volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository

volta_simulation repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/botsync/volta_simulation.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version kinetic-devel
Last Updated 2021-03-22
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
volta_simulation 1.0.1



ROS packages used to run the Volta in simulation

  • volta_simulation - Gazebo simulation world file.

Steps to Launch Volta:

1. Launching a Gazebo Simulation environment

  • Before launching the simulation, setup the model path by running the following:
$ echo "export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/volta_ws/src/:$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH">>~/.bashrc

  • To bring up our default gazebo world, launch the gazebo node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_simulation gazebo.launch indoor:=true

  • Once the gazebo simulation environment is launched, run the following to spawn the Volta robot:
$ roslaunch volta_simulation simulation.launch indoor:=true

  • For visualization, launch rviz by running:
 $ rosrun rviz rviz

The configuration file, volta.rviz which is located under volta_description->rviz_params, can be opened in the rviz tool to load the volta configured rviz environment

  • In order to start the teleoperation node using keyboard, run the following: :
 $ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true 

  • To launch the joystick node, set the keyboard argument to False (Default case:= false) or run the following:
 $ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch  

2. Mapping an environment with Volta

  • Once the gazebo world is launched and the Volta robot is spawned into the simulation environment, the mapping node can be launched by running:
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch gmapping:=true  

  • This will launch the gmapping node. On a separate terminal, launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

  • In order to control the robot, launch the teleoperation node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true 

  • Once the mapping of the entire environment is completed, the map can be saved by running:
$ roslaunch map_server map_saver –f <filename>

3. Navigation with Volta

  • Once the gazebo world is launched and the Volta robot is spawned into the simulation environment, the navigaation node can be launched by running:
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch 

  • This will launch the navigation node. On a separate terminal, launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a navigation goal in the visualizer. Ensure that the nav goal is given in a mapped section of the map



volta_simulation repository


Repository Summary

Checkout URI https://github.com/botsync/volta_simulation.git
VCS Type git
VCS Version melodic-devel
Last Updated 2021-04-21
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
volta_simulation 1.1.1



ROS packages used to run the Volta in simulation

  • volta_simulation - Gazebo simulation world file.

Steps to Launch Volta:

1. Launching a Gazebo Simulation environment

  • To bring up a gazebo world, launch the gazebo node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_simulation gazebo.launch 

  • Once the gazebo simulation environment is launched, run the following to spawn the Volta robot:
$ roslaunch volta_simulation simulation.launch 

  • For visualization, launch rviz by running:
 $ rosrun rviz rviz

The configuration file, volta.rviz which is located under volta_description->rviz_params, can be opened in the rviz tool to load the volta configured rviz environment

  • In order to start the teleoperation node using keyboard, run the following: :
 $ roslaunch volta_teleoperator volta_teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true 

  • To launch the joystick node, set the keyboard argument to False (Default case:= false) or run the following:
 $ roslaunch volta_teleoperator volta_teleoperator.launch  

2. Mapping an environment with Volta

  • Once the gazebo world is launched and the Volta robot is spawned into the simulation environment, the mapping node can be launched by running:
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch gmapping:=true  

  • This will launch the gmapping node. On a separate terminal, launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

  • In order to control the robot, launch the teleoperation node by running:
$ roslaunch volta_teleoperator teleoperator.launch keyboard:=true 

  • Once the mapping of the entire environment is completed, the map can be saved by running:
$ roslaunch map_server map_saver –f <filename>

3. Navigation with Volta

  • Once the gazebo world is launched and the Volta robot is spawned into the simulation environment, the navigaation node can be launched by running:
$ roslaunch volta_navigation navigation.launch 

  • This will launch the navigation node. On a separate terminal, launch the rviz visualization tool by running:
$ rosrun rviz rviz  

You can then open the volta configured rviz environment by opening the volta rviz config file, located under volta_navigation->rviz_config->navigation.rviz, from the rviz tool

Use the 2D Nav Goal tool in the top toolbar to select a navigation goal in the visualizer. Ensure that the nav goal is given in a mapped section of the map