
ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate package from ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.2
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Levi Armstrong
  • Michael Ripperger


  • Levi Armstrong
  • George Cave

CMake Boilerplate Scripts

license apache

license bsd 3

This contains a collection of boilerplate CMake scripts and marcos.

Note: this package is not specific to ROS-Industrial and is usable with any package which uses CMake. The prefix was added to facilitate releasing this into different ROS distributions.

::: {.contents depth=”4”} Table of Contents :::

Create Debian Package (Linux) or NuGet Package (Windows)

The following process will generate a Debian or NuGet package leveraging CMake and CPack based on the OS.

The package should be located in the current directory.

` bash cd <workspace directory> catkin build -DRICB_PACKAGE=ON ./src/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate/.run-cpack`

Available Macros

Extract Package Metadata

This CMake macro will extract the package name and version from a package.xml file. It will create two cmake variable ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_name and ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_version.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} extract_package_metadata(${PREFIX_ARG})

### Clang Tidy

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})



Clears clang-tidy so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to a provided target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Single Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ENABLE | > ON/OFF | Enable/Disable | | | | clang-tidy | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS | > ON/OFF | Treat warnings as | | | | errors. If | | | | ERROR_CHECKS is not | | | | provided, it will use | | | | CHECKS to treat as | | | | errors. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | HEADER_FILTER | > String | Default to '.*' if | | | | not provided. Regular | | | | expression matching | | | | the names of the | | | | headers to output | | | | diagnostics from. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | LINE_FILTER | > String | List of files with | | | | line ranges to filter | | | | the warnings. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CHECKS | > String | Comma-separated list | | | | of globs with | | | | optional '-' | | | | prefix. Globs are | | | | processed in order of | | | | appearance in the | | | | list. Globs without | | | | the '-' prefix add | | | | checks with matching | | | | names to the set, | | | | globs with the '-' | | | | prefix remove checks | | | | with matching names | | | | from the set of | | | | enabled checks. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the 'Checks' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CONFIG | > String | YAML/JSON format. If | | | | not provided, | | | | clang-tidy will | | | | attempt to find a | | | | file named | | | | .clang-tidy for each | | | | source file in its | | | | parent directories. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | ERROR_CHECKS | > String | Upgrades warnings to | | | | errors. Same format | | | | as 'CHECKS'. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the | | | | 'WarningsAsErrors' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

Multip Value Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ARGUMENTS | > String | This supports adding | | | | additional arguments | | | | to be passed to the | | | | clang-tidy. You could | | | | just use this if | | | | desired over the | | | | single keywords | | | | except for the ENABLE | | | | to pass all arguments | | | | to clang-tidy if | | | | desired. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation will produce compiler warnings.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CHECKS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation
will produce compiler errors.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This configures clang-tidy with custom error checks which can be different from the warning checks where any violation will produce compiler errors.


This configures clang-tidy with a header filter. If not provided it will
default to \".\*\".

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} HEADER_FILTER ".*")

This configures clang-tidy with line filter as a JSON array of objects.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} LINE_FILTER “[{“name”:”file1.cpp”,”lines”:[[1,3],[5,7]]},{“name”:”file2.h”}]”)

This configures clang-tidy with config in YAML/JSON format.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CONFIG ""{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}")

This configures clang-tidy to use a .clang-tidy file if no arguments are provided

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME})

This configures clang-tidy with arguments list.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

In some situations, you may want to disable clang-tidy which is explained here. :::

Include What You Use (IWYU)

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})


include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN} ENABLE ${USER_ENABLE_ARG})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})
# or

Clears IWYU so it is not called on any following defined code compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to [include_what_you_use()]{.title-ref}.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} reset_include_what_you_use()

### CppCheck

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target

-   [CppCheck Wiki](https://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/wiki/Home/)

::: {.note}
::: {.admonition-title}

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be
enabled by the external flag. If not provided it is automatically

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})



Clears CppCheck so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Sanitizer Tools

Sanitizers are tools that perform checks during a program’s runtime and returns issues, and as such, along with unit testing, code coverage and static analysis, is another tool to add to the programmers toolbox. And of course, like the previous tools, are tragically simple to add into any project using CMake, allowing any project and developer to quickly and easily use.

A quick rundown of the tools available, and what they do:

  • LeakSanitizer detects memory leaks, or issues where memory is allocated and never deallocated, causing programs to slowly consume more and more memory, eventually leading to a crash.
  • AddressSanitizer is a fast memory error detector. It is useful for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as:
    • Out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global
    • Use after free
    • Use after return
    • Use after scope
    • Double-free, invalid free
    • Memory leaks (using LeakSanitizer)
  • ThreadSanitizer detects data races for multi-threaded code.
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer detects the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour. Most notably:
    • Using misaligned or null pointer.
    • Signed integer overflow
    • Conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination
    • Division by zero
    • Unreachable code
  • MemorySanitizer detects uninitialized reads.
  • Control Flow Integrity is designed to detect certain forms of undefined behaviour that can potentially allow attackers to subvert the program's control flow.

These are used by declaring the USE_SANITIZER{.sourceCode} CMake variable as string containing any of:

  • Address
  • Memory
  • MemoryWithOrigins
  • Undefined
  • Thread
  • Leak
  • CFI

Multiple values are allowed, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Leak{.sourceCode} but some sanitizers cannot be combined together, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Memory{.sourceCode} will result in configuration error. The delimeter character is not required and -DUSE_SANITIZER=AddressLeak{.sourceCode} would work as well.


Configure Package Without Components

Configure package for cpack which does not leverage components

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • LINUX_BUILD_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies required via apt install (If not provided LINUX_DEPENDS is used)
    • WINDOWS_BUILD_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS_DEPENDS is used)
    • LINUX_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt install
    • WINDOWS_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via nuget install

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md LINUX_DEPENDS “libboost-system-dev” “libboost-filesystem-dev” “libboost-serialization-dev” “libconsole-bridge-dev” “libtinyxml2-dev” “libeigen3-dev” “libyaml-cpp-dev” WINDOWS_DEPENDS “boost_system” “boost_filesystem;” “boost_serialization” “console-bridge” “tinyxml2” “Eigen3” “yaml-cpp”)

#### Configure Package With Components

This requires two macros one used in the components cmake file another
for the top most package cmake file.

##### Configure Component

Configure components for cpack


    One Value Args:

    :   -   COMPONENT - The component name
        -   VERSION - The package version
        -   DESCRIPTION - The package description
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack
            generated files


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   LINUX\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies
            required via apt install (If not provided LINUX\_DEPENDS is
        -   WINDOWS\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies
            required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS\_DEPENDS
            is used)
        -   LINUX\_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt
        -   WINDOWS\_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via
            nuget install
        -   COMPONENT\_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required
            from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
  COMPONENT IKFAST # must be uppercase
  VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version}
  DESCRIPTION "Tesseract Kinematics ikfast implementation"

Configure Components Package

Configure package leveraging components for cpack

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • COMPONENT_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack_component_package( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md)

##### Configure Debian Source Package

Create debian source package leveraging cpack for upload to ppa like


    One Value Args:

    :   -   CHANGLELOG (Required) - The file path to the package
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX (Optional) - The package prefix applied to
            all cpack generated files
        -   UPLOAD (Optional) - Indicate if it should be uploaded to ppa
        -   DEBIAN\_INCREMENT - The debian increment to be used, default
            is zero
        -   DPUT\_HOST (Optional/Required) - The ppa to upload to. Only
            required if UPLOAD is enabled
        -   DPUT\_CONFIG\_IN (Optional) - The dput config.in file. If
            not provide one is created.


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   DISTRIBUTIONS - The linux distrabution to deploy


    Leveraged CPack Variable: When using the cpack macros above these are automatically set

    :   -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_VERSION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION\_FILE (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_SOURCE\_IGNORE\_FILES (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_NAME (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_SECTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_PRIORITY (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_HOMEPAGE (Optional)
        -   [CPACK\_COMPONENT]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DESCRIPTION (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Configure (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro simplifies the CMake package configure and install by performing multiple operations

Configure Package

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • COMPONENTS - The packages supported find_package components if any
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace
    • It installs the package.xml file
    • It creates and installs the ${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake and ${PROJECT_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_package( NAMESPACE TARGETS COMPONENTS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Configure Component

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package's component

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
    • COMPONENT - The component name
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_component( COMPONENT NAMESPACE TARGETS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl_factories
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/<COMPONENT_NAME>-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Sub macros used in configure the package

The following macros are used by configure_package and can be used independently if needed

Install Targets

This will install targets along associated with the provided component and export them to ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets

  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - The component name to associate the targets with, if not provided ${PROJECT_NAME} is used
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} install_targets(TARGETS targetA targetb)

##### Install package.xml

This will install the package.xml file

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Generate CMake Config Files

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package and package components The default export name is ${PROJECT_NAME} but it can be overriden by providing EXPORT_NAME

  • Options:
    • EXPORT - indicate if trargets should be exported
  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if not provided PROJECT_NAME is used
    • CONFIG_NAME (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-config.cmake, if not provided COMPONENT is used
    • NAMESPACE (Optional) - the namespace assigned for exported targets
  • Multi Value Args:
    • DEPENDENCIES (Optional) - list of dependencies to be loaded in the package config
    • CFG_EXTRAS (Optional) - list of extra cmake config files to be loaded in package config
    • SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS (Optional) - list of supported components
  • Usage:
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace) Install export targets with provided namespace
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT) Install export targets with no namespace
    • generate_package_config() Install cmake config files and not install export targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if EXPORT option is set
    • It creates and install the ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config.cmake
    • In not component, it create and installs ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Install and export targets with provided namespace

generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace)

#Install and export targets with no namespace generate_package_config(EXPORT)

Install CMake config files and not install export targets

generate_package_config() Install CMake config files and not install export targets

Install and export targets for package with components

generate_package_config(EXPORT CONFIG_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME} SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS componentA componentB)

Install and export targets for component

generate_package_config(EXPORT COMPONENT kdl NAMESPACE namespace DEPENDENCIES packageA packageB CFG_EXTRAS extraA.cmake extraB.cmake)

are passed for generated CMake config files.

##### Install Ament Hooks

Allows Colcon to find non-Ament packages when using workspace underlays

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}


This CMake macro simplifies setting the CXX version for the target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} <INTERFACE|PRIVATE|PUBLIC> VERSION )

Example: Set the version to 14 and PUBLIC.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} PUBLIC VERSION 14)

Find GTest (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro calls find_package(GTest REQUIRED) and checks for the GTest::GTest and GTest::Main targets. If the targets are missing it will create the targets using the CMake variables.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} find_gtest()

### Add Run Tests Target (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the tests after they
are finished building. You may pass an optional argument true\|false
adding the ability to disable the running of tests as part of the build
for CI which calls make test.

Add run test target (These will automatically run the test after build

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_tests_target( true)

Add empty run test target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_tests_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Add GTest Discover Tests (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro call the appropriate GTest function to add a test based on the CMake version

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_gtest_discover_tests()

### Add Run Benchmark Target

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the benchmarks after
they are finished building.

Add run benchmark target (These will automatically run the benchmark
after build finishes)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_benchmark_target( true)

Add empty run benchmark target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_benchmark_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Code Coverage

These CMake macros add code coverage.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Must call initialize_code_coverage() after project() in the CMakeLists.txt. This is required for all examples below. :::

From this point, there are two primary methods for adding instrumentation to targets: 1. A blanket instrumentation by calling [add_code_coverage()]{.title-ref}, where all targets in that directory and all subdirectories are automatically instrumented. 2. Per-target instrumentation by calling [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref}, where the target is given and thus only that target is instrumented. This applies to both libraries and executables.

To add coverage targets, such as calling [make ccov]{.title-ref} to generate the actual coverage information for perusal or consumption, call [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref} on an executable target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Exclude Code From Code Coverage

Keyword Description ——————- ————————————————————————————— LCOV_EXCL_LINE Lines containing this marker will be excluded. LCOV_EXCL_START Marks the beginning of an excluded section. The current line is part of this section. LCOV_EXCL_STOP Marks the end of an excluded section. The current line not part of this section.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

You can replace LCOV above with GCOV or GCOVR. :::

Example 1: All targets instrumented

In this case, the coverage information reported will be that of the [theLib]{.title-ref} library target and [theExe]{.title-ref} executable.

1a: Via global command

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_code_coverage() # Adds instrumentation to all targets add_library(theLib lib.cpp) add_executable(theExe main.cpp) target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the ‘ccov-theExe’ target (instrumentation already added via global anyways) for generating code coverage reports.

##### 1b: Via target commands

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_library(theLib lib.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theLib) # As a library target, adds coverage instrumentation but no targets.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib)
target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target and instrumentation for generating code coverage reports.

Example 2: Target instrumented, but with regex pattern of files to be excluded from the report

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) target_code_coverage(theExe EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

#### Example 3: Target added to the \'ccov\' and \'ccov-all\' targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE test/*) # Adds the 'ccov-all' target set and sets it to exclude all files in test/ folders.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theExe AUTO ALL EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, adds to the 'ccov' and ccov-all' targets, and the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

Example 4: ROS add_rostest_gtest usage

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_rostest_gtest(test_node test/test_node.test test/test_node.cpp) target_include_directories(test_node SYSTEM PUBLIC {catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(test_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) target_code_coverage( test_node ALL RUN_COMMAND rostest test_node test_node.test EXCLUDE ${COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} ENABLE ${ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE})



Changelog for package ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate

0.6.2 (2024-07-18)

  • Fix issue where executables were being added to package libraries cmake variable
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.1 (2024-06-21)

  • Add sanitizer tools (#96)
  • Move individual tools to there own files
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.0 (2024-06-10)

  • Add catkin required variables _INCULDE_DIRS and _LIBRARIES
  • Update package_debian.yml
  • Update libraries into package_nuget.yml updated actions/checkout updated ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, mosfet80

0.5.4 (2023-09-20)

  • Fixed error message when extracting maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.5.3 (2023-09-04)

  • Make _supported_components capitalized in package config with components
  • Make supported_components unique in package config to avoid conflict
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.2 (2023-09-02)

  • Add CPack Build Depends for creating debian source package
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.1 (2023-09-02)

  • Add check for component Unspecified and generate error if using cpack with components (#85)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.0 (2023-09-01)

  • Add cpack create debian source package with upload support (#84)
  • Add cpack metapackge
  • Add cpack component support
  • Add find_package component support (#82)
  • Update readme to include how to exclude code from code coverage
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.8 (2023-07-17)

  • Add code coverage executable RUN_COMMAND mulit-arg to support rostest (#80)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.7 (2023-06-27)

  • Add python hook to install_ament_hooks
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.6 (2023-03-06)

  • Fix artifacts directory in github actions (#77)
  • Contributors: Chris Schindlbeck

0.4.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Make deps installation non-interactive (#76)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.4 (2023-02-28)

  • Removed sudo from CI commands (#75)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.3 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed CI yaml file (#74)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.2 (2023-02-28)

  • Minor Updates (#73)
    • Updated relative locations of license and README files
    • Updated debian build job to run on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.1 (2023-02-28)

  • Organization Updates (#72)
    • Removed ricb subdirectory
    • Updated maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.0 (2023-02-20)

0.3.1 (2022-08-25)

  • Fix code coverage macro to support plain visibility
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.3.0 (2022-07-05)

  • Fix target_code_coverage to support targets with plain visibility
  • Update target_cxx_version to support windows
  • Add missing include(GoogleTest) to find_gtest() macro
  • Update package CI to use colcon
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.16 (2022-06-22)

  • Always treat package description as a single string during extraction
  • Fix cpack to generate correct names for nuget packages (#64)
  • Added CPack macro from tesseract (#62)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.15 (2022-01-30)

  • Add missing one value arg NAMESPACE to configure_package
  • Auto generation of [*-config.cmake]{.title-ref} files for simple cases (#59)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong

0.2.14 (2021-12-03)

  • Add newer version of clang-tidy to the list
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.13 (2021-11-10)

  • Add --output-on-failure to add_run_test_target
  • Remove deprecated variables
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Levi-Armstrong

0.2.12 (2021-10-13)

  • Add colcon support
  • Improve configure_package
  • Contributors: Levi-Armstrong

0.2.11 (2021-07-02)

  • Rename clang-tidy keyword ERRORS_CHECKS to ERROR_CHECKS
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.10 (2021-07-02)

  • Improve target_clang_tidy to support individual options over single argument list
  • Break out individual function from configure_package
  • Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, Levi Armstrong

0.2.9 (2021-04-09)

  • Add ENABLE functionality to initialize_code_coverage
  • Improve cpack package naming
  • Add cpack archive package
  • Add CPACK to build debian and nuget package
  • Extract description from package.xml
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.8 (2021-02-08)

  • Update package.xml to have buildtool_depend on cmake
  • Set gtest discovery mode to PRE_TEST
  • Moved include of GoogleTest into discover gtest macro
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.7 (2021-01-29)

  • Add contributing file
  • Add license files and update documentation
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.6 (2021-01-26)

  • Rename package to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.5 (2021-01-05)

  • Bump version

0.2.4 (2021-01-05)

  • Remove noetic.ignored which should go in the release repository

0.2.3 (2021-01-05)

  • Add noetic.ignored to exclude gtest package during bloom release

0.2.1 (2021-01-05)

  • Initial Release
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate at Robotics Stack Exchange

ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate package from ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.2
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Levi Armstrong
  • Michael Ripperger


  • Levi Armstrong
  • George Cave

CMake Boilerplate Scripts

license apache

license bsd 3

This contains a collection of boilerplate CMake scripts and marcos.

Note: this package is not specific to ROS-Industrial and is usable with any package which uses CMake. The prefix was added to facilitate releasing this into different ROS distributions.

::: {.contents depth=”4”} Table of Contents :::

Create Debian Package (Linux) or NuGet Package (Windows)

The following process will generate a Debian or NuGet package leveraging CMake and CPack based on the OS.

The package should be located in the current directory.

` bash cd <workspace directory> catkin build -DRICB_PACKAGE=ON ./src/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate/.run-cpack`

Available Macros

Extract Package Metadata

This CMake macro will extract the package name and version from a package.xml file. It will create two cmake variable ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_name and ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_version.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} extract_package_metadata(${PREFIX_ARG})

### Clang Tidy

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})



Clears clang-tidy so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to a provided target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Single Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ENABLE | > ON/OFF | Enable/Disable | | | | clang-tidy | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS | > ON/OFF | Treat warnings as | | | | errors. If | | | | ERROR_CHECKS is not | | | | provided, it will use | | | | CHECKS to treat as | | | | errors. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | HEADER_FILTER | > String | Default to '.*' if | | | | not provided. Regular | | | | expression matching | | | | the names of the | | | | headers to output | | | | diagnostics from. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | LINE_FILTER | > String | List of files with | | | | line ranges to filter | | | | the warnings. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CHECKS | > String | Comma-separated list | | | | of globs with | | | | optional '-' | | | | prefix. Globs are | | | | processed in order of | | | | appearance in the | | | | list. Globs without | | | | the '-' prefix add | | | | checks with matching | | | | names to the set, | | | | globs with the '-' | | | | prefix remove checks | | | | with matching names | | | | from the set of | | | | enabled checks. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the 'Checks' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CONFIG | > String | YAML/JSON format. If | | | | not provided, | | | | clang-tidy will | | | | attempt to find a | | | | file named | | | | .clang-tidy for each | | | | source file in its | | | | parent directories. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | ERROR_CHECKS | > String | Upgrades warnings to | | | | errors. Same format | | | | as 'CHECKS'. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the | | | | 'WarningsAsErrors' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

Multip Value Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ARGUMENTS | > String | This supports adding | | | | additional arguments | | | | to be passed to the | | | | clang-tidy. You could | | | | just use this if | | | | desired over the | | | | single keywords | | | | except for the ENABLE | | | | to pass all arguments | | | | to clang-tidy if | | | | desired. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation will produce compiler warnings.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CHECKS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation
will produce compiler errors.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This configures clang-tidy with custom error checks which can be different from the warning checks where any violation will produce compiler errors.


This configures clang-tidy with a header filter. If not provided it will
default to \".\*\".

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} HEADER_FILTER ".*")

This configures clang-tidy with line filter as a JSON array of objects.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} LINE_FILTER “[{“name”:”file1.cpp”,”lines”:[[1,3],[5,7]]},{“name”:”file2.h”}]”)

This configures clang-tidy with config in YAML/JSON format.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CONFIG ""{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}")

This configures clang-tidy to use a .clang-tidy file if no arguments are provided

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME})

This configures clang-tidy with arguments list.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

In some situations, you may want to disable clang-tidy which is explained here. :::

Include What You Use (IWYU)

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})


include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN} ENABLE ${USER_ENABLE_ARG})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})
# or

Clears IWYU so it is not called on any following defined code compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to [include_what_you_use()]{.title-ref}.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} reset_include_what_you_use()

### CppCheck

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target

-   [CppCheck Wiki](https://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/wiki/Home/)

::: {.note}
::: {.admonition-title}

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be
enabled by the external flag. If not provided it is automatically

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})



Clears CppCheck so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Sanitizer Tools

Sanitizers are tools that perform checks during a program’s runtime and returns issues, and as such, along with unit testing, code coverage and static analysis, is another tool to add to the programmers toolbox. And of course, like the previous tools, are tragically simple to add into any project using CMake, allowing any project and developer to quickly and easily use.

A quick rundown of the tools available, and what they do:

  • LeakSanitizer detects memory leaks, or issues where memory is allocated and never deallocated, causing programs to slowly consume more and more memory, eventually leading to a crash.
  • AddressSanitizer is a fast memory error detector. It is useful for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as:
    • Out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global
    • Use after free
    • Use after return
    • Use after scope
    • Double-free, invalid free
    • Memory leaks (using LeakSanitizer)
  • ThreadSanitizer detects data races for multi-threaded code.
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer detects the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour. Most notably:
    • Using misaligned or null pointer.
    • Signed integer overflow
    • Conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination
    • Division by zero
    • Unreachable code
  • MemorySanitizer detects uninitialized reads.
  • Control Flow Integrity is designed to detect certain forms of undefined behaviour that can potentially allow attackers to subvert the program's control flow.

These are used by declaring the USE_SANITIZER{.sourceCode} CMake variable as string containing any of:

  • Address
  • Memory
  • MemoryWithOrigins
  • Undefined
  • Thread
  • Leak
  • CFI

Multiple values are allowed, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Leak{.sourceCode} but some sanitizers cannot be combined together, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Memory{.sourceCode} will result in configuration error. The delimeter character is not required and -DUSE_SANITIZER=AddressLeak{.sourceCode} would work as well.


Configure Package Without Components

Configure package for cpack which does not leverage components

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • LINUX_BUILD_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies required via apt install (If not provided LINUX_DEPENDS is used)
    • WINDOWS_BUILD_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS_DEPENDS is used)
    • LINUX_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt install
    • WINDOWS_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via nuget install

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md LINUX_DEPENDS “libboost-system-dev” “libboost-filesystem-dev” “libboost-serialization-dev” “libconsole-bridge-dev” “libtinyxml2-dev” “libeigen3-dev” “libyaml-cpp-dev” WINDOWS_DEPENDS “boost_system” “boost_filesystem;” “boost_serialization” “console-bridge” “tinyxml2” “Eigen3” “yaml-cpp”)

#### Configure Package With Components

This requires two macros one used in the components cmake file another
for the top most package cmake file.

##### Configure Component

Configure components for cpack


    One Value Args:

    :   -   COMPONENT - The component name
        -   VERSION - The package version
        -   DESCRIPTION - The package description
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack
            generated files


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   LINUX\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies
            required via apt install (If not provided LINUX\_DEPENDS is
        -   WINDOWS\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies
            required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS\_DEPENDS
            is used)
        -   LINUX\_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt
        -   WINDOWS\_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via
            nuget install
        -   COMPONENT\_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required
            from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
  COMPONENT IKFAST # must be uppercase
  VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version}
  DESCRIPTION "Tesseract Kinematics ikfast implementation"

Configure Components Package

Configure package leveraging components for cpack

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • COMPONENT_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack_component_package( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md)

##### Configure Debian Source Package

Create debian source package leveraging cpack for upload to ppa like


    One Value Args:

    :   -   CHANGLELOG (Required) - The file path to the package
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX (Optional) - The package prefix applied to
            all cpack generated files
        -   UPLOAD (Optional) - Indicate if it should be uploaded to ppa
        -   DEBIAN\_INCREMENT - The debian increment to be used, default
            is zero
        -   DPUT\_HOST (Optional/Required) - The ppa to upload to. Only
            required if UPLOAD is enabled
        -   DPUT\_CONFIG\_IN (Optional) - The dput config.in file. If
            not provide one is created.


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   DISTRIBUTIONS - The linux distrabution to deploy


    Leveraged CPack Variable: When using the cpack macros above these are automatically set

    :   -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_VERSION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION\_FILE (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_SOURCE\_IGNORE\_FILES (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_NAME (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_SECTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_PRIORITY (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_HOMEPAGE (Optional)
        -   [CPACK\_COMPONENT]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DESCRIPTION (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Configure (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro simplifies the CMake package configure and install by performing multiple operations

Configure Package

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • COMPONENTS - The packages supported find_package components if any
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace
    • It installs the package.xml file
    • It creates and installs the ${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake and ${PROJECT_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_package( NAMESPACE TARGETS COMPONENTS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Configure Component

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package's component

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
    • COMPONENT - The component name
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_component( COMPONENT NAMESPACE TARGETS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl_factories
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/<COMPONENT_NAME>-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Sub macros used in configure the package

The following macros are used by configure_package and can be used independently if needed

Install Targets

This will install targets along associated with the provided component and export them to ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets

  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - The component name to associate the targets with, if not provided ${PROJECT_NAME} is used
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} install_targets(TARGETS targetA targetb)

##### Install package.xml

This will install the package.xml file

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Generate CMake Config Files

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package and package components The default export name is ${PROJECT_NAME} but it can be overriden by providing EXPORT_NAME

  • Options:
    • EXPORT - indicate if trargets should be exported
  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if not provided PROJECT_NAME is used
    • CONFIG_NAME (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-config.cmake, if not provided COMPONENT is used
    • NAMESPACE (Optional) - the namespace assigned for exported targets
  • Multi Value Args:
    • DEPENDENCIES (Optional) - list of dependencies to be loaded in the package config
    • CFG_EXTRAS (Optional) - list of extra cmake config files to be loaded in package config
    • SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS (Optional) - list of supported components
  • Usage:
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace) Install export targets with provided namespace
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT) Install export targets with no namespace
    • generate_package_config() Install cmake config files and not install export targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if EXPORT option is set
    • It creates and install the ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config.cmake
    • In not component, it create and installs ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Install and export targets with provided namespace

generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace)

#Install and export targets with no namespace generate_package_config(EXPORT)

Install CMake config files and not install export targets

generate_package_config() Install CMake config files and not install export targets

Install and export targets for package with components

generate_package_config(EXPORT CONFIG_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME} SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS componentA componentB)

Install and export targets for component

generate_package_config(EXPORT COMPONENT kdl NAMESPACE namespace DEPENDENCIES packageA packageB CFG_EXTRAS extraA.cmake extraB.cmake)

are passed for generated CMake config files.

##### Install Ament Hooks

Allows Colcon to find non-Ament packages when using workspace underlays

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}


This CMake macro simplifies setting the CXX version for the target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} <INTERFACE|PRIVATE|PUBLIC> VERSION )

Example: Set the version to 14 and PUBLIC.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} PUBLIC VERSION 14)

Find GTest (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro calls find_package(GTest REQUIRED) and checks for the GTest::GTest and GTest::Main targets. If the targets are missing it will create the targets using the CMake variables.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} find_gtest()

### Add Run Tests Target (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the tests after they
are finished building. You may pass an optional argument true\|false
adding the ability to disable the running of tests as part of the build
for CI which calls make test.

Add run test target (These will automatically run the test after build

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_tests_target( true)

Add empty run test target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_tests_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Add GTest Discover Tests (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro call the appropriate GTest function to add a test based on the CMake version

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_gtest_discover_tests()

### Add Run Benchmark Target

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the benchmarks after
they are finished building.

Add run benchmark target (These will automatically run the benchmark
after build finishes)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_benchmark_target( true)

Add empty run benchmark target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_benchmark_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Code Coverage

These CMake macros add code coverage.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Must call initialize_code_coverage() after project() in the CMakeLists.txt. This is required for all examples below. :::

From this point, there are two primary methods for adding instrumentation to targets: 1. A blanket instrumentation by calling [add_code_coverage()]{.title-ref}, where all targets in that directory and all subdirectories are automatically instrumented. 2. Per-target instrumentation by calling [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref}, where the target is given and thus only that target is instrumented. This applies to both libraries and executables.

To add coverage targets, such as calling [make ccov]{.title-ref} to generate the actual coverage information for perusal or consumption, call [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref} on an executable target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Exclude Code From Code Coverage

Keyword Description ——————- ————————————————————————————— LCOV_EXCL_LINE Lines containing this marker will be excluded. LCOV_EXCL_START Marks the beginning of an excluded section. The current line is part of this section. LCOV_EXCL_STOP Marks the end of an excluded section. The current line not part of this section.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

You can replace LCOV above with GCOV or GCOVR. :::

Example 1: All targets instrumented

In this case, the coverage information reported will be that of the [theLib]{.title-ref} library target and [theExe]{.title-ref} executable.

1a: Via global command

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_code_coverage() # Adds instrumentation to all targets add_library(theLib lib.cpp) add_executable(theExe main.cpp) target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the ‘ccov-theExe’ target (instrumentation already added via global anyways) for generating code coverage reports.

##### 1b: Via target commands

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_library(theLib lib.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theLib) # As a library target, adds coverage instrumentation but no targets.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib)
target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target and instrumentation for generating code coverage reports.

Example 2: Target instrumented, but with regex pattern of files to be excluded from the report

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) target_code_coverage(theExe EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

#### Example 3: Target added to the \'ccov\' and \'ccov-all\' targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE test/*) # Adds the 'ccov-all' target set and sets it to exclude all files in test/ folders.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theExe AUTO ALL EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, adds to the 'ccov' and ccov-all' targets, and the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

Example 4: ROS add_rostest_gtest usage

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_rostest_gtest(test_node test/test_node.test test/test_node.cpp) target_include_directories(test_node SYSTEM PUBLIC {catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(test_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) target_code_coverage( test_node ALL RUN_COMMAND rostest test_node test_node.test EXCLUDE ${COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} ENABLE ${ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE})



Changelog for package ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate

0.6.2 (2024-07-18)

  • Fix issue where executables were being added to package libraries cmake variable
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.1 (2024-06-21)

  • Add sanitizer tools (#96)
  • Move individual tools to there own files
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.0 (2024-06-10)

  • Add catkin required variables _INCULDE_DIRS and _LIBRARIES
  • Update package_debian.yml
  • Update libraries into package_nuget.yml updated actions/checkout updated ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, mosfet80

0.5.4 (2023-09-20)

  • Fixed error message when extracting maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.5.3 (2023-09-04)

  • Make _supported_components capitalized in package config with components
  • Make supported_components unique in package config to avoid conflict
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.2 (2023-09-02)

  • Add CPack Build Depends for creating debian source package
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.1 (2023-09-02)

  • Add check for component Unspecified and generate error if using cpack with components (#85)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.0 (2023-09-01)

  • Add cpack create debian source package with upload support (#84)
  • Add cpack metapackge
  • Add cpack component support
  • Add find_package component support (#82)
  • Update readme to include how to exclude code from code coverage
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.8 (2023-07-17)

  • Add code coverage executable RUN_COMMAND mulit-arg to support rostest (#80)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.7 (2023-06-27)

  • Add python hook to install_ament_hooks
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.6 (2023-03-06)

  • Fix artifacts directory in github actions (#77)
  • Contributors: Chris Schindlbeck

0.4.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Make deps installation non-interactive (#76)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.4 (2023-02-28)

  • Removed sudo from CI commands (#75)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.3 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed CI yaml file (#74)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.2 (2023-02-28)

  • Minor Updates (#73)
    • Updated relative locations of license and README files
    • Updated debian build job to run on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.1 (2023-02-28)

  • Organization Updates (#72)
    • Removed ricb subdirectory
    • Updated maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.0 (2023-02-20)

0.3.1 (2022-08-25)

  • Fix code coverage macro to support plain visibility
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.3.0 (2022-07-05)

  • Fix target_code_coverage to support targets with plain visibility
  • Update target_cxx_version to support windows
  • Add missing include(GoogleTest) to find_gtest() macro
  • Update package CI to use colcon
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.16 (2022-06-22)

  • Always treat package description as a single string during extraction
  • Fix cpack to generate correct names for nuget packages (#64)
  • Added CPack macro from tesseract (#62)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.15 (2022-01-30)

  • Add missing one value arg NAMESPACE to configure_package
  • Auto generation of [*-config.cmake]{.title-ref} files for simple cases (#59)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong

0.2.14 (2021-12-03)

  • Add newer version of clang-tidy to the list
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.13 (2021-11-10)

  • Add --output-on-failure to add_run_test_target
  • Remove deprecated variables
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Levi-Armstrong

0.2.12 (2021-10-13)

  • Add colcon support
  • Improve configure_package
  • Contributors: Levi-Armstrong

0.2.11 (2021-07-02)

  • Rename clang-tidy keyword ERRORS_CHECKS to ERROR_CHECKS
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.10 (2021-07-02)

  • Improve target_clang_tidy to support individual options over single argument list
  • Break out individual function from configure_package
  • Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, Levi Armstrong

0.2.9 (2021-04-09)

  • Add ENABLE functionality to initialize_code_coverage
  • Improve cpack package naming
  • Add cpack archive package
  • Add CPACK to build debian and nuget package
  • Extract description from package.xml
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.8 (2021-02-08)

  • Update package.xml to have buildtool_depend on cmake
  • Set gtest discovery mode to PRE_TEST
  • Moved include of GoogleTest into discover gtest macro
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.7 (2021-01-29)

  • Add contributing file
  • Add license files and update documentation
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.6 (2021-01-26)

  • Rename package to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.5 (2021-01-05)

  • Bump version

0.2.4 (2021-01-05)

  • Remove noetic.ignored which should go in the release repository

0.2.3 (2021-01-05)

  • Add noetic.ignored to exclude gtest package during bloom release

0.2.1 (2021-01-05)

  • Initial Release
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate at Robotics Stack Exchange

ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate package from ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.2
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Levi Armstrong
  • Michael Ripperger


  • Levi Armstrong
  • George Cave

CMake Boilerplate Scripts

license apache

license bsd 3

This contains a collection of boilerplate CMake scripts and marcos.

Note: this package is not specific to ROS-Industrial and is usable with any package which uses CMake. The prefix was added to facilitate releasing this into different ROS distributions.

::: {.contents depth=”4”} Table of Contents :::

Create Debian Package (Linux) or NuGet Package (Windows)

The following process will generate a Debian or NuGet package leveraging CMake and CPack based on the OS.

The package should be located in the current directory.

` bash cd <workspace directory> catkin build -DRICB_PACKAGE=ON ./src/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate/.run-cpack`

Available Macros

Extract Package Metadata

This CMake macro will extract the package name and version from a package.xml file. It will create two cmake variable ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_name and ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_version.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} extract_package_metadata(${PREFIX_ARG})

### Clang Tidy

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})



Clears clang-tidy so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to a provided target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Single Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ENABLE | > ON/OFF | Enable/Disable | | | | clang-tidy | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS | > ON/OFF | Treat warnings as | | | | errors. If | | | | ERROR_CHECKS is not | | | | provided, it will use | | | | CHECKS to treat as | | | | errors. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | HEADER_FILTER | > String | Default to '.*' if | | | | not provided. Regular | | | | expression matching | | | | the names of the | | | | headers to output | | | | diagnostics from. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | LINE_FILTER | > String | List of files with | | | | line ranges to filter | | | | the warnings. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CHECKS | > String | Comma-separated list | | | | of globs with | | | | optional '-' | | | | prefix. Globs are | | | | processed in order of | | | | appearance in the | | | | list. Globs without | | | | the '-' prefix add | | | | checks with matching | | | | names to the set, | | | | globs with the '-' | | | | prefix remove checks | | | | with matching names | | | | from the set of | | | | enabled checks. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the 'Checks' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CONFIG | > String | YAML/JSON format. If | | | | not provided, | | | | clang-tidy will | | | | attempt to find a | | | | file named | | | | .clang-tidy for each | | | | source file in its | | | | parent directories. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | ERROR_CHECKS | > String | Upgrades warnings to | | | | errors. Same format | | | | as 'CHECKS'. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the | | | | 'WarningsAsErrors' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

Multip Value Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ARGUMENTS | > String | This supports adding | | | | additional arguments | | | | to be passed to the | | | | clang-tidy. You could | | | | just use this if | | | | desired over the | | | | single keywords | | | | except for the ENABLE | | | | to pass all arguments | | | | to clang-tidy if | | | | desired. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation will produce compiler warnings.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CHECKS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation
will produce compiler errors.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This configures clang-tidy with custom error checks which can be different from the warning checks where any violation will produce compiler errors.


This configures clang-tidy with a header filter. If not provided it will
default to \".\*\".

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} HEADER_FILTER ".*")

This configures clang-tidy with line filter as a JSON array of objects.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} LINE_FILTER “[{“name”:”file1.cpp”,”lines”:[[1,3],[5,7]]},{“name”:”file2.h”}]”)

This configures clang-tidy with config in YAML/JSON format.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CONFIG ""{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}")

This configures clang-tidy to use a .clang-tidy file if no arguments are provided

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME})

This configures clang-tidy with arguments list.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

In some situations, you may want to disable clang-tidy which is explained here. :::

Include What You Use (IWYU)

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})


include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN} ENABLE ${USER_ENABLE_ARG})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})
# or

Clears IWYU so it is not called on any following defined code compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to [include_what_you_use()]{.title-ref}.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} reset_include_what_you_use()

### CppCheck

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target

-   [CppCheck Wiki](https://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/wiki/Home/)

::: {.note}
::: {.admonition-title}

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be
enabled by the external flag. If not provided it is automatically

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})



Clears CppCheck so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Sanitizer Tools

Sanitizers are tools that perform checks during a program’s runtime and returns issues, and as such, along with unit testing, code coverage and static analysis, is another tool to add to the programmers toolbox. And of course, like the previous tools, are tragically simple to add into any project using CMake, allowing any project and developer to quickly and easily use.

A quick rundown of the tools available, and what they do:

  • LeakSanitizer detects memory leaks, or issues where memory is allocated and never deallocated, causing programs to slowly consume more and more memory, eventually leading to a crash.
  • AddressSanitizer is a fast memory error detector. It is useful for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as:
    • Out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global
    • Use after free
    • Use after return
    • Use after scope
    • Double-free, invalid free
    • Memory leaks (using LeakSanitizer)
  • ThreadSanitizer detects data races for multi-threaded code.
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer detects the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour. Most notably:
    • Using misaligned or null pointer.
    • Signed integer overflow
    • Conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination
    • Division by zero
    • Unreachable code
  • MemorySanitizer detects uninitialized reads.
  • Control Flow Integrity is designed to detect certain forms of undefined behaviour that can potentially allow attackers to subvert the program's control flow.

These are used by declaring the USE_SANITIZER{.sourceCode} CMake variable as string containing any of:

  • Address
  • Memory
  • MemoryWithOrigins
  • Undefined
  • Thread
  • Leak
  • CFI

Multiple values are allowed, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Leak{.sourceCode} but some sanitizers cannot be combined together, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Memory{.sourceCode} will result in configuration error. The delimeter character is not required and -DUSE_SANITIZER=AddressLeak{.sourceCode} would work as well.


Configure Package Without Components

Configure package for cpack which does not leverage components

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • LINUX_BUILD_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies required via apt install (If not provided LINUX_DEPENDS is used)
    • WINDOWS_BUILD_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS_DEPENDS is used)
    • LINUX_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt install
    • WINDOWS_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via nuget install

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md LINUX_DEPENDS “libboost-system-dev” “libboost-filesystem-dev” “libboost-serialization-dev” “libconsole-bridge-dev” “libtinyxml2-dev” “libeigen3-dev” “libyaml-cpp-dev” WINDOWS_DEPENDS “boost_system” “boost_filesystem;” “boost_serialization” “console-bridge” “tinyxml2” “Eigen3” “yaml-cpp”)

#### Configure Package With Components

This requires two macros one used in the components cmake file another
for the top most package cmake file.

##### Configure Component

Configure components for cpack


    One Value Args:

    :   -   COMPONENT - The component name
        -   VERSION - The package version
        -   DESCRIPTION - The package description
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack
            generated files


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   LINUX\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies
            required via apt install (If not provided LINUX\_DEPENDS is
        -   WINDOWS\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies
            required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS\_DEPENDS
            is used)
        -   LINUX\_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt
        -   WINDOWS\_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via
            nuget install
        -   COMPONENT\_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required
            from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
  COMPONENT IKFAST # must be uppercase
  VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version}
  DESCRIPTION "Tesseract Kinematics ikfast implementation"

Configure Components Package

Configure package leveraging components for cpack

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • COMPONENT_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack_component_package( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md)

##### Configure Debian Source Package

Create debian source package leveraging cpack for upload to ppa like


    One Value Args:

    :   -   CHANGLELOG (Required) - The file path to the package
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX (Optional) - The package prefix applied to
            all cpack generated files
        -   UPLOAD (Optional) - Indicate if it should be uploaded to ppa
        -   DEBIAN\_INCREMENT - The debian increment to be used, default
            is zero
        -   DPUT\_HOST (Optional/Required) - The ppa to upload to. Only
            required if UPLOAD is enabled
        -   DPUT\_CONFIG\_IN (Optional) - The dput config.in file. If
            not provide one is created.


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   DISTRIBUTIONS - The linux distrabution to deploy


    Leveraged CPack Variable: When using the cpack macros above these are automatically set

    :   -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_VERSION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION\_FILE (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_SOURCE\_IGNORE\_FILES (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_NAME (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_SECTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_PRIORITY (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_HOMEPAGE (Optional)
        -   [CPACK\_COMPONENT]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DESCRIPTION (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Configure (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro simplifies the CMake package configure and install by performing multiple operations

Configure Package

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • COMPONENTS - The packages supported find_package components if any
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace
    • It installs the package.xml file
    • It creates and installs the ${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake and ${PROJECT_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_package( NAMESPACE TARGETS COMPONENTS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Configure Component

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package's component

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
    • COMPONENT - The component name
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_component( COMPONENT NAMESPACE TARGETS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl_factories
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/<COMPONENT_NAME>-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Sub macros used in configure the package

The following macros are used by configure_package and can be used independently if needed

Install Targets

This will install targets along associated with the provided component and export them to ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets

  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - The component name to associate the targets with, if not provided ${PROJECT_NAME} is used
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} install_targets(TARGETS targetA targetb)

##### Install package.xml

This will install the package.xml file

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Generate CMake Config Files

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package and package components The default export name is ${PROJECT_NAME} but it can be overriden by providing EXPORT_NAME

  • Options:
    • EXPORT - indicate if trargets should be exported
  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if not provided PROJECT_NAME is used
    • CONFIG_NAME (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-config.cmake, if not provided COMPONENT is used
    • NAMESPACE (Optional) - the namespace assigned for exported targets
  • Multi Value Args:
    • DEPENDENCIES (Optional) - list of dependencies to be loaded in the package config
    • CFG_EXTRAS (Optional) - list of extra cmake config files to be loaded in package config
    • SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS (Optional) - list of supported components
  • Usage:
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace) Install export targets with provided namespace
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT) Install export targets with no namespace
    • generate_package_config() Install cmake config files and not install export targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if EXPORT option is set
    • It creates and install the ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config.cmake
    • In not component, it create and installs ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Install and export targets with provided namespace

generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace)

#Install and export targets with no namespace generate_package_config(EXPORT)

Install CMake config files and not install export targets

generate_package_config() Install CMake config files and not install export targets

Install and export targets for package with components

generate_package_config(EXPORT CONFIG_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME} SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS componentA componentB)

Install and export targets for component

generate_package_config(EXPORT COMPONENT kdl NAMESPACE namespace DEPENDENCIES packageA packageB CFG_EXTRAS extraA.cmake extraB.cmake)

are passed for generated CMake config files.

##### Install Ament Hooks

Allows Colcon to find non-Ament packages when using workspace underlays

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}


This CMake macro simplifies setting the CXX version for the target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} <INTERFACE|PRIVATE|PUBLIC> VERSION )

Example: Set the version to 14 and PUBLIC.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} PUBLIC VERSION 14)

Find GTest (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro calls find_package(GTest REQUIRED) and checks for the GTest::GTest and GTest::Main targets. If the targets are missing it will create the targets using the CMake variables.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} find_gtest()

### Add Run Tests Target (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the tests after they
are finished building. You may pass an optional argument true\|false
adding the ability to disable the running of tests as part of the build
for CI which calls make test.

Add run test target (These will automatically run the test after build

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_tests_target( true)

Add empty run test target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_tests_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Add GTest Discover Tests (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro call the appropriate GTest function to add a test based on the CMake version

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_gtest_discover_tests()

### Add Run Benchmark Target

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the benchmarks after
they are finished building.

Add run benchmark target (These will automatically run the benchmark
after build finishes)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_benchmark_target( true)

Add empty run benchmark target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_benchmark_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Code Coverage

These CMake macros add code coverage.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Must call initialize_code_coverage() after project() in the CMakeLists.txt. This is required for all examples below. :::

From this point, there are two primary methods for adding instrumentation to targets: 1. A blanket instrumentation by calling [add_code_coverage()]{.title-ref}, where all targets in that directory and all subdirectories are automatically instrumented. 2. Per-target instrumentation by calling [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref}, where the target is given and thus only that target is instrumented. This applies to both libraries and executables.

To add coverage targets, such as calling [make ccov]{.title-ref} to generate the actual coverage information for perusal or consumption, call [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref} on an executable target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Exclude Code From Code Coverage

Keyword Description ——————- ————————————————————————————— LCOV_EXCL_LINE Lines containing this marker will be excluded. LCOV_EXCL_START Marks the beginning of an excluded section. The current line is part of this section. LCOV_EXCL_STOP Marks the end of an excluded section. The current line not part of this section.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

You can replace LCOV above with GCOV or GCOVR. :::

Example 1: All targets instrumented

In this case, the coverage information reported will be that of the [theLib]{.title-ref} library target and [theExe]{.title-ref} executable.

1a: Via global command

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_code_coverage() # Adds instrumentation to all targets add_library(theLib lib.cpp) add_executable(theExe main.cpp) target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the ‘ccov-theExe’ target (instrumentation already added via global anyways) for generating code coverage reports.

##### 1b: Via target commands

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_library(theLib lib.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theLib) # As a library target, adds coverage instrumentation but no targets.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib)
target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target and instrumentation for generating code coverage reports.

Example 2: Target instrumented, but with regex pattern of files to be excluded from the report

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) target_code_coverage(theExe EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

#### Example 3: Target added to the \'ccov\' and \'ccov-all\' targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE test/*) # Adds the 'ccov-all' target set and sets it to exclude all files in test/ folders.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theExe AUTO ALL EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, adds to the 'ccov' and ccov-all' targets, and the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

Example 4: ROS add_rostest_gtest usage

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_rostest_gtest(test_node test/test_node.test test/test_node.cpp) target_include_directories(test_node SYSTEM PUBLIC {catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(test_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) target_code_coverage( test_node ALL RUN_COMMAND rostest test_node test_node.test EXCLUDE ${COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} ENABLE ${ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE})



Changelog for package ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate

0.6.2 (2024-07-18)

  • Fix issue where executables were being added to package libraries cmake variable
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.1 (2024-06-21)

  • Add sanitizer tools (#96)
  • Move individual tools to there own files
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.0 (2024-06-10)

  • Add catkin required variables _INCULDE_DIRS and _LIBRARIES
  • Update package_debian.yml
  • Update libraries into package_nuget.yml updated actions/checkout updated ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, mosfet80

0.5.4 (2023-09-20)

  • Fixed error message when extracting maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.5.3 (2023-09-04)

  • Make _supported_components capitalized in package config with components
  • Make supported_components unique in package config to avoid conflict
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.2 (2023-09-02)

  • Add CPack Build Depends for creating debian source package
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.1 (2023-09-02)

  • Add check for component Unspecified and generate error if using cpack with components (#85)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.0 (2023-09-01)

  • Add cpack create debian source package with upload support (#84)
  • Add cpack metapackge
  • Add cpack component support
  • Add find_package component support (#82)
  • Update readme to include how to exclude code from code coverage
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.8 (2023-07-17)

  • Add code coverage executable RUN_COMMAND mulit-arg to support rostest (#80)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.7 (2023-06-27)

  • Add python hook to install_ament_hooks
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.6 (2023-03-06)

  • Fix artifacts directory in github actions (#77)
  • Contributors: Chris Schindlbeck

0.4.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Make deps installation non-interactive (#76)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.4 (2023-02-28)

  • Removed sudo from CI commands (#75)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.3 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed CI yaml file (#74)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.2 (2023-02-28)

  • Minor Updates (#73)
    • Updated relative locations of license and README files
    • Updated debian build job to run on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.1 (2023-02-28)

  • Organization Updates (#72)
    • Removed ricb subdirectory
    • Updated maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.0 (2023-02-20)

0.3.1 (2022-08-25)

  • Fix code coverage macro to support plain visibility
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.3.0 (2022-07-05)

  • Fix target_code_coverage to support targets with plain visibility
  • Update target_cxx_version to support windows
  • Add missing include(GoogleTest) to find_gtest() macro
  • Update package CI to use colcon
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.16 (2022-06-22)

  • Always treat package description as a single string during extraction
  • Fix cpack to generate correct names for nuget packages (#64)
  • Added CPack macro from tesseract (#62)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.15 (2022-01-30)

  • Add missing one value arg NAMESPACE to configure_package
  • Auto generation of [*-config.cmake]{.title-ref} files for simple cases (#59)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong

0.2.14 (2021-12-03)

  • Add newer version of clang-tidy to the list
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.13 (2021-11-10)

  • Add --output-on-failure to add_run_test_target
  • Remove deprecated variables
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Levi-Armstrong

0.2.12 (2021-10-13)

  • Add colcon support
  • Improve configure_package
  • Contributors: Levi-Armstrong

0.2.11 (2021-07-02)

  • Rename clang-tidy keyword ERRORS_CHECKS to ERROR_CHECKS
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.10 (2021-07-02)

  • Improve target_clang_tidy to support individual options over single argument list
  • Break out individual function from configure_package
  • Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, Levi Armstrong

0.2.9 (2021-04-09)

  • Add ENABLE functionality to initialize_code_coverage
  • Improve cpack package naming
  • Add cpack archive package
  • Add CPACK to build debian and nuget package
  • Extract description from package.xml
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.8 (2021-02-08)

  • Update package.xml to have buildtool_depend on cmake
  • Set gtest discovery mode to PRE_TEST
  • Moved include of GoogleTest into discover gtest macro
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.7 (2021-01-29)

  • Add contributing file
  • Add license files and update documentation
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.6 (2021-01-26)

  • Rename package to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.5 (2021-01-05)

  • Bump version

0.2.4 (2021-01-05)

  • Remove noetic.ignored which should go in the release repository

0.2.3 (2021-01-05)

  • Add noetic.ignored to exclude gtest package during bloom release

0.2.1 (2021-01-05)

  • Initial Release
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate at Robotics Stack Exchange

ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate package from ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.2
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Levi Armstrong
  • Michael Ripperger


  • Levi Armstrong
  • George Cave

CMake Boilerplate Scripts

license apache

license bsd 3

This contains a collection of boilerplate CMake scripts and marcos.

Note: this package is not specific to ROS-Industrial and is usable with any package which uses CMake. The prefix was added to facilitate releasing this into different ROS distributions.

::: {.contents depth=”4”} Table of Contents :::

Create Debian Package (Linux) or NuGet Package (Windows)

The following process will generate a Debian or NuGet package leveraging CMake and CPack based on the OS.

The package should be located in the current directory.

` bash cd <workspace directory> catkin build -DRICB_PACKAGE=ON ./src/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate/.run-cpack`

Available Macros

Extract Package Metadata

This CMake macro will extract the package name and version from a package.xml file. It will create two cmake variable ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_name and ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_version.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} extract_package_metadata(${PREFIX_ARG})

### Clang Tidy

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})



Clears clang-tidy so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to a provided target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Single Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ENABLE | > ON/OFF | Enable/Disable | | | | clang-tidy | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS | > ON/OFF | Treat warnings as | | | | errors. If | | | | ERROR_CHECKS is not | | | | provided, it will use | | | | CHECKS to treat as | | | | errors. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | HEADER_FILTER | > String | Default to '.*' if | | | | not provided. Regular | | | | expression matching | | | | the names of the | | | | headers to output | | | | diagnostics from. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | LINE_FILTER | > String | List of files with | | | | line ranges to filter | | | | the warnings. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CHECKS | > String | Comma-separated list | | | | of globs with | | | | optional '-' | | | | prefix. Globs are | | | | processed in order of | | | | appearance in the | | | | list. Globs without | | | | the '-' prefix add | | | | checks with matching | | | | names to the set, | | | | globs with the '-' | | | | prefix remove checks | | | | with matching names | | | | from the set of | | | | enabled checks. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the 'Checks' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CONFIG | > String | YAML/JSON format. If | | | | not provided, | | | | clang-tidy will | | | | attempt to find a | | | | file named | | | | .clang-tidy for each | | | | source file in its | | | | parent directories. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | ERROR_CHECKS | > String | Upgrades warnings to | | | | errors. Same format | | | | as 'CHECKS'. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the | | | | 'WarningsAsErrors' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

Multip Value Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ARGUMENTS | > String | This supports adding | | | | additional arguments | | | | to be passed to the | | | | clang-tidy. You could | | | | just use this if | | | | desired over the | | | | single keywords | | | | except for the ENABLE | | | | to pass all arguments | | | | to clang-tidy if | | | | desired. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation will produce compiler warnings.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CHECKS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation
will produce compiler errors.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This configures clang-tidy with custom error checks which can be different from the warning checks where any violation will produce compiler errors.


This configures clang-tidy with a header filter. If not provided it will
default to \".\*\".

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} HEADER_FILTER ".*")

This configures clang-tidy with line filter as a JSON array of objects.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} LINE_FILTER “[{“name”:”file1.cpp”,”lines”:[[1,3],[5,7]]},{“name”:”file2.h”}]”)

This configures clang-tidy with config in YAML/JSON format.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CONFIG ""{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}")

This configures clang-tidy to use a .clang-tidy file if no arguments are provided

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME})

This configures clang-tidy with arguments list.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

In some situations, you may want to disable clang-tidy which is explained here. :::

Include What You Use (IWYU)

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})


include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN} ENABLE ${USER_ENABLE_ARG})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})
# or

Clears IWYU so it is not called on any following defined code compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to [include_what_you_use()]{.title-ref}.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} reset_include_what_you_use()

### CppCheck

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target

-   [CppCheck Wiki](https://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/wiki/Home/)

::: {.note}
::: {.admonition-title}

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be
enabled by the external flag. If not provided it is automatically

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})



Clears CppCheck so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Sanitizer Tools

Sanitizers are tools that perform checks during a program’s runtime and returns issues, and as such, along with unit testing, code coverage and static analysis, is another tool to add to the programmers toolbox. And of course, like the previous tools, are tragically simple to add into any project using CMake, allowing any project and developer to quickly and easily use.

A quick rundown of the tools available, and what they do:

  • LeakSanitizer detects memory leaks, or issues where memory is allocated and never deallocated, causing programs to slowly consume more and more memory, eventually leading to a crash.
  • AddressSanitizer is a fast memory error detector. It is useful for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as:
    • Out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global
    • Use after free
    • Use after return
    • Use after scope
    • Double-free, invalid free
    • Memory leaks (using LeakSanitizer)
  • ThreadSanitizer detects data races for multi-threaded code.
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer detects the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour. Most notably:
    • Using misaligned or null pointer.
    • Signed integer overflow
    • Conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination
    • Division by zero
    • Unreachable code
  • MemorySanitizer detects uninitialized reads.
  • Control Flow Integrity is designed to detect certain forms of undefined behaviour that can potentially allow attackers to subvert the program's control flow.

These are used by declaring the USE_SANITIZER{.sourceCode} CMake variable as string containing any of:

  • Address
  • Memory
  • MemoryWithOrigins
  • Undefined
  • Thread
  • Leak
  • CFI

Multiple values are allowed, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Leak{.sourceCode} but some sanitizers cannot be combined together, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Memory{.sourceCode} will result in configuration error. The delimeter character is not required and -DUSE_SANITIZER=AddressLeak{.sourceCode} would work as well.


Configure Package Without Components

Configure package for cpack which does not leverage components

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • LINUX_BUILD_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies required via apt install (If not provided LINUX_DEPENDS is used)
    • WINDOWS_BUILD_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS_DEPENDS is used)
    • LINUX_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt install
    • WINDOWS_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via nuget install

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md LINUX_DEPENDS “libboost-system-dev” “libboost-filesystem-dev” “libboost-serialization-dev” “libconsole-bridge-dev” “libtinyxml2-dev” “libeigen3-dev” “libyaml-cpp-dev” WINDOWS_DEPENDS “boost_system” “boost_filesystem;” “boost_serialization” “console-bridge” “tinyxml2” “Eigen3” “yaml-cpp”)

#### Configure Package With Components

This requires two macros one used in the components cmake file another
for the top most package cmake file.

##### Configure Component

Configure components for cpack


    One Value Args:

    :   -   COMPONENT - The component name
        -   VERSION - The package version
        -   DESCRIPTION - The package description
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack
            generated files


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   LINUX\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies
            required via apt install (If not provided LINUX\_DEPENDS is
        -   WINDOWS\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies
            required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS\_DEPENDS
            is used)
        -   LINUX\_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt
        -   WINDOWS\_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via
            nuget install
        -   COMPONENT\_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required
            from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
  COMPONENT IKFAST # must be uppercase
  VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version}
  DESCRIPTION "Tesseract Kinematics ikfast implementation"

Configure Components Package

Configure package leveraging components for cpack

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • COMPONENT_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack_component_package( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md)

##### Configure Debian Source Package

Create debian source package leveraging cpack for upload to ppa like


    One Value Args:

    :   -   CHANGLELOG (Required) - The file path to the package
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX (Optional) - The package prefix applied to
            all cpack generated files
        -   UPLOAD (Optional) - Indicate if it should be uploaded to ppa
        -   DEBIAN\_INCREMENT - The debian increment to be used, default
            is zero
        -   DPUT\_HOST (Optional/Required) - The ppa to upload to. Only
            required if UPLOAD is enabled
        -   DPUT\_CONFIG\_IN (Optional) - The dput config.in file. If
            not provide one is created.


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   DISTRIBUTIONS - The linux distrabution to deploy


    Leveraged CPack Variable: When using the cpack macros above these are automatically set

    :   -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_VERSION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION\_FILE (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_SOURCE\_IGNORE\_FILES (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_NAME (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_SECTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_PRIORITY (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_HOMEPAGE (Optional)
        -   [CPACK\_COMPONENT]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DESCRIPTION (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Configure (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro simplifies the CMake package configure and install by performing multiple operations

Configure Package

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • COMPONENTS - The packages supported find_package components if any
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace
    • It installs the package.xml file
    • It creates and installs the ${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake and ${PROJECT_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_package( NAMESPACE TARGETS COMPONENTS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Configure Component

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package's component

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
    • COMPONENT - The component name
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_component( COMPONENT NAMESPACE TARGETS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl_factories
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/<COMPONENT_NAME>-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Sub macros used in configure the package

The following macros are used by configure_package and can be used independently if needed

Install Targets

This will install targets along associated with the provided component and export them to ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets

  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - The component name to associate the targets with, if not provided ${PROJECT_NAME} is used
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} install_targets(TARGETS targetA targetb)

##### Install package.xml

This will install the package.xml file

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Generate CMake Config Files

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package and package components The default export name is ${PROJECT_NAME} but it can be overriden by providing EXPORT_NAME

  • Options:
    • EXPORT - indicate if trargets should be exported
  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if not provided PROJECT_NAME is used
    • CONFIG_NAME (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-config.cmake, if not provided COMPONENT is used
    • NAMESPACE (Optional) - the namespace assigned for exported targets
  • Multi Value Args:
    • DEPENDENCIES (Optional) - list of dependencies to be loaded in the package config
    • CFG_EXTRAS (Optional) - list of extra cmake config files to be loaded in package config
    • SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS (Optional) - list of supported components
  • Usage:
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace) Install export targets with provided namespace
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT) Install export targets with no namespace
    • generate_package_config() Install cmake config files and not install export targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if EXPORT option is set
    • It creates and install the ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config.cmake
    • In not component, it create and installs ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Install and export targets with provided namespace

generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace)

#Install and export targets with no namespace generate_package_config(EXPORT)

Install CMake config files and not install export targets

generate_package_config() Install CMake config files and not install export targets

Install and export targets for package with components

generate_package_config(EXPORT CONFIG_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME} SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS componentA componentB)

Install and export targets for component

generate_package_config(EXPORT COMPONENT kdl NAMESPACE namespace DEPENDENCIES packageA packageB CFG_EXTRAS extraA.cmake extraB.cmake)

are passed for generated CMake config files.

##### Install Ament Hooks

Allows Colcon to find non-Ament packages when using workspace underlays

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}


This CMake macro simplifies setting the CXX version for the target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} <INTERFACE|PRIVATE|PUBLIC> VERSION )

Example: Set the version to 14 and PUBLIC.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} PUBLIC VERSION 14)

Find GTest (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro calls find_package(GTest REQUIRED) and checks for the GTest::GTest and GTest::Main targets. If the targets are missing it will create the targets using the CMake variables.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} find_gtest()

### Add Run Tests Target (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the tests after they
are finished building. You may pass an optional argument true\|false
adding the ability to disable the running of tests as part of the build
for CI which calls make test.

Add run test target (These will automatically run the test after build

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_tests_target( true)

Add empty run test target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_tests_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Add GTest Discover Tests (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro call the appropriate GTest function to add a test based on the CMake version

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_gtest_discover_tests()

### Add Run Benchmark Target

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the benchmarks after
they are finished building.

Add run benchmark target (These will automatically run the benchmark
after build finishes)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_benchmark_target( true)

Add empty run benchmark target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_benchmark_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Code Coverage

These CMake macros add code coverage.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Must call initialize_code_coverage() after project() in the CMakeLists.txt. This is required for all examples below. :::

From this point, there are two primary methods for adding instrumentation to targets: 1. A blanket instrumentation by calling [add_code_coverage()]{.title-ref}, where all targets in that directory and all subdirectories are automatically instrumented. 2. Per-target instrumentation by calling [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref}, where the target is given and thus only that target is instrumented. This applies to both libraries and executables.

To add coverage targets, such as calling [make ccov]{.title-ref} to generate the actual coverage information for perusal or consumption, call [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref} on an executable target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Exclude Code From Code Coverage

Keyword Description ——————- ————————————————————————————— LCOV_EXCL_LINE Lines containing this marker will be excluded. LCOV_EXCL_START Marks the beginning of an excluded section. The current line is part of this section. LCOV_EXCL_STOP Marks the end of an excluded section. The current line not part of this section.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

You can replace LCOV above with GCOV or GCOVR. :::

Example 1: All targets instrumented

In this case, the coverage information reported will be that of the [theLib]{.title-ref} library target and [theExe]{.title-ref} executable.

1a: Via global command

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_code_coverage() # Adds instrumentation to all targets add_library(theLib lib.cpp) add_executable(theExe main.cpp) target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the ‘ccov-theExe’ target (instrumentation already added via global anyways) for generating code coverage reports.

##### 1b: Via target commands

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_library(theLib lib.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theLib) # As a library target, adds coverage instrumentation but no targets.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib)
target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target and instrumentation for generating code coverage reports.

Example 2: Target instrumented, but with regex pattern of files to be excluded from the report

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) target_code_coverage(theExe EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

#### Example 3: Target added to the \'ccov\' and \'ccov-all\' targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE test/*) # Adds the 'ccov-all' target set and sets it to exclude all files in test/ folders.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theExe AUTO ALL EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, adds to the 'ccov' and ccov-all' targets, and the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

Example 4: ROS add_rostest_gtest usage

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_rostest_gtest(test_node test/test_node.test test/test_node.cpp) target_include_directories(test_node SYSTEM PUBLIC {catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(test_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) target_code_coverage( test_node ALL RUN_COMMAND rostest test_node test_node.test EXCLUDE ${COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} ENABLE ${ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE})



Changelog for package ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate

0.6.2 (2024-07-18)

  • Fix issue where executables were being added to package libraries cmake variable
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.1 (2024-06-21)

  • Add sanitizer tools (#96)
  • Move individual tools to there own files
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.0 (2024-06-10)

  • Add catkin required variables _INCULDE_DIRS and _LIBRARIES
  • Update package_debian.yml
  • Update libraries into package_nuget.yml updated actions/checkout updated ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, mosfet80

0.5.4 (2023-09-20)

  • Fixed error message when extracting maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.5.3 (2023-09-04)

  • Make _supported_components capitalized in package config with components
  • Make supported_components unique in package config to avoid conflict
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.2 (2023-09-02)

  • Add CPack Build Depends for creating debian source package
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.1 (2023-09-02)

  • Add check for component Unspecified and generate error if using cpack with components (#85)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.0 (2023-09-01)

  • Add cpack create debian source package with upload support (#84)
  • Add cpack metapackge
  • Add cpack component support
  • Add find_package component support (#82)
  • Update readme to include how to exclude code from code coverage
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.8 (2023-07-17)

  • Add code coverage executable RUN_COMMAND mulit-arg to support rostest (#80)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.7 (2023-06-27)

  • Add python hook to install_ament_hooks
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.6 (2023-03-06)

  • Fix artifacts directory in github actions (#77)
  • Contributors: Chris Schindlbeck

0.4.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Make deps installation non-interactive (#76)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.4 (2023-02-28)

  • Removed sudo from CI commands (#75)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.3 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed CI yaml file (#74)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.2 (2023-02-28)

  • Minor Updates (#73)
    • Updated relative locations of license and README files
    • Updated debian build job to run on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.1 (2023-02-28)

  • Organization Updates (#72)
    • Removed ricb subdirectory
    • Updated maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.0 (2023-02-20)

0.3.1 (2022-08-25)

  • Fix code coverage macro to support plain visibility
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.3.0 (2022-07-05)

  • Fix target_code_coverage to support targets with plain visibility
  • Update target_cxx_version to support windows
  • Add missing include(GoogleTest) to find_gtest() macro
  • Update package CI to use colcon
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.16 (2022-06-22)

  • Always treat package description as a single string during extraction
  • Fix cpack to generate correct names for nuget packages (#64)
  • Added CPack macro from tesseract (#62)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.15 (2022-01-30)

  • Add missing one value arg NAMESPACE to configure_package
  • Auto generation of [*-config.cmake]{.title-ref} files for simple cases (#59)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong

0.2.14 (2021-12-03)

  • Add newer version of clang-tidy to the list
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.13 (2021-11-10)

  • Add --output-on-failure to add_run_test_target
  • Remove deprecated variables
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Levi-Armstrong

0.2.12 (2021-10-13)

  • Add colcon support
  • Improve configure_package
  • Contributors: Levi-Armstrong

0.2.11 (2021-07-02)

  • Rename clang-tidy keyword ERRORS_CHECKS to ERROR_CHECKS
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.10 (2021-07-02)

  • Improve target_clang_tidy to support individual options over single argument list
  • Break out individual function from configure_package
  • Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, Levi Armstrong

0.2.9 (2021-04-09)

  • Add ENABLE functionality to initialize_code_coverage
  • Improve cpack package naming
  • Add cpack archive package
  • Add CPACK to build debian and nuget package
  • Extract description from package.xml
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.8 (2021-02-08)

  • Update package.xml to have buildtool_depend on cmake
  • Set gtest discovery mode to PRE_TEST
  • Moved include of GoogleTest into discover gtest macro
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.7 (2021-01-29)

  • Add contributing file
  • Add license files and update documentation
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.6 (2021-01-26)

  • Rename package to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.5 (2021-01-05)

  • Bump version

0.2.4 (2021-01-05)

  • Remove noetic.ignored which should go in the release repository

0.2.3 (2021-01-05)

  • Add noetic.ignored to exclude gtest package during bloom release

0.2.1 (2021-01-05)

  • Initial Release
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate at Robotics Stack Exchange

ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate package from ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.2
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-18
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Levi Armstrong
  • Michael Ripperger


  • Levi Armstrong
  • George Cave

CMake Boilerplate Scripts

license apache

license bsd 3

This contains a collection of boilerplate CMake scripts and marcos.

Note: this package is not specific to ROS-Industrial and is usable with any package which uses CMake. The prefix was added to facilitate releasing this into different ROS distributions.

::: {.contents depth=”4”} Table of Contents :::

Create Debian Package (Linux) or NuGet Package (Windows)

The following process will generate a Debian or NuGet package leveraging CMake and CPack based on the OS.

The package should be located in the current directory.

` bash cd <workspace directory> catkin build -DRICB_PACKAGE=ON ./src/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate/.run-cpack`

Available Macros

Extract Package Metadata

This CMake macro will extract the package name and version from a package.xml file. It will create two cmake variable ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_name and ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_version.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} extract_package_metadata(${PREFIX_ARG})

### Clang Tidy

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})



Clears clang-tidy so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to a provided target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Single Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ENABLE | > ON/OFF | Enable/Disable | | | | clang-tidy | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS | > ON/OFF | Treat warnings as | | | | errors. If | | | | ERROR_CHECKS is not | | | | provided, it will use | | | | CHECKS to treat as | | | | errors. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | HEADER_FILTER | > String | Default to '.*' if | | | | not provided. Regular | | | | expression matching | | | | the names of the | | | | headers to output | | | | diagnostics from. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | LINE_FILTER | > String | List of files with | | | | line ranges to filter | | | | the warnings. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CHECKS | > String | Comma-separated list | | | | of globs with | | | | optional '-' | | | | prefix. Globs are | | | | processed in order of | | | | appearance in the | | | | list. Globs without | | | | the '-' prefix add | | | | checks with matching | | | | names to the set, | | | | globs with the '-' | | | | prefix remove checks | | | | with matching names | | | | from the set of | | | | enabled checks. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the 'Checks' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CONFIG | > String | YAML/JSON format. If | | | | not provided, | | | | clang-tidy will | | | | attempt to find a | | | | file named | | | | .clang-tidy for each | | | | source file in its | | | | parent directories. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | ERROR_CHECKS | > String | Upgrades warnings to | | | | errors. Same format | | | | as 'CHECKS'. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the | | | | 'WarningsAsErrors' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

Multip Value Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ARGUMENTS | > String | This supports adding | | | | additional arguments | | | | to be passed to the | | | | clang-tidy. You could | | | | just use this if | | | | desired over the | | | | single keywords | | | | except for the ENABLE | | | | to pass all arguments | | | | to clang-tidy if | | | | desired. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation will produce compiler warnings.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CHECKS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation
will produce compiler errors.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This configures clang-tidy with custom error checks which can be different from the warning checks where any violation will produce compiler errors.


This configures clang-tidy with a header filter. If not provided it will
default to \".\*\".

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} HEADER_FILTER ".*")

This configures clang-tidy with line filter as a JSON array of objects.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} LINE_FILTER “[{“name”:”file1.cpp”,”lines”:[[1,3],[5,7]]},{“name”:”file2.h”}]”)

This configures clang-tidy with config in YAML/JSON format.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CONFIG ""{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}")

This configures clang-tidy to use a .clang-tidy file if no arguments are provided

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME})

This configures clang-tidy with arguments list.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

In some situations, you may want to disable clang-tidy which is explained here. :::

Include What You Use (IWYU)

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})


include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN} ENABLE ${USER_ENABLE_ARG})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})
# or

Clears IWYU so it is not called on any following defined code compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to [include_what_you_use()]{.title-ref}.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} reset_include_what_you_use()

### CppCheck

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target

-   [CppCheck Wiki](https://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/wiki/Home/)

::: {.note}
::: {.admonition-title}

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be
enabled by the external flag. If not provided it is automatically

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})



Clears CppCheck so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Sanitizer Tools

Sanitizers are tools that perform checks during a program’s runtime and returns issues, and as such, along with unit testing, code coverage and static analysis, is another tool to add to the programmers toolbox. And of course, like the previous tools, are tragically simple to add into any project using CMake, allowing any project and developer to quickly and easily use.

A quick rundown of the tools available, and what they do:

  • LeakSanitizer detects memory leaks, or issues where memory is allocated and never deallocated, causing programs to slowly consume more and more memory, eventually leading to a crash.
  • AddressSanitizer is a fast memory error detector. It is useful for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as:
    • Out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global
    • Use after free
    • Use after return
    • Use after scope
    • Double-free, invalid free
    • Memory leaks (using LeakSanitizer)
  • ThreadSanitizer detects data races for multi-threaded code.
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer detects the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour. Most notably:
    • Using misaligned or null pointer.
    • Signed integer overflow
    • Conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination
    • Division by zero
    • Unreachable code
  • MemorySanitizer detects uninitialized reads.
  • Control Flow Integrity is designed to detect certain forms of undefined behaviour that can potentially allow attackers to subvert the program's control flow.

These are used by declaring the USE_SANITIZER{.sourceCode} CMake variable as string containing any of:

  • Address
  • Memory
  • MemoryWithOrigins
  • Undefined
  • Thread
  • Leak
  • CFI

Multiple values are allowed, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Leak{.sourceCode} but some sanitizers cannot be combined together, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Memory{.sourceCode} will result in configuration error. The delimeter character is not required and -DUSE_SANITIZER=AddressLeak{.sourceCode} would work as well.


Configure Package Without Components

Configure package for cpack which does not leverage components

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • LINUX_BUILD_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies required via apt install (If not provided LINUX_DEPENDS is used)
    • WINDOWS_BUILD_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS_DEPENDS is used)
    • LINUX_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt install
    • WINDOWS_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via nuget install

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md LINUX_DEPENDS “libboost-system-dev” “libboost-filesystem-dev” “libboost-serialization-dev” “libconsole-bridge-dev” “libtinyxml2-dev” “libeigen3-dev” “libyaml-cpp-dev” WINDOWS_DEPENDS “boost_system” “boost_filesystem;” “boost_serialization” “console-bridge” “tinyxml2” “Eigen3” “yaml-cpp”)

#### Configure Package With Components

This requires two macros one used in the components cmake file another
for the top most package cmake file.

##### Configure Component

Configure components for cpack


    One Value Args:

    :   -   COMPONENT - The component name
        -   VERSION - The package version
        -   DESCRIPTION - The package description
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack
            generated files


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   LINUX\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies
            required via apt install (If not provided LINUX\_DEPENDS is
        -   WINDOWS\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies
            required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS\_DEPENDS
            is used)
        -   LINUX\_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt
        -   WINDOWS\_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via
            nuget install
        -   COMPONENT\_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required
            from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
  COMPONENT IKFAST # must be uppercase
  VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version}
  DESCRIPTION "Tesseract Kinematics ikfast implementation"

Configure Components Package

Configure package leveraging components for cpack

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • COMPONENT_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack_component_package( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md)

##### Configure Debian Source Package

Create debian source package leveraging cpack for upload to ppa like


    One Value Args:

    :   -   CHANGLELOG (Required) - The file path to the package
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX (Optional) - The package prefix applied to
            all cpack generated files
        -   UPLOAD (Optional) - Indicate if it should be uploaded to ppa
        -   DEBIAN\_INCREMENT - The debian increment to be used, default
            is zero
        -   DPUT\_HOST (Optional/Required) - The ppa to upload to. Only
            required if UPLOAD is enabled
        -   DPUT\_CONFIG\_IN (Optional) - The dput config.in file. If
            not provide one is created.


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   DISTRIBUTIONS - The linux distrabution to deploy


    Leveraged CPack Variable: When using the cpack macros above these are automatically set

    :   -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_VERSION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION\_FILE (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_SOURCE\_IGNORE\_FILES (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_NAME (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_SECTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_PRIORITY (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_HOMEPAGE (Optional)
        -   [CPACK\_COMPONENT]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DESCRIPTION (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Configure (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro simplifies the CMake package configure and install by performing multiple operations

Configure Package

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • COMPONENTS - The packages supported find_package components if any
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace
    • It installs the package.xml file
    • It creates and installs the ${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake and ${PROJECT_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_package( NAMESPACE TARGETS COMPONENTS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Configure Component

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package's component

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
    • COMPONENT - The component name
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_component( COMPONENT NAMESPACE TARGETS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl_factories
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/<COMPONENT_NAME>-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Sub macros used in configure the package

The following macros are used by configure_package and can be used independently if needed

Install Targets

This will install targets along associated with the provided component and export them to ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets

  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - The component name to associate the targets with, if not provided ${PROJECT_NAME} is used
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} install_targets(TARGETS targetA targetb)

##### Install package.xml

This will install the package.xml file

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Generate CMake Config Files

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package and package components The default export name is ${PROJECT_NAME} but it can be overriden by providing EXPORT_NAME

  • Options:
    • EXPORT - indicate if trargets should be exported
  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if not provided PROJECT_NAME is used
    • CONFIG_NAME (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-config.cmake, if not provided COMPONENT is used
    • NAMESPACE (Optional) - the namespace assigned for exported targets
  • Multi Value Args:
    • DEPENDENCIES (Optional) - list of dependencies to be loaded in the package config
    • CFG_EXTRAS (Optional) - list of extra cmake config files to be loaded in package config
    • SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS (Optional) - list of supported components
  • Usage:
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace) Install export targets with provided namespace
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT) Install export targets with no namespace
    • generate_package_config() Install cmake config files and not install export targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if EXPORT option is set
    • It creates and install the ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config.cmake
    • In not component, it create and installs ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Install and export targets with provided namespace

generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace)

#Install and export targets with no namespace generate_package_config(EXPORT)

Install CMake config files and not install export targets

generate_package_config() Install CMake config files and not install export targets

Install and export targets for package with components

generate_package_config(EXPORT CONFIG_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME} SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS componentA componentB)

Install and export targets for component

generate_package_config(EXPORT COMPONENT kdl NAMESPACE namespace DEPENDENCIES packageA packageB CFG_EXTRAS extraA.cmake extraB.cmake)

are passed for generated CMake config files.

##### Install Ament Hooks

Allows Colcon to find non-Ament packages when using workspace underlays

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}


This CMake macro simplifies setting the CXX version for the target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} <INTERFACE|PRIVATE|PUBLIC> VERSION )

Example: Set the version to 14 and PUBLIC.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} PUBLIC VERSION 14)

Find GTest (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro calls find_package(GTest REQUIRED) and checks for the GTest::GTest and GTest::Main targets. If the targets are missing it will create the targets using the CMake variables.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} find_gtest()

### Add Run Tests Target (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the tests after they
are finished building. You may pass an optional argument true\|false
adding the ability to disable the running of tests as part of the build
for CI which calls make test.

Add run test target (These will automatically run the test after build

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_tests_target( true)

Add empty run test target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_tests_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Add GTest Discover Tests (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro call the appropriate GTest function to add a test based on the CMake version

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_gtest_discover_tests()

### Add Run Benchmark Target

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the benchmarks after
they are finished building.

Add run benchmark target (These will automatically run the benchmark
after build finishes)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_benchmark_target( true)

Add empty run benchmark target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_benchmark_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Code Coverage

These CMake macros add code coverage.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Must call initialize_code_coverage() after project() in the CMakeLists.txt. This is required for all examples below. :::

From this point, there are two primary methods for adding instrumentation to targets: 1. A blanket instrumentation by calling [add_code_coverage()]{.title-ref}, where all targets in that directory and all subdirectories are automatically instrumented. 2. Per-target instrumentation by calling [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref}, where the target is given and thus only that target is instrumented. This applies to both libraries and executables.

To add coverage targets, such as calling [make ccov]{.title-ref} to generate the actual coverage information for perusal or consumption, call [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref} on an executable target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Exclude Code From Code Coverage

Keyword Description ——————- ————————————————————————————— LCOV_EXCL_LINE Lines containing this marker will be excluded. LCOV_EXCL_START Marks the beginning of an excluded section. The current line is part of this section. LCOV_EXCL_STOP Marks the end of an excluded section. The current line not part of this section.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

You can replace LCOV above with GCOV or GCOVR. :::

Example 1: All targets instrumented

In this case, the coverage information reported will be that of the [theLib]{.title-ref} library target and [theExe]{.title-ref} executable.

1a: Via global command

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_code_coverage() # Adds instrumentation to all targets add_library(theLib lib.cpp) add_executable(theExe main.cpp) target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the ‘ccov-theExe’ target (instrumentation already added via global anyways) for generating code coverage reports.

##### 1b: Via target commands

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_library(theLib lib.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theLib) # As a library target, adds coverage instrumentation but no targets.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib)
target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target and instrumentation for generating code coverage reports.

Example 2: Target instrumented, but with regex pattern of files to be excluded from the report

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) target_code_coverage(theExe EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

#### Example 3: Target added to the \'ccov\' and \'ccov-all\' targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE test/*) # Adds the 'ccov-all' target set and sets it to exclude all files in test/ folders.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theExe AUTO ALL EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, adds to the 'ccov' and ccov-all' targets, and the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

Example 4: ROS add_rostest_gtest usage

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_rostest_gtest(test_node test/test_node.test test/test_node.cpp) target_include_directories(test_node SYSTEM PUBLIC {catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(test_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) target_code_coverage( test_node ALL RUN_COMMAND rostest test_node test_node.test EXCLUDE ${COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} ENABLE ${ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE})



Changelog for package ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate

0.6.2 (2024-07-18)

  • Fix issue where executables were being added to package libraries cmake variable
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.1 (2024-06-21)

  • Add sanitizer tools (#96)
  • Move individual tools to there own files
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.0 (2024-06-10)

  • Add catkin required variables _INCULDE_DIRS and _LIBRARIES
  • Update package_debian.yml
  • Update libraries into package_nuget.yml updated actions/checkout updated ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, mosfet80

0.5.4 (2023-09-20)

  • Fixed error message when extracting maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.5.3 (2023-09-04)

  • Make _supported_components capitalized in package config with components
  • Make supported_components unique in package config to avoid conflict
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.2 (2023-09-02)

  • Add CPack Build Depends for creating debian source package
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.1 (2023-09-02)

  • Add check for component Unspecified and generate error if using cpack with components (#85)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.0 (2023-09-01)

  • Add cpack create debian source package with upload support (#84)
  • Add cpack metapackge
  • Add cpack component support
  • Add find_package component support (#82)
  • Update readme to include how to exclude code from code coverage
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.8 (2023-07-17)

  • Add code coverage executable RUN_COMMAND mulit-arg to support rostest (#80)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.7 (2023-06-27)

  • Add python hook to install_ament_hooks
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.6 (2023-03-06)

  • Fix artifacts directory in github actions (#77)
  • Contributors: Chris Schindlbeck

0.4.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Make deps installation non-interactive (#76)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.4 (2023-02-28)

  • Removed sudo from CI commands (#75)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.3 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed CI yaml file (#74)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.2 (2023-02-28)

  • Minor Updates (#73)
    • Updated relative locations of license and README files
    • Updated debian build job to run on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.1 (2023-02-28)

  • Organization Updates (#72)
    • Removed ricb subdirectory
    • Updated maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.0 (2023-02-20)

0.3.1 (2022-08-25)

  • Fix code coverage macro to support plain visibility
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.3.0 (2022-07-05)

  • Fix target_code_coverage to support targets with plain visibility
  • Update target_cxx_version to support windows
  • Add missing include(GoogleTest) to find_gtest() macro
  • Update package CI to use colcon
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.16 (2022-06-22)

  • Always treat package description as a single string during extraction
  • Fix cpack to generate correct names for nuget packages (#64)
  • Added CPack macro from tesseract (#62)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.15 (2022-01-30)

  • Add missing one value arg NAMESPACE to configure_package
  • Auto generation of [*-config.cmake]{.title-ref} files for simple cases (#59)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong

0.2.14 (2021-12-03)

  • Add newer version of clang-tidy to the list
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.13 (2021-11-10)

  • Add --output-on-failure to add_run_test_target
  • Remove deprecated variables
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Levi-Armstrong

0.2.12 (2021-10-13)

  • Add colcon support
  • Improve configure_package
  • Contributors: Levi-Armstrong

0.2.11 (2021-07-02)

  • Rename clang-tidy keyword ERRORS_CHECKS to ERROR_CHECKS
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.10 (2021-07-02)

  • Improve target_clang_tidy to support individual options over single argument list
  • Break out individual function from configure_package
  • Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, Levi Armstrong

0.2.9 (2021-04-09)

  • Add ENABLE functionality to initialize_code_coverage
  • Improve cpack package naming
  • Add cpack archive package
  • Add CPACK to build debian and nuget package
  • Extract description from package.xml
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.8 (2021-02-08)

  • Update package.xml to have buildtool_depend on cmake
  • Set gtest discovery mode to PRE_TEST
  • Moved include of GoogleTest into discover gtest macro
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.7 (2021-01-29)

  • Add contributing file
  • Add license files and update documentation
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.6 (2021-01-26)

  • Rename package to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.5 (2021-01-05)

  • Bump version

0.2.4 (2021-01-05)

  • Remove noetic.ignored which should go in the release repository

0.2.3 (2021-01-05)

  • Add noetic.ignored to exclude gtest package during bloom release

0.2.1 (2021-01-05)

  • Initial Release
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro ardent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro bouncy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro crystal. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro eloquent. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro dashing. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate package from ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.2
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-18
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Levi Armstrong
  • Michael Ripperger


  • Levi Armstrong
  • George Cave

CMake Boilerplate Scripts

license apache

license bsd 3

This contains a collection of boilerplate CMake scripts and marcos.

Note: this package is not specific to ROS-Industrial and is usable with any package which uses CMake. The prefix was added to facilitate releasing this into different ROS distributions.

::: {.contents depth=”4”} Table of Contents :::

Create Debian Package (Linux) or NuGet Package (Windows)

The following process will generate a Debian or NuGet package leveraging CMake and CPack based on the OS.

The package should be located in the current directory.

` bash cd <workspace directory> catkin build -DRICB_PACKAGE=ON ./src/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate/.run-cpack`

Available Macros

Extract Package Metadata

This CMake macro will extract the package name and version from a package.xml file. It will create two cmake variable ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_name and ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_version.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} extract_package_metadata(${PREFIX_ARG})

### Clang Tidy

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})



Clears clang-tidy so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to a provided target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Single Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ENABLE | > ON/OFF | Enable/Disable | | | | clang-tidy | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS | > ON/OFF | Treat warnings as | | | | errors. If | | | | ERROR_CHECKS is not | | | | provided, it will use | | | | CHECKS to treat as | | | | errors. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | HEADER_FILTER | > String | Default to '.*' if | | | | not provided. Regular | | | | expression matching | | | | the names of the | | | | headers to output | | | | diagnostics from. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | LINE_FILTER | > String | List of files with | | | | line ranges to filter | | | | the warnings. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CHECKS | > String | Comma-separated list | | | | of globs with | | | | optional '-' | | | | prefix. Globs are | | | | processed in order of | | | | appearance in the | | | | list. Globs without | | | | the '-' prefix add | | | | checks with matching | | | | names to the set, | | | | globs with the '-' | | | | prefix remove checks | | | | with matching names | | | | from the set of | | | | enabled checks. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the 'Checks' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CONFIG | > String | YAML/JSON format. If | | | | not provided, | | | | clang-tidy will | | | | attempt to find a | | | | file named | | | | .clang-tidy for each | | | | source file in its | | | | parent directories. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | ERROR_CHECKS | > String | Upgrades warnings to | | | | errors. Same format | | | | as 'CHECKS'. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the | | | | 'WarningsAsErrors' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

Multip Value Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ARGUMENTS | > String | This supports adding | | | | additional arguments | | | | to be passed to the | | | | clang-tidy. You could | | | | just use this if | | | | desired over the | | | | single keywords | | | | except for the ENABLE | | | | to pass all arguments | | | | to clang-tidy if | | | | desired. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation will produce compiler warnings.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CHECKS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation
will produce compiler errors.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This configures clang-tidy with custom error checks which can be different from the warning checks where any violation will produce compiler errors.


This configures clang-tidy with a header filter. If not provided it will
default to \".\*\".

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} HEADER_FILTER ".*")

This configures clang-tidy with line filter as a JSON array of objects.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} LINE_FILTER “[{“name”:”file1.cpp”,”lines”:[[1,3],[5,7]]},{“name”:”file2.h”}]”)

This configures clang-tidy with config in YAML/JSON format.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CONFIG ""{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}")

This configures clang-tidy to use a .clang-tidy file if no arguments are provided

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME})

This configures clang-tidy with arguments list.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

In some situations, you may want to disable clang-tidy which is explained here. :::

Include What You Use (IWYU)

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})


include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN} ENABLE ${USER_ENABLE_ARG})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})
# or

Clears IWYU so it is not called on any following defined code compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to [include_what_you_use()]{.title-ref}.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} reset_include_what_you_use()

### CppCheck

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target

-   [CppCheck Wiki](https://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/wiki/Home/)

::: {.note}
::: {.admonition-title}

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be
enabled by the external flag. If not provided it is automatically

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})



Clears CppCheck so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Sanitizer Tools

Sanitizers are tools that perform checks during a program’s runtime and returns issues, and as such, along with unit testing, code coverage and static analysis, is another tool to add to the programmers toolbox. And of course, like the previous tools, are tragically simple to add into any project using CMake, allowing any project and developer to quickly and easily use.

A quick rundown of the tools available, and what they do:

  • LeakSanitizer detects memory leaks, or issues where memory is allocated and never deallocated, causing programs to slowly consume more and more memory, eventually leading to a crash.
  • AddressSanitizer is a fast memory error detector. It is useful for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as:
    • Out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global
    • Use after free
    • Use after return
    • Use after scope
    • Double-free, invalid free
    • Memory leaks (using LeakSanitizer)
  • ThreadSanitizer detects data races for multi-threaded code.
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer detects the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour. Most notably:
    • Using misaligned or null pointer.
    • Signed integer overflow
    • Conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination
    • Division by zero
    • Unreachable code
  • MemorySanitizer detects uninitialized reads.
  • Control Flow Integrity is designed to detect certain forms of undefined behaviour that can potentially allow attackers to subvert the program's control flow.

These are used by declaring the USE_SANITIZER{.sourceCode} CMake variable as string containing any of:

  • Address
  • Memory
  • MemoryWithOrigins
  • Undefined
  • Thread
  • Leak
  • CFI

Multiple values are allowed, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Leak{.sourceCode} but some sanitizers cannot be combined together, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Memory{.sourceCode} will result in configuration error. The delimeter character is not required and -DUSE_SANITIZER=AddressLeak{.sourceCode} would work as well.


Configure Package Without Components

Configure package for cpack which does not leverage components

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • LINUX_BUILD_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies required via apt install (If not provided LINUX_DEPENDS is used)
    • WINDOWS_BUILD_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS_DEPENDS is used)
    • LINUX_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt install
    • WINDOWS_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via nuget install

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md LINUX_DEPENDS “libboost-system-dev” “libboost-filesystem-dev” “libboost-serialization-dev” “libconsole-bridge-dev” “libtinyxml2-dev” “libeigen3-dev” “libyaml-cpp-dev” WINDOWS_DEPENDS “boost_system” “boost_filesystem;” “boost_serialization” “console-bridge” “tinyxml2” “Eigen3” “yaml-cpp”)

#### Configure Package With Components

This requires two macros one used in the components cmake file another
for the top most package cmake file.

##### Configure Component

Configure components for cpack


    One Value Args:

    :   -   COMPONENT - The component name
        -   VERSION - The package version
        -   DESCRIPTION - The package description
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack
            generated files


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   LINUX\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies
            required via apt install (If not provided LINUX\_DEPENDS is
        -   WINDOWS\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies
            required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS\_DEPENDS
            is used)
        -   LINUX\_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt
        -   WINDOWS\_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via
            nuget install
        -   COMPONENT\_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required
            from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
  COMPONENT IKFAST # must be uppercase
  VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version}
  DESCRIPTION "Tesseract Kinematics ikfast implementation"

Configure Components Package

Configure package leveraging components for cpack

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • COMPONENT_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack_component_package( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md)

##### Configure Debian Source Package

Create debian source package leveraging cpack for upload to ppa like


    One Value Args:

    :   -   CHANGLELOG (Required) - The file path to the package
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX (Optional) - The package prefix applied to
            all cpack generated files
        -   UPLOAD (Optional) - Indicate if it should be uploaded to ppa
        -   DEBIAN\_INCREMENT - The debian increment to be used, default
            is zero
        -   DPUT\_HOST (Optional/Required) - The ppa to upload to. Only
            required if UPLOAD is enabled
        -   DPUT\_CONFIG\_IN (Optional) - The dput config.in file. If
            not provide one is created.


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   DISTRIBUTIONS - The linux distrabution to deploy


    Leveraged CPack Variable: When using the cpack macros above these are automatically set

    :   -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_VERSION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION\_FILE (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_SOURCE\_IGNORE\_FILES (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_NAME (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_SECTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_PRIORITY (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_HOMEPAGE (Optional)
        -   [CPACK\_COMPONENT]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DESCRIPTION (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Configure (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro simplifies the CMake package configure and install by performing multiple operations

Configure Package

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • COMPONENTS - The packages supported find_package components if any
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace
    • It installs the package.xml file
    • It creates and installs the ${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake and ${PROJECT_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_package( NAMESPACE TARGETS COMPONENTS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Configure Component

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package's component

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
    • COMPONENT - The component name
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_component( COMPONENT NAMESPACE TARGETS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl_factories
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/<COMPONENT_NAME>-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Sub macros used in configure the package

The following macros are used by configure_package and can be used independently if needed

Install Targets

This will install targets along associated with the provided component and export them to ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets

  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - The component name to associate the targets with, if not provided ${PROJECT_NAME} is used
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} install_targets(TARGETS targetA targetb)

##### Install package.xml

This will install the package.xml file

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Generate CMake Config Files

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package and package components The default export name is ${PROJECT_NAME} but it can be overriden by providing EXPORT_NAME

  • Options:
    • EXPORT - indicate if trargets should be exported
  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if not provided PROJECT_NAME is used
    • CONFIG_NAME (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-config.cmake, if not provided COMPONENT is used
    • NAMESPACE (Optional) - the namespace assigned for exported targets
  • Multi Value Args:
    • DEPENDENCIES (Optional) - list of dependencies to be loaded in the package config
    • CFG_EXTRAS (Optional) - list of extra cmake config files to be loaded in package config
    • SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS (Optional) - list of supported components
  • Usage:
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace) Install export targets with provided namespace
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT) Install export targets with no namespace
    • generate_package_config() Install cmake config files and not install export targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if EXPORT option is set
    • It creates and install the ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config.cmake
    • In not component, it create and installs ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Install and export targets with provided namespace

generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace)

#Install and export targets with no namespace generate_package_config(EXPORT)

Install CMake config files and not install export targets

generate_package_config() Install CMake config files and not install export targets

Install and export targets for package with components

generate_package_config(EXPORT CONFIG_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME} SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS componentA componentB)

Install and export targets for component

generate_package_config(EXPORT COMPONENT kdl NAMESPACE namespace DEPENDENCIES packageA packageB CFG_EXTRAS extraA.cmake extraB.cmake)

are passed for generated CMake config files.

##### Install Ament Hooks

Allows Colcon to find non-Ament packages when using workspace underlays

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}


This CMake macro simplifies setting the CXX version for the target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} <INTERFACE|PRIVATE|PUBLIC> VERSION )

Example: Set the version to 14 and PUBLIC.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} PUBLIC VERSION 14)

Find GTest (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro calls find_package(GTest REQUIRED) and checks for the GTest::GTest and GTest::Main targets. If the targets are missing it will create the targets using the CMake variables.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} find_gtest()

### Add Run Tests Target (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the tests after they
are finished building. You may pass an optional argument true\|false
adding the ability to disable the running of tests as part of the build
for CI which calls make test.

Add run test target (These will automatically run the test after build

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_tests_target( true)

Add empty run test target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_tests_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Add GTest Discover Tests (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro call the appropriate GTest function to add a test based on the CMake version

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_gtest_discover_tests()

### Add Run Benchmark Target

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the benchmarks after
they are finished building.

Add run benchmark target (These will automatically run the benchmark
after build finishes)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_benchmark_target( true)

Add empty run benchmark target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_benchmark_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Code Coverage

These CMake macros add code coverage.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Must call initialize_code_coverage() after project() in the CMakeLists.txt. This is required for all examples below. :::

From this point, there are two primary methods for adding instrumentation to targets: 1. A blanket instrumentation by calling [add_code_coverage()]{.title-ref}, where all targets in that directory and all subdirectories are automatically instrumented. 2. Per-target instrumentation by calling [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref}, where the target is given and thus only that target is instrumented. This applies to both libraries and executables.

To add coverage targets, such as calling [make ccov]{.title-ref} to generate the actual coverage information for perusal or consumption, call [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref} on an executable target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Exclude Code From Code Coverage

Keyword Description ——————- ————————————————————————————— LCOV_EXCL_LINE Lines containing this marker will be excluded. LCOV_EXCL_START Marks the beginning of an excluded section. The current line is part of this section. LCOV_EXCL_STOP Marks the end of an excluded section. The current line not part of this section.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

You can replace LCOV above with GCOV or GCOVR. :::

Example 1: All targets instrumented

In this case, the coverage information reported will be that of the [theLib]{.title-ref} library target and [theExe]{.title-ref} executable.

1a: Via global command

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_code_coverage() # Adds instrumentation to all targets add_library(theLib lib.cpp) add_executable(theExe main.cpp) target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the ‘ccov-theExe’ target (instrumentation already added via global anyways) for generating code coverage reports.

##### 1b: Via target commands

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_library(theLib lib.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theLib) # As a library target, adds coverage instrumentation but no targets.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib)
target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target and instrumentation for generating code coverage reports.

Example 2: Target instrumented, but with regex pattern of files to be excluded from the report

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) target_code_coverage(theExe EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

#### Example 3: Target added to the \'ccov\' and \'ccov-all\' targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE test/*) # Adds the 'ccov-all' target set and sets it to exclude all files in test/ folders.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theExe AUTO ALL EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, adds to the 'ccov' and ccov-all' targets, and the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

Example 4: ROS add_rostest_gtest usage

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_rostest_gtest(test_node test/test_node.test test/test_node.cpp) target_include_directories(test_node SYSTEM PUBLIC {catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(test_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) target_code_coverage( test_node ALL RUN_COMMAND rostest test_node test_node.test EXCLUDE ${COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} ENABLE ${ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE})



Changelog for package ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate

0.6.2 (2024-07-18)

  • Fix issue where executables were being added to package libraries cmake variable
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.1 (2024-06-21)

  • Add sanitizer tools (#96)
  • Move individual tools to there own files
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.0 (2024-06-10)

  • Add catkin required variables _INCULDE_DIRS and _LIBRARIES
  • Update package_debian.yml
  • Update libraries into package_nuget.yml updated actions/checkout updated ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, mosfet80

0.5.4 (2023-09-20)

  • Fixed error message when extracting maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.5.3 (2023-09-04)

  • Make _supported_components capitalized in package config with components
  • Make supported_components unique in package config to avoid conflict
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.2 (2023-09-02)

  • Add CPack Build Depends for creating debian source package
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.1 (2023-09-02)

  • Add check for component Unspecified and generate error if using cpack with components (#85)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.0 (2023-09-01)

  • Add cpack create debian source package with upload support (#84)
  • Add cpack metapackge
  • Add cpack component support
  • Add find_package component support (#82)
  • Update readme to include how to exclude code from code coverage
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.8 (2023-07-17)

  • Add code coverage executable RUN_COMMAND mulit-arg to support rostest (#80)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.7 (2023-06-27)

  • Add python hook to install_ament_hooks
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.6 (2023-03-06)

  • Fix artifacts directory in github actions (#77)
  • Contributors: Chris Schindlbeck

0.4.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Make deps installation non-interactive (#76)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.4 (2023-02-28)

  • Removed sudo from CI commands (#75)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.3 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed CI yaml file (#74)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.2 (2023-02-28)

  • Minor Updates (#73)
    • Updated relative locations of license and README files
    • Updated debian build job to run on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.1 (2023-02-28)

  • Organization Updates (#72)
    • Removed ricb subdirectory
    • Updated maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.0 (2023-02-20)

0.3.1 (2022-08-25)

  • Fix code coverage macro to support plain visibility
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.3.0 (2022-07-05)

  • Fix target_code_coverage to support targets with plain visibility
  • Update target_cxx_version to support windows
  • Add missing include(GoogleTest) to find_gtest() macro
  • Update package CI to use colcon
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.16 (2022-06-22)

  • Always treat package description as a single string during extraction
  • Fix cpack to generate correct names for nuget packages (#64)
  • Added CPack macro from tesseract (#62)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.15 (2022-01-30)

  • Add missing one value arg NAMESPACE to configure_package
  • Auto generation of [*-config.cmake]{.title-ref} files for simple cases (#59)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong

0.2.14 (2021-12-03)

  • Add newer version of clang-tidy to the list
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.13 (2021-11-10)

  • Add --output-on-failure to add_run_test_target
  • Remove deprecated variables
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Levi-Armstrong

0.2.12 (2021-10-13)

  • Add colcon support
  • Improve configure_package
  • Contributors: Levi-Armstrong

0.2.11 (2021-07-02)

  • Rename clang-tidy keyword ERRORS_CHECKS to ERROR_CHECKS
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.10 (2021-07-02)

  • Improve target_clang_tidy to support individual options over single argument list
  • Break out individual function from configure_package
  • Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, Levi Armstrong

0.2.9 (2021-04-09)

  • Add ENABLE functionality to initialize_code_coverage
  • Improve cpack package naming
  • Add cpack archive package
  • Add CPACK to build debian and nuget package
  • Extract description from package.xml
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.8 (2021-02-08)

  • Update package.xml to have buildtool_depend on cmake
  • Set gtest discovery mode to PRE_TEST
  • Moved include of GoogleTest into discover gtest macro
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.7 (2021-01-29)

  • Add contributing file
  • Add license files and update documentation
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.6 (2021-01-26)

  • Rename package to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.5 (2021-01-05)

  • Bump version

0.2.4 (2021-01-05)

  • Remove noetic.ignored which should go in the release repository

0.2.3 (2021-01-05)

  • Add noetic.ignored to exclude gtest package during bloom release

0.2.1 (2021-01-05)

  • Initial Release
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro lunar. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jade. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro indigo. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro hydro. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro kinetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate package from ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.6.2
License Apache 2.0
Build type CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/ros-industrial/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-18
CI status Continuous Integration : 0 / 0
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Contains boilerplate cmake script, macros and utils

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Levi Armstrong
  • Michael Ripperger


  • Levi Armstrong
  • George Cave

CMake Boilerplate Scripts

license apache

license bsd 3

This contains a collection of boilerplate CMake scripts and marcos.

Note: this package is not specific to ROS-Industrial and is usable with any package which uses CMake. The prefix was added to facilitate releasing this into different ROS distributions.

::: {.contents depth=”4”} Table of Contents :::

Create Debian Package (Linux) or NuGet Package (Windows)

The following process will generate a Debian or NuGet package leveraging CMake and CPack based on the OS.

The package should be located in the current directory.

` bash cd <workspace directory> catkin build -DRICB_PACKAGE=ON ./src/ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate/.run-cpack`

Available Macros

Extract Package Metadata

This CMake macro will extract the package name and version from a package.xml file. It will create two cmake variable ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_name and ${PREFIX_ARG}_extracted_version.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} extract_package_metadata(${PREFIX_ARG})

### Clang Tidy

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} clang_tidy(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})



Clears clang-tidy so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This CMake macro will add clang-tidy to a provided target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Single Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ENABLE | > ON/OFF | Enable/Disable | | | | clang-tidy | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS | > ON/OFF | Treat warnings as | | | | errors. If | | | | ERROR_CHECKS is not | | | | provided, it will use | | | | CHECKS to treat as | | | | errors. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | HEADER_FILTER | > String | Default to '.*' if | | | | not provided. Regular | | | | expression matching | | | | the names of the | | | | headers to output | | | | diagnostics from. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | LINE_FILTER | > String | List of files with | | | | line ranges to filter | | | | the warnings. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CHECKS | > String | Comma-separated list | | | | of globs with | | | | optional '-' | | | | prefix. Globs are | | | | processed in order of | | | | appearance in the | | | | list. Globs without | | | | the '-' prefix add | | | | checks with matching | | | | names to the set, | | | | globs with the '-' | | | | prefix remove checks | | | | with matching names | | | | from the set of | | | | enabled checks. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the 'Checks' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | CONFIG | > String | YAML/JSON format. If | | | | not provided, | | | | clang-tidy will | | | | attempt to find a | | | | file named | | | | .clang-tidy for each | | | | source file in its | | | | parent directories. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+ | ERROR_CHECKS | > String | Upgrades warnings to | | | | errors. Same format | | | | as 'CHECKS'. This | | | | option's value is | | | | appended to the value | | | | of the | | | | 'WarningsAsErrors' | | | | option in the | | | | .clang-tidy file, if | | | | any. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

Multip Value Argument Keywords:

+———————–+———————–+———————–+ | Keyword | Type | Description | +=======================+=======================+=======================+ | ARGUMENTS | > String | This supports adding | | | | additional arguments | | | | to be passed to the | | | | clang-tidy. You could | | | | just use this if | | | | desired over the | | | | single keywords | | | | except for the ENABLE | | | | to pass all arguments | | | | to clang-tidy if | | | | desired. | +———————–+———————–+———————–+

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation will produce compiler warnings.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CHECKS ${DEFAULT_CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS})

This configures clang-tidy with default arguments where any violation
will produce compiler errors.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

This configures clang-tidy with custom error checks which can be different from the warning checks where any violation will produce compiler errors.


This configures clang-tidy with a header filter. If not provided it will
default to \".\*\".

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} HEADER_FILTER ".*")

This configures clang-tidy with line filter as a JSON array of objects.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} LINE_FILTER “[{“name”:”file1.cpp”,”lines”:[[1,3],[5,7]]},{“name”:”file2.h”}]”)

This configures clang-tidy with config in YAML/JSON format.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} CONFIG ""{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}")

This configures clang-tidy to use a .clang-tidy file if no arguments are provided

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME})

This configures clang-tidy with arguments list.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_clang_tidy(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

In some situations, you may want to disable clang-tidy which is explained here. :::

Include What You Use (IWYU)

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_include_what_you_use(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})


include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN} ENABLE ${USER_ENABLE_ARG})

This CMake macro will add IWYU to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
include_what_you_use(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_IWYU_ARGS})
# or

Clears IWYU so it is not called on any following defined code compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to [include_what_you_use()]{.title-ref}.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} reset_include_what_you_use()

### CppCheck

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target

-   [CppCheck Wiki](https://sourceforge.net/p/cppcheck/wiki/Home/)

::: {.note}
::: {.admonition-title}

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be
enabled by the external flag. If not provided it is automatically

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to a given target with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cppcheck(${PACKAGE_NAME} ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${ARGN})
# or

This CMake macro will add CppCheck to all targets with default arguments.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cppcheck(ARGUMENTS ${DEFAULT_CPPCHECK_ARGS})



Clears CppCheck so it is not called on any following defined code
compilation. It can be re-enabled by another call to

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Sanitizer Tools

Sanitizers are tools that perform checks during a program’s runtime and returns issues, and as such, along with unit testing, code coverage and static analysis, is another tool to add to the programmers toolbox. And of course, like the previous tools, are tragically simple to add into any project using CMake, allowing any project and developer to quickly and easily use.

A quick rundown of the tools available, and what they do:

  • LeakSanitizer detects memory leaks, or issues where memory is allocated and never deallocated, causing programs to slowly consume more and more memory, eventually leading to a crash.
  • AddressSanitizer is a fast memory error detector. It is useful for detecting most issues dealing with memory, such as:
    • Out of bounds accesses to heap, stack, global
    • Use after free
    • Use after return
    • Use after scope
    • Double-free, invalid free
    • Memory leaks (using LeakSanitizer)
  • ThreadSanitizer detects data races for multi-threaded code.
  • UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer detects the use of various features of C/C++ that are explicitly listed as resulting in undefined behaviour. Most notably:
    • Using misaligned or null pointer.
    • Signed integer overflow
    • Conversion to, from, or between floating-point types which would overflow the destination
    • Division by zero
    • Unreachable code
  • MemorySanitizer detects uninitialized reads.
  • Control Flow Integrity is designed to detect certain forms of undefined behaviour that can potentially allow attackers to subvert the program's control flow.

These are used by declaring the USE_SANITIZER{.sourceCode} CMake variable as string containing any of:

  • Address
  • Memory
  • MemoryWithOrigins
  • Undefined
  • Thread
  • Leak
  • CFI

Multiple values are allowed, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Leak{.sourceCode} but some sanitizers cannot be combined together, e.g. -DUSE_SANITIZER=Address,Memory{.sourceCode} will result in configuration error. The delimeter character is not required and -DUSE_SANITIZER=AddressLeak{.sourceCode} would work as well.


Configure Package Without Components

Configure package for cpack which does not leverage components

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • LINUX_BUILD_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies required via apt install (If not provided LINUX_DEPENDS is used)
    • WINDOWS_BUILD_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS_DEPENDS is used)
    • LINUX_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt install
    • WINDOWS_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via nuget install

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md LINUX_DEPENDS “libboost-system-dev” “libboost-filesystem-dev” “libboost-serialization-dev” “libconsole-bridge-dev” “libtinyxml2-dev” “libeigen3-dev” “libyaml-cpp-dev” WINDOWS_DEPENDS “boost_system” “boost_filesystem;” “boost_serialization” “console-bridge” “tinyxml2” “Eigen3” “yaml-cpp”)

#### Configure Package With Components

This requires two macros one used in the components cmake file another
for the top most package cmake file.

##### Configure Component

Configure components for cpack


    One Value Args:

    :   -   COMPONENT - The component name
        -   VERSION - The package version
        -   DESCRIPTION - The package description
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack
            generated files


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   LINUX\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The linux build dependencies
            required via apt install (If not provided LINUX\_DEPENDS is
        -   WINDOWS\_BUILD\_DEPENDS - The windows build dependencies
            required via nuget install (If not provided WINDOWS\_DEPENDS
            is used)
        -   LINUX\_DEPENDS - The linux dependencies required via apt
        -   WINDOWS\_DEPENDS - The windows dependencies required via
            nuget install
        -   COMPONENT\_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required
            from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
  COMPONENT IKFAST # must be uppercase
  VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version}
  DESCRIPTION "Tesseract Kinematics ikfast implementation"

Configure Components Package

Configure package leveraging components for cpack

  • One Value Args:
    • VERSION - The package version
    • MAINTAINER_NAME - The package maintainer name
    • MAINTAINER_EMAIL - The package maintainer email
    • VENDOR - The package vender
    • DESCRIPTION - The package description
    • LICENSE_FILE - The package license file
    • README_FILE - The package readme
    • PACKAGE_PREFIX - The package prefix applied to all cpack generated files
  • Multi Value Args:
    • COMPONENT_DEPENDS - The component dependencies required from this package

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} cpack_component_package( VERSION ${pkg_extracted_version} MAINTAINER https://github.com/ros-industrial-consortium/tesseract DESCRIPTION ${pkg_extracted_description} LICENSE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../LICENSE README_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../README.md)

##### Configure Debian Source Package

Create debian source package leveraging cpack for upload to ppa like


    One Value Args:

    :   -   CHANGLELOG (Required) - The file path to the package
        -   PACKAGE\_PREFIX (Optional) - The package prefix applied to
            all cpack generated files
        -   UPLOAD (Optional) - Indicate if it should be uploaded to ppa
        -   DEBIAN\_INCREMENT - The debian increment to be used, default
            is zero
        -   DPUT\_HOST (Optional/Required) - The ppa to upload to. Only
            required if UPLOAD is enabled
        -   DPUT\_CONFIG\_IN (Optional) - The dput config.in file. If
            not provide one is created.


    Multi Value Args:

    :   -   DISTRIBUTIONS - The linux distrabution to deploy


    Leveraged CPack Variable: When using the cpack macros above these are automatically set

    :   -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_VERSION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_PACKAGE\_DESCRIPTION\_FILE (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_SOURCE\_IGNORE\_FILES (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_NAME (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_SECTION (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_PRIORITY (Required)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Optional)
        -   CPACK\_DEBIAN\_PACKAGE\_HOMEPAGE (Optional)
        -   [CPACK\_COMPONENT]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_DESCRIPTION (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)
        -   [CPACK\_DEBIAN]()\<COMPONENT\>\_PACKAGE\_DEPENDS (Reqired if
            components exist and enabled)
            (Reqired if components exist and enabled)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Configure (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro simplifies the CMake package configure and install by performing multiple operations

Configure Package

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • COMPONENTS - The packages supported find_package components if any
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace
    • It installs the package.xml file
    • It creates and installs the ${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake and ${PROJECT_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_package( NAMESPACE TARGETS COMPONENTS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Configure Component

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package's component

If Namespace is provided but no targets it is assumed targets were installed and must be exported

  • One Value Args:
    • NAMESPACE - This will prepend <namespace>:: to the target names as they are written to the import file
    • COMPONENT - The component name
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed
    • DEPENDENCIES - The dependencies to be written to the packages Config.cmake file
    • CFG_EXTRAS - The extra cmake files to be include in the packages Config.cmake file
  • Usage:
    • It installs the provided targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} configure_component( COMPONENT NAMESPACE TARGETS DEPENDENCIES ... CFG_EXTRAS ... )


``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
    ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl ${PROJECT_NAME}_kdl_factories
    "Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem serialization"

To create the config cmake file, the macro by default looks for a configuration template cmake/<COMPONENT_NAME>-config.cmake.in provided by the package. If not present, a default one will be generated. If generated automatically, package dependencies will be included from the arguments listed by DEPENDENCIES. Additional configuration CMake scripts can also be included with relative paths listed in the CFG_EXTRAS argument. The scripts should be installed alongside the generated package config file, in lib/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}.

Sub macros used in configure the package

The following macros are used by configure_package and can be used independently if needed

Install Targets

This will install targets along associated with the provided component and export them to ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets

  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - The component name to associate the targets with, if not provided ${PROJECT_NAME} is used
  • Multi Value Args:
    • TARGETS - The targets from the project to be installed

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} install_targets(TARGETS targetA targetb)

##### Install package.xml

This will install the package.xml file

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Generate CMake Config Files

Performs multiple operation so other packages may find a package and package components The default export name is ${PROJECT_NAME} but it can be overriden by providing EXPORT_NAME

  • Options:
    • EXPORT - indicate if trargets should be exported
  • One Value Args:
    • COMPONENT (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if not provided PROJECT_NAME is used
    • CONFIG_NAME (Optional) - the name given to the export ${ARG_COMPONENT}-config.cmake, if not provided COMPONENT is used
    • NAMESPACE (Optional) - the namespace assigned for exported targets
  • Multi Value Args:
    • DEPENDENCIES (Optional) - list of dependencies to be loaded in the package config
    • CFG_EXTRAS (Optional) - list of extra cmake config files to be loaded in package config
    • SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS (Optional) - list of supported components
  • Usage:
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace) Install export targets with provided namespace
    • generate_package_config(EXPORT) Install export targets with no namespace
    • generate_package_config() Install cmake config files and not install export targets
    • It exports the provided targets under the provided namespace ${ARG_COMPONENT}-targets, if EXPORT option is set
    • It creates and install the ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config.cmake
    • In not component, it create and installs ${ARG_CONFIG_NAME}-config-version.cmake

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

Install and export targets with provided namespace

generate_package_config(EXPORT NAMSPACE namespace)

#Install and export targets with no namespace generate_package_config(EXPORT)

Install CMake config files and not install export targets

generate_package_config() Install CMake config files and not install export targets

Install and export targets for package with components

generate_package_config(EXPORT CONFIG_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME} SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS componentA componentB)

Install and export targets for component

generate_package_config(EXPORT COMPONENT kdl NAMESPACE namespace DEPENDENCIES packageA packageB CFG_EXTRAS extraA.cmake extraB.cmake)

are passed for generated CMake config files.

##### Install Ament Hooks

Allows Colcon to find non-Ament packages when using workspace underlays

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}


This CMake macro simplifies setting the CXX version for the target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} <INTERFACE|PRIVATE|PUBLIC> VERSION )

Example: Set the version to 14 and PUBLIC.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
target_cxx_version(${PACKAGE_NAME} PUBLIC VERSION 14)

Find GTest (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro calls find_package(GTest REQUIRED) and checks for the GTest::GTest and GTest::Main targets. If the targets are missing it will create the targets using the CMake variables.

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} find_gtest()

### Add Run Tests Target (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the tests after they
are finished building. You may pass an optional argument true\|false
adding the ability to disable the running of tests as part of the build
for CI which calls make test.

Add run test target (These will automatically run the test after build

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_tests_target( true)

Add empty run test target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_tests_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Add GTest Discover Tests (Pure CMake Package)

This CMake macro call the appropriate GTest function to add a test based on the CMake version

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_gtest_discover_tests()

### Add Run Benchmark Target

This CMake macro adds a custom target that will run the benchmarks after
they are finished building.

Add run benchmark target (These will automatically run the benchmark
after build finishes)

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_run_benchmark_target( true)

Add empty run benchmark target

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_run_benchmark_target(<TARGET_NAME> false)

Code Coverage

These CMake macros add code coverage.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Must call initialize_code_coverage() after project() in the CMakeLists.txt. This is required for all examples below. :::

From this point, there are two primary methods for adding instrumentation to targets: 1. A blanket instrumentation by calling [add_code_coverage()]{.title-ref}, where all targets in that directory and all subdirectories are automatically instrumented. 2. Per-target instrumentation by calling [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref}, where the target is given and thus only that target is instrumented. This applies to both libraries and executables.

To add coverage targets, such as calling [make ccov]{.title-ref} to generate the actual coverage information for perusal or consumption, call [target_code_coverage(<TARGET_NAME>)]{.title-ref} on an executable target.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

Each of the macros can take an ENABLE ON/OFF so they can easily be enabled by an external flag. If not provided it is automatically enabled. :::

Exclude Code From Code Coverage

Keyword Description ——————- ————————————————————————————— LCOV_EXCL_LINE Lines containing this marker will be excluded. LCOV_EXCL_START Marks the beginning of an excluded section. The current line is part of this section. LCOV_EXCL_STOP Marks the end of an excluded section. The current line not part of this section.

::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::

You can replace LCOV above with GCOV or GCOVR. :::

Example 1: All targets instrumented

In this case, the coverage information reported will be that of the [theLib]{.title-ref} library target and [theExe]{.title-ref} executable.

1a: Via global command

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_code_coverage() # Adds instrumentation to all targets add_library(theLib lib.cpp) add_executable(theExe main.cpp) target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the ‘ccov-theExe’ target (instrumentation already added via global anyways) for generating code coverage reports.

##### 1b: Via target commands

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_library(theLib lib.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theLib) # As a library target, adds coverage instrumentation but no targets.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib)
target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target and instrumentation for generating code coverage reports.

Example 2: Target instrumented, but with regex pattern of files to be excluded from the report

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) target_code_coverage(theExe EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

#### Example 3: Target added to the \'ccov\' and \'ccov-all\' targets

``` {.sourceCode .cmake}
add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE test/*) # Adds the 'ccov-all' target set and sets it to exclude all files in test/ folders.
add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp)
target_code_coverage(theExe AUTO ALL EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, adds to the 'ccov' and ccov-all' targets, and the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder.

Example 4: ROS add_rostest_gtest usage

``` {.sourceCode .cmake} add_rostest_gtest(test_node test/test_node.test test/test_node.cpp) target_include_directories(test_node SYSTEM PUBLIC {catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(test_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) target_code_coverage( test_node ALL RUN_COMMAND rostest test_node test_node.test EXCLUDE ${COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} ENABLE ${ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE})



Changelog for package ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate

0.6.2 (2024-07-18)

  • Fix issue where executables were being added to package libraries cmake variable
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.1 (2024-06-21)

  • Add sanitizer tools (#96)
  • Move individual tools to there own files
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.6.0 (2024-06-10)

  • Add catkin required variables _INCULDE_DIRS and _LIBRARIES
  • Update package_debian.yml
  • Update libraries into package_nuget.yml updated actions/checkout updated ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, mosfet80

0.5.4 (2023-09-20)

  • Fixed error message when extracting maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.5.3 (2023-09-04)

  • Make _supported_components capitalized in package config with components
  • Make supported_components unique in package config to avoid conflict
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.2 (2023-09-02)

  • Add CPack Build Depends for creating debian source package
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.1 (2023-09-02)

  • Add check for component Unspecified and generate error if using cpack with components (#85)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.5.0 (2023-09-01)

  • Add cpack create debian source package with upload support (#84)
  • Add cpack metapackge
  • Add cpack component support
  • Add find_package component support (#82)
  • Update readme to include how to exclude code from code coverage
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.8 (2023-07-17)

  • Add code coverage executable RUN_COMMAND mulit-arg to support rostest (#80)
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.7 (2023-06-27)

  • Add python hook to install_ament_hooks
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.4.6 (2023-03-06)

  • Fix artifacts directory in github actions (#77)
  • Contributors: Chris Schindlbeck

0.4.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Make deps installation non-interactive (#76)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.4 (2023-02-28)

  • Removed sudo from CI commands (#75)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.3 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed CI yaml file (#74)
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.2 (2023-02-28)

  • Minor Updates (#73)
    • Updated relative locations of license and README files
    • Updated debian build job to run on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.1 (2023-02-28)

  • Organization Updates (#72)
    • Removed ricb subdirectory
    • Updated maintainer information
  • Contributors: Michael Ripperger

0.4.0 (2023-02-20)

0.3.1 (2022-08-25)

  • Fix code coverage macro to support plain visibility
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.3.0 (2022-07-05)

  • Fix target_code_coverage to support targets with plain visibility
  • Update target_cxx_version to support windows
  • Add missing include(GoogleTest) to find_gtest() macro
  • Update package CI to use colcon
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.16 (2022-06-22)

  • Always treat package description as a single string during extraction
  • Fix cpack to generate correct names for nuget packages (#64)
  • Added CPack macro from tesseract (#62)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.15 (2022-01-30)

  • Add missing one value arg NAMESPACE to configure_package
  • Auto generation of [*-config.cmake]{.title-ref} files for simple cases (#59)
  • Contributors: Josh Langsfeld, Levi Armstrong

0.2.14 (2021-12-03)

  • Add newer version of clang-tidy to the list
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.13 (2021-11-10)

  • Add --output-on-failure to add_run_test_target
  • Remove deprecated variables
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Levi-Armstrong

0.2.12 (2021-10-13)

  • Add colcon support
  • Improve configure_package
  • Contributors: Levi-Armstrong

0.2.11 (2021-07-02)

  • Rename clang-tidy keyword ERRORS_CHECKS to ERROR_CHECKS
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.10 (2021-07-02)

  • Improve target_clang_tidy to support individual options over single argument list
  • Break out individual function from configure_package
  • Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, Levi Armstrong

0.2.9 (2021-04-09)

  • Add ENABLE functionality to initialize_code_coverage
  • Improve cpack package naming
  • Add cpack archive package
  • Add CPACK to build debian and nuget package
  • Extract description from package.xml
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.8 (2021-02-08)

  • Update package.xml to have buildtool_depend on cmake
  • Set gtest discovery mode to PRE_TEST
  • Moved include of GoogleTest into discover gtest macro
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

0.2.7 (2021-01-29)

  • Add contributing file
  • Add license files and update documentation
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.6 (2021-01-26)

  • Rename package to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong

0.2.5 (2021-01-05)

  • Bump version

0.2.4 (2021-01-05)

  • Remove noetic.ignored which should go in the release repository

0.2.3 (2021-01-05)

  • Add noetic.ignored to exclude gtest package during bloom release

0.2.1 (2021-01-05)

  • Initial Release
  • Contributors: Levi Armstrong, Michael Ripperger

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

No dependencies on ROS packages.

System Dependencies

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

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