Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.0.4 |
License | BSD |
Build type | CATKIN |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | 0.0.4 |
Last Updated | 2017-03-15 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
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Package Description
Additional Links
- iori
Provides simple vehicle task simulation environment in gazebo.
This program needs drcsim_hydro. See and install as
First, build gazebo_drive_simulator package.
$ catkin build gazebo_drive_simulator
You have to make world file for staro in gazebo to use staro in drive simulation environment.
rosrun hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials
Before launch gazebo, you should setup environmental valiables. I recommend you to write them in your .bashrc.
$ source `rospack find hrpsys_gazebo_general`/
You should change gazebo field from trial task1 to final task1
$ roscd gazebo_drive_simulator/patch
$ sudo patch -p0 < drc_final_task_1.patch
launch simulation
If you want to use atlas with handle controller, execute following command (handle_controller mode):
$ rosrun gazebo_drive_simulator true
If you want to use atlas with robot driving controller in euslisp, execute following command (euslisp mode):
$ rosrun gazebo_drive_simulator false
$ roslaunch drc_task_common vehicle.launch ROBOT:=<robotname>
## option
# for OCS
# LAUNCH_PS3JOY (default:false)
# LAUNCH_STEERING (default:false)
# LAUNCH_UI (default:false)
# CONTROLLER_DEV (default:/dev/input/js0)
# for FC
# LAUNCH_EUS (defalut:true)
# OCS_NS (default:/ocs)
robotnameche does not matter in euslisp mode. When you want to use ps3joy locally (not OCS) as robot controller, pass LAUNCH_PS3JOY:=”true” and OCS_NS:=”/” to vehicle.launch. When you want to use driving_force_gt locally (not OCS) as robot controller, pass LAUNCH_STEERING:=”true” and OCS_NS:=”/” to vehicle.launch.
If you want to use staro, execute following command:
$ roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials drc_practice_task_1_staro.launch
$ rosrun gazebo_drive_simulator
staro have not support euslisp mode yet.
move handle and pedal of drc_vehicle in gazebo
You can move drc_vehicle in simulator by driving_force_gt pro in handel_controller mode. Please make sure that handle contorller is connected as /dev/input/js0.
$ jstest /dev/input/js0
You can also move drc_vehicle in simulator by robot-driving-controller in euslisp mode. In euslisp mode, same user interface as real drc can be used.
If you want to move vehicle without handle_controller and euslisp, you can send following command.
$ rostopic echo /drc_vehicle_xp900/hand_wheel/cmd std_msgs/Float64 "{data: <rad>}"
$ rostopic echo /drc_vehicle_xp900/gas_pedal/cmd std_msgs/Float64 "{data: <percentage>}"
/drc_vehicle_xp900/gas_pedal/cmd requires a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
use recognition in gazebo
If you want to use recognition in gazebo_drive_simulator, you should execute following command:
$ rosrun drc_task_common simulation
If the point cloud by stereo_image_proc is poor, you can change shadow of obstacles or pattern of ground: If you want to use recognition in gazebo_drive_simulator, you should execute following command:
$ roscd gazebo_drive_simulator/patch
# change ground
$ sudo patch -p0 < drc_ground.patch
# remove shadows of obstacle
$ patch -p0 < obstacle_shadows.patch
# return this change
$ sudo patch -p0 -R < drc_ground.patch
# return shadows of obstacle
$ patch -p0 -R < obstacle_shadows.patch
Changelog for package gazebo_drive_simulator
0.0.4 (2017-03-15)
- remove old dynamic_reconfigure.parameter_generator, now everything runnning with catkin
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.0.3 (2016-02-11)
0.0.2 (2015-11-26)
- gazebo_drive_simulator does not have python modules
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.0.1 (2015-06-11)
- change base_tf from car_center to BODY
- change default rviz
- fix namespace in python script
- update README for spliting fc function
- arrange drive recognition script for dividing fc function
- add include in simulation mode
- add tf car_center launch
- add drc final task 1 for drive simulation
- Update of gazebo_drive_simulator
- add script command
- remove recognition script
- change file name and remove function of mochikae
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Do not send joint angles to atlas in simulation
- add patch for removing obstacle shadows
- add use_recognition in README and change tf in gazebo_drive_simulator.launch
- Stop re-enter car process and fix car_center tf
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Update Readme
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Add missing scripts from drive_recognition and fix path of them
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Fix README again
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Fix README
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Update README for euslisp mode
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Bridge driving-controller output when handle_contorller is disabled
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Add script to bridge driving-controller and gazebo drive simulation environment
- Add controller descriptions to README
- Fix handle_contorller relays for drc_task_common version
- Fix
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Add README for gazebo_drive_simulator
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Fix path and filename for files transported to drc_task_common
- Fix handle_contorller path for drc_task_common version
- [gazebo_drive_simulator] Fix license
- Add gazebo_drive_simulator, gazebo simulation environment for drc vehicle task
- Contributors: Hiroto Mizohana, Ryo Terasawa, Ryohei Ueda, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Iori KUmagaki
Wiki Tutorials
Package Dependencies
Deps | Name |
rospy | |
std_msgs | |
sensor_msgs | |
std_srvs | |
geometry_msgs | |
roseus | |
dynamic_reconfigure | |
catkin | |
joy | |
rqt_gui | |
rqt_gui_py |
System Dependencies
Dependant Packages
Launch files
- launch/staro_multimaster_bridge.launch
- master
- launch/staro_multisense_relay.launch
- MULTISENSE_NS [default: /multisense]
- launch/staro_driving_with_recognition_demo.launch
- master
- launch/polaris_interactive_marker.launch
- default_frame_id [default: car_center]
- launch/atlas_in_gazebo_drive_simulator.launch
- launch/staro_gazebo_drive_simulator.launch
- PINNED_LINK [default: BODY]
- CMD_NAMESPACE [default: /drc_vehicle_xp900]
- launch/staro_driving_demo.launch
- launch/multisense_sl_relay.launch
- MULTISENSE_NS [default: /multisense]
- launch/cheat_goal_direction.launch
- launch/drc_octomap_mapping.launch
- Example launch file for octomap_server mapping: Listens to incoming PointCloud2 data and incrementally builds an octomap. The data is sent out in different representations. Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see for details
- launch/robot_pose_ekf_gazebo_drive_simulator.launch
- launch/ps3joy_interface.launch
- CONTROLLER_DEV [default: /dev/input/js0]
- launch/gazebo_drive_simulator.launch
- SIMULATION_LAUNCH [default: $(find drcsim_gazebo)/launch/vrc_task_1.launch]
- USE_HANDLE [default: true]
- CONTROLLER_DEV [default: /dev/input/js0]
- CMD_NAMESPACE [default: /drc_vehicle_xp900]
- ROSBAG_RECORD [default: false]
- ROOT_LINK [default: pelvis]
- gzworld [default: drc_final_task_1]