snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-04-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
snmp_ros 1.0.3



Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS.

This package only supports a very small subset of SNMP. Basically, just reading single OIDs from SNMPv1/v2 agents. Notably, the node currently cannot interpret MIBs. Pull requests for additional functionality are welcome.

Node snmp_reader

ROS node that allows reading OID values via SNMP into ROS topics or parameters.


  • ~agent_address (type string, default “”): IP address of the SNMP agent.
  • ~agent_port (type int, default 161): Port to connect to.
  • ~community (type string, default “public”): The community to connect to.
  • ~snmp_v2 (type bool, default True): If True, v2 is used, otherwise SNMP v1 is used.
  • ~topics (type dict, default {}): List of OIDs that should be periodically read and published as topics.
    • Each item in topics is a dict with the following items:
    • oid (type string): The OID to read.
    • type (type string, default String): Type of the ROS message to parse the value as. Use ROS message type names like Int32.
    • topic (type string, defaults to the key of this dictionary entry): The topic to publish the value to. Prepend ~ to publish it as a private topic.
    • rate (type float, default 1.0): Publishing rate. If set to 0, the value is only read once and published latched.
  • ~params (type dict, default {}): List of OIDs that should be read once and set as ROS parameters.
    • Each item in params is a dict with the following items:
    • oid (type string): The OID to read.
    • type (type string, default str): Type Python type to parse the value as. Use Python type names like int.
    • parameter (type string, defaults to the key of this dictionary entry): The parameter to set the value to. Prepend ~ to set a private parameter.

Published topics

  • configured by the ~topics parameter.


Just run the snmp_reader node and pass it the required configuration. Look into the config folder for examples of the node configuration.


No found.

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository

snmp_ros repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-04-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
snmp_ros 1.0.3



Utilities for working with SNMP from ROS.

This package only supports a very small subset of SNMP. Basically, just reading single OIDs from SNMPv1/v2 agents. Notably, the node currently cannot interpret MIBs. Pull requests for additional functionality are welcome.

Node snmp_reader

ROS node that allows reading OID values via SNMP into ROS topics or parameters.


  • ~agent_address (type string, default “”): IP address of the SNMP agent.
  • ~agent_port (type int, default 161): Port to connect to.
  • ~community (type string, default “public”): The community to connect to.
  • ~snmp_v2 (type bool, default True): If True, v2 is used, otherwise SNMP v1 is used.
  • ~topics (type dict, default {}): List of OIDs that should be periodically read and published as topics.
    • Each item in topics is a dict with the following items:
    • oid (type string): The OID to read.
    • type (type string, default String): Type of the ROS message to parse the value as. Use ROS message type names like Int32.
    • topic (type string, defaults to the key of this dictionary entry): The topic to publish the value to. Prepend ~ to publish it as a private topic.
    • rate (type float, default 1.0): Publishing rate. If set to 0, the value is only read once and published latched.
  • ~params (type dict, default {}): List of OIDs that should be read once and set as ROS parameters.
    • Each item in params is a dict with the following items:
    • oid (type string): The OID to read.
    • type (type string, default str): Type Python type to parse the value as. Use Python type names like int.
    • parameter (type string, defaults to the key of this dictionary entry): The parameter to set the value to. Prepend ~ to set a private parameter.

Published topics

  • configured by the ~topics parameter.


Just run the snmp_reader node and pass it the required configuration. Look into the config folder for examples of the node configuration.


No found.