Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The hrpsys_tools package

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package hrpsys_tools

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • check hrpsys/rtmros from sources (#1068)
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • allow any port number for nameserver
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • hrpsys_tools/test/test-pa10.test: increase sleep time to 10
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [refactor] remove old rosbuild files
  • [hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] add ReferenceForceUpdater
  • Contributors: Koyama Ryo, Kei Okada

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • bug fixes
    • [hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch] Fix VRML path for pa10 hrpsys_tools test (hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch) #829
  • Chorenoid support (launch/hrpsys.launch )

    • fix hrpsys.launch because choreonoid do not need options for periodic_rate and context_type #810
    • add USE_CHOREONOID argument to hrpsys.launch for using choreonoid instead of hrpsys-simulator #787
  • scripts/ updates #764
    • [scripts/] disply LD_LIBRARY_PATH too
    • [scripts/] rtls is now global bin
    • [scripts/] check all package with git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Copyrights
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing pkg path
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing rosversion
    • [rtmroswtf] Remove verbose from tar that confuses users to sendback which tarball
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • Add EmergencyStopper setting to hrpsys.launch
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • (diagnosis info) Renamed a script to show respect for the great ROS ancestors.
  • (diagnosis info) Obtain package versions in a more generic way.
  • (diagnosis info) Catch error stream.
  • (diagnosis info) Variablize corba hostname and port.
  • Add a very simple tool for recording system diagnosis info.
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • (_gen_project) : Add argument to specify highgain mode
  • (hrpsys.launch) : Support PDController setting for hrpsys.launch.
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

  • (hrpsys.launch) : Add config_file setting for HGcontroller
  • (compile_robot_model.cmake, hrpsys.launch, Add argument to use Unstable RTC List and configure it from cmake discussed in
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch: Added ThermoLimiter/ThermoEstimator definition to hrpsys.launch
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • Contributors: Isaac Isao Saito, iori

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • add RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset setting ;; I write both AbsoluteForceSensor and RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset for compatibility
  • make fail when pa10 is fail to launch
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • add_py_launch_prefix
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Isaac Isao Saito

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • add respawn to rtcd/hrpsys-simulator, RESPAWN_MODELLOADER, RESPAWN_SIMULATOR, RESPAWN_RTCD, see Issue #380
  • hrpsys_tools: (test-pa10.test) run unittest first, then test hcf
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_tools: add rosbuild_add_rostest to CMakeList.txt and fix to load_mafest for rosbuild environment
  • add retry=2 tag, since we staill have trouble on connection sometimes (
  • add launch-prefix argument for hrpsys_py node
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • use -c to specify commands
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • forge to add
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add test code that uses hrpsys.launch
  • add waitForRTCManagerAndRobotHardware for interactive mode
  • remove openrtm_aist_python from find_package
  • add interactive mode, invoke with ipython ... or -i option
  • add sample code of interactive mode of in test-hrpsys-config-test
  • fix test code to work with clean environment
  • fix python code syntax error
  • fix typo
  • write contents of test-hrpsys.test
  • Update rename testHrpsysConfigurator -> TestHrpsysConfigurator
  • add test/test-hrpsys-config.test
  • add depend hrpsys to fke rosdep install


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • (hrpsys_tools, rosnode_rtc, rtmbuild) maintainer name adjusted to the one used in other places
  • add config file for TorqueController
  • add argument to set joint propeties according to hrpsys-base -r906 commit ;; we can set joint properties such as .angle, .mode, and so on ;;
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.5"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.4"
  • rename because there is the package with the same name in hrpsys


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.3"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.2"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Launch files

  • launch/hrpsys.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE
      • RESPAWN_MODELLOADER [default: true]
      • RESPAWN_RTCD [default: false]
      • RESPAWN_SIMULATOR [default: true]
      • OUTPUT [default: log]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • USE_RTCD [default: false]
      • USE_CHOREONOID [default: false]
      • REALTIME [default: false]
      • GUI [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: xterm -e gdb -iex "set height 0" -ex run --args]
      • PY_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 1000000]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: HGcontroller]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default: $(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc).so]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 200]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default:,]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: RobotHardware]
      • hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys)/lib]
      • RobotHardware_conf [default: $(arg CONF_FILE)]
      • hrpsys_rtc_config_args [default: -o "example.SequencePlayer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ForwardKinematics.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ImpedanceController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AutoBalancer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.StateHolder.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoEstimator.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.VirtualForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AbsoluteForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.KalmanFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.Stabilizer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.CollisionDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.SoftErrorLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.HGcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.PDcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.EmergencyStopper.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ReferenceForceUpdater.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RobotHardware.config_file:$(arg RobotHardware_conf)" ]
      • hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args [default: ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_rate)" -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_type)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • openrtm_openhrp_server_start [default: true]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: hrpsys_tools]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default:]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: ]
      • LAUNCH_HRPSYSPY [default: true]
  • launch/_gen_collision_pair.launch
      • MODEL_FILE [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/PA10/pa10.main.wrl]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
  • launch/_gen_project.launch
      • INPUT
      • OUTPUT
      • CONF_FILE_OPTION [default: ]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
      • OBJECT_MODELS [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/longfloor.wrl,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]
      • INTEGRATE [default: true]
      • CONF_DT_OPTION [default: ]
      • USE_HIGHGAIN_MODE_OPTION [default: ]
  • samples/pa10.launch
      • GUI [default: true]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • corbaport [default: $(arg corbaport)]


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged hrpsys_tools at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The hrpsys_tools package

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package hrpsys_tools

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • check hrpsys/rtmros from sources (#1068)
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • allow any port number for nameserver
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • hrpsys_tools/test/test-pa10.test: increase sleep time to 10
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [refactor] remove old rosbuild files
  • [hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] add ReferenceForceUpdater
  • Contributors: Koyama Ryo, Kei Okada

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • bug fixes
    • [hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch] Fix VRML path for pa10 hrpsys_tools test (hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch) #829
  • Chorenoid support (launch/hrpsys.launch )

    • fix hrpsys.launch because choreonoid do not need options for periodic_rate and context_type #810
    • add USE_CHOREONOID argument to hrpsys.launch for using choreonoid instead of hrpsys-simulator #787
  • scripts/ updates #764
    • [scripts/] disply LD_LIBRARY_PATH too
    • [scripts/] rtls is now global bin
    • [scripts/] check all package with git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Copyrights
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing pkg path
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing rosversion
    • [rtmroswtf] Remove verbose from tar that confuses users to sendback which tarball
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • Add EmergencyStopper setting to hrpsys.launch
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • (diagnosis info) Renamed a script to show respect for the great ROS ancestors.
  • (diagnosis info) Obtain package versions in a more generic way.
  • (diagnosis info) Catch error stream.
  • (diagnosis info) Variablize corba hostname and port.
  • Add a very simple tool for recording system diagnosis info.
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • (_gen_project) : Add argument to specify highgain mode
  • (hrpsys.launch) : Support PDController setting for hrpsys.launch.
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

  • (hrpsys.launch) : Add config_file setting for HGcontroller
  • (compile_robot_model.cmake, hrpsys.launch, Add argument to use Unstable RTC List and configure it from cmake discussed in
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch: Added ThermoLimiter/ThermoEstimator definition to hrpsys.launch
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • Contributors: Isaac Isao Saito, iori

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • add RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset setting ;; I write both AbsoluteForceSensor and RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset for compatibility
  • make fail when pa10 is fail to launch
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • add_py_launch_prefix
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Isaac Isao Saito

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • add respawn to rtcd/hrpsys-simulator, RESPAWN_MODELLOADER, RESPAWN_SIMULATOR, RESPAWN_RTCD, see Issue #380
  • hrpsys_tools: (test-pa10.test) run unittest first, then test hcf
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_tools: add rosbuild_add_rostest to CMakeList.txt and fix to load_mafest for rosbuild environment
  • add retry=2 tag, since we staill have trouble on connection sometimes (
  • add launch-prefix argument for hrpsys_py node
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • use -c to specify commands
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • forge to add
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add test code that uses hrpsys.launch
  • add waitForRTCManagerAndRobotHardware for interactive mode
  • remove openrtm_aist_python from find_package
  • add interactive mode, invoke with ipython ... or -i option
  • add sample code of interactive mode of in test-hrpsys-config-test
  • fix test code to work with clean environment
  • fix python code syntax error
  • fix typo
  • write contents of test-hrpsys.test
  • Update rename testHrpsysConfigurator -> TestHrpsysConfigurator
  • add test/test-hrpsys-config.test
  • add depend hrpsys to fke rosdep install


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • (hrpsys_tools, rosnode_rtc, rtmbuild) maintainer name adjusted to the one used in other places
  • add config file for TorqueController
  • add argument to set joint propeties according to hrpsys-base -r906 commit ;; we can set joint properties such as .angle, .mode, and so on ;;
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.5"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.4"
  • rename because there is the package with the same name in hrpsys


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.3"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.2"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Launch files

  • launch/hrpsys.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE
      • RESPAWN_MODELLOADER [default: true]
      • RESPAWN_RTCD [default: false]
      • RESPAWN_SIMULATOR [default: true]
      • OUTPUT [default: log]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • USE_RTCD [default: false]
      • USE_CHOREONOID [default: false]
      • REALTIME [default: false]
      • GUI [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: xterm -e gdb -iex "set height 0" -ex run --args]
      • PY_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 1000000]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: HGcontroller]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default: $(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc).so]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 200]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default:,]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: RobotHardware]
      • hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys)/lib]
      • RobotHardware_conf [default: $(arg CONF_FILE)]
      • hrpsys_rtc_config_args [default: -o "example.SequencePlayer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ForwardKinematics.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ImpedanceController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AutoBalancer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.StateHolder.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoEstimator.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.VirtualForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AbsoluteForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.KalmanFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.Stabilizer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.CollisionDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.SoftErrorLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.HGcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.PDcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.EmergencyStopper.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ReferenceForceUpdater.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RobotHardware.config_file:$(arg RobotHardware_conf)" ]
      • hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args [default: ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_rate)" -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_type)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • openrtm_openhrp_server_start [default: true]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: hrpsys_tools]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default:]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: ]
      • LAUNCH_HRPSYSPY [default: true]
  • launch/_gen_collision_pair.launch
      • MODEL_FILE [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/PA10/pa10.main.wrl]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
  • launch/_gen_project.launch
      • INPUT
      • OUTPUT
      • CONF_FILE_OPTION [default: ]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
      • OBJECT_MODELS [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/longfloor.wrl,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]
      • INTEGRATE [default: true]
      • CONF_DT_OPTION [default: ]
      • USE_HIGHGAIN_MODE_OPTION [default: ]
  • samples/pa10.launch
      • GUI [default: true]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • corbaport [default: $(arg corbaport)]


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged hrpsys_tools at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The hrpsys_tools package

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package hrpsys_tools

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • check hrpsys/rtmros from sources (#1068)
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • allow any port number for nameserver
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • hrpsys_tools/test/test-pa10.test: increase sleep time to 10
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [refactor] remove old rosbuild files
  • [hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] add ReferenceForceUpdater
  • Contributors: Koyama Ryo, Kei Okada

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • bug fixes
    • [hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch] Fix VRML path for pa10 hrpsys_tools test (hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch) #829
  • Chorenoid support (launch/hrpsys.launch )

    • fix hrpsys.launch because choreonoid do not need options for periodic_rate and context_type #810
    • add USE_CHOREONOID argument to hrpsys.launch for using choreonoid instead of hrpsys-simulator #787
  • scripts/ updates #764
    • [scripts/] disply LD_LIBRARY_PATH too
    • [scripts/] rtls is now global bin
    • [scripts/] check all package with git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Copyrights
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing pkg path
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing rosversion
    • [rtmroswtf] Remove verbose from tar that confuses users to sendback which tarball
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • Add EmergencyStopper setting to hrpsys.launch
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • (diagnosis info) Renamed a script to show respect for the great ROS ancestors.
  • (diagnosis info) Obtain package versions in a more generic way.
  • (diagnosis info) Catch error stream.
  • (diagnosis info) Variablize corba hostname and port.
  • Add a very simple tool for recording system diagnosis info.
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • (_gen_project) : Add argument to specify highgain mode
  • (hrpsys.launch) : Support PDController setting for hrpsys.launch.
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

  • (hrpsys.launch) : Add config_file setting for HGcontroller
  • (compile_robot_model.cmake, hrpsys.launch, Add argument to use Unstable RTC List and configure it from cmake discussed in
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch: Added ThermoLimiter/ThermoEstimator definition to hrpsys.launch
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • Contributors: Isaac Isao Saito, iori

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • add RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset setting ;; I write both AbsoluteForceSensor and RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset for compatibility
  • make fail when pa10 is fail to launch
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • add_py_launch_prefix
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Isaac Isao Saito

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • add respawn to rtcd/hrpsys-simulator, RESPAWN_MODELLOADER, RESPAWN_SIMULATOR, RESPAWN_RTCD, see Issue #380
  • hrpsys_tools: (test-pa10.test) run unittest first, then test hcf
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_tools: add rosbuild_add_rostest to CMakeList.txt and fix to load_mafest for rosbuild environment
  • add retry=2 tag, since we staill have trouble on connection sometimes (
  • add launch-prefix argument for hrpsys_py node
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • use -c to specify commands
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • forge to add
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add test code that uses hrpsys.launch
  • add waitForRTCManagerAndRobotHardware for interactive mode
  • remove openrtm_aist_python from find_package
  • add interactive mode, invoke with ipython ... or -i option
  • add sample code of interactive mode of in test-hrpsys-config-test
  • fix test code to work with clean environment
  • fix python code syntax error
  • fix typo
  • write contents of test-hrpsys.test
  • Update rename testHrpsysConfigurator -> TestHrpsysConfigurator
  • add test/test-hrpsys-config.test
  • add depend hrpsys to fke rosdep install


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • (hrpsys_tools, rosnode_rtc, rtmbuild) maintainer name adjusted to the one used in other places
  • add config file for TorqueController
  • add argument to set joint propeties according to hrpsys-base -r906 commit ;; we can set joint properties such as .angle, .mode, and so on ;;
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.5"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.4"
  • rename because there is the package with the same name in hrpsys


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.3"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.2"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Launch files

  • launch/hrpsys.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE
      • RESPAWN_MODELLOADER [default: true]
      • RESPAWN_RTCD [default: false]
      • RESPAWN_SIMULATOR [default: true]
      • OUTPUT [default: log]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • USE_RTCD [default: false]
      • USE_CHOREONOID [default: false]
      • REALTIME [default: false]
      • GUI [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: xterm -e gdb -iex "set height 0" -ex run --args]
      • PY_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 1000000]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: HGcontroller]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default: $(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc).so]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 200]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default:,]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: RobotHardware]
      • hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys)/lib]
      • RobotHardware_conf [default: $(arg CONF_FILE)]
      • hrpsys_rtc_config_args [default: -o "example.SequencePlayer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ForwardKinematics.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ImpedanceController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AutoBalancer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.StateHolder.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoEstimator.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.VirtualForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AbsoluteForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.KalmanFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.Stabilizer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.CollisionDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.SoftErrorLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.HGcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.PDcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.EmergencyStopper.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ReferenceForceUpdater.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RobotHardware.config_file:$(arg RobotHardware_conf)" ]
      • hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args [default: ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_rate)" -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_type)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • openrtm_openhrp_server_start [default: true]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: hrpsys_tools]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default:]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: ]
      • LAUNCH_HRPSYSPY [default: true]
  • launch/_gen_collision_pair.launch
      • MODEL_FILE [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/PA10/pa10.main.wrl]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
  • launch/_gen_project.launch
      • INPUT
      • OUTPUT
      • CONF_FILE_OPTION [default: ]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
      • OBJECT_MODELS [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/longfloor.wrl,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]
      • INTEGRATE [default: true]
      • CONF_DT_OPTION [default: ]
      • USE_HIGHGAIN_MODE_OPTION [default: ]
  • samples/pa10.launch
      • GUI [default: true]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • corbaport [default: $(arg corbaport)]


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged hrpsys_tools at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The hrpsys_tools package

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package hrpsys_tools

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • check hrpsys/rtmros from sources (#1068)
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • allow any port number for nameserver
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • hrpsys_tools/test/test-pa10.test: increase sleep time to 10
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [refactor] remove old rosbuild files
  • [hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] add ReferenceForceUpdater
  • Contributors: Koyama Ryo, Kei Okada

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • bug fixes
    • [hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch] Fix VRML path for pa10 hrpsys_tools test (hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch) #829
  • Chorenoid support (launch/hrpsys.launch )

    • fix hrpsys.launch because choreonoid do not need options for periodic_rate and context_type #810
    • add USE_CHOREONOID argument to hrpsys.launch for using choreonoid instead of hrpsys-simulator #787
  • scripts/ updates #764
    • [scripts/] disply LD_LIBRARY_PATH too
    • [scripts/] rtls is now global bin
    • [scripts/] check all package with git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Copyrights
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing pkg path
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing rosversion
    • [rtmroswtf] Remove verbose from tar that confuses users to sendback which tarball
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • Add EmergencyStopper setting to hrpsys.launch
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • (diagnosis info) Renamed a script to show respect for the great ROS ancestors.
  • (diagnosis info) Obtain package versions in a more generic way.
  • (diagnosis info) Catch error stream.
  • (diagnosis info) Variablize corba hostname and port.
  • Add a very simple tool for recording system diagnosis info.
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • (_gen_project) : Add argument to specify highgain mode
  • (hrpsys.launch) : Support PDController setting for hrpsys.launch.
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

  • (hrpsys.launch) : Add config_file setting for HGcontroller
  • (compile_robot_model.cmake, hrpsys.launch, Add argument to use Unstable RTC List and configure it from cmake discussed in
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch: Added ThermoLimiter/ThermoEstimator definition to hrpsys.launch
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • Contributors: Isaac Isao Saito, iori

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • add RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset setting ;; I write both AbsoluteForceSensor and RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset for compatibility
  • make fail when pa10 is fail to launch
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • add_py_launch_prefix
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Isaac Isao Saito

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • add respawn to rtcd/hrpsys-simulator, RESPAWN_MODELLOADER, RESPAWN_SIMULATOR, RESPAWN_RTCD, see Issue #380
  • hrpsys_tools: (test-pa10.test) run unittest first, then test hcf
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_tools: add rosbuild_add_rostest to CMakeList.txt and fix to load_mafest for rosbuild environment
  • add retry=2 tag, since we staill have trouble on connection sometimes (
  • add launch-prefix argument for hrpsys_py node
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • use -c to specify commands
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • forge to add
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add test code that uses hrpsys.launch
  • add waitForRTCManagerAndRobotHardware for interactive mode
  • remove openrtm_aist_python from find_package
  • add interactive mode, invoke with ipython ... or -i option
  • add sample code of interactive mode of in test-hrpsys-config-test
  • fix test code to work with clean environment
  • fix python code syntax error
  • fix typo
  • write contents of test-hrpsys.test
  • Update rename testHrpsysConfigurator -> TestHrpsysConfigurator
  • add test/test-hrpsys-config.test
  • add depend hrpsys to fke rosdep install


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • (hrpsys_tools, rosnode_rtc, rtmbuild) maintainer name adjusted to the one used in other places
  • add config file for TorqueController
  • add argument to set joint propeties according to hrpsys-base -r906 commit ;; we can set joint properties such as .angle, .mode, and so on ;;
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.5"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.4"
  • rename because there is the package with the same name in hrpsys


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.3"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.2"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Launch files

  • launch/hrpsys.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE
      • RESPAWN_MODELLOADER [default: true]
      • RESPAWN_RTCD [default: false]
      • RESPAWN_SIMULATOR [default: true]
      • OUTPUT [default: log]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • USE_RTCD [default: false]
      • USE_CHOREONOID [default: false]
      • REALTIME [default: false]
      • GUI [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: xterm -e gdb -iex "set height 0" -ex run --args]
      • PY_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 1000000]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: HGcontroller]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default: $(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc).so]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 200]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default:,]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: RobotHardware]
      • hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys)/lib]
      • RobotHardware_conf [default: $(arg CONF_FILE)]
      • hrpsys_rtc_config_args [default: -o "example.SequencePlayer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ForwardKinematics.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ImpedanceController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AutoBalancer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.StateHolder.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoEstimator.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.VirtualForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AbsoluteForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.KalmanFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.Stabilizer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.CollisionDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.SoftErrorLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.HGcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.PDcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.EmergencyStopper.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ReferenceForceUpdater.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RobotHardware.config_file:$(arg RobotHardware_conf)" ]
      • hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args [default: ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_rate)" -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_type)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • openrtm_openhrp_server_start [default: true]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: hrpsys_tools]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default:]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: ]
      • LAUNCH_HRPSYSPY [default: true]
  • launch/_gen_collision_pair.launch
      • MODEL_FILE [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/PA10/pa10.main.wrl]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
  • launch/_gen_project.launch
      • INPUT
      • OUTPUT
      • CONF_FILE_OPTION [default: ]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
      • OBJECT_MODELS [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/longfloor.wrl,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]
      • INTEGRATE [default: true]
      • CONF_DT_OPTION [default: ]
      • USE_HIGHGAIN_MODE_OPTION [default: ]
  • samples/pa10.launch
      • GUI [default: true]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • corbaport [default: $(arg corbaport)]


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Recent questions tagged hrpsys_tools at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.4.3
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-08-04
CI status
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The hrpsys_tools package

Additional Links


  • Kei Okada


  • Kei Okada
No README found. See repository README.

Changelog for package hrpsys_tools

1.4.3 (2020-04-20)

  • check hrpsys/rtmros from sources (#1068)
  • Try to run multiple hrpsys simulation environments (#1054)
    • re-add omniorb_args for backward compatibility
    • change to use omniorb_args -> openrtm_args
    • support any RTCManager port num
    • allow any port number for nameserver
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yasuhiro Ishiguro

1.4.2 (2017-12-22)

1.4.1 (2017-10-25)

1.4.0 (2017-08-09)

  • fix code to run both Indido and Kinetic (#1025)
    • hrpsys_tools/test/test-pa10.test: increase sleep time to 10
  • set USE_UNSTABLE_RTC as not all unstable rtc defiend in, just for basic walking test, other latest development rtc is passed by arg (#1004)
    • [hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch,hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/,hrpsys_ros_bridge/euslisp/rtm-ros-robot-interface.l,hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] Update for ObjectTurnaroundDetector RTC. add USE_REFERENCEFORCEUDPATER and USE_OBJECTCONTACTTURNAROUNDDETECTOR.
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.3.3 (2017-02-12)

1.3.2 (2016-04-26)

  • [refactor] remove old rosbuild files
  • [hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch] add ReferenceForceUpdater
  • Contributors: Koyama Ryo, Kei Okada

1.3.1 (2015-12-16)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo

1.3.0 (2015-12-09)

  • deb release only targeting to indigo
  • bug fixes
    • [hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch] Fix VRML path for pa10 hrpsys_tools test (hrpsys_tools/samples/pa10.launch) #829
  • Chorenoid support (launch/hrpsys.launch )

    • fix hrpsys.launch because choreonoid do not need options for periodic_rate and context_type #810
    • add USE_CHOREONOID argument to hrpsys.launch for using choreonoid instead of hrpsys-simulator #787
  • scripts/ updates #764
    • [scripts/] disply LD_LIBRARY_PATH too
    • [scripts/] rtls is now global bin
    • [scripts/] check all package with git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Copyrights
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing git status
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing pkg path
    • [rtmroswtf] Add printing rosversion
    • [rtmroswtf] Remove verbose from tar that confuses users to sendback which tarball
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, YoheiKakiuchi

1.2.14 (2015-06-23)

  • Add EmergencyStopper setting to hrpsys.launch
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.13 (2015-06-11)

1.2.12 (2015-04-27)

1.2.11 (2015-04-25)

1.2.10 (2015-04-24)

1.2.9 (2015-04-11)

  • [hrpsys_tools/hrpsys.launch] support DEBUG_HRPSYS argument to run rtcd with gdb
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

1.2.8 (2015-03-09)

  • [test-*.py] test name could not contain minus? any changet to underscore (
  • (diagnosis info) Renamed a script to show respect for the great ROS ancestors.
  • (diagnosis info) Obtain package versions in a more generic way.
  • (diagnosis info) Catch error stream.
  • (diagnosis info) Variablize corba hostname and port.
  • Add a very simple tool for recording system diagnosis info.
  • Contributors: Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada

1.2.7 (2015-01-06)

  • (_gen_project) : Add argument to specify highgain mode
  • (hrpsys.launch) : Support PDController setting for hrpsys.launch.
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.6 (2014-10-10)

1.2.5 (2014-10-04)

1.2.4 (2014-09-08)

1.2.3 (2014-09-03)

1.2.2 (2014-08-31)

  • (hrpsys.launch) : Add config_file setting for HGcontroller
  • (compile_robot_model.cmake, hrpsys.launch, Add argument to use Unstable RTC List and configure it from cmake discussed in
  • Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa

1.2.1 (2014-06-23)

  • hrpsys_tools/launch/hrpsys.launch: Added ThermoLimiter/ThermoEstimator definition to hrpsys.launch
  • (package.xml files) Update repository URLs
  • Contributors: Isaac Isao Saito, iori

1.2.0 (2014-05-14)

  • bump to 1.2.0for hrpsys 315.2.0

1.0.12 (2014-05-06)

  • add RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset setting ;; I write both AbsoluteForceSensor and RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset for compatibility
  • make fail when pa10 is fail to launch
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa

1.0.11 (2014-04-16)

1.0.10 (2014-04-15)

1.0.9 (2014-04-14)

1.0.8 (2014-04-14)

  • use for rosdevel build environment, see #400
  • add_py_launch_prefix
  • Contributors: Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Isaac Isao Saito

1.0.7 (2014-03-20)

  • add respawn to rtcd/hrpsys-simulator, RESPAWN_MODELLOADER, RESPAWN_SIMULATOR, RESPAWN_RTCD, see Issue #380
  • hrpsys_tools: (test-pa10.test) run unittest first, then test hcf
  • hrpsys_tools, hrpsys_ros_bridge: increase retly to 4 for test
  • hrpsys_tools: add rosbuild_add_rostest to CMakeList.txt and fix to load_mafest for rosbuild environment
  • add retry=2 tag, since we staill have trouble on connection sometimes (
  • add launch-prefix argument for hrpsys_py node
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add samples direcotry to install
  • use -c to specify commands
  • add -c option to specify commands to execute
  • forge to add
  • set RobotHardware name due to api change of
  • add test code that uses hrpsys.launch
  • add waitForRTCManagerAndRobotHardware for interactive mode
  • remove openrtm_aist_python from find_package
  • add interactive mode, invoke with ipython ... or -i option
  • add sample code of interactive mode of in test-hrpsys-config-test
  • fix test code to work with clean environment
  • fix python code syntax error
  • fix typo
  • write contents of test-hrpsys.test
  • Update rename testHrpsysConfigurator -> TestHrpsysConfigurator
  • add test/test-hrpsys-config.test
  • add depend hrpsys to fke rosdep install


  • rtmros_common-1.0.6
  • add hrpsys_tools to depends on openrtm_tools, see Issue 309
  • (hrpsys_tools, rosnode_rtc, rtmbuild) maintainer name adjusted to the one used in other places
  • add config file for TorqueController
  • add argument to set joint propeties according to hrpsys-base -r906 commit ;; we can set joint properties such as .angle, .mode, and so on ;;
  • add argument to set timeStep according to hrpsys-base -r905 commit ;; we can set timeStep <= dt ;;


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.5"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.4"
  • rename because there is the package with the same name in hrpsys


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.3"


  • "rtmros_common-1.0.2"


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

Launch files

  • launch/hrpsys.launch
      • MODEL_FILE
      • CONF_FILE
      • RESPAWN_MODELLOADER [default: true]
      • RESPAWN_RTCD [default: false]
      • RESPAWN_SIMULATOR [default: true]
      • OUTPUT [default: log]
      • nameserver [default: localhost]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • managerport [default: 2810]
      • KILL_SERVERS [default: false]
      • omniorb_args [default: -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)/NameService]
      • openrtm_args [default: -o "corba.master_manager:$(arg nameserver):$(arg managerport)" -o "corba.nameservers:$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" -o "naming.formats:%n.rtc" -o "logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log"]
      • USE_RTCD [default: false]
      • USE_CHOREONOID [default: false]
      • REALTIME [default: false]
      • GUI [default: true]
      • DEBUG_HRPSYS [default: false]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • RTCD_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: xterm -e gdb -iex "set height 0" -ex run --args]
      • PY_LAUNCH_PREFIX [default: ]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 1000000]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: HGcontroller]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default: $(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc).so]
      • hrpsys_periodic_rate [default: 200]
      • hrpsys_preload_rtc [default:,]
      • hrpsys_precreate_rtc [default: RobotHardware]
      • hrpsys_load_path [default: $(find hrpsys)/lib]
      • RobotHardware_conf [default: $(arg CONF_FILE)]
      • hrpsys_rtc_config_args [default: -o "example.SequencePlayer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ForwardKinematics.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ImpedanceController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AutoBalancer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.StateHolder.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.TorqueController.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoEstimator.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ThermoLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.VirtualForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.AbsoluteForceSensor.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.KalmanFilter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.Stabilizer.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.CollisionDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.SoftErrorLimiter.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.HGcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.PDcontroller.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.EmergencyStopper.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ReferenceForceUpdater.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector.config_file:$(arg CONF_FILE)" -o "example.RobotHardware.config_file:$(arg RobotHardware_conf)" ]
      • hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args [default: ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "exec_cxt.periodic.rate:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_rate)" -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" -o "exec_cxt.periodic.type:$(arg hrpsys_periodic_type)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • hrpsys_args [default: -o "manager.shutdown_onrtcs:NO" -o "manager.modules.load_path:$(arg hrpsys_load_path)" -o "manager.modules.preload:$(arg hrpsys_preload_rtc)" -o "manager.components.precreate:$(arg hrpsys_precreate_rtc)" $(arg hrpsys_rtc_config_args) $(arg hrpsys_opt_rtc_config_args) ]
      • openrtm_openhrp_server_start [default: true]
      • HRPSYS_PY_PKG [default: hrpsys_tools]
      • HRPSYS_PY_NAME [default:]
      • HRPSYS_PY_ARGS [default: ]
      • LAUNCH_HRPSYSPY [default: true]
  • launch/_gen_collision_pair.launch
      • MODEL_FILE [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/PA10/pa10.main.wrl]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
  • launch/_gen_project.launch
      • INPUT
      • OUTPUT
      • CONF_FILE_OPTION [default: ]
      • CORBA_PORT [default: 2809]
      • OBJECT_MODELS [default: $(find openhrp3)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/longfloor.wrl,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]
      • INTEGRATE [default: true]
      • CONF_DT_OPTION [default: ]
      • USE_HIGHGAIN_MODE_OPTION [default: ]
  • samples/pa10.launch
      • GUI [default: true]
      • corbaport [default: 15005]
      • GUI [default: $(arg GUI)]
      • corbaport [default: $(arg corbaport)]


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Recent questions tagged hrpsys_tools at Robotics Stack Exchange