inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-12-27
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
inno_sim_interface 0.0.0


Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator

This package is an example of using the Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator for visual rendering and sensor simulation in combination with a UAV dynamics source from ROS.

Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator Interface

VTOL flight in InnoSimulator


  • Modeling of vision systems, including 3D lidars and cameras.
  • Implementation of realistic infrastructure scenes for UAV implementation.
  • Development and implementation of intelligent UAV control systems.
  • Training in the development and use of drones, including creating datasets and automated testing.

System Requirements

For the best experience with the Zilant Robotics Aerial Robots Simulator, ensure your tech meets these criteria:

  • Graphics Card: Equip yourself with a GeForce RTX 2060 or better equivalent. Note that most integrated graphics won’t be sufficient, but Apple M1 or later versions are an exception.
  • Operating System: We’ve tailored the simulator for modern versions of Windows, Linux, and Mac. Choose the build that matches your OS.
  • CPU: Aim for an Intel i7 from the 11th or 12th generation. For those using AMD, any equivalent processor will suffice.
  • RAM: 16GB is a recommended minimum, but more is always better for performance.

Do a quick check against these specs before diving into our simulator. Happy flying!

Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator UAV API

Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator is currently used as a visual renderer and source of simulated sensor data. Dynamics simulation and control is done externally. The API is adapted for such use.

Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator currently supports the following API to control the pose and actuator state of a copter or VTOL aircraft UAV:

To Simulator

ROS –> Sim

GPS position

Topic name is /sim/gps_position. Topic type is sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.


Topic name is /sim/attitude. Topic type is geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped.

Actuators state

Topic name is /sim/actuators. Topic type is sensor_msgs/Joy.

The axes in the Joy message have the following meanings:

  1. FR, cw, rate, rpm (front right motor speed)
  2. RL, cw, rate, rpm (rear left motor speed)
  3. FL, ccw, rate, rpm (front left motor speed)
  4. RR, ccw, rate, rpm (rear right motor speed)
  5. left aileron, cw, deg
  6. right aileron, cw, deg
  7. elevator, cw, deg
  8. rudder, cw, deg
  9. thrust, throttle, rate, rpm


Topic name is /sim/gimbal_angle. Topic type is geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped.

  • vector.x is roll in degrees,
  • vector.y is pitch in degrees,
  • vector.z is yaw in degrees.

The roll, pitch and yaw values are global.

From the 3d simulator

Sim –> ROS


Topic name is /sim/camera/compressed. Topic type is sensor_msgs/CompressedImage.


Topic name is /sim/velodyne_points. Topic type is sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.

Installation and startup

Please refer to the main project repo: innopolis_vtol_dynamics


No found.

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository

inno_sim_interface repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-12-27
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
inno_sim_interface 0.0.0


Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator

This package is an example of using the Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator for visual rendering and sensor simulation in combination with a UAV dynamics source from ROS.

Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator Interface

VTOL flight in InnoSimulator


  • Modeling of vision systems, including 3D lidars and cameras.
  • Implementation of realistic infrastructure scenes for UAV implementation.
  • Development and implementation of intelligent UAV control systems.
  • Training in the development and use of drones, including creating datasets and automated testing.

System Requirements

For the best experience with the Zilant Robotics Aerial Robots Simulator, ensure your tech meets these criteria:

  • Graphics Card: Equip yourself with a GeForce RTX 2060 or better equivalent. Note that most integrated graphics won’t be sufficient, but Apple M1 or later versions are an exception.
  • Operating System: We’ve tailored the simulator for modern versions of Windows, Linux, and Mac. Choose the build that matches your OS.
  • CPU: Aim for an Intel i7 from the 11th or 12th generation. For those using AMD, any equivalent processor will suffice.
  • RAM: 16GB is a recommended minimum, but more is always better for performance.

Do a quick check against these specs before diving into our simulator. Happy flying!

Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator UAV API

Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator is currently used as a visual renderer and source of simulated sensor data. Dynamics simulation and control is done externally. The API is adapted for such use.

Code-CT Innopolis 3d Simulator currently supports the following API to control the pose and actuator state of a copter or VTOL aircraft UAV:

To Simulator

ROS –> Sim

GPS position

Topic name is /sim/gps_position. Topic type is sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.


Topic name is /sim/attitude. Topic type is geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped.

Actuators state

Topic name is /sim/actuators. Topic type is sensor_msgs/Joy.

The axes in the Joy message have the following meanings:

  1. FR, cw, rate, rpm (front right motor speed)
  2. RL, cw, rate, rpm (rear left motor speed)
  3. FL, ccw, rate, rpm (front left motor speed)
  4. RR, ccw, rate, rpm (rear right motor speed)
  5. left aileron, cw, deg
  6. right aileron, cw, deg
  7. elevator, cw, deg
  8. rudder, cw, deg
  9. thrust, throttle, rate, rpm


Topic name is /sim/gimbal_angle. Topic type is geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped.

  • vector.x is roll in degrees,
  • vector.y is pitch in degrees,
  • vector.z is yaw in degrees.

The roll, pitch and yaw values are global.

From the 3d simulator

Sim –> ROS


Topic name is /sim/camera/compressed. Topic type is sensor_msgs/CompressedImage.


Topic name is /sim/velodyne_points. Topic type is sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.

Installation and startup

Please refer to the main project repo: innopolis_vtol_dynamics


No found.