cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/cpr-application/cpr_onav_description.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version main
Last Updated 2024-10-01
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
cpr_onav_description 0.1.12



This package contains additional description files used for Clearpath Robotics’ OutdoorNav software.

Getting Started - Physical Robots

If you have a physical robot that uses OutdoorNav, please follow the OutdoorNav user manual for instructions on configuring your robot model.

The OutdoorNav setup script will prompt you to configure the type, number, and position of all sensors on the robot, automatically generating the necessary environment variables and configuring the robot’s description as needed.

Getting Started - Simulations

To simplify simulating robots with the OutdoorNav hardware, several scripts with the necessary environment variables have been provided to add common configurations to existing platforms:

Platform Model
Husky Observer Husky Observer
Husky Starter Kit Husky Starter
Jackal Starter Kit Jackal Starter
Warthog Starter Kit Warthog Starter

To simulate these configurations, source the appropriate file in the scripts directory, and then start the simulation, for example:

source $(catkin_find cpr_onav_description scripts/husky_starter_kit_envars.bash --first-only)
roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_playpen.launch

The Husky Observer configuration features a PTZ camera, which contains PID controllers to enable control over the pan and tilt of the camera. The ptz_action_server repository contains the simulated_ptz_action_server package which can be used to add an actionlib interface to control the position and zoom level of the simulated camera if desired.



cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository

cpr_onav_description repository