v4l2_camera repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version humble
Last Updated 2023-05-02
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
v4l2_camera 0.6.2



A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2 (V4L2).


  • Lists and exposes all user-settable controls of your camera as ROS 2 parameters.
  • Uses cv_bridge to convert raw frames to ROS 2 messages, so supports a wide range of encoding conversions.
  • Supports image_transport to enable compression.
  • Supports composing the camera node and using ROS 2 intra-process commmunication with zero-copy messaging.

Supported Cameras

The package should work with any camera that properly supports V4L2, which for instance should include most USB cameras. A good way to check your camera is to install the v4l2-utils package (on Debian based systems), and run the v4l2-compliance tool. If that reports no, or limited amounts of, failures or warnings, you should be good to go.

The following cameras have in any case been proven to work:

Brand Type Driver Notes
Logitech C920 uvcvideo  
Logitech BRIO 4K Pro uvcvideo  
Microdia Integrated Webcam HD uvcvideo Integrated laptop camera, e.g. Dell XPS series
Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 (Noir) bm2835 mmal See Raspberry Pi Support notes below

Do let us know about other devices you successfully use this driver for, for instance through a merge request.

Raspberry Pi Support

Raspberry Pi has moved to a new camera stack based on libcamera. As part of this, by default the Broadcom Unicam driver will be loaded for Raspberry Pi camera modules. This is still a V4L2 driver, however it has a very limited scope and only provides raw Bayer images. Any available Image Signal Processors, that can turn those raw images into more useful formats such as RGB or JPEG, are now exposed as separate V4L2 devices. This means that responsibility is pushed to an application such as v4l2_camera to operate the multiple devices, rather than the single all-in-one device that most other V4L2 drivers expose. Supporting this is out of scope of this package.

You can find out whether the Unicam driver is used by installing the v4l-utils package, running:

v4l2-ctl -D

and checking for bcm2835-unicam. You can also install and run the v4l2_camera node, which mentionsunicam as part of the driver name.

Luckily, for at least some devices, it is possible to load the legacy driver instead of the new Unicam driver, by changing settings in the /boot/config.txt file:

  • Set camera_autodetect=0 to prevent hardware overlays that use the Unicam driver to be loaded.
  • Set start_x=1 to enable the camera using the legacy driver.

Now when you reboot and run v4l2-ctl -D again, or the v4l2_camera node, you should see the driver being referred to as bm2835 mmal instead. The v4l2_camera node should then operate as normal.


ROS package install

This package is available from the ROS package repositories and can therefore be installed with the following command and your ROS version name:

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-v4l2-camera

Building from source

To build this package from source, simply clone this repository into your workspace, install dependencies, and build it using colcon:

git clone --branch ${ROS_DISTRO} https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git src/v4l2_camera
rosdep install --from-paths src/v4l2_camera --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build

That should be sufficient in most cases, but this article goes into further detail. It focuses on Raspberry Pi OS with the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, but the steps should be generally applicable.

Basic Usage

Run the camera node to publish camera images, using the default parameters:

ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node

You can use rqt-image-view to preview the images (open another terminal):

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-rqt-image-view
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view



The v4l2_camera_node interfaces with standard V4L2 devices and publishes images as sensor_msgs/Image messages.

Published Topics

  • /image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image

    The image.


  • video_device - string, default: "/dev/video0"

    The device the camera is on.

  • pixel_format - string, default: "YUYV"

    The pixel format to request from the camera. Must be a valid four character ‘FOURCC’ code supported by V4L2 and by your camera. The node outputs the available formats supported by your camera when started. Currently supported: "YUYV", "UYVY", or "GREY"

  • output_encoding - string, default: "rgb8"

    The encoding to use for the output image. Can be any supported by cv_bridge given the input pixel format. Currently these are:

    • "YUYV": "yuv422_yuy2" (no conversion), or "mono8", "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
    • "UYVY": "yuv422" (no conversion), or "mono8", "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
    • "GREY": "mono8" (no conversion), "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
  • image_size - integer_array, default: [640, 480]

    Width and height of the image.

  • Camera Control Parameters

    Camera controls, such as brightness, contrast, white balance, etc, are automatically made available as parameters. The driver node enumerates all controls, and creates a parameter for each, with the corresponding value type. The parameter name is derived from the control name reported by the camera driver, made lower case, commas removed, and spaces replaced by underscores. So Brightness becomes brightness, and White Balance, Automatic becomes white_balance_automatic.

Compressed Transport

This package uses image_transport to publish images and make compression possible. However, by default it only supports raw transfer, additional plugins are required to enable compression. These need to be installed separately, either cloning an building them from source, or installing the ready made package:

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-image-transport-plugins

Once installed, they will be automatically used by the driver and additional topics will be available, including /image_raw/compressed.


Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

v4l2_camera repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling
Last Updated 2024-04-30
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
v4l2_camera 0.7.1



A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2 (V4L2).


  • Lists and exposes all user-settable controls of your camera as ROS 2 parameters.
  • Uses cv_bridge to convert raw frames to ROS 2 messages, so supports a wide range of encoding conversions.
  • Supports image_transport to enable compression.
  • Supports composing the camera node and using ROS 2 intra-process commmunication with zero-copy messaging.

Supported Cameras

The package should work with any camera that properly supports V4L2, which for instance should include most USB cameras. A good way to check your camera is to install the v4l2-utils package (on Debian based systems), and run the v4l2-compliance tool. If that reports no, or limited amounts of, failures or warnings, you should be good to go.

The following cameras have in any case been proven to work:

Brand Type Driver Notes
Logitech C920 uvcvideo  
Logitech BRIO 4K Pro uvcvideo  
Microdia Integrated Webcam HD uvcvideo Integrated laptop camera, e.g. Dell XPS series
Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 (Noir) bm2835 mmal See Raspberry Pi Support notes below

Do let us know about other devices you successfully use this driver for, for instance through a merge request.

Raspberry Pi Support

Raspberry Pi has moved to a new camera stack based on libcamera. As part of this, by default the Broadcom Unicam driver will be loaded for Raspberry Pi camera modules. This is still a V4L2 driver, however it has a very limited scope and only provides raw Bayer images. Any available Image Signal Processors, that can turn those raw images into more useful formats such as RGB or JPEG, are now exposed as separate V4L2 devices. This means that responsibility is pushed to an application such as v4l2_camera to operate the multiple devices, rather than the single all-in-one device that most other V4L2 drivers expose. Supporting this is out of scope of this package.

You can find out whether the Unicam driver is used by installing the v4l-utils package, running:

v4l2-ctl -D

and checking for bcm2835-unicam. You can also install and run the v4l2_camera node, which mentionsunicam as part of the driver name.

Luckily, for at least some devices, it is possible to load the legacy driver instead of the new Unicam driver, by changing settings in the /boot/config.txt file:

  • Set camera_autodetect=0 to prevent hardware overlays that use the Unicam driver to be loaded.
  • Set start_x=1 to enable the camera using the legacy driver.

Now when you reboot and run v4l2-ctl -D again, or the v4l2_camera node, you should see the driver being referred to as bm2835 mmal instead. The v4l2_camera node should then operate as normal.


ROS package install

This package is available from the ROS package repositories and can therefore be installed with the following command and your ROS version name:

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-v4l2-camera

Building from source

To build this package from source, simply clone this repository into your workspace, install dependencies, and build it using colcon:

git clone --branch ${ROS_DISTRO} https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git src/v4l2_camera
rosdep install --from-paths src/v4l2_camera --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build

That should be sufficient in most cases, but this article goes into further detail. It focuses on Raspberry Pi OS with the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, but the steps should be generally applicable.

Basic Usage

Run the camera node to publish camera images, using the default parameters:

ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node

You can use rqt-image-view to preview the images (open another terminal):

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-rqt-image-view
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view



The v4l2_camera_node interfaces with standard V4L2 devices and publishes images as sensor_msgs/Image messages.

Published Topics

  • /image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image

    The image.


  • video_device - string, default: "/dev/video0"

    The device the camera is on.

  • pixel_format - string, default: "YUYV"

    The pixel format to request from the camera. Must be a valid four character ‘FOURCC’ code supported by V4L2 and by your camera. The node outputs the available formats supported by your camera when started. Currently supported: "YUYV", "UYVY", or "GREY"

  • output_encoding - string, default: "rgb8"

    The encoding to use for the output image. Can be any supported by cv_bridge given the input pixel format. Currently these are:

    • "YUYV": "yuv422_yuy2" (no conversion), or "mono8", "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
    • "UYVY": "yuv422" (no conversion), or "mono8", "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
    • "GREY": "mono8" (no conversion), "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
  • image_size - integer_array, default: [640, 480]

    Width and height of the image.

  • Camera Control Parameters

    Camera controls, such as brightness, contrast, white balance, etc, are automatically made available as parameters. The driver node enumerates all controls, and creates a parameter for each, with the corresponding value type. The parameter name is derived from the control name reported by the camera driver, made lower case, commas removed, and spaces replaced by underscores. So Brightness becomes brightness, and White Balance, Automatic becomes white_balance_automatic.

Compressed Transport

This package uses image_transport to publish images and make compression possible. However, by default it only supports raw transfer, additional plugins are required to enable compression. These need to be installed separately, either cloning an building them from source, or installing the ready made package:

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-image-transport-plugins

Once installed, they will be automatically used by the driver and additional topics will be available, including /image_raw/compressed.


Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

v4l2_camera repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling
Last Updated 2024-04-30
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
v4l2_camera 0.7.1



A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2 (V4L2).


  • Lists and exposes all user-settable controls of your camera as ROS 2 parameters.
  • Uses cv_bridge to convert raw frames to ROS 2 messages, so supports a wide range of encoding conversions.
  • Supports image_transport to enable compression.
  • Supports composing the camera node and using ROS 2 intra-process commmunication with zero-copy messaging.

Supported Cameras

The package should work with any camera that properly supports V4L2, which for instance should include most USB cameras. A good way to check your camera is to install the v4l2-utils package (on Debian based systems), and run the v4l2-compliance tool. If that reports no, or limited amounts of, failures or warnings, you should be good to go.

The following cameras have in any case been proven to work:

Brand Type Driver Notes
Logitech C920 uvcvideo  
Logitech BRIO 4K Pro uvcvideo  
Microdia Integrated Webcam HD uvcvideo Integrated laptop camera, e.g. Dell XPS series
Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 (Noir) bm2835 mmal See Raspberry Pi Support notes below

Do let us know about other devices you successfully use this driver for, for instance through a merge request.

Raspberry Pi Support

Raspberry Pi has moved to a new camera stack based on libcamera. As part of this, by default the Broadcom Unicam driver will be loaded for Raspberry Pi camera modules. This is still a V4L2 driver, however it has a very limited scope and only provides raw Bayer images. Any available Image Signal Processors, that can turn those raw images into more useful formats such as RGB or JPEG, are now exposed as separate V4L2 devices. This means that responsibility is pushed to an application such as v4l2_camera to operate the multiple devices, rather than the single all-in-one device that most other V4L2 drivers expose. Supporting this is out of scope of this package.

You can find out whether the Unicam driver is used by installing the v4l-utils package, running:

v4l2-ctl -D

and checking for bcm2835-unicam. You can also install and run the v4l2_camera node, which mentionsunicam as part of the driver name.

Luckily, for at least some devices, it is possible to load the legacy driver instead of the new Unicam driver, by changing settings in the /boot/config.txt file:

  • Set camera_autodetect=0 to prevent hardware overlays that use the Unicam driver to be loaded.
  • Set start_x=1 to enable the camera using the legacy driver.

Now when you reboot and run v4l2-ctl -D again, or the v4l2_camera node, you should see the driver being referred to as bm2835 mmal instead. The v4l2_camera node should then operate as normal.


ROS package install

This package is available from the ROS package repositories and can therefore be installed with the following command and your ROS version name:

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-v4l2-camera

Building from source

To build this package from source, simply clone this repository into your workspace, install dependencies, and build it using colcon:

git clone --branch ${ROS_DISTRO} https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git src/v4l2_camera
rosdep install --from-paths src/v4l2_camera --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build

That should be sufficient in most cases, but this article goes into further detail. It focuses on Raspberry Pi OS with the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, but the steps should be generally applicable.

Basic Usage

Run the camera node to publish camera images, using the default parameters:

ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node

You can use rqt-image-view to preview the images (open another terminal):

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-rqt-image-view
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view



The v4l2_camera_node interfaces with standard V4L2 devices and publishes images as sensor_msgs/Image messages.

Published Topics

  • /image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image

    The image.


  • video_device - string, default: "/dev/video0"

    The device the camera is on.

  • pixel_format - string, default: "YUYV"

    The pixel format to request from the camera. Must be a valid four character ‘FOURCC’ code supported by V4L2 and by your camera. The node outputs the available formats supported by your camera when started. Currently supported: "YUYV", "UYVY", or "GREY"

  • output_encoding - string, default: "rgb8"

    The encoding to use for the output image. Can be any supported by cv_bridge given the input pixel format. Currently these are:

    • "YUYV": "yuv422_yuy2" (no conversion), or "mono8", "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
    • "UYVY": "yuv422" (no conversion), or "mono8", "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
    • "GREY": "mono8" (no conversion), "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
  • image_size - integer_array, default: [640, 480]

    Width and height of the image.

  • Camera Control Parameters

    Camera controls, such as brightness, contrast, white balance, etc, are automatically made available as parameters. The driver node enumerates all controls, and creates a parameter for each, with the corresponding value type. The parameter name is derived from the control name reported by the camera driver, made lower case, commas removed, and spaces replaced by underscores. So Brightness becomes brightness, and White Balance, Automatic becomes white_balance_automatic.

Compressed Transport

This package uses image_transport to publish images and make compression possible. However, by default it only supports raw transfer, additional plugins are required to enable compression. These need to be installed separately, either cloning an building them from source, or installing the ready made package:

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-image-transport-plugins

Once installed, they will be automatically used by the driver and additional topics will be available, including /image_raw/compressed.


Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2020-05-24
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
v4l2_camera 0.1.1



A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2 (V4L2).

Custom Dependencies

The following dependencies need to be pulled in manually, because we need new features in them that have not been released yet:

  • common_interfaces - USB cameras mostly use the YUY2 format, which historically hasn’t been supported in ROS. Support has landed recently, but has not been released yet, so you need to clone master into your workspace:

      git clone https://github.com/ros2/common_interfaces.git src/common_interfaces
  • vision_opencv - The OpenCV bridge is used to convert between image formats. Support for the YUY2 format has not landed yet (see PR ros-perception/vision_opencv#309. Until that has happened, clone the fork into your workspace:

      git clone --branch yuv422-yuy2 https://github.com/sgvandijk/vision_opencv.git src/vision_opencv



The v4l2_camera_node interfaces with standard V4L2 devices and publishes images as sensor_msgs/Image messages.

Published Topics

  • /image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image

    The image.


  • video_device - string, default: "/dev/video0"

    The device the camera is on.

  • pixel_format - string, default: "YUYV"

    The pixel format to request from the camera. Must be a valid four character ‘FOURCC’ code supported by V4L2 and by your camera. The node outputs the available formats supported by your camera when started.

    Currently only "YUYV" is supported, which results in image messages with the YUV422_YUY2 encoding.

  • output_encoding - string, default: "rgb8"

    The encoding to use for the output image. Any format supported by cv_bridge::cvtColor is allowed. If this matches the input format from the camera, no conversion and thus no additional overhead is required.

  • image_size - integer_array, default: [640, 480]

    Width and height of the image.

  • Camera Control Parameters

    Camera controls, such as brightness, contrast, white balance, etc, are automatically made available as parameters. The driver node enumerates all controls, and creates a parameter for each, with the corresponding value type. The parameter name is derived from the control name reported by the camera driver, made lower case, commas removed, and spaces replaced by underscores. So Brightness becomes brightness, and White Balance, Automatic becomes white_balance_automatic.

Compressed Transport

Streaming raw images from a robot to your machine takes up a very large bandwidth and is especially not feasible through WiFi. By using image_transport the images can be compressed to make streaming possible. However, by default image_transport only supports raw transfer, and additional plugins are required to enable compression.

Standard ones are available in the image_transport_plugins repository. You can clone these into your workspace to get these:

git clone --branch ros2 https://github.com/ros-perception/image_transport_plugins.git src/image_transport_plugins

Building: Ubuntu

The following packages are required to be able to build the plugins:

sudo apt install libtheora-dev libogg-dev libboost-python-dev

Building: Arch

To get the plugins compiled on Arch Linux, a few special steps are needed:

  • Arch provides OpenCV 4.x, but OpenCV 3.x is required
  • Arch provides VTK 8.2, but VTK 8.1 is required
  • boost-python is used, which needs to be linked to python libs explicitly:

      colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select cv_bridge --cmake-args "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=-lpython3.7m"


If the compression plugins are compiled and installed in the current workspace, they will be automatically used by the driver and additional /image_raw/compressed and /image_raw/theora topics will be available.

Neither Rviz2 or showimage use image_transport (yet) and so can’t use these topics. Therefore, to be able to view a compressed topic, it needs to be republished uncompressed. image_transport comes with the republish node to do this:

ros2 run image_transport republish compressed in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed raw out:=image_raw/uncompressed

To use the Theora (possibly more bandwidth efficient):

ros2 run image_transport republish theora in/theora:=image_raw/theora raw out:=image_raw/uncompressed

NB: the idea is to run this and do the decompression on your machine, not on the robot, or else you’ll be streaming raw data through the network after all anyway.

The parameters mean:

  • compressed - the transport to use for input, in this case ‘compressed’. Alternative: raw, to republish the raw /image_raw topic
  • in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed - by default, republish uses the topics in and out, or in/compressed for example if the input transport is ‘compressed’. This parameter is a ROS remapping rule to map those names to the actual topic to use.
  • raw - the transport to use for output. If omitted, all available transports are provided.
  • out:=image_raw/uncompressed - remapping of the output topic.


Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

v4l2_camera repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2020-05-24
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
v4l2_camera 0.1.1



A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2 (V4L2).

Custom Dependencies

The following dependencies need to be pulled in manually, because we need new features in them that have not been released yet:

  • common_interfaces - USB cameras mostly use the YUY2 format, which historically hasn’t been supported in ROS. Support has landed recently, but has not been released yet, so you need to clone master into your workspace:

      git clone https://github.com/ros2/common_interfaces.git src/common_interfaces
  • vision_opencv - The OpenCV bridge is used to convert between image formats. Support for the YUY2 format has not landed yet (see PR ros-perception/vision_opencv#309. Until that has happened, clone the fork into your workspace:

      git clone --branch yuv422-yuy2 https://github.com/sgvandijk/vision_opencv.git src/vision_opencv



The v4l2_camera_node interfaces with standard V4L2 devices and publishes images as sensor_msgs/Image messages.

Published Topics

  • /image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image

    The image.


  • video_device - string, default: "/dev/video0"

    The device the camera is on.

  • pixel_format - string, default: "YUYV"

    The pixel format to request from the camera. Must be a valid four character ‘FOURCC’ code supported by V4L2 and by your camera. The node outputs the available formats supported by your camera when started.

    Currently only "YUYV" is supported, which results in image messages with the YUV422_YUY2 encoding.

  • output_encoding - string, default: "rgb8"

    The encoding to use for the output image. Any format supported by cv_bridge::cvtColor is allowed. If this matches the input format from the camera, no conversion and thus no additional overhead is required.

  • image_size - integer_array, default: [640, 480]

    Width and height of the image.

  • Camera Control Parameters

    Camera controls, such as brightness, contrast, white balance, etc, are automatically made available as parameters. The driver node enumerates all controls, and creates a parameter for each, with the corresponding value type. The parameter name is derived from the control name reported by the camera driver, made lower case, commas removed, and spaces replaced by underscores. So Brightness becomes brightness, and White Balance, Automatic becomes white_balance_automatic.

Compressed Transport

Streaming raw images from a robot to your machine takes up a very large bandwidth and is especially not feasible through WiFi. By using image_transport the images can be compressed to make streaming possible. However, by default image_transport only supports raw transfer, and additional plugins are required to enable compression.

Standard ones are available in the image_transport_plugins repository. You can clone these into your workspace to get these:

git clone --branch ros2 https://github.com/ros-perception/image_transport_plugins.git src/image_transport_plugins

Building: Ubuntu

The following packages are required to be able to build the plugins:

sudo apt install libtheora-dev libogg-dev libboost-python-dev

Building: Arch

To get the plugins compiled on Arch Linux, a few special steps are needed:

  • Arch provides OpenCV 4.x, but OpenCV 3.x is required
  • Arch provides VTK 8.2, but VTK 8.1 is required
  • boost-python is used, which needs to be linked to python libs explicitly:

      colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select cv_bridge --cmake-args "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=-lpython3.7m"


If the compression plugins are compiled and installed in the current workspace, they will be automatically used by the driver and additional /image_raw/compressed and /image_raw/theora topics will be available.

Neither Rviz2 or showimage use image_transport (yet) and so can’t use these topics. Therefore, to be able to view a compressed topic, it needs to be republished uncompressed. image_transport comes with the republish node to do this:

ros2 run image_transport republish compressed in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed raw out:=image_raw/uncompressed

To use the Theora (possibly more bandwidth efficient):

ros2 run image_transport republish theora in/theora:=image_raw/theora raw out:=image_raw/uncompressed

NB: the idea is to run this and do the decompression on your machine, not on the robot, or else you’ll be streaming raw data through the network after all anyway.

The parameters mean:

  • compressed - the transport to use for input, in this case ‘compressed’. Alternative: raw, to republish the raw /image_raw topic
  • in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed - by default, republish uses the topics in and out, or in/compressed for example if the input transport is ‘compressed’. This parameter is a ROS remapping rule to map those names to the actual topic to use.
  • raw - the transport to use for output. If omitted, all available transports are provided.
  • out:=image_raw/uncompressed - remapping of the output topic.


Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

v4l2_camera repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version galactic
Last Updated 2022-08-19
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
v4l2_camera 0.5.0



A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2 (V4L2).


This article details how to build and run this package. It focuses on Raspberry Pi OS with the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 but should generalise for most systems.

ROS package install

This is available from the ROS package repositories and can therefore be installed with the following command and your ROS version name:

apt-get install ros-<ros_version>-v4l2-camera

Building from source

If you need to modify the code or ensure you have the latest update you will need to clone this repo then build the package.

$ git clone --branch foxy https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git src/v4l2_camera
$ colcon build

Most users will also want to set up compressed transport using the dependencies below.


Publish camera images, using the default parameters:

    ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node

Preview the image (open another terminal):

    ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view


  • image_transport - makes it possible to set up compressed transport of the images, as described below.

    The ROS 2 port of image_transport in the image_common repository is needed inside of your workspace:

      git clone --branch ros2 https://github.com/ros-perception/image_common.git src/image_common

    Note that image_transport only supports raw transport by default and needs additional plugins to actually provide compression; see below how to do this.



The v4l2_camera_node interfaces with standard V4L2 devices and publishes images as sensor_msgs/Image messages.

Published Topics

  • /image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image

    The image.


  • video_device - string, default: "/dev/video0"

    The device the camera is on.

  • pixel_format - string, default: "YUYV"

    The pixel format to request from the camera. Must be a valid four character ‘FOURCC’ code supported by V4L2 and by your camera. The node outputs the available formats supported by your camera when started.
    Currently supported: "YUYV" or "GREY"

  • output_encoding - string, default: "rgb8"

    The encoding to use for the output image.
    Currently supported: "rgb8", "yuv422" or "mono8".

  • image_size - integer_array, default: [640, 480]

    Width and height of the image.

  • time_per_frame - integer_array, default: current device setting

    The time between two successive frames. The expected value is a ratio defined by an array of 2 integers. For instance, a value of [1, 30] sets a period of 1/30, and thus a framrate of 30Hz.

    If the provided period is not supported, the driver may choose another period near to it. In that case the parameter change is reported to have failed.

  • Camera Control Parameters

    Camera controls, such as brightness, contrast, white balance, etc, are automatically made available as parameters. The driver node enumerates all controls, and creates a parameter for each, with the corresponding value type. The parameter name is derived from the control name reported by the camera driver, made lower case, commas removed, and spaces replaced by underscores. So Brightness becomes brightness, and White Balance, Automatic becomes white_balance_automatic.

Compressed Transport

By default image_transport only supports raw transfer, plugins are required to enable compression. Standard ones are available in the image_transport_plugins repository. These depend on the OpenCV facilities provided by the vision_opencv repository. You can clone these into your workspace to get these:

cd path/to/workspace
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv.git --branch ros2 src/vision_opencv
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/image_transport_plugins.git --branch ros2 src/image_transport_plugins

Building: Ubuntu

The following packages are required to be able to build the plugins:

sudo apt install libtheora-dev libogg-dev libboost-python-dev

Building: Arch

To get the plugins compiled on Arch Linux, a few special steps are needed:

  • Arch provides OpenCV 4.x, but OpenCV 3.x is required
  • Arch provides VTK 8.2, but VTK 8.1 is required
  • boost-python is used, which needs to be linked to python libs explicitly:

      colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select cv_bridge --cmake-args "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=-lpython3.7m"


If the compression plugins are compiled and installed in the current workspace, they will be automatically used by the driver and an additional /image_raw/compressed topic will be available.

Neither Rviz2 or showimage use image_transport (yet). Therefore, to be able to view the compressed topic, it needs to be republished uncompressed. image_transport comes with the republish node to do this:

ros2 run image_transport republish compressed in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed raw out:=image_raw/uncompressed

The parameters mean:

  • compressed - the transport to use for input, in this case ‘compressed’. Alternative: raw, to republish the raw /image_raw topic
  • in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed - by default, republish uses the topics in and out, or in/compressed for example if the input transport is ‘compressed’. This parameter is a ROS remapping rule to map those names to the actual topic to use.
  • raw - the transport to use for output. If omitted, all available transports are provided.
  • out:=image_raw/uncompressed - remapping of the output topic.



v4l2_camera repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version foxy
Last Updated 2022-08-06
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
v4l2_camera 0.5.0



A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2 (V4L2).


This article details how to build and run this package. It focuses on Raspberry Pi OS with the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 but should generalise for most systems.

ROS package install

This is available from the ROS package repositories and can therefore be installed with the following command and your ROS version name:

apt-get install ros-<ros_version>-v4l2-camera

Building from source

If you need to modify the code or ensure you have the latest update you will need to clone this repo then build the package.

$ git clone --branch foxy https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git src/v4l2_camera
$ colcon build

Most users will also want to set up compressed transport using the dependencies below.


Publish camera images, using the default parameters:

    ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node

Preview the image (open another terminal):

    ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view


  • image_transport - makes it possible to set up compressed transport of the images, as described below.

    The ROS 2 port of image_transport in the image_common repository is needed inside of your workspace:

      git clone --branch ros2 https://github.com/ros-perception/image_common.git src/image_common

    Note that image_transport only supports raw transport by default and needs additional plugins to actually provide compression; see below how to do this.



The v4l2_camera_node interfaces with standard V4L2 devices and publishes images as sensor_msgs/Image messages.

Published Topics

  • /image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image

    The image.


  • video_device - string, default: "/dev/video0"

    The device the camera is on.

  • pixel_format - string, default: "YUYV"

    The pixel format to request from the camera. Must be a valid four character ‘FOURCC’ code supported by V4L2 and by your camera. The node outputs the available formats supported by your camera when started.
    Currently supported: "YUYV" or "GREY"

  • output_encoding - string, default: "rgb8"

    The encoding to use for the output image.
    Currently supported: "rgb8", "yuv422" or "mono8".

  • image_size - integer_array, default: [640, 480]

    Width and height of the image.

  • time_per_frame - integer_array, default: current device setting

    The time between two successive frames. The expected value is a ratio defined by an array of 2 integers. For instance, a value of [1, 30] sets a period of 1/30, and thus a framrate of 30Hz.

    If the provided period is not supported, the driver may choose another period near to it. In that case the parameter change is reported to have failed.

  • Camera Control Parameters

    Camera controls, such as brightness, contrast, white balance, etc, are automatically made available as parameters. The driver node enumerates all controls, and creates a parameter for each, with the corresponding value type. The parameter name is derived from the control name reported by the camera driver, made lower case, commas removed, and spaces replaced by underscores. So Brightness becomes brightness, and White Balance, Automatic becomes white_balance_automatic.

Compressed Transport

By default image_transport only supports raw transfer, plugins are required to enable compression. Standard ones are available in the image_transport_plugins repository. These depend on the OpenCV facilities provided by the vision_opencv repository. You can clone these into your workspace to get these:

cd path/to/workspace
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv.git --branch ros2 src/vision_opencv
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/image_transport_plugins.git --branch ros2 src/image_transport_plugins

Building: Ubuntu

The following packages are required to be able to build the plugins:

sudo apt install libtheora-dev libogg-dev libboost-python-dev

Building: Arch

To get the plugins compiled on Arch Linux, a few special steps are needed:

  • Arch provides OpenCV 4.x, but OpenCV 3.x is required
  • Arch provides VTK 8.2, but VTK 8.1 is required
  • boost-python is used, which needs to be linked to python libs explicitly:

      colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select cv_bridge --cmake-args "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES=-lpython3.7m"


If the compression plugins are compiled and installed in the current workspace, they will be automatically used by the driver and an additional /image_raw/compressed topic will be available.

Neither Rviz2 or showimage use image_transport (yet). Therefore, to be able to view the compressed topic, it needs to be republished uncompressed. image_transport comes with the republish node to do this:

ros2 run image_transport republish compressed in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed raw out:=image_raw/uncompressed

The parameters mean:

  • compressed - the transport to use for input, in this case ‘compressed’. Alternative: raw, to republish the raw /image_raw topic
  • in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed - by default, republish uses the topics in and out, or in/compressed for example if the input transport is ‘compressed’. This parameter is a ROS remapping rule to map those names to the actual topic to use.
  • raw - the transport to use for output. If omitted, all available transports are provided.
  • out:=image_raw/uncompressed - remapping of the output topic.



v4l2_camera repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling
Last Updated 2024-04-30
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
v4l2_camera 0.7.1



A ROS 2 camera driver using Video4Linux2 (V4L2).


  • Lists and exposes all user-settable controls of your camera as ROS 2 parameters.
  • Uses cv_bridge to convert raw frames to ROS 2 messages, so supports a wide range of encoding conversions.
  • Supports image_transport to enable compression.
  • Supports composing the camera node and using ROS 2 intra-process commmunication with zero-copy messaging.

Supported Cameras

The package should work with any camera that properly supports V4L2, which for instance should include most USB cameras. A good way to check your camera is to install the v4l2-utils package (on Debian based systems), and run the v4l2-compliance tool. If that reports no, or limited amounts of, failures or warnings, you should be good to go.

The following cameras have in any case been proven to work:

Brand Type Driver Notes
Logitech C920 uvcvideo  
Logitech BRIO 4K Pro uvcvideo  
Microdia Integrated Webcam HD uvcvideo Integrated laptop camera, e.g. Dell XPS series
Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 (Noir) bm2835 mmal See Raspberry Pi Support notes below

Do let us know about other devices you successfully use this driver for, for instance through a merge request.

Raspberry Pi Support

Raspberry Pi has moved to a new camera stack based on libcamera. As part of this, by default the Broadcom Unicam driver will be loaded for Raspberry Pi camera modules. This is still a V4L2 driver, however it has a very limited scope and only provides raw Bayer images. Any available Image Signal Processors, that can turn those raw images into more useful formats such as RGB or JPEG, are now exposed as separate V4L2 devices. This means that responsibility is pushed to an application such as v4l2_camera to operate the multiple devices, rather than the single all-in-one device that most other V4L2 drivers expose. Supporting this is out of scope of this package.

You can find out whether the Unicam driver is used by installing the v4l-utils package, running:

v4l2-ctl -D

and checking for bcm2835-unicam. You can also install and run the v4l2_camera node, which mentionsunicam as part of the driver name.

Luckily, for at least some devices, it is possible to load the legacy driver instead of the new Unicam driver, by changing settings in the /boot/config.txt file:

  • Set camera_autodetect=0 to prevent hardware overlays that use the Unicam driver to be loaded.
  • Set start_x=1 to enable the camera using the legacy driver.

Now when you reboot and run v4l2-ctl -D again, or the v4l2_camera node, you should see the driver being referred to as bm2835 mmal instead. The v4l2_camera node should then operate as normal.


ROS package install

This package is available from the ROS package repositories and can therefore be installed with the following command and your ROS version name:

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-v4l2-camera

Building from source

To build this package from source, simply clone this repository into your workspace, install dependencies, and build it using colcon:

git clone --branch ${ROS_DISTRO} https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git src/v4l2_camera
rosdep install --from-paths src/v4l2_camera --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build

That should be sufficient in most cases, but this article goes into further detail. It focuses on Raspberry Pi OS with the Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, but the steps should be generally applicable.

Basic Usage

Run the camera node to publish camera images, using the default parameters:

ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node

You can use rqt-image-view to preview the images (open another terminal):

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-rqt-image-view
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view



The v4l2_camera_node interfaces with standard V4L2 devices and publishes images as sensor_msgs/Image messages.

Published Topics

  • /image_raw - sensor_msgs/Image

    The image.


  • video_device - string, default: "/dev/video0"

    The device the camera is on.

  • pixel_format - string, default: "YUYV"

    The pixel format to request from the camera. Must be a valid four character ‘FOURCC’ code supported by V4L2 and by your camera. The node outputs the available formats supported by your camera when started. Currently supported: "YUYV", "UYVY", or "GREY"

  • output_encoding - string, default: "rgb8"

    The encoding to use for the output image. Can be any supported by cv_bridge given the input pixel format. Currently these are:

    • "YUYV": "yuv422_yuy2" (no conversion), or "mono8", "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
    • "UYVY": "yuv422" (no conversion), or "mono8", "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
    • "GREY": "mono8" (no conversion), "rgb8", "bgr8", "rgba8" and "bgra8", plus their 16 bit variants
  • image_size - integer_array, default: [640, 480]

    Width and height of the image.

  • Camera Control Parameters

    Camera controls, such as brightness, contrast, white balance, etc, are automatically made available as parameters. The driver node enumerates all controls, and creates a parameter for each, with the corresponding value type. The parameter name is derived from the control name reported by the camera driver, made lower case, commas removed, and spaces replaced by underscores. So Brightness becomes brightness, and White Balance, Automatic becomes white_balance_automatic.

Compressed Transport

This package uses image_transport to publish images and make compression possible. However, by default it only supports raw transfer, additional plugins are required to enable compression. These need to be installed separately, either cloning an building them from source, or installing the ready made package:

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-image-transport-plugins

Once installed, they will be automatically used by the driver and additional topics will be available, including /image_raw/compressed.


Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:

5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
   any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
   by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
   this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
   Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
   the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
   with Licensor regarding such Contributions.

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository

v4l2_camera repository