_manager uses the /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator to show the screen content of the nodes. To execute a command with arguments 'konsole', 'xterm' uses -e, 'terminator', 'gnome-terminal' or 'xfce4-terminal'use '-x'.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.15 (2014-12-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed sync button handling
- multimaster_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- node_manager_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node selection in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: some icons changed
- node_manager_fkie: 'autoupdate' parameter added The autoupdate parameter disables the automatic requests. It is usefull for low bandwidth networks.
- node_manager_fkie: reduced remote parameter requests
- node_manager_fkie: added a republish functionality This function is accessible in extended info widget.
- node_manager_fkie: fix publish with rate slower one Updated the topic info. Added constants to message definition view.
- node_manager_fkie: restores the view of expanded capability groups after reload of a launch file
- node_managef_fkie: fix sidebar parameter selection
- node_manager_fkie: fixes in parameter dialog
- fixed filter in parameter dialog
- fixed parser of the list values
- update only changed values in ROS parameter server
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.14 (2014-10-24)
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning to capability table, if multiple configurations for the same node are loaded
- node_manager_fkie: remove now the configuration in capability table after a host was removed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while navigate in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: changed sidebar parameter handling (for start host dialog)
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling on click the sync button in master list
- node_manager_fkie: fixed tooltip for recent loaded files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problems in capability table with multi-launch-files for the same host and group
- CapabilityHeader: Keep indices of _data and controlWidget in sync when inserting new capabilities
- Fixed crash in master_list_model if IPv6 addresses are present on the host
- node_manager_fkie:manual link added
- node_manager_fkie: added args and remaps to change detection after reload a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: ignore namespace while display the Capabilities in Capabilities table
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some template tags in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: stop nodes first while restart nodes after loading a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: added support of $(find ...) statement to add images in decription of capabilities
- node_manager_fkie: xmleditor - ask for save by pressing ESC
- node_manager_fkie: changed the update strategy for description dock
- node_manager_fkie: changed the update strategy for description dock
- node_manager_fkie: changed name creation for default configuration node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed blocked focus if a xmleditor was open
- node_manager_fkie: fixed highlighter problem in pyqt
- node_manager_fkie: improved respawn script
- node_manager_fkie: fixed handling of history files
- node_manager_fkie: mark line with problems in launch editor
- master_sync_fkie: reduced update notifications after registration of a subscriber
- Contributors: Alexander, Alexander Tiderko, Stefan Oßwald, Timo Röhling
0.3.13 (2014-07-29)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the button view in the sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a xml and yaml validation on save of a configuration files
- node_manager_fkie: changed the navigation in info widget
- node_manager_fkie: raise launch dock after the settings are restored
- node_manager_fkie: show up directory while package selection
- node_manager_fkie: added comment/uncomment functionality
- node_manager_fkie: added caching for browsing in launch files
- node_manager_fkie: show also folder with additional config files
- node_manager_fkie: stores the xml editor geometry
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.12 (2014-07-08)
- node_manager_fkie: fix instalation problem with missed .ui files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed ros master preparation Do not try to start ROS master on remote hosts for echo topics, if this host are not reachable.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.11 (2014-06-04)
- node_manager_fkie: replaced the rxconsole and rxgraph by rqt button to start rqt plugins related to selected master
- node_manager_fkie: added a setting docking window
- node_manager_fkie: hints on start problems fixed, if no screen is installed
- node_manager_fkie: added a dock widget and button which shows warning messages
- node_manager_fkie: select the topics and services of a node while tab change and not while node selection. This reduce the cpu load.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detection of local host at start
- node_manager_fkie: fix the removing of local master at startup
- node_manager_fkie: added features to launch file view
- Search for packages
- rename files
- copy files
- node_manager_fkie: do not wait in the discovery loop at shutdown
- node_manager_fkie: cancel buttons redesined, some titles renamed
- node_manager_fkie: reduced the displayed namespace of the topics and services in info area
- node_manager_fkie: added F4 and F3 shortcasts for aditing a configuration and show a screen of a node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed InteractionNeededError while starting nodes on remote hosts using run dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added timestamps to each printed message
- node_manager_fkie: fix detailed message box. Close using ESC button.
- node_manager_fkie: reload root path in xml file view, if the current path was deleted
- node_manager_fkie: fixed include tag of dropped file in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: added for each node respawn parameters
- node_manager_fkie: improve respawn script The new script correctly checks the exit code of the launched process and can limit the number of respawns for faulty nodes.
- node_manager_fkie: use -T for terminal emulator -T is compatible with more terminal emulators than -title
- node_manager_fkie: added handling for some of other configuration file types to launch file view
- Open terminal windows with x-terminal-emulator The /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator symlink is available on Debian based systems and points to the default terminal emulator on the system. /usr/bin/xterm will be used as fallback.
- node_manager_fkie: changed side bar selection while start hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the parameter handling of parameter with list type
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a block while connection problems
- master_discovery_fkie: added some error catches to solve problems with removing of interfaces
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed a short timestamp represantation
- default_cfg_fkie: added 'default_cfg/autostart/exclude' parameter to exclude nodes from autostart
- default_cfg_fkie: flush stdout before SIGKILL Otherwise, the error message may not reach the console output in time.
- default_cfg_fkie: added a console output for count of pending autostart nodes
- default_cfg_fkie: set autostart to False after all node are started
- default_cfg_fkie: added a reload service, to reload the configuration
- default_cfg_fkie: added for each node respawn parameters
- default_cfg_fkie: added a possibility for delayd start or after a published topic is available
- default_cfg_fkie: loads now without the private namespace of the default_cfg node
- default_cfg_fkie: removed BASH_ENV from environment while start with respawn script
- default_cfg_fkie: added an autostart option
- Contributors: Alexander, Alexander Tiderko, Sammy Pfeiffer, Timo Röhling
0.3.10 (2014-03-31)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the activation of the local monitoring. Fixed the cancelation in selection dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added an indicator for running roslaunch server
- node_manager_fkie: fixed layout problems
- node_manager_fkie: dialog size of [start master_discovery]{.title-ref} changed
- node_manager_fkie: added a side bar with checkitems in start host dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed remove entries in combonox of parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: remove comments in launch file fixed
- node_manager_fkie: added a check for changed files in parameter value
- node_manager_fkie: inform about changed files only on activating the main GUI
- node_manager_fkie: fixed search routine
- node_manager_fkie: fixed multiple entries in dialog for publishing to a new topic
- node_manager_fkie: added a context sensitive proposals in XML editor
- node_manager_fkie: enabled drag&drop action in xmleditor and launch view
- node_manager_fkie: added a button for quick insertion of launch tags
- node_manager_fkie: reduced the cpu load of echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a line limit in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the processing of jobs after the [cancel]{.title-ref} button was pressed
node_manager_fkie: added a [reload global parameter]{.title-ref} link - select the loaded row in launch dialog after loading the launch file with double click
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes with ns
- node_maager_fkie: the launch files are now loaded in a thread, so they don't block
- node_manager_fkie: fixed duplicate detection of running and synchronized nodes
- node_manager_fkie: sync dialog extended by a new button to sync topics containing AnyMsg as type
- node_manager_fkie: cmd line output for registered parameter changed
- node_manager_fkie: removed project file
- node_manager_fkie: remember the used path in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling of localhost in machine tag of launchfile
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a bug which sometimes does not synchronized some topics
- master_discovery_fkie: unsubscribe from parameter at the end
- master_discovery_fkie: remove invalid roslaunch uris from ROS Master
0.3.9 (2013-12-12)
- node_manager_fkie: set node to warning state, if it not renning propertly because of problems with illegal name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detailed_msg_box error
- node_manager_fkie: added highlighting for illegal ros names
- master_discovery_fkie: added warning outputs on errors
- multimaster_fkie: moved .gitignore to top level
0.3.8 (2013-12-10)
- node_manager_fkie: added support for /robot_icon parameter to show an image of the roboter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed handling of binary data in ROS parameter server
- node_manager_fkie: update robot image on cancel file selection dialog
- node_manager_fkie: can now change the robot image by double-click on robot image
- node_manager_fkie: added autoselect corresponding topics and services on node selection
- node_manager_fkie: reduced timestamp updates, if node_manager is not active
- multimaster_fkie: added a possibility to deaktivate the multicast heart bearts
- node_manager_fkie: selection dialog extended by an description label
- node_manager_fkie: handling of included files chagned, to avoid errors if a package was not found
- node_manager_fkie: buttons of the discovery widged chagned
- node_manager_fkie: control buttons redesigned
- node_manager_fkie: added 'Do not display this warning again' button to warning message
- node_manager_fkie: fixed deleting of not reachable hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed wrong reference in sync_dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy mode (Ctrl+C copy now first column, Ctrl+X: type or value)
- node_manager_fkie: update launch file view after loading launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed echo dialog (icons, additional info)
- node_manager_fkie: added ROS_NAMESPACE environment parameter to launch process to handle some cases, e.g. rqt_cpp plugins
- node_manager_fkie: fixed watching for changes in included files
- node_manager_fkie: Delete key deletes now the selected history launch file
- node_manager_fkie: reduced window size
- node_manager_fkie: ignore empty 'capability_group' values
- multimaster_fkie: catkin_lint inspired fixes, thanks \@roehling
- node_manager_fkie: fixed help call in the console
- node_manager_fkie: fix detection for included files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed open sync dialog from info panel
- node_manager_fkie: added a yaml highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: argparse integrated
- node_manager_fkie: fixed lower compare of topic and service names
- node_manager_fkie: fix - use now sensetive comparison of node names
- node_manager_fkie: fixed launch file browsing
- node_manager_fkie: fixed skipped display messages on latched topics
- master_sync_fkie: added sync for subscriber with AnyMsg, e.g relay (topic_tools), if local a publisher with known type is available
- master_discovery_fkie: added output info about approx. netload
- master_discovery_fkie: description in der package.xml changed
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed forward error to service caller
- default_cfg_fkie: ignore empty 'capability_group' values
0.3.7 (2013-10-17)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start button description
- node_manager_fkie: added an info button
- node_manager_fkie: changed calling of sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: showing duplicate nodes fixed
- multimaster_fkie: fixed problems with resolving service types while sync while synchronization not all topics and services can be synchronized because of filter or errors. A detection for this case was added.
- node_manager_fkie: added user selection for remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some paths
- node_manager_fkie: added SAVE and LOAD buttons to parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes in multimaster on the same host
- node_manager_fkie: replaced the sync checkbox in masterlist by a sync icon
- node_manager_fkie: fixed filtering topics, services and parameter
- node_manager_fkie: buttons resized
- node_manager_fkie: added missed start parameter to master_sync
- node_manager_fkie: removed some unneeded borders in gui
- node_manager_fkie: fix loading launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed parameter groups
- node_manager_fkie: added new interface of dynamic_reconfigure
- node_manager_fkie: show node_manager window maximized, if the screen is small
- node_manager_fkie: fixed raise conditions
- node_manager_fkie: added filter to selected dialog and changed selection behavior
- node_manager_fkie: fix node matching
- node_manager_fkie: fixed absolute path in env of the launch file
- master_discovery_fkie: do not publish not resolvable ROS MASTER URI to own ROS network
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed parameter groups
0.3.6 (2013-09-17)
- node_manager_fkie: added a notifiaction, if [use_sim_time]{.title-ref} parameter is set to true
- node_manager_fkie: added some control elements to node/host description
- node_manager_fkie: fix load launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fix filter in paramter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed do not store the launch file on error
- node_manager_fkie: the minimum size of the parameter dialog increased
- node_manager_fkie: update the capability group of the node using the ROS parameter server, if no launch file is loaded
- node_manager_fkie: fixed cancel loading of the launch file, on cancel input args node_manager_fkie: do not restart anonymous nodes on relaod launch file node_manager_fkie: fixed closing of the remote default configs on same host but other roscore
- node_manager_fkie: resize the node_manager window on small
- node_manager_fkie: changed the intepretation of the group description
- node_manager_fkie: remove not existing remote node information. In case of restarting a ROS node without stopn a running node.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed buttons description
- node_manager_fkie: fixed change detection in included files
- node_manager_fkie: add detection of changes in the reloaded launch file and restart affected nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear_params
- multimaster_msgs_fkie: added SyncServiceInfo message to detect changes on services
- master_sync_fkie: kill the own ros node on error while load interface to inform the user in node_manager about errors
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the origin master uri for services
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the result of the synchronized nodes (handle the restart of the nodes without stop the running node)
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the test of local changes -> not all changes are propageted to other hosts
- default_cfg_fkie: changed the intepretation of the group description
0.3.5 (2013-09-06)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed launch selection for favirites with same launch file name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed process id view of nodes for multiple sync hosts
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a brocken connection after desync
0.3.4 (2013-09-05)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed file paths (removed warnings in file_watcher)
- node_manager_fkie: clear cached package names on refreshing launch file view
- node_manager_fkie: capability_group parameter can now be defined in a namespace
- node_manager_fkie: fixed pakage_name result added caching for package_name results
- default_cfg_fkie: capability_group parameter can now be defined in a namespace
0.3.3 (2013-09-04)
- node_manager_fkie: Parse package.xml for name Although package folders should have the same name as the package, some packages (e.g. swig-wx) violate this. Thus, we use catkin_pkg.package.parse_package to parse the package.xml and look for the <name> tag, which contains the correct package name.
- node_manager_fkie: Install data files without executable bit
- node_manager_fkie: added a button to hide the dock widgets
- node_manager_fkie: added a question dialog to start the synchronization with a loaded config, if any exists
- node_manager_fkie: increased timeout for transfer of parameter while start of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node name creation for publishing of topics
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start of master_sync with interface file
- node_manager_fkie: removed some exeption for pyqt workaround
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning in paramter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed names, preselect all files to reload after a file was changed
- node_manager_fkie: added a buttons to save and load configurations
- node_manager_fkie: show the parent of the src-folder
- node_manager_fkie: plugin renamed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed finish function to stop the running timer
- node_manager_fkie: file watcher updated, changes now notified once for all master
- multimaster_fkie: .gitignore changed
- node_manager_fkie: don't ask for argv's while reloading
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem while launching a default cfg nodes
- node_manager_fkie: searching for packages in rundialog after dialog opened
- node_manager_fkie: fixed waiting for roscore
- node_manager_fkie: added the default group for system nodes, fixed an often update problem
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while openning an editor
- node_manager_fkie: increased the wait for ROS Master
- node_manager_fkie: added the possibility to enter a varible count of list entries while calling a service or publishing to a topic
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling while close multiple configurations
- node_manager_fkie: added the parameter as pkg:// URL to launch a default_cfg at start of node_manager
- multimaster_fkie: () added additional filtered interface to master_discovery rpc-server to get a filtered MasterInfo and reduce the load on network. () added the possibility to sync remote nodes using ~sync_remote_nodes parameter
- node_manager_fkie: added a possibility to create a new files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while browsing in launch files
- node_manager_fkie: (1) added a button to transfer launch files to remote machines, (2) upgraded the editor for sync dialog (3) added more info to progress bars
- node_manager_fkie: limited displaying frequency for echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: limited the displayed messages in echo widget
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem while launching a default cfg nodes
- master_sync_fkie: added support to ignore nodes/topic/services of selected hosts
- master_sync_fkie: fixed ignore hosts, some topics sync ignores
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed out, if the ROS_MASTER_URI refs to 'localhost'
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the load interface
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
multimaster_msgs_fkie | |
default_cfg_fkie | |
master_discovery_fkie | |
master_sync_fkie | |
node_manager_fkie |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
Recent questions tagged multimaster_fkie at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
multimaster_fkie package from multimaster_fkie repodefault_cfg_fkie master_discovery_fkie master_sync_fkie multimaster_fkie multimaster_msgs_fkie node_manager_fkie |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.8.12 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/fkie/multimaster_fkie.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | melodic-devel |
Last Updated | 2020-05-09 |
Dev Status | MAINTAINED |
CI status | Continuous Integration : 0 / 0 |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
Additional Links
- Alexander Tiderko
- Alexander Tiderko
Changelog for package multimaster_fkie
0.8.12 (2019-04-30)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed lost nodes while grouping
- Merge pull request #100 from stertingen/patch-1 zeroconf.py: Detect IPv6 usage from environment Set environment ROS_IPV6=on to enable the IPv6 RPC server.
- master_discovery_fkie: zeroconf: added fqdn-parameter, see issue #99
- master_discovery_fkie: zeroconf use for monitoruri the same hostname from masteruri
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Hermann von Kleist
0.8.11 (2019-02-27)
- fix release issues
0.8.10 (2019-02-26)
- node_manager_fkie: exapand (nodes, topics, services) on filter
- fixed build node_manager_fkie without .git repository issue #91
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on show critical message dialog
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.9 (2018-12-21)
- fix install build
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.8 (2018-12-19)
- fixed install node_manager_fkie
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.7 (2018-12-18)
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed changelog format
- node_manager_fkie: added version detection
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.5 (2018-12-11)
- node_manager_fkie: removed install author warning
- node_manager_fkie: fixed navigation in topic and service view do not open echo/call dialog on activate namespace group
- master_sync_fkie: added a simple node to sync parameter Original code from https://github.com/jhu-lcsr-forks/multimaster_fkie/tree/param-sync adapted to change only local ROS Parameter Server
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.4 (2018-12-08)
- master_discovery_fkie: fix zeroconf to avoid request loop in master_sync see issue #90
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.3 (2018-12-07)
- node_manager_fkie: added: Augment CMake script to install node_manager launcher on Ubuntu. pull request #82 from acschaefer/master
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter to disable namespace groups
- node_manager_fkie: editor: improved seletion of node definition by moving selected text to top
- node_manager_fkie: new: apply enhancement to organize nodes view by namespaces, see issue #83
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy paste error
- node_manager_fkie: changed highlighting for groups and nodes
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fixed uncomment of -- statements
- node_manager_fkie: added launch file to test namespace grouping.
- node_manager_fkie: fix namespace view
- node_manager_fkie: fixed topic publish dialog for messages with arrays
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while start master_discovery with master_sync on
- node_manager_fkie: fixed add new parameter in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter for timeout to close closing dialog
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed typo hearbeat[s] to heartbeat[s] pull request #87 from Paulls20/master
- master_sync_fkie: install launch dir pull request #81 from ahoarau/patch-1
- Contributors: Alexander Schaefer, Alexander Tiderko, Antoine Hoarau, Paul.Varghese
0.8.2 (2018-08-10)
- fixed issue #79
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.1 (2018-08-03)
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour on question to reload files and display noscreen errors
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.8.0 (2018-07-16)
- node_manager_fkie: added warning if while remote start no executable was found rosrun throws no error if no executable was found it is only an output.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed activation of minimized launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: added settings parameter 'movable dock widgets' to prevent dock widgets from moving
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error in select_dialog on close node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: added group icon with count of nodes inside
- node_manager_fkie: added info icons for groups
- node_manager_fkie: added timer to close exit dialog on close node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: fixed delay open io screen
- node_manager_fkie: use priority queue for sreen io only if normal queue has more than 5 elements
- node_manager_fkie: reduced update count
- node_manager_fkie: changed color of question box
- node_manager_fkie: added link for nodelet manager in description of nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: add an option to disable the question dialog while restart nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: changed background of question dialog to non transparent
- node_manager_fkie: changed question dialog for launch and transfer files
- changed visualization for available configurations, added visualisation for nodelets changed qestion dialog on changes of launch files and restart of nodelets
- node_manager_fkie: fixed trasfer of wrong files on change to remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fix recursive search
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on call of an unknown service
- node_manager_fkie: fix administratively prohibited error while delete logs This error occurs while delete more than 10 logs on remote host
- node_manager_fkie: resolve pkg:// in all arguments
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while assigne color
- Added configuration for Travis CI
- Contributors: Timo Röhling, Alexander Tiderko
0.7.8 (2018-03-24)
- Fix catkin_lint warnings
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash on errors while open network discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy function in launch file browser
- node_manager_fkie: fixed file name copy crash
- node_manager_fkie: added more checks while handle nodelet restarts
- node_manager_fkie: added check for restart of nodelet manager
- node_manager_fkie: reset package cache on reload in lauch widget so you don't need to restart node_manager if new packages are added at runtime
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour of detailed message box
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added shortcut Ctrl+R to restart nodes
- Merge pull request #69 from AlexisTM/fix_exit_zeroconf Solve zeroconf sys.exit( ..., ...) issue
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Alexis Paques, Timo Röhling
0.7.7 (2017-10-27)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed install problem #65
- node_manager_fkie: changed tab order and added Ctrl+Shift+F behaviour
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.6 (2017-10-04)
- node_manager_fkie: editor: fixed un/comment function
- node_manager_fkie: detailed dialog: created own one, enable resize feature
- node_manager_fkie: echo dialog: added a checkbox to dis-/enable message filter
- node_manager_fkie: added log for start and wait for ROS master at the beginning
- node_manager_fkie: fixed utf8 problem with service call
- node_manager_fkie: fixed view problem if ROS_IP is set
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while navigation in launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: convert error messages to utf-8
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a lot of utf8 problems
- node_manager_fkie: do not ask changed files for reload an offline master
- node_manager_fkie: reload global parameter, if ROS master was restarted
- node_manager_fkie: file_watcher: fixed wrong detection for paths in parameter values
- node_manager_fkie: editor: adapt indent to previous line on tab
- node_manager_fkie: editor: ident to preview line on pressed return/enter
- node_manager_fkie: label for decimal length changed
- node_manager_fkie: echo_dialog: added array length and a filter for digits after '.' in arrays
- node_manager_fkie: launch dialog: improved graph view
- node_manager_fkie: launch editor: changed line selection behaviour
- node_manager_fkie: added Ctrl+W to close current tab in launch editor
- node_manager_fkie: event connection between launch editor and graph view
- node_manager_fkie: create complete include graph
- node_manager_fkie: added upperBotton again
- node_manager_fkie: removed uppper Button, use Include Graph instead
- node_manager_fkie: added dock widget with include files overview for launch file editor
- node_manager_fkie: reorganized buttons in launch editor and fixed search for included files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed display not complete node/topic/service name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed icon space in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: added icons
- in editor for going to next higher launch file
- restart node and reload global parameter of the launch file
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour after filter changes
- node_manager_fkie: open upper files and insert these in between
- node_manager_fkie: Tab and Backtab fixed
- node_manager_fkie: size units fixed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed search for included files in editor
- node_manager_fkie: enable / disable upper button
- node_manager_fkie: added upper button to the editor dialog opens the file which include the current open launch file
- node_manager_fkie: redesigned echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added priority queue for opening output console before all nodes are started
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.5 (2017-07-17)
- node_manager_fkie: improved echo dialog
- added combobox for maximal size of a message
- added status for message size (also avarage)
- added bandwith calculation
- added info in status bar for latched topic
- removed status for "std dev" and "window size"
- store last messages in echo dialog to show them after some filter was chagned
- node_manager_fkie: new feature - start profiles you can save and restore the current state for all hosts.
- node_manager_fkie: added a node 'script_runner.py' to launch scripts in a ROS node The node exceutes the script on startup and stay alive. On stop you can specify a stop script.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed displayed topics in description panel (for different namespaces)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the warning about illegal ROS name on open echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed rate filter in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed poweroff host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the end process
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash while remove history file
- node_manager_fkie: added more error handling for script_runner
- node_manager_fkie: added question on stop profile load
- node_manager_fkie: stops profile loading on close profile status
- node_manager_fkie: moved profile code to new file and added progress bar for profile
- node_manager_fkie: fixed rename of file in the launch history
- node_manager_fkie: added a possibility to delete all logs (select host->rosclean purge in description)
- node_manager_fkie: changed key event handling in launch dock to avoid double events
- node_manager_fkie: fix Ctrl+double click on profile history
- node_manager_fkie: added support for default_cfg in profiles
- node_manager_fkie: store the default configuration nodes for profiles currently no support to load the profiles with default configuration! User will be informed on save a profile with default configuraion.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detailed dialog for messages without detailed text
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes by load new profile with same launch files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed save profile after load profile
- node_manager_fkie: added description for online state of a master proxy
- node_manager_fkie: skip update of offline hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the list of closing hosts
- node_manager_fkie: added possibility to resize the details message dialog
- node_manager_fkie: removed handling for Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X, so this shortcut now works in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: fixed call of host url options
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem with editor in foreground
- node_manager_fkie: changed filter handling for latched topics
- node_manager_fkie: fixed warning about echo of last scrapped message
- node_manager_fkie: use objectName() instead of text()
- master_sync_fkie: changed default filter for sync nodes, see issue #63
- master_discovery_fkie: reduced warning outputs in cases a node or service is not reachable
- default_cfg_fkie: store the arguments of default_cfg to parameter server
- multiamster_fkie: fixed installation configuration
0.7.4 (2017-05-03)
- node_manager_fkie: updated highlightning in sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: add tooltip to a filter in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problems with ampersand. The ampersand is automatically set in QPushButton or QCheckbx by KDEPlatformTheme plugin in Qt5 [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337491] A workaroud is to add [Development] AutoCheckAccelerators=false to ~/.config/kdeglobals This fix removes the ampersand manually.
- master_discovery_fkie: improved filter logging
- master_snyc_fkie: fixed sync_hosts parameter
- master_snyc_fkie: fixed filter for specific hosts
- added description how to filter for specific hosts
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.3 (2017-04-24)
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed problem with "pass_all_args" attribute
- node_manager_fkie: fix crash on start master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: fixed network discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added "pass_all_args" for highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while stop or start a lot of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: changed font color in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: changed default color in description widget
- node_manager_fkie: added a workaround for "CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV"
- node_manager_fkie: reverted url changes
- fixed warnings in API documentation
- node_manager_fkie: fixed url handling in host control
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.2 (2017-01-27)
- node_manager_fkie: added a parameter to hide domain suffix in description panel and node tree view
- mutlimaster_fkie: reverted the cut of domains in hostnames
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.7.1 (2017-01-26)
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed some problems on macOS
- perform test for multicast interfaces only on Linux and FreeBSD
- changed detection for local interface to support discovering on iOS
- master_discovery_fkie: removed domain suffix from hostname
- master_discovery_fkie: removed a not needed import
- master_discovery_fkie: digrammar fix in exception message
- node_manager_fkie: increased precision for float values in combobox (used by settings)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed editor for kinetic; removed setMargin since it not suported by Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: fixed URLs for some buttons in description panel to use it with Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: added more details on start if no 'screen' is available
- node_manager_fkie: changed supervised_popen initialization to avoid multi subclassing
- node_manager_fkie: added a raise Exception if no terminal is availabe
- node_manager_fkie: raise an error now if 'paramiko' is not available
- node_manager_fkie: fixed startup if a node manager instance already running
- node_manager_fkie: added xterm path for macOS
- node_manager_fkie: removed domain suffix from hostname to avoid name problems
- node_manager_fkie: fixed UnboundLocalError for 'selectedGroups' and 'self._accept_next_update'
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Jason Mercer, Dirk Schulz
0.7.0 (2017-01-09)
- master_discovery_fkie: added detection for timejumps into the past
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the shutdown process
sometimes blocks the SimpleXMLRPCServer the shutdown process. Added a timer to kill the own process at the end.
- master_discovery_fkie: #55 change the message handling routines Introduced a send and receive Queue. It was need to implement new features like hub/client structure. Added more debug output.
- master_discovery_fkie: splitted send_mcast into send_mcast and listen_mcast to get a hub functionality
- node_manager_fkie: fixed visualisation of not local nodes
repaired gui_resources.py for Qt5 compatibility restore Qt5 compatibility
- node_manager_fkie: added update/set time dialog to update time with ntpdate or date
- node_manager_fkie: added rosbag record to rqt menu
- node_manager_fkie: copy now all selected nodes, topics, services or parameter names to clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C
- node_manager_fkie: added cursor position number to editor
- node_manager_fkie: added indent before hostname in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: added a colorize_host settings parameter
the color of the host will be now determine automatically you can also set own color for each host by double-click on the hostname in description panel.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error after cancel color selection
- node_manager_fkie: use gradient to set color
- node_manager_fkie: now you can define colors for each robot
- node_manager_fkie: removed a broken import
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: no longer clear the search result on click into editor
- node_manager_fkie: find dialog in xml-editor shows now all results in as list
- node_manager_fkie: added clear button to filder lines in dialogs
- node_manager_fkie: add filter to nodes view added also a clear button (also ESC) to all filter lines
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some extended visualization for synced nodes
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed start nodes with same name and different namespaces
- default_cfg_fkie: fix the namespace for rqt-cpp-plugins
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Sr4l, deng02
0.6.2 (2016-11-12)
- master_sync_fkie: Increased logging. Added more logging around synchronization to help with tracking changes in the local ROS master due to multimaster.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node view for multiple cores on the same host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed capabilities view
- node_manager_fkie: fixed view of group description by groups with one node
- Drop roslib.load_manifest, unneeded with catkin
- node_manager_fkie: moved controls in group description to the top
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the link to node in group description
- node_manager_fkie: fixed crash while kill screen on remote host
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Denise Eng, Mike Purvis
0.6.1 (2016-10-18)
- fix for issue #50: do not sent and reply requests while own state is not available
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, deng02
0.6.0 (2016-10-12)
- master_sync_fkie: updated launch file
- master_sync_fkie: added a 'resync_on_reconnect_timeout' parameter that controls how long the offline-online period is before the resync. see enhancement #48
- node_manager_fkie: changed find-replace doalog to dockable widget
- node_manager_fkie: changed highlight colors
- node_manager_fkie: added more info for search error
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: comment lines with less then 4 characters
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: #49
- node_manager_fkie: added highlightning for yaml stuff inside of a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: comment of lines with less then 4 characters in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: activation of network window after join from network discovery
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: does not open a second configuration editor for a selected node.
- node_manager_fkie: added: 'subst_value' to xml highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: network discovery
- node_manager_fkie: comment/uncomment fixed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed: detection of included files
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.8 (2016-09-10)
- master_discovery_fkie: fix for #46: bouncing offline/online reduced discovery heartbeats, especially if one of the masters is not reachable anymore.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the error occurs while open configuration for a selected node
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.7 (2016-09-07)
- fix imports for Qt5
- fix issue #43 - "cannot import name QApplication"
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Sr4l
0.5.6 (2016-09-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error "No module named xml_editor"
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.5 (2016-08-30)
- master_sync_fkie: added resync after the host was offline
- master_sync_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed issue#16
- multimaster_fkie: changed indent in source code to 4
- master_discovery_fkie: added network separation to zeroconf discovering
- master_discovery_fkie: changed the ROS service initialization The ROS service will be created after discovering process is started. This is especially for visualisation in node_manager.
- multimaster_fkie: removed unused imports
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- master_discovery_fkie: replaced time.sleep by threading.Timer to handle connection problems while get remote master info
- master_discover_fkie: added warning on send errors
- master_discovery_fkie: removed '-' from master name generation for ROS master with not default port
- master_discovery_fkie: reduced/changed log output
- node_manager_fkie: version in info dialog updated
- node_manager_fkie: changed all buttons of the editor to flat
- node_manager_fkie: changes on xml_editor
- XmlEditor is renamed to Editor and moved into a subdirectory.
- xml_edit.py splited to exclude all subclasses
- Search (replace) dialog is redesigned
- node_manager_fkie: added linenumber to the xmleditor
- node_manager_fkie: fix issue #40 and some other Qt5 changes
- node_manager_fkie: changed the comment/uncomment in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some highlightning problems in xmleditor
- node_manager_fkie: added shortcuts for "Add tag"-Submenu's
- node_manager_fkie: changed xml block highlighting
- node_manager_fkie: fixed seletion in xmleditor
- multimaster_fkie: changed indent in source code to 4
- node_manager_fkie: added a question dialog before set time on remote host Time changes leads to problems on tf tree and may have other unexpected side effects
- node_manager_fkie: compatibility to Qt5
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the showed network id
- node_manager_fkie: fixed host identification in node view
- node_manager_fkie: changed hostname detection for decision to set ROS_HOSTNAME
- node_manager_fkie: removed pep8 warnings
- node_manager_fkie: fix local discovery node detection
- node_manager_fkie: changed master_discovery node detection
- node_manager_fkie: fixed pep8 warnings
- node_manager_fkie: removed pylint warnings
- node_manager_fkie: new feature: close tabs in Launch-Editor with middle mouse button
- node_manager_fkie: fixed style warning in xml_editor and capability_table
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear of configuration nodes
- node_manager_fkie: changed identification of master (now it is only the masteruri without address)
- node_manager_fkie: fix in capability table
- node_manager_fkie: removed '-' from master name generation for ROS master with not default port
- node_manager_fkie: remove the ssh connection if the master goes offline. This avoids timeouts after reconnection
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.4 (2016-04-21)
- multimaster_fkie: added '/do_not_sync' parameter this allows to hide some topics/services, topic types, from synchronisation. It can be defined as string or as list.
- master_sync_fkie: fixed unnecessary update requests wrong timestamps leads to updates
- node_manager_fkie: added visualisation for not synchronized topics/services
- node_manager_fkie: add parameter to the order of publisher/subscriber in description dock new parameter: 'Transpose pub/sub description'
- node_manager_fkie: changed behaviour of description dock while update info
- node_manager_fkie: fixed deselection of text on context menu
- node_manager_fkie: fixed threading problem while searching for sync interfaces
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.3 (2016-04-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fix remote start
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.2 (2016-03-31)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start process on remote hosts without Qt
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.5.1 (2016-03-23)
- Use ROS_HOSTNAME before ROS_IP. To determine which interface to use follow ROS master convention of ROS_HOSTNAME being used before ROS_IP. This is as per: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/EnvironmentVariables#ROS_IP.2BAC8-ROS_HOSTNAME
- Contributors: Mike O'Driscoll, Timo Röhling
0.5.0 (2016-03-17)
- New Features:
- node_manager_fkie: the start with different ROS_MASTER_URI sets now the ROS_HOSTNAME environment variable if a new masteruri was selected to start node_manager or master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added parameter to disable the highlighting of xml blocks
- node_manager_fkie: added ROS-Launch tags to context menu in XML editor
- node_manager_fkie: mark XML tag blocks
- node_manager_fkie: show the filename in the XML editor dialog title
- node_manager_fkie: close configuration items are now sorted
- node_manager_fkie: the confirmation dialog at exit can be deaktivated to stop all nodes and roscore or shutdown the host you can use the close button of each master
- node_manager_fkie: allow to shutdown localhost
- node_manager_fkie: shows 'advanced start' button also if the selected node laready runs
- default_cfg_fkie: added 'load_params_at_start' parameter. On start of default_cfg_fkie all parameters are loaded into ROS parameter server. If this parameter is set to [False]{.title-ref} the parameter are loaded on first run of an included node.
Fixes: * node_manager_fkie: fixed print XML content in echo_dialog * node_manager_fkie: avoids the print of an error, while loads a wrongs file on start of the node_manager * node_manager_fkie: fixed check of running remote roscore * node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while echo topics on remote hosts * node_manager_fkie: changed cursor position in XML editor after open node configuration * node_manager_fkie: fixed replay of topics with array elements * node_manager_fkie: fixed close process while start/stop nodes * node_manager_fkie: fixed namespace of capability groups, fixed the missing leading SEP * node_manager_fkie: fixed - avoid transmition of some included/changed but not needed files to remote host * node_manager_fkie: fixed start node after a binary was selected from multiple binaries * node_manager_fkie: removed "'now' FIX" while publish messages to topics * node_manager_fkie: fixed log format on remote hosts * master_discovery: fixed avg. network load calculation, added checks for some parameters * multimaster_fkie: Set correct logging level to warning * Contributors: Alexander Tiderko, Gary Servin
0.4.4 (2015-12-18)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed republish of array values in paraeter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: reviewed the name resolution
- node_manager_fkie: added an IP to hostname resolution it is usefull for detection of automatic master_sync start if an IP was entered while start of master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added a settings parameter 'start_sync_with_discovery' The start_sync_with_discovery determine the default behaviour to start master_sync with master_discover or not. This presets the 'Start sync' parameter in Start-dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added an option to start master_sync with master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added network ID visualization
- node_manager_fkie: fixed joining from discovery dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed discovery dialog, which was broken after changes in master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: highlighted the sync button in ROS network dock
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.3 (2015-11-30)
- node_manager_fkie: start rviz now as NO rqt plugin
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the sort of paramerter in [add parameter]{.title-ref} dialog
- node_manager_fkie: adapt the chagnes in master_discovery_fkie
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the tooltip of the buttons in the description dock
- node_manager_fkie: stop /master_discovery node before poweroff host to avoid timout problems
- multimaster_fkie: reduced logs and warnings on stop nodes while closing node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: added a new button for call service
- node_manager_fkie: added a "copy log path to clipboard" button
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the displayed count of nodes with launch files in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: fixed errors showed while stop nodes on close
- multimaster_fkie: reduced logging of exceptions
- node_manager_fkie: added poweroff command to the host description
- node_manager_fkie: added tooltips to the buttons in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: replaced some icons
- node_manager_fkie: added advanced start link to set console format and loglevel while start of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: skip commented nodes while open a configuration for a selected node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed xml editor; some lines was hide
- node_manager_fkie: added ctrl+shift+slash to shortcuts for un/comment text in editor
- some small changes in find dialog
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed compatibility to older versions
- master_fiscovery_fkie: integrated pull request #24 Thanks for creating the PR to \@garyservin and \@mikeodr! The change lets you define an interface by [~interface]{.title-ref}, [ROS_IP]{.title-ref} envar or append the interface to multicast group like The master_discovery then binds to the specified interface and creates also an unicast interface for active requests on communication problems or if [~robot_hosts]{.title-ref} are defined. Now you can also disable the multicast communication by setting [~send_mcast]{.title-ref} to false. In this case the requests are send to hosts defined in [~robot_hosts]{.title-ref}.
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the 'local' assignment while updateInfo()
- master_discovery_fkie: adopt some changes from pull request
#24 Thanks to
\@garyservin for pull request
- Don't exit if we're on localhost, just log a warning
* Added support for different logging levels in master_monitor: currently all logs are marked as warnings, where some should be marked as errors.
- master_discovery_fkie: spaces and typos removed
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed link quality calculation
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.2 (2015-10-19)
- node_manager_fkie: added further files to change detection
- node_manager_fkie: fixed parameter dialog for some messages e.g. MarkerArray
- node_manager_fkie: shutdown now all nodes and roscore at exit (if selected)
- node_manager_fkie: changed diagnostic visualization
- node_manager_fkie: propagate the diagnostic color of a node to his group
- node_manager_fkie: update the description of selected node after a diagnostic message is recieved
- multimaster_fkie: added a possibility to set time on remote host
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the comparison of host time difference
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning if the time difference to remote host is greater than a defined value (default 3 sec)
- node_manager_fkie: added ControlModifier to package navigation
- History file: goto the package of the launch file
- ..: goto root
- folder: go only one step down, not until first config file
- node_manager_fkie: changed param template for parameter name in editor
- node_manager_fkie: added log button for remote master_discovery
- show now only the screen log
- node_manager_fkie: fixed save/load in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fix load parameter with absolute path
- node_manager_fkie: added more info for error while set a parameter with None value
- node_manager_fkie: added icon for rqt plugin
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error which prevent display info and configuration dialogs
- node_manager_fkie: check now for changes of local binaries and ask for restart if these are changed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while publishing to topic with lists and byte values
- node_manager_fkie: added support diagnostics_agg topic
- node_manager_fkie: added a remote script which does not use qt bindings
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the updates of remote nodes registered on local master
- master_discovery_fkie: added \@part to define interface with mcast group
- master_discovery_fkie: add posibility to specify the interface to use
- master_discovery_fkie: check for local ip addresses to avoid wrong warning messages
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.1 (2015-04-28)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while parsing list of lists in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added scrollarea for dynamic_reconfigure widget
- fixed the usage of new parameter in node_manager
- node_manager_fkie: fixed binary selection while 'add node'
- multimaster_fkie: fixed double log output
- node_manager_fkie: fix to enable the master list if a master_discavery was started
- node_manager_fkie: fixed recursive search
- multimaster_fkie: added network problem detection on remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: older paramiko versions does not support get_pty parameter in exce_command
- node_manager_fkie: fixed stdout error while transfer files to remote host
- node_manager_fkie: ignore errors caused on after the echo dialog was closed
- node_manager_fkie: changed the color of illegal ros node names
- master_sync_fkie: Deprecate is_ignored_topic. Move new parameters to the end of the parameter list
- master_sync_fkie: Make configuration more granular
allows filtering of specific subscribers or publishers
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.4.0 (2015-02-20)
- multimaster_fkie: discovery changed
- reduced the amount of heartbeat messages for discovery
- added fallback for environments with multicast problems
- node_manager_fkie: added log_level parameter to all nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed syntax highlightning
- node_manager_fkie: fix ssh handler
- node_manager_fkie: parameter changed in dialog "start master discovery"
- node_manager_fkie: fixes in parameter dialog
- fixed filter in parameter dialog
- fixed parser of the list values
- update only changed values in ROS parameter server
- node_manager_fkie: default value for heartbeat changed to 0.5
- node_manager_fkie: improved the discovery dialog to detect masters using new methods
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the button view in the sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a xml and yaml validation on save of a configuration files
- master_sync_fkie: fix the long wait time on first sync
- master_sync_fkie: fix annonce publisher about the AnyMsg subscribers
- master_discovery_fkie: discovery changed
- reduced the amount of heartbeat messages for discovery
- added fallback for environments with multicast problems
- master_discovery_fkie: added log_level parameter to all nodes
- master_discovery_fkie: changed discovery after the host was set to offline
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed a problem if more then one master discovery is running on the same host
- master_discovery_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- master_discovery_fkie: removed some debug output
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed change to offline state after a refresh service was called and host is not reachable
- master_discovery_fkie: fix set to offline state
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed link quality detection. The requests for each master are now stored, to detect the right count of messages that we have to receive.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.18 (2015-02-18)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed alt+space for context menu in xml editor
- node_maanger_fkie: removed sync+AnyMsg option, it is now sync with all messages
- node_manager_fkie: fix an error printed on close of echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some ssh issues
- node_manager_fkie: enabled ssh compression
- node_manager_fkie: store user per host
- node_manager_fkie: added rviz to rqt menu
- node_manager_fkie: show now unknown topic types through the SSH connection
- node_manager_fkie: close running nodes on exit
- node_manager_fkie: fixed bug while creation of a new file in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: added binary selection dialog to xml editor, if you add a node section using 'add tag' button
- node_manager_fkie: trap the errors printed to stderr in popen
- node_manager_fkie: fixed highlightning in editor
- master_sync: subscribers with None type are now subscribed as AnyType message
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.17 (2015-01-22)
- node_manager_fkie: switch to local monitoring after connection problems to local master_discovery
- node_manager_fkie: added an update procedure to refresh discovered masters In same cases the messages, which are send on the shutdown of the master_discovery are not received by node_manager. To update the discovered list in node_manager the complete list of discoevered hosts will be requested, if the localhost master is added as new master.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while publishing to 'std_msgs/Empty'
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed discovery support for ipv6
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.16 (2014-12-08)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem with screen view The node_manager uses the /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator to show the screen content of the nodes. To execute a command with arguments 'konsole', 'xterm' uses -e, 'terminator', 'gnome-terminal' or 'xfce4-terminal'use '-x'.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.15 (2014-12-01)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed sync button handling
- multimaster_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- node_manager_fkie: removed some python mistakes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node selection in description dock
- node_manager_fkie: some icons changed
- node_manager_fkie: 'autoupdate' parameter added The autoupdate parameter disables the automatic requests. It is usefull for low bandwidth networks.
- node_manager_fkie: reduced remote parameter requests
- node_manager_fkie: added a republish functionality This function is accessible in extended info widget.
- node_manager_fkie: fix publish with rate slower one Updated the topic info. Added constants to message definition view.
- node_manager_fkie: restores the view of expanded capability groups after reload of a launch file
- node_managef_fkie: fix sidebar parameter selection
- node_manager_fkie: fixes in parameter dialog
- fixed filter in parameter dialog
- fixed parser of the list values
- update only changed values in ROS parameter server
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.14 (2014-10-24)
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning to capability table, if multiple configurations for the same node are loaded
- node_manager_fkie: remove now the configuration in capability table after a host was removed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while navigate in description panel
- node_manager_fkie: changed sidebar parameter handling (for start host dialog)
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling on click the sync button in master list
- node_manager_fkie: fixed tooltip for recent loaded files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problems in capability table with multi-launch-files for the same host and group
- CapabilityHeader: Keep indices of _data and controlWidget in sync when inserting new capabilities
- Fixed crash in master_list_model if IPv6 addresses are present on the host
- node_manager_fkie:manual link added
- node_manager_fkie: added args and remaps to change detection after reload a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: ignore namespace while display the Capabilities in Capabilities table
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some template tags in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: stop nodes first while restart nodes after loading a launch file
- node_manager_fkie: added support of $(find ...) statement to add images in decription of capabilities
- node_manager_fkie: xmleditor - ask for save by pressing ESC
- node_manager_fkie: changed the update strategy for description dock
- node_manager_fkie: changed the update strategy for description dock
- node_manager_fkie: changed name creation for default configuration node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed blocked focus if a xmleditor was open
- node_manager_fkie: fixed highlighter problem in pyqt
- node_manager_fkie: improved respawn script
- node_manager_fkie: fixed handling of history files
- node_manager_fkie: mark line with problems in launch editor
- master_sync_fkie: reduced update notifications after registration of a subscriber
- Contributors: Alexander, Alexander Tiderko, Stefan Oßwald, Timo Röhling
0.3.13 (2014-07-29)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the button view in the sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a xml and yaml validation on save of a configuration files
- node_manager_fkie: changed the navigation in info widget
- node_manager_fkie: raise launch dock after the settings are restored
- node_manager_fkie: show up directory while package selection
- node_manager_fkie: added comment/uncomment functionality
- node_manager_fkie: added caching for browsing in launch files
- node_manager_fkie: show also folder with additional config files
- node_manager_fkie: stores the xml editor geometry
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.12 (2014-07-08)
- node_manager_fkie: fix instalation problem with missed .ui files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed ros master preparation Do not try to start ROS master on remote hosts for echo topics, if this host are not reachable.
- Contributors: Alexander Tiderko
0.3.11 (2014-06-04)
- node_manager_fkie: replaced the rxconsole and rxgraph by rqt button to start rqt plugins related to selected master
- node_manager_fkie: added a setting docking window
- node_manager_fkie: hints on start problems fixed, if no screen is installed
- node_manager_fkie: added a dock widget and button which shows warning messages
- node_manager_fkie: select the topics and services of a node while tab change and not while node selection. This reduce the cpu load.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detection of local host at start
- node_manager_fkie: fix the removing of local master at startup
- node_manager_fkie: added features to launch file view
- Search for packages
- rename files
- copy files
- node_manager_fkie: do not wait in the discovery loop at shutdown
- node_manager_fkie: cancel buttons redesined, some titles renamed
- node_manager_fkie: reduced the displayed namespace of the topics and services in info area
- node_manager_fkie: added F4 and F3 shortcasts for aditing a configuration and show a screen of a node
- node_manager_fkie: fixed InteractionNeededError while starting nodes on remote hosts using run dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added timestamps to each printed message
- node_manager_fkie: fix detailed message box. Close using ESC button.
- node_manager_fkie: reload root path in xml file view, if the current path was deleted
- node_manager_fkie: fixed include tag of dropped file in xml editor
- node_manager_fkie: added for each node respawn parameters
- node_manager_fkie: improve respawn script The new script correctly checks the exit code of the launched process and can limit the number of respawns for faulty nodes.
- node_manager_fkie: use -T for terminal emulator -T is compatible with more terminal emulators than -title
- node_manager_fkie: added handling for some of other configuration file types to launch file view
- Open terminal windows with x-terminal-emulator The /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator symlink is available on Debian based systems and points to the default terminal emulator on the system. /usr/bin/xterm will be used as fallback.
- node_manager_fkie: changed side bar selection while start hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the parameter handling of parameter with list type
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a block while connection problems
- master_discovery_fkie: added some error catches to solve problems with removing of interfaces
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed a short timestamp represantation
- default_cfg_fkie: added 'default_cfg/autostart/exclude' parameter to exclude nodes from autostart
- default_cfg_fkie: flush stdout before SIGKILL Otherwise, the error message may not reach the console output in time.
- default_cfg_fkie: added a console output for count of pending autostart nodes
- default_cfg_fkie: set autostart to False after all node are started
- default_cfg_fkie: added a reload service, to reload the configuration
- default_cfg_fkie: added for each node respawn parameters
- default_cfg_fkie: added a possibility for delayd start or after a published topic is available
- default_cfg_fkie: loads now without the private namespace of the default_cfg node
- default_cfg_fkie: removed BASH_ENV from environment while start with respawn script
- default_cfg_fkie: added an autostart option
- Contributors: Alexander, Alexander Tiderko, Sammy Pfeiffer, Timo Röhling
0.3.10 (2014-03-31)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the activation of the local monitoring. Fixed the cancelation in selection dialog.
- node_manager_fkie: added an indicator for running roslaunch server
- node_manager_fkie: fixed layout problems
- node_manager_fkie: dialog size of [start master_discovery]{.title-ref} changed
- node_manager_fkie: added a side bar with checkitems in start host dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed remove entries in combonox of parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: remove comments in launch file fixed
- node_manager_fkie: added a check for changed files in parameter value
- node_manager_fkie: inform about changed files only on activating the main GUI
- node_manager_fkie: fixed search routine
- node_manager_fkie: fixed multiple entries in dialog for publishing to a new topic
- node_manager_fkie: added a context sensitive proposals in XML editor
- node_manager_fkie: enabled drag&drop action in xmleditor and launch view
- node_manager_fkie: added a button for quick insertion of launch tags
- node_manager_fkie: reduced the cpu load of echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: added a line limit in echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed the processing of jobs after the [cancel]{.title-ref} button was pressed
node_manager_fkie: added a [reload global parameter]{.title-ref} link - select the loaded row in launch dialog after loading the launch file with double click
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes with ns
- node_maager_fkie: the launch files are now loaded in a thread, so they don't block
- node_manager_fkie: fixed duplicate detection of running and synchronized nodes
- node_manager_fkie: sync dialog extended by a new button to sync topics containing AnyMsg as type
- node_manager_fkie: cmd line output for registered parameter changed
- node_manager_fkie: removed project file
- node_manager_fkie: remember the used path in parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling of localhost in machine tag of launchfile
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a bug which sometimes does not synchronized some topics
- master_discovery_fkie: unsubscribe from parameter at the end
- master_discovery_fkie: remove invalid roslaunch uris from ROS Master
0.3.9 (2013-12-12)
- node_manager_fkie: set node to warning state, if it not renning propertly because of problems with illegal name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed detailed_msg_box error
- node_manager_fkie: added highlighting for illegal ros names
- master_discovery_fkie: added warning outputs on errors
- multimaster_fkie: moved .gitignore to top level
0.3.8 (2013-12-10)
- node_manager_fkie: added support for /robot_icon parameter to show an image of the roboter
- node_manager_fkie: fixed handling of binary data in ROS parameter server
- node_manager_fkie: update robot image on cancel file selection dialog
- node_manager_fkie: can now change the robot image by double-click on robot image
- node_manager_fkie: added autoselect corresponding topics and services on node selection
- node_manager_fkie: reduced timestamp updates, if node_manager is not active
- multimaster_fkie: added a possibility to deaktivate the multicast heart bearts
- node_manager_fkie: selection dialog extended by an description label
- node_manager_fkie: handling of included files chagned, to avoid errors if a package was not found
- node_manager_fkie: buttons of the discovery widged chagned
- node_manager_fkie: control buttons redesigned
- node_manager_fkie: added 'Do not display this warning again' button to warning message
- node_manager_fkie: fixed deleting of not reachable hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed wrong reference in sync_dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed copy mode (Ctrl+C copy now first column, Ctrl+X: type or value)
- node_manager_fkie: update launch file view after loading launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed echo dialog (icons, additional info)
- node_manager_fkie: added ROS_NAMESPACE environment parameter to launch process to handle some cases, e.g. rqt_cpp plugins
- node_manager_fkie: fixed watching for changes in included files
- node_manager_fkie: Delete key deletes now the selected history launch file
- node_manager_fkie: reduced window size
- node_manager_fkie: ignore empty 'capability_group' values
- multimaster_fkie: catkin_lint inspired fixes, thanks \@roehling
- node_manager_fkie: fixed help call in the console
- node_manager_fkie: fix detection for included files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed open sync dialog from info panel
- node_manager_fkie: added a yaml highlighter
- node_manager_fkie: argparse integrated
- node_manager_fkie: fixed lower compare of topic and service names
- node_manager_fkie: fix - use now sensetive comparison of node names
- node_manager_fkie: fixed launch file browsing
- node_manager_fkie: fixed skipped display messages on latched topics
- master_sync_fkie: added sync for subscriber with AnyMsg, e.g relay (topic_tools), if local a publisher with known type is available
- master_discovery_fkie: added output info about approx. netload
- master_discovery_fkie: description in der package.xml changed
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed forward error to service caller
- default_cfg_fkie: ignore empty 'capability_group' values
0.3.7 (2013-10-17)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start button description
- node_manager_fkie: added an info button
- node_manager_fkie: changed calling of sync dialog
- node_manager_fkie: showing duplicate nodes fixed
- multimaster_fkie: fixed problems with resolving service types while sync while synchronization not all topics and services can be synchronized because of filter or errors. A detection for this case was added.
- node_manager_fkie: added user selection for remote hosts
- node_manager_fkie: fixed some paths
- node_manager_fkie: added SAVE and LOAD buttons to parameter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start nodes in multimaster on the same host
- node_manager_fkie: replaced the sync checkbox in masterlist by a sync icon
- node_manager_fkie: fixed filtering topics, services and parameter
- node_manager_fkie: buttons resized
- node_manager_fkie: added missed start parameter to master_sync
- node_manager_fkie: removed some unneeded borders in gui
- node_manager_fkie: fix loading launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fixed parameter groups
- node_manager_fkie: added new interface of dynamic_reconfigure
- node_manager_fkie: show node_manager window maximized, if the screen is small
- node_manager_fkie: fixed raise conditions
- node_manager_fkie: added filter to selected dialog and changed selection behavior
- node_manager_fkie: fix node matching
- node_manager_fkie: fixed absolute path in env of the launch file
- master_discovery_fkie: do not publish not resolvable ROS MASTER URI to own ROS network
- default_cfg_fkie: fixed parameter groups
0.3.6 (2013-09-17)
- node_manager_fkie: added a notifiaction, if [use_sim_time]{.title-ref} parameter is set to true
- node_manager_fkie: added some control elements to node/host description
- node_manager_fkie: fix load launch file
- node_manager_fkie: fix filter in paramter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed do not store the launch file on error
- node_manager_fkie: the minimum size of the parameter dialog increased
- node_manager_fkie: update the capability group of the node using the ROS parameter server, if no launch file is loaded
- node_manager_fkie: fixed cancel loading of the launch file, on cancel input args node_manager_fkie: do not restart anonymous nodes on relaod launch file node_manager_fkie: fixed closing of the remote default configs on same host but other roscore
- node_manager_fkie: resize the node_manager window on small
- node_manager_fkie: changed the intepretation of the group description
- node_manager_fkie: remove not existing remote node information. In case of restarting a ROS node without stopn a running node.
- node_manager_fkie: fixed buttons description
- node_manager_fkie: fixed change detection in included files
- node_manager_fkie: add detection of changes in the reloaded launch file and restart affected nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed clear_params
- multimaster_msgs_fkie: added SyncServiceInfo message to detect changes on services
- master_sync_fkie: kill the own ros node on error while load interface to inform the user in node_manager about errors
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the origin master uri for services
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the result of the synchronized nodes (handle the restart of the nodes without stop the running node)
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the test of local changes -> not all changes are propageted to other hosts
- default_cfg_fkie: changed the intepretation of the group description
0.3.5 (2013-09-06)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed launch selection for favirites with same launch file name
- node_manager_fkie: fixed process id view of nodes for multiple sync hosts
- master_sync_fkie: fixed a brocken connection after desync
0.3.4 (2013-09-05)
- node_manager_fkie: fixed file paths (removed warnings in file_watcher)
- node_manager_fkie: clear cached package names on refreshing launch file view
- node_manager_fkie: capability_group parameter can now be defined in a namespace
- node_manager_fkie: fixed pakage_name result added caching for package_name results
- default_cfg_fkie: capability_group parameter can now be defined in a namespace
0.3.3 (2013-09-04)
- node_manager_fkie: Parse package.xml for name Although package folders should have the same name as the package, some packages (e.g. swig-wx) violate this. Thus, we use catkin_pkg.package.parse_package to parse the package.xml and look for the <name> tag, which contains the correct package name.
- node_manager_fkie: Install data files without executable bit
- node_manager_fkie: added a button to hide the dock widgets
- node_manager_fkie: added a question dialog to start the synchronization with a loaded config, if any exists
- node_manager_fkie: increased timeout for transfer of parameter while start of nodes
- node_manager_fkie: fixed node name creation for publishing of topics
- node_manager_fkie: fixed start of master_sync with interface file
- node_manager_fkie: removed some exeption for pyqt workaround
- node_manager_fkie: added a warning in paramter dialog
- node_manager_fkie: fixed names, preselect all files to reload after a file was changed
- node_manager_fkie: added a buttons to save and load configurations
- node_manager_fkie: show the parent of the src-folder
- node_manager_fkie: plugin renamed
- node_manager_fkie: fixed finish function to stop the running timer
- node_manager_fkie: file watcher updated, changes now notified once for all master
- multimaster_fkie: .gitignore changed
- node_manager_fkie: don't ask for argv's while reloading
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem while launching a default cfg nodes
- node_manager_fkie: searching for packages in rundialog after dialog opened
- node_manager_fkie: fixed waiting for roscore
- node_manager_fkie: added the default group for system nodes, fixed an often update problem
- node_manager_fkie: fixed problem while openning an editor
- node_manager_fkie: increased the wait for ROS Master
- node_manager_fkie: added the possibility to enter a varible count of list entries while calling a service or publishing to a topic
- node_manager_fkie: changed the handling while close multiple configurations
- node_manager_fkie: added the parameter as pkg:// URL to launch a default_cfg at start of node_manager
- multimaster_fkie: () added additional filtered interface to master_discovery rpc-server to get a filtered MasterInfo and reduce the load on network. () added the possibility to sync remote nodes using ~sync_remote_nodes parameter
- node_manager_fkie: added a possibility to create a new files
- node_manager_fkie: fixed error while browsing in launch files
- node_manager_fkie: (1) added a button to transfer launch files to remote machines, (2) upgraded the editor for sync dialog (3) added more info to progress bars
- node_manager_fkie: limited displaying frequency for echo dialog
- node_manager_fkie: limited the displayed messages in echo widget
- node_manager_fkie: fixed a problem while launching a default cfg nodes
- master_sync_fkie: added support to ignore nodes/topic/services of selected hosts
- master_sync_fkie: fixed ignore hosts, some topics sync ignores
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed out, if the ROS_MASTER_URI refs to 'localhost'
- master_discovery_fkie: fixed the load interface
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
catkin | |
multimaster_msgs_fkie | |
default_cfg_fkie | |
master_discovery_fkie | |
master_sync_fkie | |
node_manager_fkie |