Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.1.7 |
License | Apache License 2.0 |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
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VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | crystal-devel |
Last Updated | 2019-03-13 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
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Package Description
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- Michael Jeronimo
- Carlos Orduno
- Carlos Orduno
Nav2 Tasks
A task is an abstraction roughly modeled after ROS1’s SimpleActionClient/Server (which is not yet available in ROS2). A task client issues a command to task server, which receives the command, performs a (typically long-running) task, and asynchronously returns a result to the client. The task client may cancel the task during its execution. After cancellation or completion, the task client may issue another task to the task server.
The nav2_tasks library defines:
- TaskServer and TaskClient templates which are used as base classes to implement task servers and their associated task clients
- A few derived classes, such as ComputePathToPoseTask, that define specific task clients and servers
For convenience the nav_tasks library also provides:
- A ServiceClient template used to define clients for ROS2 services
- A couple specific service client classes, such as MapServiceClient that use the ServiceClient template
The Navigation2 architecture implements a task hierarchy where commands are sent to modules which are organized in a hierarchy. Each module implements a task and can utilize sub-tasks, which are themselves modules that implement tasks.
For example, the Navigation2 software currently implements four tasks: ExecuteMission, NavigateToPose, ComputePathToPose, and FollowPath, which are organized as follows:
This approach allows for easily replacing any task with an alternative implementation. The replacement module must simply implement the correct task interface.
One can define additional tasks using the TaskClient and TaskSever templates. To do so, one specifies the command message that the task is to receive as well as the result message (similar in spirit to ROS1’s .action file).
For example, to define a new task, named DoSomething, that takes a String as input and an Empty message as a result,
namespace nav2_tasks
using DoSomethingCommand = std_msgs::msg::String;
using DoSomethingResult = std_msgs::msg::Empty;
using DoSomethingTaskClient = TaskClient<DoSomethingCommand, DoSomethingResult>;
using DoSomethingTaskServer = TaskServer<DoSomethingCommand, DoSomethingResult>;
inline const char * getTaskName<DoSomethingCommand, DoSomethingResult>()
return "DoSomethingTask";
Note: The getTaskName template is required (it’s used to name the topics used by the implementation).
Then, to implement the task server, a derived class inherits from this newly-defined task type and overrides the execute() method. For example,
class DoSomethingImplementation : public nav2_tasks::DoSomethingTaskServer
nav2_tasks::TaskStatus execute(
const nav2_tasks::DoSomethingCommand::SharedPtr command) override;
DoSomethingImplementation::execute(const nav2_tasks::DoSomethingCommand::SharedPtr command)
for (;;) {
// TODO: Do a bit of the task
// Before we loop again to do more work, check if we've been canceled
if (cancelRequested()) {
RCLCPP_INFO(get_logger(), "DwaController::execute: task has been canceled");
return TaskStatus::CANCELED;
// If we've successfully completed the task, return the result
if (done) {
nav2_tasks::DoSomethingResult result;
// TODO: Set fields in the result message, if any
return TaskStatus::SUCCEEDED;
The implementation of TaskClient and TaskServer is intentionally simplistic as it is a temporary stand-in for missing ActionLib functionality. The current implementation uses four ROS topics for task client/server communication. Associated with these topics are four message types: Command, Cancel, Result, and Status. The Command and Result messages are provided by the user of the TaskClient and TaskServer classes and are the input and output of the task from the client’s point of view. The Cancel and Status messages are internal to the implementation; the Status message is used to communicate from the task server to the task client, indicating whether a task has succeeded, failed, or has been canceled, and the Cancel message is sent from the task client to the task server when the client invokes the cancel() method. To keep things simple, the task library does not implement a feedback mechanism to provide task updates.
Open Issues
TaskServer is a Node versus receives a Node
- The currently implementation makes the TaskServer itself a Node. Instead, it should receive the Node to use. This would allow a Node to have multiple TaskServers.
Override virtual method versus registering a callback
- The implementation currently requires a derived class to override a virtual method. Instead, this could be more like ActionLib where a callback is registered.
Automatic task cancelation
- For convenience, upon receiving a new command before the previous command has completed, the task server could automatically cancel the current command and take up the new command.