spin_hokuyo repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/RobustFieldAutonomyLab/spin_hokuyo.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2017-10-16
CI status No Continuous Integration
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Name Version
spin_hokuyo 1.0.0



This repository contains code to control a Dynamixel motor and a 2D Hokuyo LiDAR to create a 3D point cloud that can be visualized in rviz. This point cloud can then be used to create an octomap (code for this is not included in this repository).
Wiki Page: http://wiki.ros.org/spin_hokuyo

Setup Directions

  1. Download this ROS Package:

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-spin-hokuyo

  1. In the tutorials/launch folder, update the basic_motors.launch file, go to line 12. These parameters are used to set up the dynamixel_motor package. In particular, make sure the port_name and baud_rate match your servo. Also, check that your motor id falls within the inclusive range from min_motor_id to max_motor_id.
  2. In the tutorials/launch folder, update the basic_motors.launch file, go to line 12. These parameters are used to set up the dynamixel_motor package. In particular, make sure the port_name and baud_rate match your servo. Also, check that your motor id falls within the inclusive range from min_motor_id to max_motor_id.
  3. Save and compile changes (if applicable).

roslaunch spin_hokuyo basic_motors.launch

  1. In a new terminal, open the rostopics list. There should be two new commands: /tilt_controller/command and /tilt_controller/state. /command will issue new positions to the motor via Float64 (try this using rostopic pub). /state will list various pieces of information about the motor (rostopic echo).
  2. If this is fully functional, kill the node and do:

roslaunch spin_hokuyo tilting_continuous.launch
This should cause the motor to regularly sweep from 90 to -90 and generate a point cloud. Be sure to update the dynamixel_servos_tilting.yaml for position, speed, etc.

Possible Dynamixel Errors

Is the USB properly inserted and setup for your computer?
Is the Dynamixel connected to a 12V power source via the adapter?
Is the switch on the USB adapter at the proper loaction?


Inspired by the work seen here: </br> https://github.com/gcc-robotics/3d_photobooth/blob/master/CapstoneFinalReport_VisionTeam.pdf </br>

Dynamixel Control

The class system used to control the Dynamixel motors and the basis for the servo template were based on the examples provided in Chap. 8 of “Effective Robotics Programming with ROS - Third Edition” by Anil Mahtani, Luis Sanchez, Enrique Fernandea, and Aaron Martinez. ##


The pcl_assembler_client is a modified form of the periodic_snapshotter.cpp which is included in the /examples folder of laser_assembler which is hosted at: https://github.com/ros-perception/laser_assembler ##


Sarah Bertussi, Paul Szenher, Shi Bai. RFAL (Robust Field Autonomy Lab), Stevens Institute of Technology.