modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2017-06-08
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
modbus 0.0.0
modbus_cognex_insight 0.0.0
modbus_plc_siemens 0.0.0



The modbus stack provides a wrapper from the modbus communication to standardized ROS messages. The modbus package is based on pymodbus and is also written in Python.

After a catkin_make the Python modbus classes are also available from the outside and can be easily integrated in other packages.

This stack was used in a quality inspection project with the Baxter robot interfacing with a Siemens PLC and a Cognex In-Sight camera.

  • The package modbus is the basic python wrapper for a modbus server and client for ROS
  • The package modbus_cognex_insight inherits the modbus client base class and which uses specific registers. The client can send job_ids to the camera and retrieve the results of the jobs as well as barcodes and strings.
  • The package modbus_plc_siemens inherits the modbus client base class and changes the register size.


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modbus repository

modbus repository

modbus repository