
Name Description
1 2024-08-20 create3_examples_msgs
Package containing action, message and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 examples
Package containing action, message and service definitions used by the iRobot(R) Create(R) 3 examples
1 2024-08-20 create3_coverage
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
C++ action server exposing a non-systematic coverage behavior
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_moveit_config
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
CRANE+ V2 move_group config package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_gazebo
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
CRANE+ V2 gazebo simulation package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_examples
CRANE+ V2 examples package
CRANE+ V2 examples package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_description
CRANE+ V2 description package
CRANE+ V2 description package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus_control
CRANE+ V2 control package
CRANE+ V2 control package
1 2024-12-03 crane_plus
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
ROS 2 package suite of CRANE+ V2
2 2025-01-14 costmap_queue
The costmap_queue package
The costmap_queue package
2 2024-12-19 controller_manager_msgs
Messages and services for the controller manager.
Messages and services for the controller manager.
2 2024-12-19 controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
Description of controller_manager
2 2024-12-19 controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
Description of controller_interface
1 2025-01-08 control_toolbox
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers.
1 2024-12-18 control_msgs
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories.
1 2020-06-05 control_box_rst
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
The control_box_rst package provides C++ libraries for predictive control, direct optimal control, optimization and simulation.
1 2023-01-10 console_bridge_vendor
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
Wrapper around console_bridge, providing nothing but a dependency on console_bridge, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of console_bridge.
1 2025-01-09 compressed_image_transport
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG.
1 2025-01-09 compressed_depth_image_transport
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression.
1 2022-11-07 composition_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
A package containing message and service definitions for managing composable nodes in a container process.
1 2024-07-26 composition
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
Examples for composing multiple nodes in a single process.
1 2024-05-20 common_interfaces
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
common_interfaces contains messages and services that are widely used by other ROS packages.
2 2025-01-08 color_util
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
An almost dependency-less library for converting between color spaces
1 2025-01-08 collision_log_msgs
Messages for describing collisions (simulated or not)
Messages for describing collisions (simulated or not)
2 2024-11-25 cob_srvs
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions.
2 2024-11-25 cob_msgs
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status.
2 2024-11-25 cob_common
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.
2 2024-11-25 cob_actions
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions.
2 2025-01-11 coal
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.
1 2025-01-13 cmake_generate_parameter_module_example
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module with cmake.
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_viz
Visualization launchers for Clearpath Platforms.
Visualization launchers for Clearpath Platforms.
1 2024-10-09 clearpath_socketcan_interface
Clearpath's CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
Clearpath's CAN interface description with helpers for filtering and driver implementation. Further a socketcan implementation based on boost::asio is included.
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_simulator
Clearpath Simulator Metapackage
Clearpath Simulator Metapackage
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_sensors_description
Clearpath sensors URDF descriptions
Clearpath sensors URDF descriptions
1 2024-12-17 clearpath_ros2_socketcan_interface
A ROS 2 socketcan interface.
A ROS 2 socketcan interface.
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_platform_msgs
Messages for Clearpath Platforms.
Messages for Clearpath Platforms.
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_platform_description
Clearpath Platform URDF descriptions
Clearpath Platform URDF descriptions
1 2024-01-22 clearpath_nav2_demos
Nav2 demos for Clearpath robots
Nav2 demos for Clearpath robots
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_msgs
Metapackage for Clearapth messages.
Metapackage for Clearapth messages.
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_mounts_description
Clearpath mounts URDF descriptions
Clearpath mounts URDF descriptions
1 2024-08-13 clearpath_mecanum_drive_controller
Clearpath fork of mecanum drive controller for 4 wheel drive.
Clearpath fork of mecanum drive controller for 4 wheel drive.
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_manipulators_description
Clearpath manipulator URDF descriptions
Clearpath manipulator URDF descriptions
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_manipulators
MoveIt configuration built around Clearpath Configuration
MoveIt configuration built around Clearpath Configuration
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_gz
Clearpath Gazebo Simulator
Clearpath Gazebo Simulator
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_generator_gz
Clearpath Gazebo Generator
Clearpath Gazebo Generator
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_generator_common
Clearpath Common Generator
Clearpath Common Generator
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_desktop
Packages for working with Clearpath Platforms from a ROS 2 desktop.
Packages for working with Clearpath Platforms from a ROS 2 desktop.
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_description
Clearpath URDF descriptions metapackage
Clearpath URDF descriptions metapackage
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_customization
Clearpath customization packages.
Clearpath customization packages.
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_control
Controllers for Clearpath Robotics platforms
Controllers for Clearpath Robotics platforms
1 2024-09-19 clearpath_config_live
Live URDF Updater from Clearpath Configuration.
Live URDF Updater from Clearpath Configuration.
1 2024-09-29 clearpath_config
Clearpath Configuration YAML Parser and Writer
Clearpath Configuration YAML Parser and Writer
1 2025-01-14 clearpath_common
Clearpath Common Metapackage
Clearpath Common Metapackage
1 2024-07-11 classic_bags
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
1 2022-01-14 class_loader
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of these exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes.
3 2025-01-14 chomp_motion_planner
1 2024-05-24 catch_ros2
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests.
1 2024-04-04 cascade_lifecycle_msgs
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
Messages for rclcpp_cascade_lifecycle package
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_rviz
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's RViz integration.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros_msgs
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
ROS messages for the cartographer_ros package.
2 2024-04-17 cartographer_ros
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. This package provides Cartographer's ROS integration.
2 2024-03-15 cartographer
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
1 2024-11-25 caret_trace
Library to add tracepoints for CARET
Library to add tracepoints for CARET
1 2024-11-25 caret_msgs
Message definitions for CARET
Message definitions for CARET
1 2024-11-25 caret_analyze_cpp_impl
c++ implementation of caret_analyze
c++ implementation of caret_analyze
1 2024-11-25 caret_analyze
CARET's tools for analyzing trace results
CARET's tools for analyzing trace results
1 2024-04-22 canopen_utils
Utils for working with ros2_canopen.
Utils for working with ros2_canopen.
1 2024-04-22 canopen_tests
Package with tests for ros2_canopen
Package with tests for ros2_canopen
1 2024-04-22 canopen_ros2_controllers
ros2_control controllers for ros2_canopen functionalities
ros2_control controllers for ros2_canopen functionalities
1 2024-04-22 canopen_ros2_control
ros2_control wrapper for ros2_canopen functionalities
ros2_control wrapper for ros2_canopen functionalities
1 2024-04-22 canopen_proxy_driver
Simple proxy driver for the ros2_canopen stack
Simple proxy driver for the ros2_canopen stack
1 2024-04-22 canopen_master_driver
Basic canopen master implementation
Basic canopen master implementation
1 2024-04-22 canopen_interfaces
Services and Messages for ros2_canopen stack
Services and Messages for ros2_canopen stack
1 2024-04-22 canopen_fake_slaves
Package with mock canopen slave
Package with mock canopen slave
1 2024-04-22 canopen_core
Core ros2_canopen functionalities such as DeviceContainer and master
Core ros2_canopen functionalities such as DeviceContainer and master
1 2024-04-22 canopen_base_driver
Library containing abstract CANopen driver class for ros2_canopen
Library containing abstract CANopen driver class for ros2_canopen
1 2024-04-22 canopen_402_driver
Driiver for devices implementing CIA402 profile
Driiver for devices implementing CIA402 profile
1 2024-04-22 canopen
Meta-package aggregating the ros2_canopen packages and documentation
Meta-package aggregating the ros2_canopen packages and documentation
1 2020-12-18 can_msgs
CAN related message types.
CAN related message types.
1 2025-01-09 camera_ros
node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)
node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)
2 2024-11-26 camera_info_manager_py
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
Python interface for camera calibration information. This ROS package provides a CameraInfo interface for Python camera drivers similar to the C++ camera_info_manager package.
1 2024-11-26 camera_info_manager
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data.
1 2024-11-26 camera_calibration_parsers
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters.
1 2024-08-20 camera_calibration
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target.
1 2024-12-12 camera_aravis2_msgs
Messages and service definitions for the camera_aravis2 package.
Messages and service definitions for the camera_aravis2 package.
1 2024-12-12 camera_aravis2
ROS2 camera driver for [GenICam]( GigEVision and USB3Vision cameras.
ROS2 camera driver for [GenICam]( GigEVision and USB3Vision cameras.
1 2022-11-07 builtin_interfaces
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
A package containing message and service definitions for types defined in the OMG IDL Platform Specific Model.
1 2024-12-11 bosch_locator_bridge_utils
Utilities to use bosch_locator_bridge with Nav2
Utilities to use bosch_locator_bridge with Nav2
1 2024-12-11 bosch_locator_bridge
ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator
ROS interface to Rexroth ROKIT Locator
1 2024-09-28 boost_plugin_loader
Boost plugin loader implementation
Boost plugin loader implementation
1 2023-12-29 boost_geometry_util
Utility library for boost geometry
Utility library for boost geometry
1 2022-04-01 bondpy
Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
1 2022-04-01 bondcpp
C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated.
1 2022-04-01 bond_core
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
1 2022-04-01 bond
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out.
1 2024-01-12 boeing_gazebo_model_attachment_plugin_msgs
Model Attachment Plugin
Model Attachment Plugin
1 2024-01-12 boeing_gazebo_model_attachment_plugin
Model Attachment Plugin
Model Attachment Plugin
1 2024-02-17 bno055
Bosch BNO055 IMU driver for ROS2
Bosch BNO055 IMU driver for ROS2
1 2025-01-13 bicycle_steering_controller
Steering controller with bicycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheel is powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
Steering controller with bicycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheel is powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.
1 2025-01-13 beluga_tutorial
Primer on Particle Filtering with Beluga.
Primer on Particle Filtering with Beluga.
1 2025-01-13 beluga_tools
Set of miscellaneous tools to work with beluga.
Set of miscellaneous tools to work with beluga.
1 2025-01-13 beluga_system_tests
System tests for beluga.
System tests for beluga.
1 2025-01-13 beluga_ros
Utilities to interface ROS with Beluga.
Utilities to interface ROS with Beluga.
1 2025-01-13 beluga_example
Example launch files for Beluga AMCL.
Example launch files for Beluga AMCL.
1 2025-01-13 beluga_benchmark
Scripts to benchmark, profile and compare beluga with other AMCL implementations.
Scripts to benchmark, profile and compare beluga with other AMCL implementations.
1 2025-01-13 beluga_amcl
An AMCL node implementation for ROS2 using Beluga.
An AMCL node implementation for ROS2 using Beluga.
1 2025-01-13 beluga
A generic MCL library for ROS2.
A generic MCL library for ROS2.
1 2025-01-10 behaviortree_cpp
This package provides the Behavior Trees core library.
This package provides the Behavior Trees core library.
1 2024-11-12 bcr_bot
1 2025-01-08 base2d_kinematics_msgs
Interfaces for 2.5D kinematics
Interfaces for 2.5D kinematics
1 2025-01-08 base2d_kinematics
Implementation of simple kinematics in two and half dimensions
Implementation of simple kinematics in two and half dimensions
1 2023-12-15 bag2_to_image
The bag2_to_image package
The bag2_to_image package
1 2025-01-10 backward_ros
The backward_ros package is a ros wrapper of backward-cpp from
The backward_ros package is a ros wrapper of backward-cpp from
2 2024-12-13 backward_local_planner
The backward_local_planner package.
The backward_local_planner package.
2 2024-12-13 backward_global_planner
The backward_global_planner package.
The backward_global_planner package.
1 2024-11-01 axis_msgs
ROS messages used by the axis_camera package to control Axis PTZ and fixed cameras
ROS messages used by the axis_camera package to control Axis PTZ and fixed cameras
1 2024-11-01 axis_description
Description package with URDF files for common Axis fixed and PTZ cameras
Description package with URDF files for common Axis fixed and PTZ cameras
2 2024-11-01 axis_camera
ROS 2 driver for fixed and PTZ Axis cameras
ROS 2 driver for fixed and PTZ Axis cameras
1 2023-09-27 aws_sdk_cpp_vendor
A vendor package for aws-sdk-cpp
A vendor package for aws-sdk-cpp
1 2021-12-15 aws_robomaker_small_warehouse_world
AWS RoboMaker package for a warehouse world to use in manufacturing and logistics robot applications.
AWS RoboMaker package for a warehouse world to use in manufacturing and logistics robot applications.
1 2022-05-24 avt_vimba_camera_msgs
Message definitions for controlling Allied Vision Technologies (AVT) cameras
Message definitions for controlling Allied Vision Technologies (AVT) cameras
2 2022-05-24 avt_vimba_camera
Camera driver for Allied Vision Technologies (AVT) cameras, based on their Vimba SDK.
Camera driver for Allied Vision Technologies (AVT) cameras, based on their Vimba SDK.
1 2024-12-16 autoware_vehicle_msgs
Interfaces between core Autoware vehicle components
Interfaces between core Autoware vehicle components
1 2024-12-16 autoware_v2x_msgs
Autoware v2x messages package.
Autoware v2x messages package.
1 2024-12-21 autoware_utils
The autoware_utils package
The autoware_utils package
2 2024-12-16 autoware_system_msgs
Autoware system messages package.
Autoware system messages package.
1 2024-12-16 autoware_sensing_msgs
Autoware sensing messages package.
Autoware sensing messages package.
1 2024-12-16 autoware_planning_msgs
Autoware planning messages package.
Autoware planning messages package.
1 2024-12-16 autoware_perception_msgs
Autoware perception messages package.
Autoware perception messages package.
2 2024-12-16 autoware_map_msgs
Autoware map messages package.
Autoware map messages package.
1 2024-12-16 autoware_localization_msgs
Autoware localization messages package.
Autoware localization messages package.
1 2024-12-21 autoware_lint_common
The list of commonly used linters in Autoware
The list of commonly used linters in Autoware
1 2025-01-07 autoware_lanelet2_extension_python
The autoware_lanelet2_extension_python package contains Python bindings for lanelet2_extension package
The autoware_lanelet2_extension_python package contains Python bindings for lanelet2_extension package
1 2025-01-07 autoware_lanelet2_extension
The autoware_lanelet2_extension package contains libraries to handle Lanelet2 format data.
The autoware_lanelet2_extension package contains libraries to handle Lanelet2 format data.
1 2025-01-15 autoware_internal_planning_msgs
The autoware_internal_planning_msgs package
The autoware_internal_planning_msgs package
1 2025-01-15 autoware_internal_perception_msgs
Autoware internal perception messages package.
Autoware internal perception messages package.
1 2025-01-15 autoware_internal_msgs
Autoware internal messages package.
Autoware internal messages package.
1 2025-01-15 autoware_internal_debug_msgs
Autoware internal debug messages package.
Autoware internal debug messages package.
1 2024-12-16 autoware_control_msgs
Autoware control messages package.
Autoware control messages package.
1 2024-12-16 autoware_common_msgs
Autoware common messages package.
Autoware common messages package.
1 2024-12-21 autoware_cmake
CMake scripts for Autoware
CMake scripts for Autoware
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto vehicle components
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto vehicle components
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_system_msgs
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto system components
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto system components
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_planning_msgs
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto planning components
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto planning components
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_perception_msgs
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto perception components
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto perception components
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_msgs
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto components
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto components
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_mapping_msgs
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto mapping components
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto mapping components
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_geometry_msgs
Geometry related message definitions in Autoware.Auto
Geometry related message definitions in Autoware.Auto
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_debug_msgs
The autoware_auto_debug_msgs package
The autoware_auto_debug_msgs package
1 2022-03-03 autoware_auto_control_msgs
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto control components
Interfaces between core Autoware.Auto control components
1 2024-12-24 autoware_adapi_version_msgs
The Autoware AD API version interfaces
The Autoware AD API version interfaces
1 2024-12-24 autoware_adapi_v1_msgs
The Autoware AD API interfaces
The Autoware AD API interfaces
2 2021-08-25 automotive_platform_msgs
Generic Messages for Communication with an Automotive Autonomous Platform
Generic Messages for Communication with an Automotive Autonomous Platform
2 2021-08-25 automotive_navigation_msgs
Generic Messages for Navigation Objectives in Automotive Automation Software
Generic Messages for Navigation Objectives in Automotive Automation Software
2 2021-08-25 automotive_autonomy_msgs
Messages for vehicle automation
Messages for vehicle automation
1 2025-01-14 automatika_ros_sugar
Syntactic sugar for ROS2 nodes creation and management
Syntactic sugar for ROS2 nodes creation and management
3 2021-09-10 async_web_server_cpp
Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++
Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++
1 2023-06-22 asio_cmake_module
A CMake module for using the ASIO network library
A CMake module for using the ASIO network library
1 2025-01-14 as2_visualization
Aerostack2 Visualization Tools
Aerostack2 Visualization Tools
1 2025-01-14 as2_usb_camera_interface
USB camera driver
USB camera driver
1 2025-01-14 as2_state_estimator
Basic state estimator for AeroStack2
Basic state estimator for AeroStack2
1 2025-01-14 as2_rviz_plugins
A very simple plugin for RViz.
A very simple plugin for RViz.
1 2025-01-14 as2_realsense_interface
Intel Realsense cameras driver
Intel Realsense cameras driver
1 2025-01-14 as2_python_api
AeroStack2 drone interface tool in python
AeroStack2 drone interface tool in python
1 2024-08-20 as2_platform_tello
Package to communicate DJI Tello drones with Aerostack2 framework
Package to communicate DJI Tello drones with Aerostack2 framework
1 2025-01-14 as2_platform_multirotor_simulator
Lightweight simulator
Lightweight simulator
1 2024-08-26 as2_platform_mavlink
Package to communicate Mavlink based drones with Aerostack2 framework
Package to communicate Mavlink based drones with Aerostack2 framework
1 2025-01-14 as2_platform_gazebo
Package to communicate Gazebo Simulator with Aerostack2 framework
Package to communicate Gazebo Simulator with Aerostack2 framework
1 2024-12-04 as2_platform_dji_psdk
AS2 DJI PSDK aerial platform
AS2 DJI PSDK aerial platform
1 2024-08-20 as2_platform_dji_osdk
Package to communicate DJI OSDK with Aerostack2 framework
Package to communicate DJI OSDK with Aerostack2 framework
1 2024-08-20 as2_platform_crazyflie
Package to communicate Crazyflie drones with Aerostack2 framework
Package to communicate Crazyflie drones with Aerostack2 framework
1 2025-01-14 as2_msgs
Messages, services and action files for the AS2 stack
Messages, services and action files for the AS2 stack
1 2025-01-14 as2_motion_reference_handlers
Motion handlers to ease the control of the UAVs inside the Aerostack2 framework
Motion handlers to ease the control of the UAVs inside the Aerostack2 framework
1 2025-01-14 as2_motion_controller
AS2 Controller Package
AS2 Controller Package
1 2025-01-14 as2_map_server
Aerostack2 map server node for mapping the environment
Aerostack2 map server node for mapping the environment
1 2025-01-14 as2_keyboard_teleoperation
Keyboard Teleoperation
Keyboard Teleoperation
1 2025-01-14 as2_geozones
Geozones for AeroStack2
Geozones for AeroStack2
1 2025-01-14 as2_gazebo_assets
Ignition Gazebo resources
Ignition Gazebo resources
1 2025-01-14 as2_external_object_to_tf
Adds external objects pose to tf
Adds external objects pose to tf
1 2025-01-14 as2_core
Aerostack2 core package which contains the basic classes of the Aerostack2 framework
Aerostack2 core package which contains the basic classes of the Aerostack2 framework
1 2025-01-14 as2_cli
AS2 CLI Package
AS2 CLI Package
1 2025-01-14 as2_behaviors_trajectory_generation
Aerostack behaviors collection for trajectory generation
Aerostack behaviors collection for trajectory generation
1 2025-01-14 as2_behaviors_platform
Aerostack2 core package which contains launchers for the basic behaviors
Aerostack2 core package which contains launchers for the basic behaviors
1 2025-01-14 as2_behaviors_perception
ArUco detector behavior
ArUco detector behavior
1 2025-01-14 as2_behaviors_path_planning
Aerostack2 behaviors collection for path planning
Aerostack2 behaviors collection for path planning
1 2025-01-14 as2_behaviors_motion
AS2 Movement Behaviors Behaviors Meta Package
AS2 Movement Behaviors Behaviors Meta Package
1 2025-01-14 as2_behavior_tree
AS2 behavior trees
AS2 behavior trees
1 2025-01-14 as2_behavior
Aerostack2 Behavior Class
Aerostack2 Behavior Class
1 2025-01-14 as2_alphanumeric_viewer
Alphanumeric Viewer
Alphanumeric Viewer
1 2024-05-09 aruco_ros
The ARUCO Library has been developed by the Ava group of the Univeristy of Cordoba(Spain). It provides real-time marker based 3D pose estimation using AR markers.
The ARUCO Library has been developed by the Ava group of the Univeristy of Cordoba(Spain). It provides real-time marker based 3D pose estimation using AR markers.
2 2024-06-04 aruco_opencv_msgs
Message definitions for aruco_opencv package.
Message definitions for aruco_opencv package.
2 2024-06-04 aruco_opencv
ArUco marker detection using aruco module from OpenCV libraries.
ArUco marker detection using aruco module from OpenCV libraries.
1 2024-05-09 aruco_msgs
The aruco_msgs package
The aruco_msgs package
1 2024-05-09 aruco
The ARUCO Library has been developed by the Ava group of the Univeristy of Cordoba(Spain). It provides real-time marker based 3D pose estimation using AR markers.
The ARUCO Library has been developed by the Ava group of the Univeristy of Cordoba(Spain). It provides real-time marker based 3D pose estimation using AR markers.
1 2024-11-20 arm_sim_scenario
MoveIt2 Arm Simulation Scenario Execution
MoveIt2 Arm Simulation Scenario Execution
4 2024-07-07 apriltag_ros
AprilTag detection node
AprilTag detection node
1 2022-12-28 apriltag_msgs
AprilTag message definitions
AprilTag message definitions
1 2024-04-22 apriltag_mit
ROS2 package wrapper for the MIT apriltag detector
ROS2 package wrapper for the MIT apriltag detector
1 2024-05-12 apriltag_draw
ROS package for drawing apriltags on image
ROS package for drawing apriltags on image
1 2024-05-12 apriltag_detector_umich
ROS package for apriltag detection with the UMich detector
ROS package for apriltag detection with the UMich detector
1 2024-05-12 apriltag_detector_mit
ROS package for apriltag detection with MIT detector
ROS package for apriltag detection with MIT detector


Name Description
1 2025-01-13 admittance_controller
Implementation of admittance controllers for different input and output interface.
Implementation of admittance controllers for different input and output interface.
1 2022-04-14 adaptive_component
A composable container for Adaptive ROS 2 Node computations. Allows building Nodes that can select between FPGA, CPU or GPU, at run-time. Stateless by default, can be made stateful to meet use-case specific needs. Refer to examples in README. Technically, provides A ROS 2 Node subclass programmed as a "Component" and including its own single threaded executor to build adaptive computations. Adaptive ROS 2 Nodes are able to perform computations in the CPU, the FPGA or the GPU, adaptively. Adaptive behavior is controlled through the "adaptive" ROS 2 parameter.
A composable container for Adaptive ROS 2 Node computations. Allows building Nodes that can select between FPGA, CPU or GPU, at run-time. Stateless by default, can be made stateful to meet use-case specific needs. Refer to examples in README. Technically, provides A ROS 2 Node subclass programmed as a "Component" and including its own single threaded executor to build adaptive computations. Adaptive ROS 2 Nodes are able to perform computations in the CPU, the FPGA or the GPU, adaptively. Adaptive behavior is controlled through the "adaptive" ROS 2 parameter.
1 2023-04-11 actuator_msgs
ROS 2 message interface for Actuators.
ROS 2 message interface for Actuators.
2 2024-11-27 actionlib_msgs
A package containing some message definitions used in the implementation of ROS 1 actions.
A package containing some message definitions used in the implementation of ROS 1 actions.
1 2024-11-27 action_tutorials_py
Python action tutorial code
Python action tutorial code
1 2024-11-27 action_tutorials_interfaces
Action tutorials action
Action tutorials action
1 2024-11-27 action_tutorials_cpp
C++ action tutorial cpp code
C++ action tutorial cpp code
1 2024-11-27 action_msgs
Messages and service definitions common among all ROS actions.
Messages and service definitions common among all ROS actions.
2 2025-01-13 ackermann_steering_controller
Steering controller for Ackermann kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheels are steering it.
Steering controller for Ackermann kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheels are steering it.
1 2022-02-08 ackermann_msgs
ROS2 messages for robots using Ackermann steering.
ROS2 messages for robots using Ackermann steering.
1 2021-04-12 acado_vendor
ament package for ACADO toolkit for MPC code generation
ament package for ACADO toolkit for MPC code generation
1 zivid_samples
1 zivid_interfaces
1 zivid_camera
1 zeroconf_msgs
1 zeroconf_jmdns_suite
1 zeroconf_avahi_suite
1 zeroconf_avahi_demos
1 zeroconf_avahi
1 zed_msgs
1 zdepth_image_transport
1 zdepth
1 z_laser_zlp1
1 z_laser_viz
1 z_laser_projector
1 z_laser_msgs
1 z_laser_gui
1 yumi_test_controllers
1 yumi_support
1 yumi_moveit_config
1 yumi_launch
1 yumi_hw
1 yumi_description
1 yumi_control
1 yujin_yrl_package
1 yujin_ocs
1 yujin_maps
1 ypspur_ros
1 ypspur
1 youbot_simulation
1 youbot_gazebo_worlds
1 youbot_gazebo_robot
1 youbot_gazebo_control
1 youbot_driver_ros_interface
1 youbot_driver
1 youbot_description
1 yosemite_valley
1 yoctopuce_altimeter
1 yocs_waypoints_navi
1 yocs_waypoint_provider
1 yocs_virtual_sensor
1 yocs_velocity_smoother
1 yocs_safety_controller
1 yocs_rapps
1 yocs_navigator
1 yocs_navi_toolkit
1 yocs_msgs
1 yocs_math_toolkit
1 yocs_localization_manager
1 yocs_keyop
1 yocs_joyop
1 yocs_diff_drive_pose_controller
1 yocs_controllers
1 yocs_cmd_vel_mux
1 yocs_ar_pair_tracking
1 yocs_ar_pair_approach
1 yocs_ar_marker_tracking
1 yason
1 yaml_cpp_0_3
1 xv_11_laser_driver
1 xsens_mti_driver
1 xsens_driver
0 xsdcxx
1 xpp_vis
1 xpp_states
1 xpp_quadrotor
1 xpp_msgs
1 xpp_hyq
1 xpp_examples
1 xpp
1 xmlrpcpp
1 ximea_camera
1 xiaoqiang_server
1 xiaoqiang_navigation_example
1 xiaoqiang_navigation
1 xiaoqiang_msgs
1 xiaoqiang_monitor
1 xiaoqiang_freenect_launch
1 xiaoqiang_freenect_camera
1 xiaoqiang_freenect
1 xiaoqiang_driver
1 xiaoqiang_description
1 xiaoqiang_depth_image_proc
1 xiaoqiang_controller
1 xiaoqiang_bringup
1 xiaoqiang
1 xdot
1 xbot_tools
2 xbot_talker
1 xbot_safety_controller
1 xbot_node
2 xbot_navi
1 xbot_msgs
2 xbot_face
1 xbot_driver
1 xbot_description
1 xbot_bringup
1 xbot
1 xaxxon_openlidar
1 xarm_sdk
1 xarm_planner
1 xarm_msgs
1 xarm_moveit_servo
1 xarm_gripper
1 xarm_gazebo
1 xarm_description
1 xarm_controller
1 xarm_bringup
1 xarm_api
1 xarm7_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm7_redundancy_res
1 xarm7_moveit_config
1 xarm7_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm6_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm6_moveit_config
1 xarm6_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm5_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm5_moveit_config
1 xarm5_gripper_moveit_config
1 xacro_live
0 wxWidgets
1 wu_ros_tools
1 wts_driver
1 wsg_32_description
1 ws281x
1 wrapyfi_ros_interfaces
1 wrapyfi_ros2_interfaces
1 wpi_jaco_wrapper
1 wpi_jaco_msgs
1 wpi_jaco
1 worldlib
0 world_model
1 world_item_search
1 world_item_observer
2 world_canvas_utils
2 world_canvas_server
2 world_canvas_msgs
2 world_canvas_client_py
2 world_canvas_client_examples
2 world_canvas_client_cpp
1 witmotion_ros
1 wit-imu-driver
1 wire_viz
1 wire_tutorials
1 wire_state_estimators
1 wire_msgs
1 wire_core
1 wire
1 winros_create_pkg
1 winros_create_msg_pkg
1 win_tinyxml
1 win_roscpp_tutorials
1 win_ros
1 win_pyyaml
1 win_python_build_tools
0 win_pymercurial
1 win_mercurial
1 win_empy
1 win_eigen
1 win_dateutil
1 win_bzip2
1 win_boost
1 win_appupdater
1 willow_maps
1 wifi_scan
1 wifi_ddwrt
1 widowx_arm_moveit
1 widowx_arm_description
1 widowx_arm_controller
1 widowx_arm
1 whill_msgs
1 whill_examples
1 whill_driver
1 whill_description
1 whill_bringup
1 whill
1 wheeled_robin_viz
1 wheeled_robin_teleop
1 wheeled_robin_simulator
1 wheeled_robin_rviz_launchers
1 wheeled_robin_node
1 wheeled_robin_navigation
1 wheeled_robin_guided_tour
1 wheeled_robin_formation_drive
1 wheeled_robin_driver
1 wheeled_robin_description
1 wheeled_robin_core_apps
1 wheeled_robin_bringup
1 wheeled_robin_apps
1 wheeled_robin


Name Description
0 walking_controller
1 vtec_tracker
1 vtec_ros
1 vtec_msgs
1 vs060_moveit_config
1 vs060_gazebo
1 vs060
1 vrxperience_msgs
1 vrxperience_bridge
2 vrpn_client_ros
0 vrpn
1 vrmagic_ros_bridge_server
1 vrep_ros_plugin
1 vrep_ros_bridge
0 vrep_common
1 voxel_grid
1 voronoi_planner
1 volta_teleoperator
1 volta_simulation
1 volta_rules
1 volta_navigation
1 volta_msgs
1 volta_localization
1 volta_description
1 volta_control
1 volta_base
1 volksbot_driver
1 voice_text
1 vmbc_interface
1 vl53l1x
1 vl53l0x_mraa_ros
1 vizanti_server
1 vizanti_msgs
1 vizanti_demos
1 vizanti_cpp
1 vizanti
1 viz
0 vive_ros
1 vive_localization
1 vive
1 visualstates
1 visualization_tutorials
1 visualization_rwt
1 visualization_osg
1 visualization_marker_tutorials
1 visual_pose_estimation
1 visp_tracker
1 visp_ros
1 visp_hand2eye_calibration
1 visp_camera_calibration
1 visp_bridge
1 visp_auto_tracker
0 visp
1 viso2_ros
1 viso2
1 vision_visp
1 vision_common
1 virtual_scan
1 virtual_force_publisher
1 viodom
1 vimbax_camera_msgs
1 vimbax_camera_examples
1 vimbax_camera_events
1 vimbax_camera
1 vigir_walk_monitor
0 vigir_terrain_classifier
1 vigir_step_control
1 vigir_pluginlib_msgs
1 vigir_pluginlib_manager
1 vigir_pluginlib
1 vigir_pattern_generator
1 vigir_global_footstep_planner
1 vigir_generic_params
1 vigir_footstep_planning_widgets
1 vigir_footstep_planning_rviz_plugin
1 vigir_footstep_planning_plugins
1 vigir_footstep_planning_msgs
1 vigir_footstep_planning_lib
1 vigir_footstep_planning_default_plugins
1 vigir_footstep_planning
1 vigir_footstep_planner
1 vigir_foot_pose_transformer
1 vigir_feet_pose_generator
1 view_controller_msgs
1 video_stream_opencv
1 video_player
1 vicon_bridge
1 vesc_msgs
1 vesc_driver
1 vesc_ackermann
1 vesc
1 velodyne_utils
1 velodyne_pcl
1 velodyne_height_map
1 velodyne_gazebo_plugin
1 velo2cam_gazebo
1 velo2cam_calibration
1 vector_pursuit_controller
1 vector_map_msgs
1 vda5050_serializer
1 vda5050_msgs
2 vda5050_connector
2 variant_topic_tools
2 variant_msgs
2 variant
1 vapor_master
0 val_robot_interface
1 v4r_uvc
1 v4r_ros
1 v4r_opencv_cam
1 v4r_msgs
1 v4r_laser_robot_calibration
1 v4r_laser_filter
1 v4r_ellipses
1 v4r_artoolkitplus
1 uwsim_osgworks
1 uwsim_osgocean
1 uwsim_osgbullet
1 uwsim_bullet
1 uwsim
1 uwb_hardware_driver
2 uvc_camera
1 uuv_world_ros_plugins_msgs
1 uuv_world_ros_plugins
1 uuv_world_plugins
1 uuv_tutorials
1 uuv_tutorial_seabed_world
1 uuv_tutorial_dp_controller
1 uuv_tutorial_disturbances
1 uuv_trajectory_control
1 uuv_thruster_manager
1 uuv_teleop
1 uuv_simulator
1 uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs
1 uuv_sensor_ros_plugins
1 uuv_plume_simulator
1 uuv_plume_msgs
1 uuv_gazebo_worlds
1 uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins_msgs
1 uuv_gazebo_ros_plugins
1 uuv_gazebo_plugins
1 uuv_gazebo
1 uuv_descriptions
1 uuv_cpc_sensor
1 uuv_control_utils
1 uuv_control_msgs
1 uuv_control_cascaded_pid
1 uuv_auv_control_allocator
1 uuv_assistants
1 uuid_msgs
1 utilrb
1 utilmm
1 utexas_gdc
1 usv_gazebo_plugins
0 usb_serial_for_android
1 usb_cam_hardware_interface
1 usb_cam_hardware
1 usb_cam_controllers
1 ursa_driver
1 urinterfaces
1 urg_stamped
1 urdfdom_headers
1 urdf_viewer
1 urdf_vehicle_kinematic
1 urdf_traverser
1 urdf_transform
1 urdf_test
1 urdf_sim_tutorial
1 urdf_processing_tools
1 urdf_mesh_converter
1 urdf_geometry_parser
1 urdf2inventor
1 urdf2graspit
0 ur_simulation_gazebo
1 ur_modern_driver
1 ur_kinematics
1 ur_kin_py
1 ur_gazebo
1 ur_e_gazebo
1 ur_e_description
1 ur_driver
2 ur_bringup
1 ur5e_moveit_config
1 ur5_moveit_config
1 ur5_e_moveit_config
1 ur3e_moveit_config
1 ur3_moveit_config
1 ur3_e_moveit_config
1 ur30_moveit_config
1 ur20_moveit_config
1 ur16e_moveit_config
1 ur10e_moveit_config
1 ur10_moveit_config
1 ur10_e_moveit_config
1 update_move_base_parameter_recovery
1 uos_tools
1 uos_rotunit_teleop
1 uos_rotunit_snapshotter
1 uos_rotunit_driver
1 uos_rotunit


Name Description
1 2023-03-30 fkie_master_sync
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by fkie_master_discovery node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by fkie_master_discovery node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
1 2023-03-30 fkie_master_discovery
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
3 2024-09-24 fingertip_pressure
This package provides access to the PR2 fingertip pressure sensors. This information includes:
This package provides access to the PR2 fingertip pressure sensors. This information includes:
1 2022-12-11 find_object_2d
The find_object_2d package
The find_object_2d package
1 2022-11-09 filters
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters.
1 2024-11-19 fields2cover
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library
1 2022-09-23 fiducials
Localization using fiducial markers
Localization using fiducial markers
1 2022-09-23 fiducial_slam
ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms
ROS node to build a 3D map of fiducials and estimate robot pose from fiducial transforms
1 2022-09-23 fiducial_msgs
Package containing message definitions for fiducials
Package containing message definitions for fiducials
1 2025-01-09 ffha
ffha: PDDL Planner (
ffha: PDDL Planner (
1 2025-01-09 ff
ff: pddl planner. see
ff: pddl planner. see
1 2024-01-08 fetch_tools
Commands for performing common operations when developing on the robots. For help, run `fetch -h` and `fetch COMMAND -h`.
Commands for performing common operations when developing on the robots. For help, run `fetch -h` and `fetch COMMAND -h`.
1 2024-06-07 fetch_teleop
Teleoperation for fetch and freight.
Teleoperation for fetch and freight.
1 2024-06-07 fetch_ros
Fetch ROS, packages for working with Fetch and Freight
Fetch ROS, packages for working with Fetch and Freight
1 2021-02-22 fetch_open_auto_dock
An open-source version of the Fetch charge docking system.
An open-source version of the Fetch charge docking system.
1 2024-06-07 fetch_navigation
Configuration and launch files for running ROS navigation on Fetch.
Configuration and launch files for running ROS navigation on Fetch.
1 2024-06-07 fetch_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fetch_urdf with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the fetch_urdf with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2024-06-07 fetch_maps
The fetch_maps package
The fetch_maps package
1 2024-06-07 fetch_ikfast_plugin
Kinematics plugin for Fetch robot, generated through IKFast
Kinematics plugin for Fetch robot, generated through IKFast
1 2022-10-17 fetch_drivers
The public fetch_drivers package is a binary only release. fetch_drivers contains both the drivers and firmware for the fetch and freight research robots. There should be no reason to use these drivers unless you're running on a fetch or a freight research robot. This package, is a cmake/make only package which installs the binaries for the drivers and firmware.
The public fetch_drivers package is a binary only release. fetch_drivers contains both the drivers and firmware for the fetch and freight research robots. There should be no reason to use these drivers unless you're running on a fetch or a freight research robot. This package, is a cmake/make only package which installs the binaries for the drivers and firmware.
1 2021-02-22 fetch_driver_msgs
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
Messages for the fetch_drivers package
1 2024-06-07 fetch_description
URDF for Fetch Robot.
URDF for Fetch Robot.
1 2024-06-07 fetch_depth_layer
The fetch_depth_layer package
The fetch_depth_layer package
1 2024-06-07 fetch_calibration
Launch and configuration files for calibrating Fetch using the 'robot_calibration' package.
Launch and configuration files for calibrating Fetch using the 'robot_calibration' package.
1 2022-10-17 fetch_bringup
Bringup for fetch
Bringup for fetch
1 2021-02-22 fetch_auto_dock_msgs
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
Messages for fetch_auto_dock package
1 2021-04-03 fcl_catkin
1 2023-12-04 fcl
FCL: the Flexible Collision Library
FCL: the Flexible Collision Library
2 2022-04-14 fath_pivot_mount_description
URDF Macro for adding an adjustable, fath pivot mount used for cameras and other sensors
URDF Macro for adding an adjustable, fath pivot mount used for cameras and other sensors
1 2023-03-04 fake_localization
A ROS node that simply forwards odometry information.
A ROS node that simply forwards odometry information.
2 2021-05-17 fadecandy_msgs
ROS msgs for fadecandy LED controllers
ROS msgs for fadecandy LED controllers
2 2021-05-17 fadecandy_driver
ROS driver for fadecandy LED controllers
ROS driver for fadecandy LED controllers
1 2021-10-07 face_detector
Face detection in images.
Face detection in images.
1 2021-01-07 explore_lite
Lightweight frontier-based exploration.
Lightweight frontier-based exploration.
1 2018-12-19 exotica_val_description
val_description version including our updated meshes for unit testing and visualisation. Based on the OpenHumanoids fork of the val_description package by NASA JSC. The most current version of the original package can be found at
val_description version including our updated meshes for unit testing and visualisation. Based on the OpenHumanoids fork of the val_description package by NASA JSC. The most current version of the original package can be found at
1 2024-05-27 exotica_time_indexed_rrt_connect_solver
Time-Indexed RRT-Connect solver (Humanoids 2018)
Time-Indexed RRT-Connect solver (Humanoids 2018)
1 2024-05-27 exotica_scipy_solver
SciPy-based Python solvers for Exotica
SciPy-based Python solvers for Exotica
1 2024-05-27 exotica_quadrotor_dynamics_solver
Quadrotor dynamics solver plug-in for Exotica
Quadrotor dynamics solver plug-in for Exotica
1 2024-05-27 exotica_python
Python bindings for EXOTica
Python bindings for EXOTica
1 2024-05-27 exotica_pinocchio_dynamics_solver
Dynamics solver plug-in using Pinocchio for Exotica
Dynamics solver plug-in using Pinocchio for Exotica
1 2024-05-27 exotica_pendulum_dynamics_solver
Pendulum dynamics solver plug-in for Exotica
Pendulum dynamics solver plug-in for Exotica
1 2024-05-27 exotica_ompl_solver
Exotica solvers based on the Open Motion Planning Libary (OMPL)
Exotica solvers based on the Open Motion Planning Libary (OMPL)
1 2024-05-27 exotica_ompl_control_solver
Kinodynamic Control Solvers from OMPL
Kinodynamic Control Solvers from OMPL
1 2024-05-27 exotica_levenberg_marquardt_solver
A Levenberg-Marquardt solver for EXOTica
A Levenberg-Marquardt solver for EXOTica
1 2024-05-27 exotica_ilqr_solver
ILQR Solver (Li and Todorov, 2004)
ILQR Solver (Li and Todorov, 2004)
1 2024-05-27 exotica_ilqg_solver
ILQG Solver (Todorov and Li, 2004)
ILQG Solver (Todorov and Li, 2004)
1 2024-05-27 exotica_ik_solver
Regularised and weighted pseudo-inverse unconstrained end-pose solver
Regularised and weighted pseudo-inverse unconstrained end-pose solver
1 2024-05-27 exotica_examples
Package containing examples and system tests for EXOTica.
Package containing examples and system tests for EXOTica.
1 2024-05-27 exotica_dynamics_solvers
Metapackage for all dynamics solvers bundled with core EXOTica.
Metapackage for all dynamics solvers bundled with core EXOTica.
1 2024-05-27 exotica_double_integrator_dynamics_solver
Double integrator dynamics solver plug-in for Exotica
Double integrator dynamics solver plug-in for Exotica
1 2024-05-27 exotica_ddp_solver
Various DDP Solvers
Various DDP Solvers
1 2024-05-27 exotica_core_task_maps
Common taskmaps provided with EXOTica.
Common taskmaps provided with EXOTica.
1 2024-05-27 exotica_core
The Extensible Optimization Toolset (EXOTica) is a library for defining problems for robot motion planning.
The Extensible Optimization Toolset (EXOTica) is a library for defining problems for robot motion planning.
1 2024-05-27 exotica_collision_scene_fcl_latest
Collision checking and distance computation using the latest version of the FCL library.
Collision checking and distance computation using the latest version of the FCL library.
1 2024-05-27 exotica_cartpole_dynamics_solver
Cartpole dynamics solver plug-in for Exotica
Cartpole dynamics solver plug-in for Exotica
1 2024-05-27 exotica_aico_solver
Implementation of the Approximate Inference Control algorithm (AICO)
Implementation of the Approximate Inference Control algorithm (AICO)
1 2024-05-27 exotica
The Extensible Optimization Toolset (EXOTica) is a library for defining problems for robot motion planning. This package serves similar to a metapackage and contains dependencies onto all core-released exotica packages. It also builds the documentation.
The Extensible Optimization Toolset (EXOTica) is a library for defining problems for robot motion planning. This package serves similar to a metapackage and contains dependencies onto all core-released exotica packages. It also builds the documentation.
1 2025-01-08 exiv2_metadata_extractor
Metadata extractor utilizing exiv2 library.
Metadata extractor utilizing exiv2 library.
1 2025-01-08 exiftool_metadata_extractor
Metadata extractor utilizing exiftool.
Metadata extractor utilizing exiftool.
1 2023-06-28 executive_smach_visualization
This metapackage depends on the SMACH visualization tools.
This metapackage depends on the SMACH visualization tools.
1 2024-10-16 executive_smach
This metapackage depends on the SMACH library and ROS SMACH integration packages.
This metapackage depends on the SMACH library and ROS SMACH integration packages.
1 2025-01-09 eusurdf
urdf models converted from euslisp
urdf models converted from euslisp
1 2025-01-09 euslisp_model_conversion_tester
1 2022-11-06 euslime
EusLisp meets SLIME
EusLisp meets SLIME
1 2025-01-09 euscollada
1 2024-12-09 eus_teleop
The eus_teleop package
The eus_teleop package
1 2024-12-09 eus_qpoases
1 2024-12-09 eus_qp
eus_qp is an interface of euslisp to solve qp problems with linear constraints.
eus_qp is an interface of euslisp to solve qp problems with linear constraints.
1 2024-12-09 eus_nlopt
1 2025-01-09 eus_assimp
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_vam_ts_msgs
ROS messages for ETSI ITS VAM (TS)
ROS messages for ETSI ITS VAM (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_vam_ts_conversion
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS VAMs (TS)
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS VAMs (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_vam_ts_coding
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS VAMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS VAMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_spatem_ts_msgs
ROS messages for ETSI ITS SPATEM (TS)
ROS messages for ETSI ITS SPATEM (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_spatem_ts_conversion
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS SPATEMs (TS)
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS SPATEMs (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_spatem_ts_coding
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS SPATEMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS SPATEMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_rviz_plugins
RViz plugin for ROS 2 messages based on ETSI ITS messages
RViz plugin for ROS 2 messages based on ETSI ITS messages
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_primitives_conversion
Conversion functions for converting ROS primitives to and from ASN.1-encoded primitives
Conversion functions for converting ROS primitives to and from ASN.1-encoded primitives
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_msgs_utils
ROS messages and utility functions for ETSI ITS messages
ROS messages and utility functions for ETSI ITS messages
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_msgs
ROS messages for ETSI ITS messages
ROS messages for ETSI ITS messages
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_messages
ROS support for ETSI ITS messages
ROS support for ETSI ITS messages
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_mapem_ts_msgs
ROS messages for ETSI ITS MAPEM (TS)
ROS messages for ETSI ITS MAPEM (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_mapem_ts_conversion
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS MAPEMs (TS)
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS MAPEMs (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_mapem_ts_coding
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS MAPEMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS MAPEMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_denm_msgs
ROS messages for ETSI ITS DENM
ROS messages for ETSI ITS DENM
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_denm_conversion
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS DENMs
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS DENMs
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_denm_coding
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS DENMs generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS DENMs generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cpm_ts_msgs
ROS messages for ETSI ITS CPM (TS)
ROS messages for ETSI ITS CPM (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cpm_ts_conversion
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS CPMs (TS)
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS CPMs (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cpm_ts_coding
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS CPMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS CPMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_conversion
Converts ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS messages
Converts ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS messages
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_coding
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS messages generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS messages generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cam_ts_msgs
ROS messages for ETSI ITS CAM (TS)
ROS messages for ETSI ITS CAM (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cam_ts_conversion
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS CAMs (TS)
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS CAMs (TS)
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cam_ts_coding
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS CAMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS CAMs (TS) generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cam_msgs
ROS messages for ETSI ITS CAM
ROS messages for ETSI ITS CAM
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cam_conversion
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS CAMs
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS CAMs
1 2025-01-14 etsi_its_cam_coding
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS CAMs generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS CAMs generated from ASN.1 using asn1c
2 2022-11-09 ethercat_trigger_controllers
Controllers to operate the digital output of the motor controller boards and the projector board. This package has not been reviewed and should be considered unstable.
Controllers to operate the digital output of the motor controller boards and the projector board. This package has not been reviewed and should be considered unstable.
3 2024-09-24 ethercat_hardware
Package for creating a hardware interface to the robot using the EtherCAT motor controller/driver
Package for creating a hardware interface to the robot using the EtherCAT motor controller/driver
1 2022-06-07 ethercat_grant
Makes it possible to run the ros_ethercat_loop without using sudo. Forked from pr2-grant
Makes it possible to run the ros_ethercat_loop without using sudo. Forked from pr2-grant
1 2023-11-30 ess_imu_ros1_uart_driver
ROS1 package for Epson IMU using UART interface based on C++ wrapper of Linux C driver
ROS1 package for Epson IMU using UART interface based on C++ wrapper of Linux C driver
1 2024-12-09 ess_imu_driver
ROS package for Epson IMU based on C++ wrapper of Linux C driver
ROS package for Epson IMU based on C++ wrapper of Linux C driver
1 2021-01-01 ergodic_exploration
Robot agnostic information theoretic exploration strategy
Robot agnostic information theoretic exploration strategy
1 2022-06-24 er_public_msgs
Enabled Robotics public messages package
Enabled Robotics public messages package
2 2024-12-11 end_effector
End-Effector package: provides a ROS-based set of standard interfaces to command robotics end-effectors in an agnostic fashion
End-Effector package: provides a ROS-based set of standard interfaces to command robotics end-effectors in an agnostic fashion
1 2023-07-03 electronic_io_msgs
Messages for interaction with analog and digital inputs and outputs.
Messages for interaction with analog and digital inputs and outputs.
1 2023-07-03 electronic_io
Convenience library for interaction with analog and digital inputs and outputs.
Convenience library for interaction with analog and digital inputs and outputs.
1 2025-01-06 eiquadprog
Eiquadprog a QP solver using active sets
Eiquadprog a QP solver using active sets
1 2025-01-13 eigenpy
Bindings between Numpy and Eigen using Boost.Python
Bindings between Numpy and Eigen using Boost.Python
1 2017-03-28 eigen_stl_containers
This package provides a set of typedef's that allow using Eigen datatypes in STL containers
This package provides a set of typedef's that allow using Eigen datatypes in STL containers
1 2023-08-17 eigen_conversions
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL - Eigen and geometry_msgs.
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL - Eigen and geometry_msgs.
2 2023-04-24 eg_random_generator
The eg_random_generator package
The eg_random_generator package
2 2023-04-24 eg_conditional_generator
The eg_conditional_generator package
The eg_conditional_generator package
2 2024-05-22 effort_controllers
1 2020-07-29 ecl_utilities
Includes various supporting tools and utilities for c++ programming.
Includes various supporting tools and utilities for c++ programming.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_type_traits
Extends c++ type traits and implements a few more to boot.
Extends c++ type traits and implements a few more to boot.
1 2019-08-21 ecl_tools
Tools and utilities for ecl development.
Tools and utilities for ecl development.
1 2016-06-15 ecl_time_lite
Provides a portable set of time functions that are especially useful for porting other code or being wrapped by higher level c++ classes.
Provides a portable set of time functions that are especially useful for porting other code or being wrapped by higher level c++ classes.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_time
Timing utilities are very dependent on the system api provided for their use. This package provides a means for handling different timing models. Current support - posix rt : complete. - macosx : posix timers only, missing absolute timers. - win : none.
Timing utilities are very dependent on the system api provided for their use. This package provides a means for handling different timing models. Current support - posix rt : complete. - macosx : posix timers only, missing absolute timers. - win : none.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_threads
This package provides the c++ extensions for a variety of threaded programming tools. These are usually different on different platforms, so the architecture for a cross-platform framework is also implemented.
This package provides the c++ extensions for a variety of threaded programming tools. These are usually different on different platforms, so the architecture for a cross-platform framework is also implemented.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_streams
These are lightweight text streaming classes that connect to standardised ecl type devices.
These are lightweight text streaming classes that connect to standardised ecl type devices.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_statistics
Common statistical structures and algorithms for control systems.
Common statistical structures and algorithms for control systems.
1 2016-06-15 ecl_sigslots_lite
This avoids use of dynamic storage (malloc/new) and thread safety (mutexes) to provide a very simple sigslots implementation that can be used for *very* embedded development.
This avoids use of dynamic storage (malloc/new) and thread safety (mutexes) to provide a very simple sigslots implementation that can be used for *very* embedded development.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_sigslots
Provides a signal/slot mechanism (in the same vein as qt sigslots, boost::signals etc for intra-process communication. These include some improvements - they do not need a preprocessor, are fully type safe, allow for simple connections via a posix style string identifier and are multithread-safe.
Provides a signal/slot mechanism (in the same vein as qt sigslots, boost::signals etc for intra-process communication. These include some improvements - they do not need a preprocessor, are fully type safe, allow for simple connections via a posix style string identifier and are multithread-safe.
1 2016-11-09 ecl_navigation
This stack aims to bring the common tools and algorithms needed to develop navigation algorithms, in particular slam. It does not focus on the end-point solution, rather the tools needed to create a variety of end-point solutions.
This stack aims to bring the common tools and algorithms needed to develop navigation algorithms, in particular slam. It does not focus on the end-point solution, rather the tools needed to create a variety of end-point solutions.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_mpl
Metaprogramming tools move alot of runtime calculations to be shifted to compile time. This has only very elementary structures at this stage.
Metaprogramming tools move alot of runtime calculations to be shifted to compile time. This has only very elementary structures at this stage.
2 2016-11-09 ecl_mobile_robot
Contains transforms (e.g. differential drive inverse kinematics) for the various types of mobile robot platforms.
Contains transforms (e.g. differential drive inverse kinematics) for the various types of mobile robot platforms.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_math
This package provides simple support to cmath, filling in holes or redefining in a c++ formulation where desirable.
This package provides simple support to cmath, filling in holes or redefining in a c++ formulation where desirable.
1 2016-06-15 ecl_lite
Libraries and utilities for embedded and low-level linux development.
Libraries and utilities for embedded and low-level linux development.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_linear_algebra
Ecl frontend to a linear matrix package (currently eigen).
Ecl frontend to a linear matrix package (currently eigen).
1 2019-08-21 ecl_license
Maintains the ecl licenses and also provides an install target for deploying licenses with the ecl libraries.
Maintains the ecl licenses and also provides an install target for deploying licenses with the ecl libraries.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_ipc
Interprocess mechanisms vary greatly across platforms - sysv, posix, win32, there are more than a few. This package provides an infrastructure to allow for developing cross platform c++ wrappers around the lower level c api's that handle these mechanisms. These make it not only easier to utilise such mechanisms, but allow it to be done consistently across platforms.
Interprocess mechanisms vary greatly across platforms - sysv, posix, win32, there are more than a few. This package provides an infrastructure to allow for developing cross platform c++ wrappers around the lower level c api's that handle these mechanisms. These make it not only easier to utilise such mechanisms, but allow it to be done consistently across platforms.
1 2016-06-15 ecl_io
Most implementations (windows, posix, ...) have slightly different api for low level input-output functions. These are gathered here and re-represented with a cross platform set of functions.
Most implementations (windows, posix, ...) have slightly different api for low level input-output functions. These are gathered here and re-represented with a cross platform set of functions.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_geometry
Any tools relating to mathematical geometry. Primarily featuring polynomials and interpolations.
Any tools relating to mathematical geometry. Primarily featuring polynomials and interpolations.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_formatters
The formatters here simply format various input types to a specified text format. They can be used with most streaming types (including both ecl and stl streams).
The formatters here simply format various input types to a specified text format. They can be used with most streaming types (including both ecl and stl streams).
1 2020-07-29 ecl_filesystem
Cross platform filesystem utilities (until c++11 makes its way in).
Cross platform filesystem utilities (until c++11 makes its way in).
1 2020-07-29 ecl_exceptions
Template based exceptions - these are simple and practical and avoid the proliferation of exception types. Although not syntatactically ideal, it is convenient and eminently practical.
Template based exceptions - these are simple and practical and avoid the proliferation of exception types. Although not syntatactically ideal, it is convenient and eminently practical.
1 2016-06-15 ecl_errors
This library provides lean and mean error mechanisms. It includes c style error functions as well as a few useful macros. For higher level mechanisms, refer to ecl_exceptions.
This library provides lean and mean error mechanisms. It includes c style error functions as well as a few useful macros. For higher level mechanisms, refer to ecl_exceptions.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_eigen
This provides an Eigen implementation for ecl's linear algebra.
This provides an Eigen implementation for ecl's linear algebra.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_devices
Provides an extensible and standardised framework for input-output devices.
Provides an extensible and standardised framework for input-output devices.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_core_apps
This includes a suite of programs demo'ing various aspects of the ecl_core. It also includes various benchmarking and utility programs for use primarily with embedded systems.
This includes a suite of programs demo'ing various aspects of the ecl_core. It also includes various benchmarking and utility programs for use primarily with embedded systems.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_core
A set of tools and interfaces extending the capabilities of c++ to provide a lightweight, consistent interface with a focus for control programming.
A set of tools and interfaces extending the capabilities of c++ to provide a lightweight, consistent interface with a focus for control programming.
1 2016-06-15 ecl_converters_lite
These are a very simple version of some of the functions in ecl_converters suitable for firmware development. That is, there is no use of new, templates or exceptions.
These are a very simple version of some of the functions in ecl_converters suitable for firmware development. That is, there is no use of new, templates or exceptions.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_converters
Some fast/convenient type converters, mostly for char strings or strings. These are not really fully fleshed out, alot of them could use the addition for the whole range of fundamental types (e.g. all integers, not just int, unsigned int). They will come as the need arises.
Some fast/convenient type converters, mostly for char strings or strings. These are not really fully fleshed out, alot of them could use the addition for the whole range of fundamental types (e.g. all integers, not just int, unsigned int). They will come as the need arises.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_containers
The containers included here are intended to extend the stl containers. In all cases, these implementations are designed to implement c++ conveniences and safety where speed is not sacrificed. Also includes techniques for memory debugging of common problems such as buffer overruns.
The containers included here are intended to extend the stl containers. In all cases, these implementations are designed to implement c++ conveniences and safety where speed is not sacrificed. Also includes techniques for memory debugging of common problems such as buffer overruns.
1 2016-06-15 ecl_console
Color codes for ansii consoles.
Color codes for ansii consoles.
1 2016-06-15 ecl_config
These tools inspect and describe your system with macros, types and functions.
These tools inspect and describe your system with macros, types and functions.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_concepts
Introduces a compile time concept checking mechanism that can be used most commonly to check for required functionality when passing template arguments.
Introduces a compile time concept checking mechanism that can be used most commonly to check for required functionality when passing template arguments.
1 2020-07-29 ecl_command_line
Embeds the TCLAP library inside the ecl. This is a very convenient command line parser in templatised c++.
Embeds the TCLAP library inside the ecl. This is a very convenient command line parser in templatised c++.
1 2019-08-21 ecl_build
Collection of cmake/make build tools primarily for ecl development itself, but also contains a few cmake modules useful outside of the ecl.
Collection of cmake/make build tools primarily for ecl development itself, but also contains a few cmake modules useful outside of the ecl.
1 2020-09-18 easy_markers
Python library to assist in publishing markers easily
Python library to assist in publishing markers easily
1 2021-06-29 dynamixel_workbench_toolbox
This package is composed of 'dynamixel_item', 'dynamixel_tool', 'dynamixel_driver' and 'dynamixel_workbench' class. The 'dynamixel_item' is saved as control table item and information of Dynamixels. The 'dynamixel_tool' class loads its by model number of Dynamixels. The 'dynamixel_driver' class includes wraped function used in DYNAMIXEL SDK. The 'dynamixel_workbench' class make simple to use Dynamixels
This package is composed of 'dynamixel_item', 'dynamixel_tool', 'dynamixel_driver' and 'dynamixel_workbench' class. The 'dynamixel_item' is saved as control table item and information of Dynamixels. The 'dynamixel_tool' class loads its by model number of Dynamixels. The 'dynamixel_driver' class includes wraped function used in DYNAMIXEL SDK. The 'dynamixel_workbench' class make simple to use Dynamixels
1 2021-06-29 dynamixel_workbench_operators
This package contains nodes that control the Dynamixel by communicating with the server registered in the 'dynamixel_workbench_controllers' package
This package contains nodes that control the Dynamixel by communicating with the server registered in the 'dynamixel_workbench_controllers' package
1 2021-06-29 dynamixel_workbench_msgs
This package includes ROS messages and services for dynamixel_workbench packages
This package includes ROS messages and services for dynamixel_workbench packages
1 2021-06-29 dynamixel_workbench_controllers
This package contains examples of applying the 'dynamixel_workbench_toolbox' library developed on the basis of dynamixel_sdk to various operating modes of Dynamixel.
This package contains examples of applying the 'dynamixel_workbench_toolbox' library developed on the basis of dynamixel_sdk to various operating modes of Dynamixel.
1 2021-06-29 dynamixel_workbench
Dynamixel-Workbench is dynamixel solution for ROS. This metapackage allows you to easily change the ID, baudrate and operating mode of the Dynamixel. Furthermore, it supports various controllers based on operating mode and Dynamixel SDK. These controllers are commanded by operators.
Dynamixel-Workbench is dynamixel solution for ROS. This metapackage allows you to easily change the ID, baudrate and operating mode of the Dynamixel. Furthermore, it supports various controllers based on operating mode and Dynamixel SDK. These controllers are commanded by operators.
1 2021-04-15 dynamixel_sdk_examples
The DYNAMIXEL SDK ROS example package
The DYNAMIXEL SDK ROS example package
1 2021-04-15 dynamixel_sdk
This package is wrapping version of ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK for ROS. The ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK, or SDK, is a software development library that provides Dynamixel control functions for packet communication. The API is designed for Dynamixel actuators and Dynamixel-based platforms.
This package is wrapping version of ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK for ROS. The ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK, or SDK, is a software development library that provides Dynamixel control functions for packet communication. The API is designed for Dynamixel actuators and Dynamixel-based platforms.
1 2025-01-06 dynamic_tf_publisher
dynamically set the tf trensformation
dynamically set the tf trensformation
1 2022-05-03 dynamic_robot_state_publisher
Improved ROS robot_state_publisher which can update the robot model via dynamic_reconfigure.
Improved ROS robot_state_publisher which can update the robot model via dynamic_reconfigure.
1 2022-10-04 dynamic_reconfigure
The dynamic_reconfigure package provides a means to update parameters at runtime without having to restart the node.
The dynamic_reconfigure package provides a means to update parameters at runtime without having to restart the node.
2 2024-04-01 dynamic_edt_3d
The dynamicEDT3D library implements an inrementally updatable Euclidean distance transform (EDT) in 3D. It comes with a wrapper to use the OctoMap 3D representation and hooks into the change detection of the OctoMap library to propagate changes to the EDT.
The dynamicEDT3D library implements an inrementally updatable Euclidean distance transform (EDT) in 3D. It comes with a wrapper to use the OctoMap 3D representation and hooks into the change detection of the OctoMap library to propagate changes to the EDT.
1 2023-06-20 dynamic-graph-tutorial
Dynamic graph tutorial
Dynamic graph tutorial
1 2023-10-25 dynamic-graph-python
Dynamic graph library Python bindings
Dynamic graph library Python bindings
1 2024-06-12 dynamic-graph
Dynamic graph library
Dynamic graph library
2 2022-06-27 dwb_plugins
Standard implementations of the GoalChecker and TrajectoryGenerators for dwb_local_planner
Standard implementations of the GoalChecker and TrajectoryGenerators for dwb_local_planner
2 2022-06-27 dwb_msgs
Message/Service definitions specifically for the dwb_local_planner
Message/Service definitions specifically for the dwb_local_planner
1 2022-06-27 dwb_local_planner
Plugin based local planner implementing the nav_core2::LocalPlanner interface.
Plugin based local planner implementing the nav_core2::LocalPlanner interface.
2 2022-06-27 dwb_critics
Implementations for dwb_local_planner TrajectoryCritic interface
Implementations for dwb_local_planner TrajectoryCritic interface
1 2023-03-04 dwa_local_planner
This package provides an implementation of the Dynamic Window Approach to local robot navigation on a plane. Given a global plan to follow and a costmap, the local planner produces velocity commands to send to a mobile base. This package supports any robot who's footprint can be represented as a convex polygon or cicrle, and exposes its configuration as ROS parameters that can be set in a launch file. The parameters for this planner are also dynamically reconfigurable. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the
This package provides an implementation of the Dynamic Window Approach to local robot navigation on a plane. Given a global plan to follow and a costmap, the local planner produces velocity commands to send to a mobile base. This package supports any robot who's footprint can be represented as a convex polygon or cicrle, and exposes its configuration as ROS parameters that can be set in a launch file. The parameters for this planner are also dynamically reconfigurable. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the
1 2020-07-08 dual_quaternions_ros
ROS msgs from and to dual quaternions
ROS msgs from and to dual quaternions
1 2020-06-12 dual_quaternions
dual quaternion operations
dual quaternion operations
1 2023-06-04 drone_wrapper
The drone_wrapper package
The drone_wrapper package
1 2023-06-04 drone_circuit_assets
The JdeRobot Behavior Metrics drone assets package
The JdeRobot Behavior Metrics drone assets package
1 2023-06-04 drone_assets
The drone_assets package
The drone_assets package
1 2021-03-23 driver_common
The driver_common stack contains classes and tools that are useful throughout the driver stacks. It currently contains: driver_base: A base class for sensors to provide a consistent state machine (retries, error handling, etc.) and interface timestamp_tools: Classes to help timestamp hardware events
The driver_common stack contains classes and tools that are useful throughout the driver stacks. It currently contains: driver_base: A base class for sensors to provide a consistent state machine (retries, error handling, etc.) and interface timestamp_tools: Classes to help timestamp hardware events
1 2021-03-23 driver_base
A framework for writing drivers that helps with runtime reconfiguration, diagnostics and self-test. This package is deprecated.
A framework for writing drivers that helps with runtime reconfiguration, diagnostics and self-test. This package is deprecated.
2 2023-06-16 draco_point_cloud_transport
draco_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with KD tree compression.
draco_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with KD tree compression.
1 2025-01-09 downward
fast downward: PDDL Planner (
fast downward: PDDL Planner (
1 2020-09-21 dnn_detect
DNN based detection
DNN based detection
1 2022-06-27 dlux_plugins
Implementation of dlux_global_planner plugin interfaces.
Implementation of dlux_global_planner plugin interfaces.
1 2022-06-27 dlux_global_planner
Plugin based global planner implementing the nav_core2::GlobalPlanner interface.
Plugin based global planner implementing the nav_core2::GlobalPlanner interface.
1 2023-04-20 dingo_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Dingo.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Dingo.
1 2023-04-20 dingo_simulator
Packages for simulating Dingo.
Packages for simulating Dingo.
1 2022-11-22 dingo_navigation
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Dingo
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Dingo
1 2022-11-22 dingo_msgs
Messages exclusive to Dingo, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Dingo, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 2023-04-20 dingo_gazebo
Launchfiles to use Dingo in Gazebo.
Launchfiles to use Dingo in Gazebo.
1 2023-04-20 dingo_desktop
Packages for working with Dingo from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Dingo from a ROS desktop.
1 2022-11-22 dingo_description
The dingo_description package
The dingo_description package
1 2022-11-22 dingo_control
Controllers for Dingo
Controllers for Dingo
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_slam
The diffbot_slam package
The diffbot_slam package
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_robot
The diffbot_robot package
The diffbot_robot package
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_navigation
The diffbot_navigation package
The diffbot_navigation package
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_msgs
The diffbot_msgs package
The diffbot_msgs package
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_mbf
The diffbot_mbf package
The diffbot_mbf package
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_gazebo
The diffbot_gazebo package
The diffbot_gazebo package
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_description
The diffbot_description package
The diffbot_description package
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_control
The diffbot_control package
The diffbot_control package
1 2024-04-02 diffbot_bringup
The diffbot_bringup package
The diffbot_bringup package


Name Description
1 simple_actions
1 signal_lights
1 siftgpu
1 sicktoolbox_wrapper
1 sicktoolbox
1 sicks300_2
0 sick_visionary_t_driver
1 sick_visionary_ros
1 sick_tim
1 sick_scan_xd
1 sick_scan2
1 sick_scan
1 sick_safevisionary_tests
1 sick_safevisionary_msgs
1 sick_safevisionary_interfaces
2 sick_safevisionary_driver
1 sick_safevisionary_base
1 sick_safetyscanners_base
1 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
1 sick_safetyscanners2
1 sick_safetyscanners
1 sick_ldmrs_tools
1 sick_ldmrs_msgs
1 sick_ldmrs_laser
1 sick_ldmrs_driver
1 sick_ldmrs_description
1 shm_transport
0 sherlock_sim_msgs
1 shared_serial
1 shared_queues_vendor
1 shape_tracker
1 shape_tools
1 shape_reconstruction
1 shadow_robot_ethercat
1 shadow_robot
1 sf30_node
1 settlerlib
1 session_tutorials
1 sesame_ros
2 service_tools
0 service_runtime
1 service_msgs
1 service_load_balancing
0 service_generation
1 serl_franka_controllers
1 serial_utils
1 serial_driver
1 serial
1 septentrio_gnss_driver
1 sentis_tof_m100
1 sensorhand_speed
0 sensor_to_cloud
1 sensor_msgs_py
1 sensor_module_tutorial
0 sensor_fusion_comm
1 sensor_filters
1 sensehat_ros
3 semantic_point_annotator
1 self_test
1 selective_dualarm_stowing
1 segwayrmp
1 segway_rmp
1 segbot_simulator
2 segbot_simulation_apps
1 segbot_sensors
1 segbot_rapps
2 segbot_navigation
2 segbot_logical_translator
1 segbot_led
2 segbot_gui
2 segbot_gazebo
1 segbot_firmware
1 segbot_description
1 segbot_concert_services
1 segbot_bringup
1 segbot_apps
1 segbot
1 seek_thermal
1 seed_smartactuator_sdk
1 seed_r7_typeg_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg2_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typef_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_samples
1 seed_r7_ros_pkg
1 seed_r7_ros_controller
1 seed_r7_robot_interface
1 seed_r7_navigation
1 seed_r7_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_gazebo
1 seed_r7_description
1 seed_r7_bringup
1 sdl2_vendor
1 sdhlibrary_cpp
1 sdformat_vendor
1 sdformat_urdf
1 sdformat_test_files
0 sdformat15
0 sdformat14
1 sdf_tracker
2 sdc21x0
1 scriptable_monitoring
1 scriptable_monitor_rqt
1 scriptable_monitor
0 scriptable_analyzer
1 screenrun
1 screen_grab
1 scratch4robots
1 scratch3-ros
1 sciurus17_vision
1 sciurus17_tools
1 sciurus17_msgs
1 sciurus17_moveit_config
1 sciurus17_gazebo
1 sciurus17_examples
0 sciurus17_description
1 sciurus17_control
1 sciurus17_bringup
1 sciurus17
1 schunk_svh_library
1 schunk_svh_driver
1 schunk_simulated_tactile_sensors
1 schunk_sdh
1 schunk_robots
1 schunk_pw70
1 schunk_powercube_chain
2 schunk_pg70
1 schunk_modular_robotics
1 schunk_lwa4p_extended
1 schunk_lwa4p
1 schunk_lwa4d_moveit_config
1 schunk_lwa4d
1 schunk_libm5api
1 schunk_grippers
1 schunk_ezn64
1 schunk_description
1 schunk_canopen_driver
1 scheduler_msgs
2 scenario_test_tools
1 scenario_status
1 scenario_execution_x11
1 scenario_execution_test
1 scenario_execution_rviz
1 scenario_execution_ros_test
1 scenario_execution_ros
1 scenario_execution_pybullet
1 scenario_execution_py_trees_ros
1 scenario_execution_os
1 scenario_execution_nav2_test
1 scenario_execution_nav2
1 scenario_execution_moveit2
1 scenario_execution_kubernetes
1 scenario_execution_interfaces
1 scenario_execution_gazebo_test
1 scenario_execution_gazebo
1 scenario_execution_floorplan_dsl
1 scenario_execution_docker_test
1 scenario_execution_docker
1 scenario_execution_coverage
1 scenario_execution_control
1 scenario_execution
0 scanning_table_msgs
2 scan_tools
2 scan_to_cloud_converter
1 scaled_joint_trajectory_controller
1 scaled_controllers
1 sbpl_recovery
1 sbpl_lattice_planner
2 sbpl_interface_ros
2 sbpl_interface
1 sbpl
2 sbg_driver
1 sba_python
0 saphari_msgs
1 sap_pkg
0 sandia_hand_msgs
1 sand_island
1 samplerobot_moveit_config
1 safety_limiter_msgs
1 safety_limiter
1 safe_teleop_stage
1 safe_teleop_pr2
1 safe_teleop_base
1 saap_pkg
1 s3_file_uploader
1 s3_common
1 s3000_laser
1 rxros_tf
1 rxros
1 rxcpp_vendor
1 rx_service_tools
1 rwt_utils_3rdparty
0 rwt_teleop
1 rwt_steer
1 rwt_speech_recognition
1 rwt_ros
1 rwt_robot_monitor
1 rwt_plot
1 rwt_nav
1 rwt_moveit


Name Description
1 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
2 sm_atomic_services
1 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
1 sm_atomic_openai
2 sm_atomic_mode_states
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
1 sm_atomic_http
1 sm_atomic_hierarchy
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 sm_atomic_24hr
2 sm_atomic
1 sm_advanced_recovery_1
1 slime_wrapper
1 slime_ros
1 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
1 slider_publisher
1 slider_gui
1 slide_show
1 slic
1 slg_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_toolbox
1 slam_karto
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_exporter
1 slam_constructor
1 slam6d_exporter
1 skyway
1 skeleton_markers
1 situational_graphs_wrapper
1 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
1 situational_graphs_reasoning
1 situational_graphs_msgs
1 situational_graphs_datasets
2 single_joint_position_action
1 simulators
1 simulation
1 simple_voice
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 simple_rviz_plugin
0 simple_robot_control
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_node
1 simple_navigation_goals_tutorial
1 simple_message
1 simple_launch
0 simple_grasping_action
1 simple_grasping
1 simple_drive
1 simple_desktop_launcher
1 simple_arm
1 simple_approximate_time_synchronizer
1 simple_actions
1 signal_lights
1 siftgpu
1 sicktoolbox_wrapper
1 sicktoolbox
1 sicks300_2
0 sick_visionary_t_driver
1 sick_visionary_ros
1 sick_tim
1 sick_scan_xd
1 sick_scan2
1 sick_scan
1 sick_safevisionary_tests
1 sick_safevisionary_msgs
1 sick_safevisionary_interfaces
2 sick_safevisionary_driver
1 sick_safevisionary_base
1 sick_safetyscanners_base
1 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
1 sick_safetyscanners2
1 sick_safetyscanners
1 sick_ldmrs_tools
1 sick_ldmrs_msgs
1 sick_ldmrs_laser
1 sick_ldmrs_driver
1 sick_ldmrs_description
1 shm_transport
0 sherlock_sim_msgs
1 shared_serial
1 shared_queues_vendor
1 shape_tracker
1 shape_tools
1 shape_reconstruction
1 shadow_robot_ethercat
1 shadow_robot
1 sf30_node
1 settlerlib
1 session_tutorials
1 sesame_ros
2 service_tools
0 service_runtime
1 service_msgs
1 service_load_balancing
0 service_generation
1 serl_franka_controllers
1 serial_utils
1 serial_driver
1 serial
1 septentrio_gnss_driver
1 sentis_tof_m100
1 sensorhand_speed
0 sensor_to_cloud
1 sensor_msgs_py
1 sensor_module_tutorial
0 sensor_fusion_comm
1 sensor_filters
1 sensehat_ros
3 semantic_point_annotator
1 self_test
1 selective_dualarm_stowing
1 segwayrmp
1 segway_rmp
1 segbot_simulator
2 segbot_simulation_apps
1 segbot_sensors
1 segbot_rapps
2 segbot_navigation
2 segbot_logical_translator
1 segbot_led
2 segbot_gui
2 segbot_gazebo
1 segbot_firmware
1 segbot_description
1 segbot_concert_services
1 segbot_bringup
1 segbot_apps
1 segbot
1 seek_thermal
1 seed_smartactuator_sdk
1 seed_r7_typeg_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typeg2_arm_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_typef_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_samples
1 seed_r7_ros_pkg
1 seed_r7_ros_controller
1 seed_r7_robot_interface
1 seed_r7_navigation
1 seed_r7_moveit_config
1 seed_r7_gazebo
1 seed_r7_description
1 seed_r7_bringup
1 sdl2_vendor
1 sdhlibrary_cpp
1 sdformat_vendor
1 sdformat_urdf
1 sdformat_test_files
0 sdformat15
0 sdformat14
1 sdf_tracker
2 sdc21x0
1 scriptable_monitoring
1 scriptable_monitor_rqt
1 scriptable_monitor
0 scriptable_analyzer
1 screenrun
1 screen_grab
1 scratch4robots
1 scratch3-ros
1 sciurus17_vision
1 sciurus17_tools
1 sciurus17_msgs
1 sciurus17_moveit_config
1 sciurus17_gazebo
1 sciurus17_examples
0 sciurus17_description
1 sciurus17_control
1 sciurus17_bringup
1 sciurus17
1 schunk_svh_library
1 schunk_svh_driver
1 schunk_simulated_tactile_sensors
1 schunk_sdh
1 schunk_robots
1 schunk_pw70
1 schunk_powercube_chain
2 schunk_pg70
1 schunk_modular_robotics
1 schunk_lwa4p_extended
1 schunk_lwa4p
1 schunk_lwa4d_moveit_config
1 schunk_lwa4d
1 schunk_libm5api
1 schunk_grippers
1 schunk_ezn64
1 schunk_description
1 schunk_canopen_driver
1 scheduler_msgs
2 scenario_test_tools
1 scenario_status
1 scenario_execution_x11
1 scenario_execution_test
1 scenario_execution_rviz
1 scenario_execution_ros_test
1 scenario_execution_ros
1 scenario_execution_pybullet
1 scenario_execution_py_trees_ros


Name Description
1 sot-tools
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-core
1 sophus_ros_conversions
1 sol_vendor
1 softkinetic_camera
1 softkinetic
1 softhand_ros
1 softhand_description
1 soem_master
1 soem_ebox
1 soem_beckhoff_drivers
1 soem
1 socketcan_interface
1 socketcan_bridge
0 socket_bridge
2 social_navigation_layers
1 social_nav_util
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_metrics
1 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
1 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
1 soccer_object_msgs
1 soccer_model_msgs
1 soccer_marker_generation
1 soccer_interfaces
1 soccer_geometry_msgs
1 sob_layer
1 soar_ros
1 sns_ik_lib
1 sns_ik_examples
1 sns_ik
1 snowbot_operating_system
1 snmp_ros
1 snmp_diagnostics
0 snap_map_icp
1 smp_ros
1 smclib
1 smarthome_network_zeroconf
1 smarthome_network_wakeonlan
1 smarthome_msgs_java
1 smarthome_msgs
1 smarthome_media_samsungtv_driver
1 smarthome_media_onkyo_driver
1 smarthome_media_msgs_java
1 smarthome_media_msgs
1 smarthome_media_model
1 smarthome_media_kodi_driver
1 smarthome_light_msgs_java
1 smarthome_light_msgs
1 smarthome_heater_msgs_java
1 smarthome_heater_msgs
1 smarthome_common_driver
1 smarthome_comm_msgs_java
1 smarthome_comm_msgs
1 smartek_camera
1 smart_dock
1 smart_battery_msgs
1 smacha_ros
1 smacha
1 smach_viewer
1 smach_ros
1 smach_msgs
1 smach
1 smacc_rviz_plugin
1 smacc_runtime_test
1 smacc_msgs
1 smacc2_msgs
1 smacc2
1 smacc
1 smac_planner
1 sm_viewer_sim
1 sm_update_loop
2 sm_three_some
1 sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim
1 sm_subscriber
1 sm_starcraft_ai
1 sm_simple_action_client
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_2
1 sm_ridgeback_barrel_search_1
2 sm_respira_1
1 sm_pubsub_1
1 sm_panda_moveit2z_cb_inventory
1 sm_packml
1 sm_pack_ml
1 sm_multi_ur5_sim
1 sm_multi_stage_1
1 sm_multi_panda_sim
1 sm_husky_barrel_search_1
1 sm_fetch_two_table_whiskey_pour
1 sm_fetch_two_table_pick_n_place_1
1 sm_fetch_six_table_pick_n_sort_1
1 sm_fetch_screw_loop_1
1 sm_ferrari
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_3
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse_2
1 sm_dance_bot_warehouse
2 sm_dance_bot_strikes_back
1 sm_dance_bot_2
2 sm_dance_bot
1 sm_coretest_x_y_3
1 sm_coretest_x_y_2
1 sm_coretest_x_y_1
2 sm_coretest_transition_speed_1
1 sm_calendar_week
1 sm_branching
1 sm_aws_warehouse_navigation
1 sm_autoware_avp
1 sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test
2 sm_atomic_services
1 sm_atomic_performance_trace_1
1 sm_atomic_openai
2 sm_atomic_mode_states
1 sm_atomic_lifecycle
1 sm_atomic_http
1 sm_atomic_hierarchy
1 sm_atomic_cb
1 sm_atomic_24hr
2 sm_atomic
1 sm_advanced_recovery_1
1 slime_wrapper
1 slime_ros
1 sliding_window_graph_optimizer
1 slider_publisher
1 slider_gui
1 slide_show
1 slic
1 slg_msgs
1 slam_toolbox_rviz
1 slam_toolbox_msgs
1 slam_toolbox
1 slam_karto
1 slam_gmapping
1 slam_exporter
1 slam_constructor
1 slam6d_exporter
1 skyway
1 skeleton_markers
1 situational_graphs_wrapper
1 situational_graphs_reasoning_msgs
1 situational_graphs_reasoning
1 situational_graphs_msgs
1 situational_graphs_datasets
2 single_joint_position_action
1 simulators
1 simulation
1 simple_voice
1 simple_term_menu_vendor
1 simple_rviz_plugin
0 simple_robot_control
1 simple_qt_gui
1 simple_node
1 simple_navigation_goals_tutorial
1 simple_message
1 simple_launch
0 simple_grasping_action
1 simple_grasping
1 simple_drive
1 simple_desktop_launcher
1 simple_arm
1 simple_approximate_time_synchronizer
1 simple_actions
1 signal_lights
1 siftgpu
1 sicktoolbox_wrapper
1 sicktoolbox
1 sicks300_2
0 sick_visionary_t_driver
1 sick_visionary_ros
1 sick_tim
1 sick_scan_xd
1 sick_scan2
1 sick_scan
1 sick_safevisionary_tests
1 sick_safevisionary_msgs
1 sick_safevisionary_interfaces
2 sick_safevisionary_driver
1 sick_safevisionary_base
1 sick_safetyscanners_base
1 sick_safetyscanners2_interfaces
1 sick_safetyscanners2
1 sick_safetyscanners
1 sick_ldmrs_tools
1 sick_ldmrs_msgs
1 sick_ldmrs_laser
1 sick_ldmrs_driver
1 sick_ldmrs_description
1 shm_transport
0 sherlock_sim_msgs
1 shared_serial
1 shape_tracker
1 shape_tools
1 shape_reconstruction
1 shadow_robot_ethercat
1 shadow_robot
1 sf30_node
1 settlerlib
1 session_tutorials


Name Description
2 staubli_val3_driver
1 staubli_tx90_support
1 staubli_tx90_gazebo
1 staubli_tx60_support
1 staubli_tx60_gazebo
1 staubli_tx2_90_support
1 staubli_tx2_60_support
1 staubli_rx160_support
1 staubli_rx160_moveit_plugins
1 staubli_rx160_moveit_config
1 staubli_rx160_gazebo
1 staubli_resources
1 staubli_experimental
1 staubli
2 statistics_msgs
1 static_transform_mux
1 static_tf
1 states
1 state_exchanger
1 staro_moveit_config
1 stand_alone_gui
1 stairs_visualizer_pkg
1 stairs_msg
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stage_ros
1 stage
1 stag_ros
1 stag_detect
1 srv_tools
1 srdfdom
0 srdf
1 srbot_description
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 sr_visualization
0 sr_utilities_common
2 sr_utilities
0 sr_ur_bringup
1 sr_ur_arm_config
1 sr_tools
2 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_standalone
1 sr_self_test
1 sr_ronex_utilities
1 sr_ronex_transmissions
1 sr_ronex_test
1 sr_ronex_msgs
1 sr_ronex_launch
1 sr_ronex_hardware_interface
1 sr_ronex_external_protocol
1 sr_ronex_examples
1 sr_ronex_drivers
1 sr_ronex_controllers
1 sr_ronex
2 sr_robot_msgs
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_description
2 sr_movements
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_moveit_config
2 sr_mechanism_model
2 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_kinematics
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_interface
2 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hand_detector
2 sr_hand
1 sr_gui_state_saver
1 sr_gui_self_test
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_gui_movement_recorder
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_joint_slider
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_grasp_controller
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_change_controllers
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_gazebo_plugins
1 sr_external_dependencies
2 sr_example
2 sr_event_countdown
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
2 sr_description
1 sr_data_visualization
0 sr_cyberglove_config
1 sr_core
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_config
2 sr_conditional
1 sr_communications
1 sr_common_drivers
1 sr_common
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
2 sr_all_events_go
1 sr_3dmouse
1 squirrel_waypoint_msgs
1 squirrel_view_controller_msgs
1 squirrel_vad_msgs
1 squirrel_speech_msgs
1 squirrel_safety_msgs
1 squirrel_prediction_msgs
1 squirrel_planning_msgs
1 squirrel_planning_knowledge_msgs
1 squirrel_person_tracker_msgs
1 squirrel_object_perception_msgs
1 squirrel_navigation_msgs
1 squirrel_motion_planner_msgs
1 squirrel_mhand_msgs
1 squirrel_manipulation_msgs
1 squirrel_kclhand_msgs
1 squirrel_hri_msgs
1 squirrel_footprint_observer_msgs
1 squirrel_dynamic_filter_msgs
1 squirrel_common
1 squirrel_3d_mapping_msgs
1 squirrel_3d_localizer_msgs
1 squirrel_2d_localizer_msgs
1 sql_database
1 spur_gazebo
1 spur_description
1 spur_controller
1 spur_bringup
1 spur_2dnav
1 spur
1 splsm_8_conversion
1 splsm_8
1 splsm_7_conversion
1 splsm_7
1 split_sequence
1 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
1 spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver
1 spinnaker_camera_driver
1 spin_hokuyo
0 sphinx
1 sphand_driver_msgs
1 sphand_driver
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
1 speed_scaling_interface
0 speed_limit
1 speed_cam
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 speech_database
1 speak_and_wait_recovery
1 spatial_world_model
1 spatial_temporal_learning
1 sparse_mapping
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment
1 spacenav_node
1 spacenav
1 sound_play
1 sound_classification
1 sot-tools
1 sot-dynamic-pinocchio
1 sot-core
1 sophus_ros_conversions
1 sol_vendor
1 softkinetic_camera
1 softkinetic
1 softhand_ros
1 softhand_description
1 soem_master
1 soem_ebox
1 soem_beckhoff_drivers
1 soem
1 socketcan_interface
1 socketcan_bridge
0 socket_bridge
2 social_navigation_layers
1 social_nav_util
1 social_nav_msgs
1 social_nav_metrics
1 soccer_vision_attribute_msgs
1 soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers
1 soccer_vision_3d_msgs
1 soccer_vision_2d_msgs
1 soccer_object_msgs
1 soccer_model_msgs
1 soccer_marker_generation
1 soccer_interfaces


Name Description
1 straf_recovery
1 stop_base
1 stomp_test_support
1 stomp_test_kr210_moveit_config
2 stomp_plugins
2 stomp_moveit
1 stomp_core
1 stomp
1 stereo_wall_detection
1 stereo_slam
1 stepback_and_steerturn_recovery
1 steering_functions
1 steering_controllers_library
1 steer_drive_ros
1 steer_drive_controller
1 steer_bot_hardware_gazebo
1 stdr_simulator
1 stdr_server
1 stdr_samples
1 stdr_robot
1 stdr_resources
1 stdr_parser
1 stdr_msgs
1 stdr_launchers
1 stdr_gui
0 std_srv
1 std_capabilities
1 stcamera_msgs
1 stcamera_launch
1 stcamera_grabber
1 stcamera_components
2 staubli_val3_driver
1 staubli_tx90_support
1 staubli_tx90_gazebo
1 staubli_tx60_support
1 staubli_tx60_gazebo
1 staubli_tx2_90_support
1 staubli_tx2_60_support
1 staubli_rx160_support
1 staubli_rx160_moveit_plugins
1 staubli_rx160_moveit_config
1 staubli_rx160_gazebo
1 staubli_resources
1 staubli_experimental
1 staubli
2 statistics_msgs
1 static_transform_mux
1 static_tf
1 states
1 state_exchanger
1 staro_moveit_config
1 stand_alone_gui
1 stairs_visualizer_pkg
1 stairs_msg
1 stair_step_detector_pkg
1 stage_ros
1 stage
1 stag_ros
1 stag_detect
1 srv_tools
1 srdfdom
0 srdf
1 srbot_description
1 sr_visualization_icons
1 sr_visualization
0 sr_utilities_common
2 sr_utilities
0 sr_ur_bringup
1 sr_ur_arm_config
1 sr_tools
2 sr_tactile_sensors
1 sr_tactile_sensor_controller
0 sr_system_info
1 sr_standalone
1 sr_self_test
1 sr_ronex_utilities
1 sr_ronex_transmissions
1 sr_ronex_test
1 sr_ronex_msgs
1 sr_ronex_launch
1 sr_ronex_hardware_interface
1 sr_ronex_external_protocol
1 sr_ronex_examples
1 sr_ronex_drivers
1 sr_ronex_controllers
1 sr_ronex
2 sr_robot_msgs
1 sr_robot_lib
1 sr_robot_launch
1 sr_robot_commander
1 sr_multi_moveit_test
1 sr_multi_moveit_config
1 sr_multi_description
2 sr_movements
1 sr_moveit_hand_config
1 sr_moveit_config
2 sr_mechanism_model
2 sr_mechanism_controllers
1 sr_kinematics
0 sr_interpolation
1 sr_interface
2 sr_hardware_interface
1 sr_hand_health_report
1 sr_hand_detector
2 sr_hand
1 sr_gui_state_saver
1 sr_gui_self_test
1 sr_gui_muscle_driver_bootloader
1 sr_gui_movement_recorder
1 sr_gui_motor_resetter
1 sr_gui_joint_slider
1 sr_gui_hand_calibration
1 sr_gui_grasp_controller
1 sr_gui_cyberglove_calibrator
1 sr_gui_controller_tuner
1 sr_gui_change_muscle_controllers
1 sr_gui_change_controllers
1 sr_gui_bootloader
1 sr_gui_biotac
1 sr_gui_advanced_controls
1 sr_grasp_stability
1 sr_grasp_fast_planner
1 sr_grasp
1 sr_gazebo_sim
1 sr_gazebo_plugins
1 sr_external_dependencies
2 sr_example
2 sr_event_countdown
1 sr_ethercat_hand_config
1 sr_error_reporter
1 sr_edc_muscle_tools
1 sr_edc_launch
1 sr_edc_ethercat_drivers
1 sr_edc_controller_configuration
2 sr_description
1 sr_data_visualization
0 sr_cyberglove_config
1 sr_core
0 sr_controllers_tools
1 sr_config
2 sr_conditional
1 sr_communications
1 sr_common_drivers
1 sr_common
1 sr_box_ur10_moveit_config
2 sr_all_events_go
1 sr_3dmouse
1 squirrel_waypoint_msgs
1 squirrel_view_controller_msgs
1 squirrel_vad_msgs
1 squirrel_speech_msgs
1 squirrel_safety_msgs
1 squirrel_prediction_msgs
1 squirrel_planning_msgs
1 squirrel_planning_knowledge_msgs
1 squirrel_person_tracker_msgs
1 squirrel_object_perception_msgs
1 squirrel_navigation_msgs
1 squirrel_motion_planner_msgs
1 squirrel_mhand_msgs
1 squirrel_manipulation_msgs
1 squirrel_kclhand_msgs
1 squirrel_hri_msgs
1 squirrel_footprint_observer_msgs
1 squirrel_dynamic_filter_msgs
1 squirrel_common
1 squirrel_3d_mapping_msgs
1 squirrel_3d_localizer_msgs
1 squirrel_2d_localizer_msgs
1 sql_database
1 spur_gazebo
1 spur_description
1 spur_controller
1 spur_bringup
1 spur_2dnav
1 spur
1 splsm_8_conversion
1 splsm_8
1 splsm_7_conversion
1 splsm_7
1 split_sequence
1 spinnaker_synchronized_camera_driver
1 spinnaker_sdk_camera_driver
1 spinnaker_camera_driver
1 spin_hokuyo
0 sphinx
1 sphand_driver_msgs
1 sphand_driver
1 speed_scaling_state_controller
1 speed_scaling_interface
0 speed_limit
1 speed_cam
1 speech_recognition_msgs
1 speech_database
1 speak_and_wait_recovery
1 spdlog_vendor
1 spatial_world_model
1 spatial_temporal_learning
1 sparse_mapping
1 sparse_bundle_adjustment


Name Description
1 turtlebot_arm_moveit_config
1 turtlebot_arm_kinect_calibration
1 turtlebot_arm_ikfast_plugin
1 turtlebot_arm_description
1 turtlebot_arm_bringup
1 turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation
1 turtlebot_arm
1 turtlebot_apps
1 turtlebot_android
1 turtlebot_actions
1 turtlebot_2dnav
1 turtlebot4_setup
1 turtlebot4_gz_toolbox
1 turtlebot4_gz_gui_plugins
1 turtlebot4_gz_bringup
1 turtlebot3_slam
1 turtlebot3_panorama
1 turtlebot3_navigation
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_navigation2
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_hardware
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_description
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_cartographer
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup
1 turtlebot3_manipulation
1 turtlebot3_follower
1 turtlebot3_follow_filter
1 turtlebot3_fake
1 turtlebot3_autorace_detect
1 turtlebot3_autorace_core
1 turtlebot3_autorace_control
1 turtlebot3_autorace_camera
1 turtlebot3_autorace
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking
1 turtlebot3_applications_msgs
1 turtlebot3_applications
1 turtlebot2_teleop
1 turtlebot2_follower
1 turtlebot2_drivers
1 turtlebot2_demo
1 turtlebot2_cartographer
1 turtlebot2_amcl
1 turtlebot
1 turtle_tf2
1 turtle_tf
1 turtle_teleop_multi_key
1 turtle_nest
1 turtle_actionlib
1 turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport
1 tum_ardrone
1 tty0tty
1 tts_interfaces
2 tts
1 tsid
1 trivial_gray_streams
1 trivial_garbage
1 trivial_features
1 tricycle_steering_controller
1 tricycle_controller
1 transform_graph
1 trajectory_tracker_rviz_plugins
1 trajectory_tracker_msgs
1 trajectory_tracker
0 trajectory_execution_ros
0 trajectory_execution
1 traj_opt_ros
1 traj_opt_pro
1 traj_opt_msgs
1 traj_opt_basic
1 tracker_base_ui
1 track_odometry
1 tracetools_acceleration
1 trac_ik_python
1 trac_ik_lib
1 trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
1 trac_ik_examples
1 trac_ik
1 tra1_moveit_config
1 tra1_description
1 tra1_bringup
1 towr_ros
1 towr
1 touch_skill_msgs
1 tornado
1 tork_rpc_util
1 tork_rpc
1 tork_moveit_tutorial
0 topological_tools
1 topics_rviz_plugin
1 topic_switch
1 topic_proxy
1 topic_based_ros2_control
1 tof_radar_controller
1 tl_expected
1 tinyspline_vendor
1 tinydir_vendor
1 tinycan
1 tiny_tf
1 tiny_slam
1 tinkerforge_laser_transform
1 timesync
1 timestamp_tools
2 timed_roslaunch
1 tiago_simulation
1 tiago_robot
1 tiago_rgbd_sensors
1 tiago_navigation
1 tiago_multi
1 tiago_moveit_config
1 tiago_laser_sensors
1 tiago_gazebo
1 tiago_description
1 tiago_controller_configuration
1 tiago_bringup
1 tiago_2dnav
1 thunder_line_follower_pmr3100
1 threemxl
1 thormang3_walking_module_msgs
1 thormang3_walking_module
1 thormang3_walking_demo
1 thormang3_tools
1 thormang3_sensors
1 thormang3_ppc
1 thormang3_opc
1 thormang3_offset_tuner_server
1 thormang3_offset_tuner_msgs
1 thormang3_offset_tuner_client
1 thormang3_navigation
1 thormang3_msgs
1 thormang3_mpc_sensors
1 thormang3_mpc
1 thormang3_manipulation_module_msgs
1 thormang3_manipulation_module
1 thormang3_manipulation_demo
1 thormang3_manager
1 thormang3_kinematics_dynamics
1 thormang3_imu_3dm_gx4
1 thormang3_head_control_module_msgs
1 thormang3_head_control_module
1 thormang3_gripper_module
1 thormang3_gazebo
1 thormang3_foot_step_generator
1 thormang3_feet_ft_module_msgs
1 thormang3_feet_ft_module
1 thormang3_description
1 thormang3_demo
1 thormang3_common
1 thormang3_base_module
1 thormang3_balance_control
1 thormang3_action_script_player
1 thormang3_action_module_msgs
1 thormang3_action_module
1 thormang3_action_editor
1 thingmagic_usbpro
1 thingmagic_rfid
0 thermaleye_msgs
1 tf_tools
1 tf_to_pose_publisher
1 tf_static_publisher
1 tf_remapper_cpp
1 tf_publisher_gui
0 tf_lookup
1 tf_keyboard_cal
1 tf_conversions
1 tf2_web_republisher
1 tf2_urdf
1 tf2_server
1 tf2_relay
1 tf2_client
1 tf2_2d
1 tf
1 tetris_launch
1 tetris_gazebo
1 tetris_description
1 testvstig
1 testscdspso
1 testrth
1 testnc
1 testbb
1 test_tracetools_launch
1 test_tracetools
1 test_statistic
1 2022-12-07 test_security
Test nodes, publishers and subscribers with DDS-Security.
Test nodes, publishers and subscribers with DDS-Security.
1 test_rostopic
1 test_rostest
1 test_rosservice
1 test_rospy
1 test_rosparam
1 test_rosmaster
1 test_roslib_comm
1 test_roslaunch
1 test_rosgraph
1 test_roscpp
1 test_rosbag_storage
1 test_rosbag
1 test_ros_gz_bridge
1 test_ros2trace_analysis
1 test_ros2trace


Name Description
1 universal_robots
1 universal_robot
1 unitreeeus
1 unitree_ros
0 unitree_legged_real
0 unitree_legged_msgs
1 unique_identifier
1 unique_id
2 undo_path_global_planner
1 underwater_vehicle_dynamics
1 underwater_sensor_msgs
1 uncrustify
0 uncalibrated_servoing_msgs
1 um7
2 um6
1 ugv_random_walk
1 uga_tum_ardrone
1 uf_robot_moveit_config
1 ueye_cam
1 udp_com
1 udp_bc_broker
1 ucla_linear_axis
1 ucl_drone_gui
1 ucl_drone
1 uc3m_maps
1 ubnt_airos_tools
1 ublox_ubx_msgs
1 ublox_ubx_interfaces
1 ublox_nav_sat_fix_hp_node
1 ublox_msg_filters
1 ublox_dgnss_node
1 ublox_dgnss
1 ubiquity_motor
1 ubiquity_launches
1 uavcan_communicator
1 uavc_v4lctl
1 uav_simple_tracking
1 uav_random_direction
1 uav_optimal_coverage
1 uav_local_coverage
1 typelib
1 type_description_interfaces
1 twistimu
1 twist_recovery
1 twist_mux_msgs
1 twist_controller
1 tuw_waypoint_to_spline_msgs
1 tuw_voronoi_graph
1 tuw_vehicle_msgs
1 tuw_uvc
2 tuw_rviz
1 tuw_robotics
1 tuw_object_rviz
1 tuw_nav_rviz
1 tuw_multi_robot_rviz
1 tuw_multi_robot_router
1 tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller
1 tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator
1 tuw_multi_robot_demo
1 tuw_multi_robot_ctrl
1 tuw_multi_robot
1 tuw_marker_slam
1 tuw_marker_server
1 tuw_marker_pose_estimation
1 tuw_marker_noise
1 tuw_marker_filter
1 tuw_marker_detection
1 tuw_local_controller_msgs
1 tuw_json
1 tuw_geometry_rviz
1 tuw_gazebo_msgs
1 tuw_ellipses
1 tuw_control
1 tuw_checkerboard
1 tuw_aruco
1 tuw
1 tutorial_examples
1 turtlesim_msgs
1 turtlesim_dash_tutorial
1 turtlebot_viz
2 turtlebot_teleop
1 turtlebot_stdr
1 turtlebot_stage
1 turtlebot_simulator
2 turtlebot_rviz_launchers
1 turtlebot_rapps
1 turtlebot_panorama
1 turtlebot_navigation
1 turtlebot_msgs
1 turtlebot_loadout_kha1
2 turtlebot_interactive_markers
1 turtlebot_interactions
1 turtlebot_gazebo
1 turtlebot_follower
1 turtlebot_exploration_3d
1 turtlebot_description
2 turtlebot_dashboard
1 turtlebot_create_desktop
1 turtlebot_create
1 turtlebot_core_apps
1 turtlebot_concert
1 turtlebot_capabilities
1 turtlebot_calibration
1 turtlebot_bringup
1 turtlebot_arm_object_manipulation
1 turtlebot_arm_moveit_demos
1 turtlebot_arm_moveit_config
1 turtlebot_arm_kinect_calibration
1 turtlebot_arm_ikfast_plugin
1 turtlebot_arm_description
1 turtlebot_arm_bringup
1 turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation
1 turtlebot_arm
1 turtlebot_apps
1 turtlebot_android
1 turtlebot_actions
1 turtlebot_2dnav
1 turtlebot4_viz
1 turtlebot4_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_tests
1 turtlebot4_simulator
1 turtlebot4_setup
1 turtlebot4_robot
1 turtlebot4_python_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_python_examples
1 turtlebot4_openai_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_node
1 turtlebot4_navigation
1 turtlebot4_msgs
1 turtlebot4_ignition_toolbox
1 turtlebot4_ignition_gui_plugins
1 turtlebot4_ignition_bringup
1 turtlebot4_gz_toolbox
1 turtlebot4_gz_gui_plugins
1 turtlebot4_gz_bringup
1 turtlebot4_examples
1 turtlebot4_diagnostics
1 turtlebot4_desktop
1 turtlebot4_description
1 turtlebot4_cpp_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_cpp_examples
1 turtlebot4_bringup
1 turtlebot4_base
1 turtlebot3_slam
1 turtlebot3_panorama
1 turtlebot3_navigation
1 turtlebot3_follower
1 turtlebot3_follow_filter
1 turtlebot3_fake
1 turtlebot3_autorace_detect
1 turtlebot3_autorace_core
1 turtlebot3_autorace_control
1 turtlebot3_autorace_camera
1 turtlebot3_autorace
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking
1 turtlebot3_applications_msgs
1 turtlebot3_applications
1 turtlebot2_teleop
1 turtlebot2_follower
1 turtlebot2_drivers
1 turtlebot2_demo
1 turtlebot2_cartographer
1 turtlebot2_amcl
1 turtlebot
1 turtle_tf2
1 turtle_tf
1 turtle_teleop_multi_key
1 turtle_nest
1 turtle_actionlib
1 turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport
1 tum_ardrone
1 tty0tty
1 tts_interfaces
2 tts
1 tsid
1 trivial_gray_streams
1 trivial_garbage
1 trivial_features
1 tricycle_steering_controller
1 transform_graph
1 trajectory_tracker_rviz_plugins
1 trajectory_tracker_msgs
1 trajectory_tracker
0 trajectory_execution_ros
0 trajectory_execution
1 traj_opt_ros
1 traj_opt_pro
1 traj_opt_msgs
1 traj_opt_basic
1 tracker_base_ui
1 track_odometry
1 tracetools_acceleration
1 trac_ik_python
1 trac_ik_lib
1 trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
1 trac_ik_examples
1 trac_ik
1 tra1_moveit_config
1 tra1_description


Name Description
1 win_ros
1 win_pyyaml
1 win_python_build_tools
0 win_pymercurial
1 win_mercurial
1 win_empy
1 win_eigen
1 win_dateutil
1 win_bzip2
1 win_boost
1 win_appupdater
1 willow_maps
1 wifi_scan
1 wifi_ddwrt
1 widowx_arm_moveit
1 widowx_arm_description
1 widowx_arm_controller
1 widowx_arm
1 whill_msgs
1 whill_examples
1 whill_driver
1 whill_description
1 whill_bringup
1 whill
1 wheeled_robin_viz
1 wheeled_robin_teleop
1 wheeled_robin_simulator
1 wheeled_robin_rviz_launchers
1 wheeled_robin_node
1 wheeled_robin_navigation
1 wheeled_robin_guided_tour
1 wheeled_robin_formation_drive
1 wheeled_robin_driver
1 wheeled_robin_description
1 wheeled_robin_core_apps
1 wheeled_robin_bringup
1 wheeled_robin_apps
1 wheeled_robin
1 wge100_driver
1 wge100_camera_firmware
1 wge100_camera
1 wfov_camera_msgs
1 weight_scale_interfaces
1 webui
2 webtest
1 webrtcvad_ros
1 webrtc_ros
1 webrtc
2 webots_ros
1 webkit_dependency
1 webargs
1 web_msgs
1 web_interface
1 waypoint_touring
1 waypoint_meta
1 waypoint_generator
1 watson_ins
1 warthog_viz
1 warthog_simulator
1 warthog_msgs
1 warthog_gazebo
1 warthog_desktop
1 warthog_description
1 warthog_control
1 wall_follower_ros2
0 walking_utils
0 walking_controller
1 vtec_tracker
1 vtec_ros
1 vtec_msgs
1 vs060_moveit_config
1 vs060_gazebo
1 vs060
1 vrxperience_msgs
1 vrxperience_bridge
2 vrpn_client_ros
0 vrpn
1 vrmagic_ros_bridge_server
1 vrep_ros_plugin
1 vrep_ros_bridge
0 vrep_common
1 voxel_grid
1 voronoi_planner
1 volta_teleoperator
1 volta_simulation
1 volta_rules
1 volta_navigation
1 volta_msgs
1 volta_localization
1 volta_description
1 volta_control
1 volta_base
1 volksbot_driver
1 voice_text
1 vmbc_interface
1 vl53l1x
1 vl53l0x_mraa_ros
1 vizanti_server
1 vizanti_msgs
1 vizanti_demos
1 vizanti_cpp
1 vizanti
1 viz
0 vive_ros
1 vive_localization
1 vive
1 visualstates
1 visualization_tutorials
1 visualization_rwt
1 visualization_osg
1 visualization_marker_tutorials
1 visual_pose_estimation
1 visp_tracker
1 visp_ros
1 visp_hand2eye_calibration
1 visp_camera_calibration
1 visp_bridge
1 visp_auto_tracker
0 visp
1 viso2_ros
1 viso2
1 vision_visp
1 vision_common
1 virtual_scan
1 virtual_force_publisher
1 viodom
1 vimbax_camera_msgs
1 vimbax_camera_examples
1 vimbax_camera_events
1 vimbax_camera
1 vigir_walk_monitor
0 vigir_terrain_classifier
1 vigir_step_control
1 vigir_pluginlib_msgs
1 vigir_pluginlib_manager
1 vigir_pluginlib
1 vigir_pattern_generator
1 vigir_global_footstep_planner
1 vigir_generic_params
1 vigir_footstep_planning_widgets
1 vigir_footstep_planning_rviz_plugin
1 vigir_footstep_planning_plugins
1 vigir_footstep_planning_msgs
1 vigir_footstep_planning_lib
1 vigir_footstep_planning_default_plugins
1 vigir_footstep_planning
1 vigir_footstep_planner
1 vigir_foot_pose_transformer
1 vigir_feet_pose_generator
1 view_controller_msgs
1 video_stream_opencv
1 video_player
1 vicon_bridge
1 vesc_msgs
1 vesc_driver
1 vesc_ackermann
1 vesc
1 velodyne_utils
1 velodyne_pcl
1 velodyne_height_map
1 velodyne_gazebo_plugin
1 velo2cam_gazebo
1 velo2cam_calibration
1 vector_pursuit_controller
1 vector_map_msgs
1 vda5050_serializer
1 vda5050_msgs
2 vda5050_connector
2 variant_topic_tools
2 variant_msgs
2 variant
1 vapor_master
0 val_robot_interface
1 v4r_uvc
1 v4r_ros
1 v4r_opencv_cam
1 v4r_msgs
1 v4r_laser_robot_calibration
1 v4r_laser_filter
1 v4r_ellipses
1 v4r_artoolkitplus
1 uwsim_osgworks
1 uwsim_osgocean
1 uwsim_osgbullet
1 uwsim_bullet
1 uwsim
1 uwb_hardware_driver
2 uvc_camera
1 uuv_world_ros_plugins_msgs
1 uuv_world_ros_plugins
1 uuv_world_plugins
1 uuv_tutorials
1 uuv_tutorial_seabed_world
1 uuv_tutorial_dp_controller
1 uuv_tutorial_disturbances
1 uuv_trajectory_control
1 uuv_thruster_manager
1 uuv_teleop
1 uuv_simulator
1 uuv_sensor_ros_plugins_msgs


Name Description
1 turtlebot_arm_bringup
1 turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation
1 turtlebot_arm
1 turtlebot_apps
1 turtlebot_android
1 turtlebot_actions
1 turtlebot_2dnav
1 turtlebot4_viz
1 turtlebot4_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_tests
1 turtlebot4_simulator
1 turtlebot4_setup
1 turtlebot4_robot
1 turtlebot4_python_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_python_examples
1 turtlebot4_openai_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_node
1 turtlebot4_navigation
1 turtlebot4_msgs
1 turtlebot4_ignition_toolbox
1 turtlebot4_ignition_gui_plugins
1 turtlebot4_ignition_bringup
1 turtlebot4_gz_toolbox
1 turtlebot4_gz_gui_plugins
1 turtlebot4_gz_bringup
1 turtlebot4_examples
1 turtlebot4_diagnostics
1 turtlebot4_desktop
1 turtlebot4_description
1 turtlebot4_cpp_tutorials
1 turtlebot4_cpp_examples
1 turtlebot4_bringup
1 turtlebot4_base
1 turtlebot3_teleop
1 turtlebot3_slam
1 turtlebot3_simulations
1 turtlebot3_panorama
1 turtlebot3_node
1 turtlebot3_navigation2
1 turtlebot3_navigation
1 turtlebot3_msgs
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_teleop
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_navigation2
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_moveit_config
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_hardware
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_description
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_cartographer
1 turtlebot3_manipulation_bringup
1 turtlebot3_manipulation
1 turtlebot3_gazebo
1 turtlebot3_follower
1 turtlebot3_follow_filter
1 turtlebot3_fake_node
1 turtlebot3_fake
1 turtlebot3_example
1 turtlebot3_description
1 turtlebot3_cartographer
1 turtlebot3_bringup
1 turtlebot3_autorace_detect
1 turtlebot3_autorace_core
1 turtlebot3_autorace_control
1 turtlebot3_autorace_camera
1 turtlebot3_autorace
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking_vision
1 turtlebot3_automatic_parking
1 turtlebot3_applications_msgs
1 turtlebot3_applications
1 turtlebot3
1 turtlebot2_teleop
1 turtlebot2_follower
1 turtlebot2_drivers
1 turtlebot2_demo
1 turtlebot2_cartographer
1 turtlebot2_amcl
1 turtlebot
1 turtle_tf2_py
1 turtle_tf2_cpp
1 turtle_teleop_multi_key
1 turtle_nest
1 turbojpeg_compressed_image_transport
1 tum_ardrone
1 tty0tty
1 tts_interfaces
2 tts
1 tsid
1 trivial_gray_streams
1 trivial_garbage
1 trivial_features
1 tricycle_steering_controller
1 tricycle_controller
1 transform_graph
0 trajectory_execution_ros
0 trajectory_execution
1 traj_opt_ros
1 traj_opt_pro
1 traj_opt_msgs
1 traj_opt_basic
1 tracker_base_ui
2 tracetools_trace
2 tracetools_test
2 tracetools_read
2 tracetools_launch
1 tracetools_image_pipeline
2 tracetools_analysis
1 tracetools_acceleration
4 tracetools
1 tra1_moveit_config
1 tra1_description
1 tra1_bringup
1 touch_skill_msgs
1 tornado
1 tork_rpc_util
1 tork_rpc
1 tork_moveit_tutorial
0 topological_tools
1 topics_rviz_plugin
1 topic_tools_interfaces
1 topic_switch
1 topic_statistics_demo
1 topic_proxy
1 topic_monitor
1 topic_based_ros2_control
1 tof_radar_controller
1 tlsf_cpp
1 tlsf
1 tl_expected
1 tinyxml_vendor
1 tinyxml2_vendor
1 tinyspline_vendor
1 tinydir_vendor
1 tinycan
1 tiny_tf
1 tiny_slam
1 tinkerforge_laser_transform
1 timesync
2 timed_roslaunch
1 tile_map
1 tiago_simulation
1 tiago_robot
1 tiago_rgbd_sensors
1 tiago_navigation
1 tiago_multi
1 tiago_moveit_config
1 tiago_laser_sensors
1 tiago_gazebo
1 tiago_description
1 tiago_controller_configuration
1 tiago_bringup
1 tiago_2dnav
1 thunder_line_follower_pmr3100
1 threemxl
1 thormang3_walking_module_msgs
1 thormang3_walking_module
1 thormang3_walking_demo
1 thormang3_tools
1 thormang3_sensors
1 thormang3_ppc
1 thormang3_opc
1 thormang3_offset_tuner_server
1 thormang3_offset_tuner_msgs
1 thormang3_offset_tuner_client
1 thormang3_navigation
1 thormang3_msgs
1 thormang3_mpc_sensors
1 thormang3_mpc
1 thormang3_manipulation_module_msgs
1 thormang3_manipulation_module
1 thormang3_manipulation_demo
1 thormang3_manager
1 thormang3_kinematics_dynamics
1 thormang3_imu_3dm_gx4
1 thormang3_head_control_module_msgs
1 thormang3_head_control_module
1 thormang3_gripper_module
1 thormang3_gazebo
1 thormang3_foot_step_generator
1 thormang3_feet_ft_module_msgs
1 thormang3_feet_ft_module
1 thormang3_description
1 thormang3_demo
1 thormang3_common
1 thormang3_base_module
1 thormang3_balance_control
1 thormang3_action_script_player
1 thormang3_action_module_msgs
1 thormang3_action_module
1 thormang3_action_editor
1 thingmagic_usbpro
1 thingmagic_rfid
0 thermaleye_msgs
1 tf_transformations
1 tf_tools
1 tf_to_pose_publisher
1 tf_static_publisher
1 tf_publisher_gui
0 tf_lookup
1 tf_keyboard_cal
1 tf2_urdf
1 tf2_server
1 tf2_ros_py


Name Description
1 uuv_descriptions
1 uuv_cpc_sensor
1 uuv_control_utils
1 uuv_control_msgs
1 uuv_control_cascaded_pid
1 uuv_auv_control_allocator
1 uuv_assistants
1 utilrb
1 utilmm
1 utexas_gdc
1 usv_gazebo_plugins
0 usb_serial_for_android
1 usb_cam_hardware_interface
1 usb_cam_hardware
1 usb_cam_controllers
1 ursa_driver
1 urinterfaces
1 urg_stamped
1 urg_node_msgs
1 urdfdom_headers
2 urdfdom
1 urdf_viewer
1 urdf_vehicle_kinematic
1 urdf_traverser
1 urdf_transform
1 urdf_test
1 urdf_sim_tutorial
1 urdf_processing_tools
1 urdf_mesh_converter
2 urdf_launch
1 urdf_geometry_parser
1 urdf2inventor
1 urdf2graspit
1 ur_simulation_gz
0 ur_simulation_gazebo
2 ur_robot_driver
1 ur_moveit_config
1 ur_modern_driver
1 ur_kinematics
1 ur_kin_py
1 ur_gazebo
1 ur_e_gazebo
1 ur_e_description
1 ur_driver
3 ur_description
2 ur_dashboard_msgs
1 ur_controllers
1 ur_client_library
2 ur_calibration
2 ur_bringup
1 ur5e_moveit_config
1 ur5_moveit_config
1 ur5_e_moveit_config
1 ur3e_moveit_config
1 ur3_moveit_config
1 ur3_e_moveit_config
1 ur30_moveit_config
1 ur20_moveit_config
1 ur16e_moveit_config
1 ur10e_moveit_config
1 ur10_moveit_config
1 ur10_e_moveit_config
1 ur
1 update_move_base_parameter_recovery
1 2017-05-23 uos_tools
Various helper utilities not associated with a particular stack
Various helper utilities not associated with a particular stack
1 uos_rotunit_teleop
1 uos_rotunit_snapshotter
1 uos_rotunit_driver
1 uos_rotunit
1 2017-05-23 uos_maps
Navigation maps for the AVZ building of the University of Osnabrueck.
Navigation maps for the AVZ building of the University of Osnabrueck.
1 2017-05-23 uos_gazebo_worlds
Gazebo world and model files for UOS.
Gazebo world and model files for UOS.
1 2017-05-23 uos_freespace
uos_freespace package
uos_freespace package
1 2017-05-23 uos_diffdrive_teleop
1 2017-05-23 uos_common_urdf
This package contains URDF descriptions of the UOS robots.
This package contains URDF descriptions of the UOS robots.
1 universal_teleop
1 universal_robots
1 universal_robot
1 unitreeeus
1 unitree_ros
0 unitree_legged_real
0 unitree_legged_msgs
1 unique_identifier_msgs
2 undo_path_global_planner
2 uncrustify_vendor
1 uncrustify
0 uncalibrated_servoing_msgs
1 ugv_random_walk
1 uga_tum_ardrone
1 uf_robot_moveit_config
1 udp_msgs
1 udp_driver
1 udp_com
1 udp_bc_broker
1 ucla_linear_axis
1 ucl_drone_gui
1 ucl_drone
1 uc3m_maps
1 ubnt_airos_tools
1 ublox_ubx_msgs
1 ublox_ubx_interfaces
2 2022-12-07 ublox_serialization
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
ublox_serialization provides header files for serialization of ROS messages to and from u-blox message format.
1 ublox_nav_sat_fix_hp_node
2 2022-12-07 ublox_msgs
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
ublox_msgs contains raw messages for u-blox GNSS devices.
1 2022-12-07 ublox_msg_filters
Time synchronize multiple uBlox messages to get a single callback
Time synchronize multiple uBlox messages to get a single callback
2 2022-12-07 ublox_gps
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
Driver for u-blox GPS devices.
1 ublox_dgnss_node
1 ublox_dgnss
2 2022-12-07 ublox
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
Provides a ublox_gps node for u-blox GPS receivers, messages, and serialization packages for the binary UBX protocol.
1 ubiquity_motor
1 ubiquity_launches
1 uavcan_communicator
1 uav_simple_tracking
1 uav_random_direction
1 uav_optimal_coverage
1 uav_local_coverage
1 typelib
1 type_description_interfaces
1 twistimu
1 twist_stamper
1 twist_recovery
1 twist_controller
1 tvm_vendor
1 tuw_waypoint_to_spline_msgs
1 tuw_voronoi_graph
1 tuw_vehicle_msgs
1 tuw_uvc
1 tuw_std_msgs
2 tuw_rviz
1 tuw_robotics
1 tuw_object_rviz
1 tuw_object_msgs
1 tuw_object_map_msgs
1 tuw_nav_rviz
1 tuw_nav_msgs
1 tuw_multi_robot_rviz
1 tuw_multi_robot_router
1 tuw_multi_robot_msgs
1 tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller
1 tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator
1 tuw_multi_robot_demo
1 tuw_multi_robot_ctrl
1 tuw_multi_robot
1 tuw_msgs
1 tuw_marker_slam
1 tuw_marker_server
1 tuw_marker_pose_estimation
1 tuw_marker_noise
1 tuw_marker_filter
1 tuw_marker_detection
1 tuw_local_controller_msgs
1 tuw_json
1 tuw_graph_msgs
1 tuw_geometry_rviz
1 tuw_geometry_msgs
1 tuw_geometry
1 tuw_geo_msgs
1 tuw_gazebo_msgs
1 tuw_ellipses
1 tuw_control
1 tuw_checkerboard
1 tuw_aruco
1 tuw_airskin_msgs
1 tuw
1 tutorial_examples
1 turtlesim_msgs
1 turtlesim_dash_tutorial
1 turtlebot_viz
2 turtlebot_teleop
1 turtlebot_stdr
1 turtlebot_stage
1 turtlebot_simulator
2 turtlebot_rviz_launchers
1 turtlebot_rapps
1 turtlebot_panorama
1 turtlebot_navigation
1 turtlebot_msgs
1 turtlebot_loadout_kha1
2 turtlebot_interactive_markers
1 turtlebot_interactions
1 turtlebot_gazebo
1 turtlebot_follower
1 turtlebot_exploration_3d
1 turtlebot_description
2 turtlebot_dashboard
1 turtlebot_create_desktop
1 turtlebot_create
1 turtlebot_core_apps
1 turtlebot_concert
1 turtlebot_capabilities
1 turtlebot_calibration
1 turtlebot_bringup
1 turtlebot_arm_object_manipulation
1 turtlebot_arm_moveit_demos
1 turtlebot_arm_moveit_config
1 turtlebot_arm_kinect_calibration
1 turtlebot_arm_ikfast_plugin
1 turtlebot_arm_description
1 turtlebot_arm_bringup
1 turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation
1 turtlebot_arm


Name Description
2 2018-02-28 loki_base_node
loki_base_node has a ROS node to communicate with the Loki robot base and allow communication with the motors and sonars
loki_base_node has a ROS node to communicate with the Loki robot base and allow communication with the motors and sonars
1 2019-02-28 logger_binding
Includes libraries and headers to provide loose coupling to logging. Provides loggers that use std streams, or ROS logging (if compiled with catkin).
Includes libraries and headers to provide loose coupling to logging. Provides loggers that use std streams, or ROS logging (if compiled with catkin).
1 2016-08-11 log4cpp
Log4cpp maintained by Orocos developers This version of log4cpp deviates from the official release by adding custom category factories. Orocos requires this for setting up real-time logging.
Log4cpp maintained by Orocos developers This version of log4cpp deviates from the official release by adding custom category factories. Orocos requires this for setting up real-time logging.
1 2020-07-03 locomove_base
Extension of locomotor that implements move_base's functionality.
Extension of locomotor that implements move_base's functionality.
1 2020-07-03 locomotor_msgs
Action definition for Locomotor
Action definition for Locomotor
1 2020-07-03 locomotor
Locomotor is an extensible path planning coordination engine that replaces move_base. The goal is to provide a mechanism for controlling what happens when the global and local planners succeed and fail. It leverages ROS callback queues to coordinate multiple threads.
Locomotor is an extensible path planning coordination engine that replaces move_base. The goal is to provide a mechanism for controlling what happens when the global and local planners succeed and fail. It leverages ROS callback queues to coordinate multiple threads.
1 2015-02-06 lockfree
The lockfree package contains lock-free data structures for use in multithreaded programming. These kinds of data structures are generally not as easy to use as single-threaded equivalents, and are not always faster. If you don't know you need to use one, try another structure with a lock around it first.
The lockfree package contains lock-free data structures for use in multithreaded programming. These kinds of data structures are generally not as easy to use as single-threaded equivalents, and are not always faster. If you don't know you need to use one, try another structure with a lock around it first.
1 2015-11-12 local_map
The local_map package The local_map package takes as input a LaserScan message and outputs a local map as OccupancyGrid. The local map orientation is the same as the one of the global frame.
The local_map package The local_map package takes as input a LaserScan message and outputs a local map as OccupancyGrid. The local map orientation is the same as the one of the global frame.
2 2020-01-20 lms1xx
The lms1xx package contains a basic ROS driver for the SICK LMS1xx line of LIDARs.
The lms1xx package contains a basic ROS driver for the SICK LMS1xx line of LIDARs.
1 2015-10-26 lj_laser_heading
Localizing jockey from LaserScan and absolute heading. Implements a localizing jockey from a LaserScan and absolute heading. The associated descriptors are sensor_msgs/LaserScan[] and lama_msgs/Crossing.
Localizing jockey from LaserScan and absolute heading. Implements a localizing jockey from a LaserScan and absolute heading. The associated descriptors are sensor_msgs/LaserScan[] and lama_msgs/Crossing.
1 2015-10-26 lj_laser
Localizing jockey from LaserScan Implement a localizing jockey from a LaserScan. The associated descriptor are LaserScan[] and Crossing.
Localizing jockey from LaserScan Implement a localizing jockey from a LaserScan. The associated descriptor are LaserScan[] and Crossing.
1 2015-11-03 lj_costmap
Implements a localizing jockey for the Large Maps framework (LaMa) based on a local costmap (costmap position is relative to the sensor but orientation is absolute). Implement a localizing jockey from a LaserScan. The associated descriptors are LaserScan[] and Crossing.
Implements a localizing jockey for the Large Maps framework (LaMa) based on a local costmap (costmap position is relative to the sensor but orientation is absolute). Implement a localizing jockey from a LaserScan. The associated descriptors are LaserScan[] and Crossing.
1 2015-04-24 lisp_unit
3rd party library: A unit testing framework for common lisp.
3rd party library: A unit testing framework for common lisp.
1 2019-02-26 linux_networking
The linux_networking package
The linux_networking package
1 2019-02-26 linksys_access_point
A ROS node that controls a Linksys access point with a Linksys WRT610n-compatible web interface.
A ROS node that controls a Linksys access point with a Linksys WRT610n-compatible web interface.
1 2014-12-09 lighting_tools
Utilities for common lighting devices
Utilities for common lighting devices
1 2014-12-09 lighting_msgs
The lighting_msgs package
The lighting_msgs package
1 2017-05-05 light_scan_sim
The light_scan_sim package simulates a laser scan originating from a TF against a costmap.
The light_scan_sim package simulates a laser scan originating from a TF against a costmap.
1 2014-09-04 libvimba
The libvimba package
The libvimba package
2 2021-02-20 libuvc_ros
libuvc_ros metapackage
libuvc_ros metapackage
2 2021-02-20 libuvc_camera
USB Video Class camera driver
USB Video Class camera driver
1 2025-01-09 libsiftfast
Library to compute SIFT features
Library to compute SIFT features
1 2013-12-10 libsegwayrmp
This is a C++ library for interfacing with Segway's RMP line of robotic platforms.
This is a C++ library for interfacing with Segway's RMP line of robotic platforms.
1 2015-09-21 librviz_tutorial
Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features.
Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features.
2 2016-02-18 librms
RMS Data Log Client Library
RMS Data Log Client Library
1 2018-10-26 libqt_widgets
libqt-widgets metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-widgets metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_svg_dev
libqt-svg-dev metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-svg-dev metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_opengl_dev
libqt-opengl metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-opengl metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_opengl
libqt-opengl metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-opengl metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_network
libqt-network metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-network metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_gui
libqt-gui metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-gui metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_dev
libqt-dev metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-dev metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_core
libqt-core metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-core metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_concurrent
libqt-concurrent metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-concurrent metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
2 2024-12-20 libpointmatcher
libpointmatcher is a modular ICP library, useful for robotics and computer vision.
libpointmatcher is a modular ICP library, useful for robotics and computer vision.
1 2024-02-19 libphidgets
This package wraps the libphidgets to use it as a ros dependency
This package wraps the libphidgets to use it as a ros dependency
1 2024-02-19 libpcan
This package wraps the libpcan to use it as a ros dependency
This package wraps the libpcan to use it as a ros dependency
1 2024-02-19 libntcan
This package wraps the libntcan to use it as a ros dependency.
This package wraps the libntcan to use it as a ros dependency.
1 2024-05-27 libnabo
libnabo is a fast K Nearest Neighbour library for low-dimensional spaces.
libnabo is a fast K Nearest Neighbour library for low-dimensional spaces.
1 2017-02-07 libmavconn
MAVLink communication library. This library provide unified connection handling classes and URL to connection object mapper. This library can be used in standalone programs.
MAVLink communication library. This library provide unified connection handling classes and URL to connection object mapper. This library can be used in standalone programs.
1 2015-01-29 libfreenect
Open source libraries that will enable the Kinect to be used with Windows, Linux, and Mac.
Open source libraries that will enable the Kinect to be used with Windows, Linux, and Mac.
1 2024-02-19 libdlib
This package wraps the external c++ library dlib ( in a ROS package, so other packages can use it. The code was obtained from . For further descriptions and tutorials see the Makefile.tarball and .
This package wraps the external c++ library dlib ( in a ROS package, so other packages can use it. The code was obtained from . For further descriptions and tutorials see the Makefile.tarball and .
1 2023-05-21 libcreate
C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2
C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2
1 2025-01-09 libcmt
libCMT ROS Wrapper
libCMT ROS Wrapper
1 2018-12-22 libccd
libccd is library for collision detection between two convex shapes.
libccd is library for collision detection between two convex shapes.
1 2020-03-05 lgsvl_msgs
The lgsvl_msgs package for ground truth data.
The lgsvl_msgs package for ground truth data.
1 2017-04-10 leg_detector
Leg Detector using a machine learning approach to find leg-like patterns of laser scanner readings.
Leg Detector using a machine learning approach to find leg-like patterns of laser scanner readings.
1 2020-05-29 leap_motion
ROS driver for the Leap Motion gesture sensor
ROS driver for the Leap Motion gesture sensor
1 2018-03-21 launchman
Launch Manager
Launch Manager
1 2017-06-29 launch_tools
ROS tools and scripts related to launchfiles
ROS tools and scripts related to launchfiles
3 2019-04-02 laser_tilt_controller_filter
2 2018-06-03 laser_scan_splitter
The laser_scan_splitter takes in a LaserScan message and splits it into a number of other LaserScan messages. Each of the resulting laser scans can be assigned an arbitrary coordinate frame, and is published on a separate topic.
The laser_scan_splitter takes in a LaserScan message and splits it into a number of other LaserScan messages. Each of the resulting laser scans can be assigned an arbitrary coordinate frame, and is published on a separate topic.
2 2018-06-03 laser_scan_sparsifier
The laser_scan_sparsifier takes in a LaserScan message and sparsifies it.
The laser_scan_sparsifier takes in a LaserScan message and sparsifies it.
1 2013-08-16 laser_scan_publisher_tutorial
The laser_scan_publisher_tutorial package
The laser_scan_publisher_tutorial package
2 2018-06-03 laser_scan_matcher
2 2019-07-29 laser_scan_densifier
The laser_scan_densifier takes in a LaserScan message and densifies it. Node is inspired by laser_scan_sparsifier (
The laser_scan_densifier takes in a LaserScan message and densifies it. Node is inspired by laser_scan_sparsifier (
1 2018-07-10 laser_proc
1 2018-04-27 laser_pipeline
Meta-package of libraries for processing laser data, including converting laser data into 3D representations.
Meta-package of libraries for processing laser data, including converting laser data into 3D representations.
2 2018-06-03 laser_ortho_projector
The laser_ortho_projector package calculates orthogonal projections of LaserScan messages.
The laser_ortho_projector package calculates orthogonal projections of LaserScan messages.
1 2021-05-23 laser_odometry_node
Node package of the laser_odometry project. It contains the ROS node that instantiate the laser scan matcher plugin. It also defines and centralizes some of the common steps to aggregate a consecutive laser scan displacement estimates to a proper odometry.
Node package of the laser_odometry project. It contains the ROS node that instantiate the laser scan matcher plugin. It also defines and centralizes some of the common steps to aggregate a consecutive laser scan displacement estimates to a proper odometry.
1 2021-05-23 laser_odometry_core
Core library for the laser_odometry package. It contains the base class from which laser scan matcher wrappers should inherit from.
Core library for the laser_odometry package. It contains the base class from which laser scan matcher wrappers should inherit from.
1 2021-05-23 laser_odometry
The Laser Odometry metapackage
The Laser Odometry metapackage
2 2019-04-03 laser_joint_projector
Projects laser readings into a point cloud, based on a set of recorded joint angles This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Projects laser readings into a point cloud, based on a set of recorded joint angles This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
2 2019-04-03 laser_joint_processor
Computes joint angles associated with a specific set of detected checkerboard corners. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Computes joint angles associated with a specific set of detected checkerboard corners. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 2019-10-23 laser_geometry
This package contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. In particular, it contains functionality to account for the skew resulting from moving robots or tilting laser scanners.
This package contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. In particular, it contains functionality to account for the skew resulting from moving robots or tilting laser scanners.
1 2025-01-09 laser_filters_jsk_patch
1 2021-10-22 laser_filters
Assorted filters designed to operate on 2D planar laser scanners, which use the sensor_msgs/LaserScan type.
Assorted filters designed to operate on 2D planar laser scanners, which use the sensor_msgs/LaserScan type.
1 2016-07-24 laser_filtering
ROS Libraries for filtering specific kinds of laser scans
ROS Libraries for filtering specific kinds of laser scans
1 2021-03-30 laser_cb_detector
Extracts checkerboard corners from a dense laser snapshot. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Extracts checkerboard corners from a dense laser snapshot. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 2019-06-27 laser_assembler
Provides nodes to assemble point clouds from either LaserScan or PointCloud messages
Provides nodes to assemble point clouds from either LaserScan or PointCloud messages
1 2015-09-10 lama_test
The lama_test package
The lama_test package
1 2015-11-04 lama_msgs
lama_msgs provides messages for the lama framework such as Frontier, Crossing.
lama_msgs provides messages for the lama framework such as Frontier, Crossing.
1 2015-11-04 lama_jockeys
The lama_jockeys package contains base classes for learning, localizing, and navigating jockeys.
The lama_jockeys package contains base classes for learning, localizing, and navigating jockeys.
1 2015-11-04 lama_interfaces
The lama_interfaces package provides the interfaces between ROS nodes (such as jockeys from lama_jockeys) and the map.
The lama_interfaces package provides the interfaces between ROS nodes (such as jockeys from lama_jockeys) and the map.
1 2015-11-04 lama_core
Framework for robot autonomy in Large Maps (LaMa), core functionalities
Framework for robot autonomy in Large Maps (LaMa), core functionalities
1 2015-11-12 lama_common
Utilities for the LaMa package
Utilities for the LaMa package
1 2016-11-12 korg_nanokontrol
ROS driver to use the Korg NanoKontrol MIDI device as a joystick.
ROS driver to use the Korg NanoKontrol MIDI device as a joystick.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_testsuite
Kobuki test suite: this package provides tools to thoroughly test Kobuki's hardware.
Kobuki test suite: this package provides tools to thoroughly test Kobuki's hardware.
1 2016-05-04 kobuki_softnode
ROS nodelet for fake Kobuki.
ROS nodelet for fake Kobuki.
1 2016-05-04 kobuki_softapps
The kobuki_softapps package
The kobuki_softapps package
1 2016-05-04 kobuki_soft
Soft kobuki impementation meta package
Soft kobuki impementation meta package
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_safety_controller
A controller ensuring the safe operation of Kobuki. The SafetyController keeps track of bumper, cliff and wheel drop events. In case of the first two, Kobuki is commanded to move back. In the latter case, Kobuki is stopped. This controller can be enabled/disabled. The safety states (bumper pressed etc.) can be reset. WARNING: Dangerous!
A controller ensuring the safe operation of Kobuki. The SafetyController keeps track of bumper, cliff and wheel drop events. In case of the first two, Kobuki is commanded to move back. In the latter case, Kobuki is stopped. This controller can be enabled/disabled. The safety states (bumper pressed etc.) can be reset. WARNING: Dangerous!
1 2015-03-02 kobuki_rviz_launchers
The kobuki_rviz_launchers package
The kobuki_rviz_launchers package
1 2016-11-09 kobuki_rapps
Robot apps for Kobuki
Robot apps for Kobuki
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_random_walker
Random walker app for Kobuki
Random walker app for Kobuki
1 2015-03-02 kobuki_qtestsuite
An rqt plugin that provides a graphical, interactive testsuite for Kobuki.
An rqt plugin that provides a graphical, interactive testsuite for Kobuki.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_node
ROS nodelet for Kobuki: ROS wrapper for the Kobuki driver.
ROS nodelet for Kobuki: ROS wrapper for the Kobuki driver.
1 2014-08-11 kobuki_msgs
1 2015-07-09 kobuki_led_controller
Convenient modules to control kobuki leds
Convenient modules to control kobuki leds
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_keyop
Keyboard teleoperation for Kobuki: relays commands from a keyboard to Kobuki.
Keyboard teleoperation for Kobuki: relays commands from a keyboard to Kobuki.
1 2015-03-02 kobuki_gazebo_plugins
Kobuki-specific ROS plugins for Gazebo
Kobuki-specific ROS plugins for Gazebo
1 2015-03-02 kobuki_gazebo
Kobuki simulation for Gazebo
Kobuki simulation for Gazebo
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_ftdi
Utilities for flashing and enabling Kobuki's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the Kobuki's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.
Utilities for flashing and enabling Kobuki's USB connection. This package contains tools for flashing the Kobuki's FTDI chip (usually done at the factory). The special firmware for the FTDI chip (USB to serial converter) enables it to appear as /dev/kobuki on the user's PC.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_driver
C++ driver library for Kobuki: Pure C++ driver library for Kobuki. This is for those who do not wish to use ROS on their systems.
C++ driver library for Kobuki: Pure C++ driver library for Kobuki. This is for those who do not wish to use ROS on their systems.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_dock_drive
Dock driving library for Kobuki. Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to develop autonomous docking drive algorithms.
Dock driving library for Kobuki. Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to develop autonomous docking drive algorithms.
1 2015-03-02 kobuki_desktop
Visualisation and simulation tools for Kobuki
Visualisation and simulation tools for Kobuki
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_description
Description of the Kobuki model. Provides the model description of Kobuki for simulation and visualisation. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. WARNING: This package is disabled because it cannot be catkinized by now, as xacro dependency is not catkin still. In the interim we use a unary pre-catkin stack named kobuki_description.
Description of the Kobuki model. Provides the model description of Kobuki for simulation and visualisation. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. WARNING: This package is disabled because it cannot be catkinized by now, as xacro dependency is not catkin still. In the interim we use a unary pre-catkin stack named kobuki_description.
1 2015-03-02 kobuki_dashboard
The Kobuki dashboard is a RQT-based plug-in for visualising data from Kobuki and giving easy access to basic functionalities.
The Kobuki dashboard is a RQT-based plug-in for visualising data from Kobuki and giving easy access to basic functionalities.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_core
Non-ROS software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
Non-ROS software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_controller_tutorial
Code for the Kobuki controller tutorial.
Code for the Kobuki controller tutorial.
1 2016-11-09 kobuki_capabilities
Kobuki's capabilities
Kobuki's capabilities
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_bumper2pc
Bumper/cliff to pointcloud nodelet: Publish bumpers and cliff sensors events as points in a pointcloud, so navistack can use them for poor-man navigation. Implemented as a nodelet intended to run together with kobuki_node.
Bumper/cliff to pointcloud nodelet: Publish bumpers and cliff sensors events as points in a pointcloud, so navistack can use them for poor-man navigation. Implemented as a nodelet intended to run together with kobuki_node.
2 2016-11-09 kobuki_auto_docking
Automatic docking for Kobuki: Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to let Kobuki find its nest autonomously.
Automatic docking for Kobuki: Users owning a docking station for Kobuki can use this tool to let Kobuki find its nest autonomously.
1 2016-11-09 kobuki
Software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
Software for Kobuki, Yujin Robot's mobile research base.
1 2018-08-07 kni
This package provides the third-party KNI (Katana Native Interface) library for Katana robot arms. Instead of using the KNI library directly, the
This package provides the third-party KNI (Katana Native Interface) library for Katana robot arms. Instead of using the KNI library directly, the
1 2024-05-01 kinovaeus
The kinovaeus package
The kinovaeus package
1 2014-12-02 kingfisher_msgs
Provides standard messages specific to Kingfisher, especially for the microcontroller's rosserial interface.
Provides standard messages specific to Kingfisher, especially for the microcontroller's rosserial interface.
1 2014-12-02 kingfisher_description
URDF description for Kingfisher
URDF description for Kingfisher
1 2015-01-15 kinect_aux
A standalone driver for the Kinect accelerometers and tilt motor.
A standalone driver for the Kinect accelerometers and tilt motor.
1 2014-12-31 kinect_2d_scanner
Kinect grabber as 2D laser scans
Kinect grabber as 2D laser scans
1 2020-12-17 keyboard
publishes keyboard key presses
publishes keyboard key presses
2 2018-04-06 key_teleop
A text-based interface to send a robot movement commands
A text-based interface to send a robot movement commands
1 2019-05-16 kdl_typekit
This package contains the KDL RTT bindings
This package contains the KDL RTT bindings
1 2018-07-23 kdl_parser_py
The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) defines a tree structure to represent the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a robot mechanism.
The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) defines a tree structure to represent the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a robot mechanism.
2 2018-07-23 kdl_parser
The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) defines a tree structure to represent the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a robot mechanism.
The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) defines a tree structure to represent the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a robot mechanism.
1 2018-07-06 kdl_conversions
Conversion functions between KDL and geometry_msgs types.
Conversion functions between KDL and geometry_msgs types.
1 2018-08-07 katana_tutorials
This package contains test and demo programs for the katana_driver stack.
This package contains test and demo programs for the katana_driver stack.
1 2018-08-07 katana_teleop
This package provides tele-operation nodes to control the Neuronics Katana 450 arm via keyboard commands or with a playstation 3 controller.
This package provides tele-operation nodes to control the Neuronics Katana 450 arm via keyboard commands or with a playstation 3 controller.
1 2018-08-07 katana_msgs
This package contains messages specific to the Neuronics Katana arm.
This package contains messages specific to the Neuronics Katana arm.
1 2018-08-07 katana_moveit_ikfast_plugin
The katana_moveit_ikfast_plugin package
The katana_moveit_ikfast_plugin package
1 2018-08-07 katana_gazebo_plugins
This package provides Gazebo plugins to simulate the Katana arm.
This package provides Gazebo plugins to simulate the Katana arm.
1 2018-08-07 katana_driver
This stack contains all descriptions, drivers and bringup facilities for Neuronics Katana 450 arm.
This stack contains all descriptions, drivers and bringup facilities for Neuronics Katana 450 arm.
1 2018-08-07 katana_description
This package contains an URDF description of the Katana arm and all supporting mesh files.
This package contains an URDF description of the Katana arm and all supporting mesh files.
1 2018-08-07 katana_arm_gazebo
This package starts a Neuronics Katana robot arm in the Gazebo simulation environment. It is modeled after the
This package starts a Neuronics Katana robot arm in the Gazebo simulation environment. It is modeled after the
1 2018-08-07 katana
This package provides ROS interfaces to the Neuronics Katana 450 arm. It wraps the
This package provides ROS interfaces to the Neuronics Katana 450 arm. It wraps the
1 2015-07-11 kalman_filter
Simple Kalman Filter in Python
Simple Kalman Filter in Python
1 2025-01-09 julius_ros
The julius_ros package
The julius_ros package
1 2025-01-09 julius
julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary CSR Engine (
julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary CSR Engine (
1 2020-07-06 json_prolog_msgs
Message definitions to talk with the JSON Prolog interface.
Message definitions to talk with the JSON Prolog interface.
1 2017-03-07 jskeus
EusLisp software developed and used by JSK at The University of Tokyo
EusLisp software developed and used by JSK at The University of Tokyo
1 2024-12-11 jsk_visualization
1 2024-05-01 jsk_unitree_startup
1 2025-01-06 jsk_topic_tools
1 2025-01-06 jsk_tools
Includes emacs scripts, ros tool alias generator, and launch doc generator.
Includes emacs scripts, ros tool alias generator, and launch doc generator.
1 2025-01-06 jsk_tilt_laser
The jsk_tilt_laser package
The jsk_tilt_laser package
1 2024-12-09 jsk_teleop_joy
1 2017-03-15 jsk_semantic_maps
Semantic maps of different rooms at the JSK lab at the University of Tokyo.
Semantic maps of different rooms at the JSK lab at the University of Tokyo.
1 2024-12-11 jsk_rviz_plugins
The jsk_rviz_plugins package
The jsk_rviz_plugins package
1 2024-12-11 jsk_rqt_plugins
The jsk_rqt_plugins package
The jsk_rqt_plugins package
1 2025-01-10 jsk_roseus
1 2025-01-06 jsk_rosbag_tools
The rosbag tools
The rosbag tools
1 2024-05-01 jsk_robot_utils
1 2024-05-01 jsk_robot_startup
The jsk_robot_startup package
The jsk_robot_startup package
1 2024-05-01 jsk_robot
1 2025-01-07 jsk_recognition_utils
C++ library about sensor model, geometrical modeling and perception.
C++ library about sensor model, geometrical modeling and perception.
1 2025-01-07 jsk_recognition_msgs
ROS messages for jsk_pcl_ros and jsk_perception.
ROS messages for jsk_pcl_ros and jsk_perception.
1 2025-01-07 jsk_recognition
1 2025-01-09 jsk_pr2eus
1 2024-05-01 jsk_pr2_startup
1 2024-05-01 jsk_pr2_desktop
Desktop Shortcuts for JSK PR2
Desktop Shortcuts for JSK PR2
1 2024-05-01 jsk_pr2_calibration
The jsk_pr2_calibration package
The jsk_pr2_calibration package
1 2024-05-01 jsk_pr2_accessories
1 2023-12-05 jsk_planning
1 2025-01-07 jsk_perception
ROS nodes and nodelets for 2-D image perception.
ROS nodes and nodelets for 2-D image perception.
1 2024-05-01 jsk_pepper_startup
The jsk_pepper_startup package
The jsk_pepper_startup package
1 2025-01-07 jsk_pcl_ros_utils
ROS utility nodelets for pointcloud perception.
ROS utility nodelets for pointcloud perception.
1 2025-01-07 jsk_pcl_ros
ROS nodelets for pointcloud perception.
ROS nodelets for pointcloud perception.
1 2024-05-01 jsk_panda_teleop
Teleopration of dual-franka using TouchUSB
Teleopration of dual-franka using TouchUSB
1 2024-05-01 jsk_panda_startup
Startup utilities for dual arm panda (from franka emika)
Startup utilities for dual arm panda (from franka emika)
1 2025-01-06 jsk_network_tools
1 2024-05-01 jsk_nao_startup
The jsk_nao_startup package
The jsk_nao_startup package
1 2025-01-09 jsk_model_tools
1 2017-03-15 jsk_maps
1 2024-05-01 jsk_magni_startup
1 2024-05-01 jsk_kinova_startup
1 2024-12-11 jsk_interactive_test
1 2024-12-11 jsk_interactive_marker
jsk interactive markers
jsk interactive markers
1 2024-12-11 jsk_interactive
1 2024-12-09 jsk_ik_server
1 2022-05-09 jsk_hark_msgs
1 2022-05-09 jsk_gui_msgs
1 2024-12-09 jsk_footstep_planner
1 2022-05-09 jsk_footstep_msgs
1 2024-12-09 jsk_footstep_controller
The jsk_footstep_controller package
The jsk_footstep_controller package
1 2024-05-01 jsk_fetch_startup
jsk_fetch_startup data/boost_sound.wav is downloaded from
jsk_fetch_startup data/boost_sound.wav is downloaded from
1 2024-05-01 jsk_fetch_gazebo_demo
Fetch gazebo demo for roseus implementation
Fetch gazebo demo for roseus implementation
1 2024-05-01 jsk_fetch_diagnosis
The fetch_diagnosis package
The fetch_diagnosis package
1 2024-05-01 jsk_fetch_accessories
1 2017-03-15 jsk_demo_common
The jsk_demo_common package
The jsk_demo_common package
1 2025-01-06 jsk_data
The jsk_data package
The jsk_data package
1 2024-12-09 jsk_control
The jsk_control package
The jsk_control package
1 2022-05-09 jsk_common_msgs
1 2025-01-06 jsk_common
1 2024-05-01 jsk_cobotta_startup
1 2024-12-09 jsk_calibration
The jsk_calibration package
The jsk_calibration package
1 2024-05-01 jsk_baxter_web
The jsk_baxter_web package
The jsk_baxter_web package
1 2024-05-01 jsk_baxter_startup
The jsk_baxter_startup package
The jsk_baxter_startup package
1 2024-05-01 jsk_baxter_desktop
The jsk_baxter_desktop package
The jsk_baxter_desktop package
1 2024-05-01 jsk_aero_startup
The jsk_aero_startup package
The jsk_aero_startup package
1 2025-01-09 jsk_3rdparty
1 2024-05-01 jsk_201504_miraikan
The jsk_201504_miraikan package
The jsk_201504_miraikan package
1 2017-03-15 jsk_2013_04_pr2_610
The jsk_2013_04_pr2_610 package
The jsk_2013_04_pr2_610 package
1 2017-03-15 jsk_2011_07_pr2_semantic
2 2018-08-30 jpeg_streamer
tools for streaming JPEG-formatted CompressedImage topics over HTTP
tools for streaming JPEG-formatted CompressedImage topics over HTTP
1 2019-05-22 joystick_interrupt
Interrupt cmd_vel by joystick input
Interrupt cmd_vel by joystick input
1 2017-07-07 joystick_drivers
This metapackage depends on packages for interfacing common joysticks and human input devices with ROS.
This metapackage depends on packages for interfacing common joysticks and human input devices with ROS.
2 2018-04-06 joy_teleop
A (to be) generic joystick interface to control a robot
A (to be) generic joystick interface to control a robot
1 2024-12-09 joy_mouse
The joy_mouse package
The joy_mouse package
1 2015-07-11 joy_listener
Translates joy msgs
Translates joy msgs
2 2017-07-07 joy
ROS driver for a generic Linux joystick. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes.
ROS driver for a generic Linux joystick. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes.


Name Description
2 2014-04-22 avt_vimba_camera
Wrapper of the Allied Vision Technologies (AVT) VIMBA Ethernet and Firewire SDK.
Wrapper of the Allied Vision Technologies (AVT) VIMBA Ethernet and Firewire SDK.
1 2025-01-06 audio_video_recorder
ROS package for recording image and audio synchronously
ROS package for recording image and audio synchronously
1 2025-01-07 audio_to_spectrogram
Convert audio (audio_common_msgs/AudioData) to spectrogram (sensor_msgs/Image)
Convert audio (audio_common_msgs/AudioData) to spectrogram (sensor_msgs/Image)
1 2020-07-06 attache_msgs
The attache_msgs package
The attache_msgs package
3 2015-01-06 async_web_server_cpp
Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++
Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++
1 2025-01-09 assimp_devel
assimp library
assimp library
1 2019-02-26 asmach_tutorials
This package containes numerous examples of how to use SMACH. See the examples directory.
This package containes numerous examples of how to use SMACH. See the examples directory.
1 2019-02-26 asmach
SMACH, which stands for 'state machine', is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
SMACH, which stands for 'state machine', is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code.
1 2015-10-18 ardrone_autonomy
ardrone_autonomy is a ROS driver for Parrot AR-Drone 1.0 and 2.0 quadrocopters. This driver is based on official AR-Drone SDK version 2.0.1.
ardrone_autonomy is a ROS driver for Parrot AR-Drone 1.0 and 2.0 quadrocopters. This driver is based on official AR-Drone SDK version 2.0.1.
1 2014-05-29 arbotix_sensors
Extends the arbotix_node package with a number of more sophisticated ROS wrappers for common devices.
Extends the arbotix_node package with a number of more sophisticated ROS wrappers for common devices.
1 2014-05-29 arbotix_python
Bindings and low-level controllers for ArbotiX-powered robots.
Bindings and low-level controllers for ArbotiX-powered robots.
1 2014-05-29 arbotix_msgs
Messages and Services definitions for the ArbotiX.
Messages and Services definitions for the ArbotiX.
1 2014-05-29 arbotix_firmware
Firmware source code for ArbotiX ROS bindings.
Firmware source code for ArbotiX ROS bindings.
1 2014-05-29 arbotix_controllers
Extends the arbotix_python package with a number of more sophisticated ROS wrappers for common devices.
Extends the arbotix_python package with a number of more sophisticated ROS wrappers for common devices.
1 2014-05-29 arbotix
ArbotiX Drivers
ArbotiX Drivers
2 2015-01-23 ar_track_alvar
This package is a ROS wrapper for Alvar, an open source AR tag tracking library.
This package is a ROS wrapper for Alvar, an open source AR tag tracking library.
1 2025-01-09 aques_talk
ROS interface aques_talk demo program
ROS interface aques_talk demo program
1 2014-11-09 apriltags_ros
A package that provides a ROS wrapper for the apriltags C++ package
A package that provides a ROS wrapper for the apriltags C++ package
1 2014-11-09 apriltags
A catkin version of the C++ apriltags library
A catkin version of the C++ apriltags library
1 2016-07-26 applanix_msgs
ROS messages which represent the serialized wire messages and groups of Applanix devices.
ROS messages which represent the serialized wire messages and groups of Applanix devices.
1 2016-07-26 applanix_driver
Comprehensive ROS interface to Applanix POS LV products
Comprehensive ROS interface to Applanix POS LV products
1 2016-07-26 applanix_bridge
Contains the adapter node which translates between the Applanix serialized socket format and ROS messages. This node is implemented in Python for now, but could be re-implemented using roscpp if performance is a bottleneck.
Contains the adapter node which translates between the Applanix serialized socket format and ROS messages. This node is implemented in Python for now, but could be re-implemented using roscpp if performance is a bottleneck.
1 2018-02-14 app_manager
1 2022-01-27 angles
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future.
2 2015-05-01 amcl
1 2015-02-06 allocators
Contains aligned allocation functions, as well as an STL-compatible AlignedAllocator class.
Contains aligned allocation functions, as well as an STL-compatible AlignedAllocator class.
1 2015-04-24 alexandria
3rd party library: Alexandria
3rd party library: Alexandria
1 2015-05-16 agile_grasp
The agile_grasp ROS package. AGILE stands for Antipodal Grasp Identification and LEarning. The package finds antipodal grasps in point clouds.
The agile_grasp ROS package. AGILE stands for Antipodal Grasp Identification and LEarning. The package finds antipodal grasps in point clouds.
1 2024-05-01 aeroeus
The aeroeus package
The aeroeus package
1 2015-07-02 adhoc_communication
The adhoc_communication package allows to exchange data over an ad-hoc network setup by robots running the corresponding node. The package allows you to exchange data over serveral roscores by wrapping transmitting the data to the destination and publishing the data on a predefined topic at the destination host. Routing is accomplished using the hostname of the robots.
The adhoc_communication package allows to exchange data over an ad-hoc network setup by robots running the corresponding node. The package allows you to exchange data over serveral roscores by wrapping transmitting the data to the destination and publishing the data on a predefined topic at the destination host. Routing is accomplished using the hostname of the robots.
1 2016-12-10 actionlib_tutorials
The actionlib_tutorials package
The actionlib_tutorials package
2 2015-05-11 actionlib_msgs
actionlib_msgs defines the common messages to interact with an action server and an action client. For full documentation of the actionlib API see the
actionlib_msgs defines the common messages to interact with an action server and an action client. For full documentation of the actionlib API see the
1 2023-03-28 actionlib_lisp
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
actionlib_lisp is a native implementation of the famous actionlib in Common Lisp. It provides a client and a simple server.
1 2015-08-05 actionlib
The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc.
The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc.
1 2020-05-13 ackermann_msgs
ROS messages for robots using Ackermann steering.
ROS messages for robots using Ackermann steering.
1 2019-02-26 access_point_control
Defines an API for access point control based on dynamic_reconfigure. Other packages must implement the API for various access-point models: for example: hostapd_access_point for hostapd-based control or linksys_access_point for Linksys router web interface.
Defines an API for access point control based on dynamic_reconfigure. Other packages must implement the API for various access-point models: for example: hostapd_access_point for hostapd-based control or linksys_access_point for Linksys router web interface.
2 2015-03-16 acado
ACADO Toolkit
ACADO Toolkit
1 2015-06-10 abb_moveit_plugins
ABB-specific plugins for MoveIt
ABB-specific plugins for MoveIt
1 2015-06-10 abb_irb6640_moveit_config
1 2015-06-10 abb_irb6600_support
1 2015-06-10 abb_irb5400_support
1 2015-06-10 abb_irb2400_support
1 2015-06-10 abb_irb2400_moveit_plugins
1 2015-06-10 abb_irb2400_moveit_config
2 2015-06-10 abb_driver
1 2015-06-10 abb_common
abb_common (deprecated)
abb_common (deprecated)
1 2015-06-10 abb
ROS-Industrial support for ABB manipulators (metapackage).
ROS-Industrial support for ABB manipulators (metapackage).
1 zstd_vendor
1 zstd_point_cloud_transport
1 zstd_image_transport
1 zmqpp_vendor
1 zlib_point_cloud_transport
1 zivid_samples
1 zivid_interfaces
1 zivid_camera
1 zenoh_cpp_vendor
1 zenoh_bridge_dds
1 zed_msgs
1 zbar_ros_interfaces
1 z_laser_zlp1
1 z_laser_viz
1 z_laser_projector
1 z_laser_msgs
1 z_laser_gui
1 yumi_test_controllers
1 yumi_support
1 yumi_moveit_config
1 yumi_launch
1 yumi_hw
1 yumi_description
1 yumi_control
1 yujin_yrl_package
1 ypspur_ros
1 ypspur
1 yosemite_valley
1 yoctopuce_altimeter
1 yocs_waypoint_provider
1 yocs_safety_controller
1 yocs_rapps
1 yocs_navigator
1 yocs_navi_toolkit
1 yocs_msgs
1 yocs_localization_manager
1 yocs_keyop
1 yocs_joyop
1 yocs_ar_pair_tracking
1 yocs_ar_pair_approach
1 yocs_ar_marker_tracking
1 yasmin_viewer
1 yasmin_ros
1 yasmin_msgs
1 yasmin_demos
1 yasmin
1 yaml_cpp_vendor
1 yaml_cpp_0_3
1 yaets
1 xsens_mti_driver
1 xsens_driver
0 xsdcxx
1 xpp_vis
1 xpp_states
1 xpp_quadrotor
1 xpp_msgs
1 xpp_hyq
1 xpp_examples
1 xpp
1 ximea_camera
1 xiaoqiang_server
1 xiaoqiang_navigation_example
1 xiaoqiang_navigation
1 xiaoqiang_msgs
1 xiaoqiang_monitor
1 xiaoqiang_freenect_launch
1 xiaoqiang_freenect_camera
1 xiaoqiang_freenect
1 xiaoqiang_driver
1 xiaoqiang_description
1 xiaoqiang_depth_image_proc
1 xiaoqiang_controller
1 xiaoqiang_bringup
1 xiaoqiang
1 xbot_tools
2 xbot_talker
1 xbot_safety_controller
1 xbot_node
2 xbot_navi
1 xbot_msgs
2 xbot_face
1 xbot_driver
1 xbot_description
1 xbot_bringup
1 xbot
1 xaxxon_openlidar
1 xarm_sdk
1 xarm_planner
1 xarm_msgs
1 xarm_moveit_servo
1 xarm_gripper
1 xarm_gazebo
1 xarm_description
1 xarm_controller
1 xarm_bringup
1 xarm_api
1 xarm7_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm7_redundancy_res
1 xarm7_moveit_config
1 xarm7_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm6_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm6_moveit_config
1 xarm6_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm5_vacuum_gripper_moveit_config
1 xarm5_moveit_config
1 xarm5_gripper_moveit_config
1 xacro_live
0 wxWidgets
1 wts_driver
1 wsg_32_description
1 ws281x
1 wrapyfi_ros_interfaces
1 wrapyfi_ros2_interfaces
1 wpi_jaco_wrapper
1 wpi_jaco_msgs
1 wpi_jaco
1 worldlib
0 world_model
1 world_item_search
1 world_item_observer
2 world_canvas_utils
2 world_canvas_server
2 world_canvas_msgs
2 world_canvas_client_py
2 world_canvas_client_examples
2 world_canvas_client_cpp
1 witmotion_ros
1 wit-imu-driver
1 wire_viz
1 wire_tutorials
1 wire_state_estimators
1 wire_msgs
1 wire_core
1 wire
1 2016-06-19 winros_create_pkg
Provides templates and scripts for creating win-ros package.
Provides templates and scripts for creating win-ros package.
1 2016-06-19 winros_create_msg_pkg
Provides templates and scripts for creating win-ros message package.
Provides templates and scripts for creating win-ros message package.
1 2016-06-19 win_tinyxml
Build script for tinyxml.
Build script for tinyxml.
1 2016-06-19 win_roscpp_tutorials
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. It is a copy of the roscpp_tutorials (because catkin won't handle turtlesim in the same package).
This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. It is a copy of the roscpp_tutorials (because catkin won't handle turtlesim in the same package).
1 2016-06-19 win_ros
Supporting tools and demos for developing with ros on windows.
Supporting tools and demos for developing with ros on windows.
1 2016-06-19 win_pyyaml
Build script for python yaml parser.
Build script for python yaml parser.
1 2016-06-19 win_python_build_tools
Collects all the ros python build tools packages together in one installer.
Collects all the ros python build tools packages together in one installer.
0 win_pymercurial
1 2016-06-19 win_mercurial
Build script for python (only) mercurial module.
Build script for python (only) mercurial module.
1 2016-06-19 win_empy
Build script for python expressions module.
Build script for python expressions module.
1 2016-06-19 win_eigen
Helpers for an eigen install into the rosdeps bundle.
Helpers for an eigen install into the rosdeps bundle.
1 2016-06-19 win_dateutil
Scripts to help download, patch and compile python dateutil.
Scripts to help download, patch and compile python dateutil.
1 2016-06-19 win_bzip2
Scripts to help download, patch and compile bzip2.
Scripts to help download, patch and compile bzip2.
1 2016-06-19 win_boost
Scripts to help download, patch and compile cmake boost.
Scripts to help download, patch and compile cmake boost.
1 2016-06-19 win_appupdater
1 wiimote_msgs
1 2014-02-10 wifi_scan
The wifi_scan package scans for RSSI values of visible APs
The wifi_scan package scans for RSSI values of visible APs
1 widowx_arm_moveit
1 widowx_arm_description


Name Description
1 2023-02-24 moveit_config_a0509
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the a0509 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the a0509 with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
2 2020-10-12 moveit_commander
Python interfaces to MoveIt
Python interfaces to MoveIt
1 2020-10-12 moveit_chomp_optimizer_adapter
MoveIt planning request adapter utilizing chomp for solution optimization
MoveIt planning request adapter utilizing chomp for solution optimization
2 2020-10-12 moveit
Meta package that contains all essential package of MoveIt!. Until Summer 2016 MoveIt! had been developed over multiple repositories, where developers' usability and maintenance effort was non-trivial. See
Meta package that contains all essential package of MoveIt!. Until Summer 2016 MoveIt! had been developed over multiple repositories, where developers' usability and maintenance effort was non-trivial. See
1 2021-01-19 move_slow_and_clear
1 2021-11-04 move_basic
Simple navigation package
Simple navigation package
1 2017-09-19 move_base_to_manip
Move the robot base until a desired end-effector pose can be reached.
Move the robot base until a desired end-effector pose can be reached.
1 2018-08-13 move_base_straight
1 2021-09-19 move_base_sequence
The move_base_sequence package
The move_base_sequence package
2 2015-03-16 move_base_msgs
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package
1 2020-12-02 move_base_flex
Move Base Flex (MBF) is a backwards-compatible replacement for move_base. MBF can use existing plugins for move_base, and provides an enhanced version of the planner, controller and recovery plugin ROS interfaces. It exposes action servers for planning, controlling and recovering, providing detailed information of the current state and the plugin’s feedback. An external executive logic can use MBF and its actions to perform smart and flexible navigation strategies. Furthermore, MBF enables the use of other map representations, e.g. meshes or grid_map This package is a meta package and refers to the Move Base Flex stack packages.The abstract core of MBF – without any binding to a map representation – is represented by the
Move Base Flex (MBF) is a backwards-compatible replacement for move_base. MBF can use existing plugins for move_base, and provides an enhanced version of the planner, controller and recovery plugin ROS interfaces. It exposes action servers for planning, controlling and recovering, providing detailed information of the current state and the plugin’s feedback. An external executive logic can use MBF and its actions to perform smart and flexible navigation strategies. Furthermore, MBF enables the use of other map representations, e.g. meshes or grid_map This package is a meta package and refers to the Move Base Flex stack packages.The abstract core of MBF – without any binding to a map representation – is represented by the
1 2021-01-19 move_base
The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the
1 2018-04-06 mouse_teleop
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots.
1 2018-03-27 motion_module_tutorial
The motion_module_tutorial package
The motion_module_tutorial package
1 2020-09-21 moose_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Moose.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Moose.
1 2020-08-14 moose_simulator
Packages for simulating Moose
Packages for simulating Moose
1 2022-12-26 moose_msgs
Messages exclusive to Moose, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Moose, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 2020-08-14 moose_gazebo
Launch files to use Moose in Gazebo.
Launch files to use Moose in Gazebo.
1 2020-09-21 moose_desktop
Packages for working with Moose from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Moose from a ROS desktop.
1 2022-12-26 moose_description
URDF robot description for Moose
URDF robot description for Moose
1 2022-12-26 moose_control
Controllers for Moose
Controllers for Moose
1 2021-03-30 monocam_settler
Listens on a ImageFeatures topic, and waits for the data to settle. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Listens on a ImageFeatures topic, and waits for the data to settle. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 2019-09-04 mongodb_store_msgs
The mongodb_store_msgs package
The mongodb_store_msgs package
1 2019-09-04 mongodb_store
A package to support MongoDB-based storage and analysis for data from a ROS system, eg. saved messages, configurations etc
A package to support MongoDB-based storage and analysis for data from a ROS system, eg. saved messages, configurations etc
1 2019-09-04 mongodb_log
The mongodb_log package
The mongodb_log package
1 2018-07-04 modelica_bridge
ROS package for bridging ROS with Modelica tools via TCP/IP sockets. Meant for use along with the ROS_Bridge Modelica package, made by the same developer.
ROS package for bridging ROS with Modelica tools via TCP/IP sockets. Meant for use along with the ROS_Bridge Modelica package, made by the same developer.
1 2022-01-18 mocap_optitrack
Streaming of OptiTrack mocap data to tf
Streaming of OptiTrack mocap data to tf
1 2016-10-23 mm_radio
Multiplexing many packet types across a two-way radio connection with publishers and subscribers. Great for embedded connections by two-way serial or ethernet types.
Multiplexing many packet types across a two-way radio connection with publishers and subscribers. Great for embedded connections by two-way serial or ethernet types.
1 2016-10-23 mm_mux_demux
Multiplexing many packet types across a single connection. Great for embedded connections by serial or ethernet types.
Multiplexing many packet types across a single connection. Great for embedded connections by serial or ethernet types.
1 2016-10-23 mm_messages
Message definitions and serialisations for core messages.
Message definitions and serialisations for core messages.
1 2016-10-23 mm_eigen_msgs
Message definitions and serialisations for Eigen messages.
Message definitions and serialisations for Eigen messages.
1 2016-10-23 mm_core_msgs
Message definitions and serialisations for core messages.
Message definitions and serialisations for core messages.
3 2019-11-20 ml_classifiers
1 2020-04-20 mk
A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package. The other files in this package are intended for use in exotic situations that mostly arise when importing 3rdparty code.
A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package. The other files in this package are intended for use in exotic situations that mostly arise when importing 3rdparty code.
1 2021-03-08 mitre_fast_layered_map
The mitre_fast_layered_map package
The mitre_fast_layered_map package
2 2021-02-11 mir_robot
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
URDF description, Gazebo simulation, navigation, bringup launch files, message and action descriptions for the MiR100 robot.
2 2021-02-11 mir_navigation
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
Launch and configuration files for move_base, localization etc. on the MiR robot.
2 2021-02-11 mir_msgs
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
Message definitions for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-02-11 mir_gazebo
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
Simulation specific launch and configuration files for the MiR100 robot.
2 2021-02-11 mir_dwb_critics
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
Trajectory critics for the dwb_local_planner that work well together with the SBPL global planner on the MiR robot
2 2021-02-11 mir_driver
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
A reverse ROS bridge for the MiR100 robot
2 2021-02-11 mir_description
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
URDF description of the MiR100 robot
2 2021-02-11 mir_actions
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
Action definitions for the MiR100 robot
1 2025-01-09 mini_maxwell
1 2018-06-16 minas_control
This package contains ros_control based robot controller for PANASONIC MINAS EtherCAT Motor Driver Control System
This package contains ros_control based robot controller for PANASONIC MINAS EtherCAT Motor Driver Control System
1 2018-06-16 minas
Meta package for minas for PANASONIC MINAS EtherCAT Motor Driver Control System
Meta package for minas for PANASONIC MINAS EtherCAT Motor Driver Control System
2 2019-12-19 microstrain_mips
The microstrain_mips package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain 3DM_GX5_XX GPS-aided IMU sensor.
The microstrain_mips package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain 3DM_GX5_XX GPS-aided IMU sensor.
1 2019-07-02 microstrain_3dmgx2_imu
A driver for IMUs compatible the microstrain 3DM-GX2 and 3DM-GX3 protocol. Includes a heavily modified standalone driver pulled from the player distribution, and a ROS node.
A driver for IMUs compatible the microstrain 3DM-GX2 and 3DM-GX3 protocol. Includes a heavily modified standalone driver pulled from the player distribution, and a ROS node.
1 2018-09-13 micros_swarm_stage
micros_swarm_stage package.
micros_swarm_stage package.
1 2018-09-13 micros_swarm_gazebo
micros_swarm_gazebo package.
micros_swarm_gazebo package.
1 2018-09-13 micros_swarm_framework
This is a programming framework to facilitate application development involving robot swarms. It makes coding for swarms much easier by providing an adequate swarm-level abstraction, as well as tools for swarm management, various communication mechanisms and so on. It also provides essential data structures, such as Neighbor, Swarm, and Virtual Stigmergy, to the user. Most importantly, it is completely compatible with ROS Indigo and presented in the form of a C++ library, which means that all resources in the ROS ecosystem are still available to the user. It is currently extensible to Opensplice DDS.
This is a programming framework to facilitate application development involving robot swarms. It makes coding for swarms much easier by providing an adequate swarm-level abstraction, as well as tools for swarm management, various communication mechanisms and so on. It also provides essential data structures, such as Neighbor, Swarm, and Virtual Stigmergy, to the user. Most importantly, it is completely compatible with ROS Indigo and presented in the form of a C++ library, which means that all resources in the ROS ecosystem are still available to the user. It is currently extensible to Opensplice DDS.
1 2018-09-13 micros_swarm
micros_swarm package.
micros_swarm package.
1 2021-02-15 message_to_tf
message_to_tf translates pose information from different kind of common_msgs message types to tf. Currently the node supports nav_msgs/Odometry, geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and sensor_msgs/Imu messages as input. The resulting transform is divided into three subtransforms with intermediate frames for the footprint and the stabilized base frame (without roll and pitch).
message_to_tf translates pose information from different kind of common_msgs message types to tf. Currently the node supports nav_msgs/Odometry, geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and sensor_msgs/Imu messages as input. The resulting transform is divided into three subtransforms with intermediate frames for the footprint and the stabilized base frame (without roll and pitch).
1 2020-01-27 message_runtime
Package modeling the run-time dependencies for language bindings of messages.
Package modeling the run-time dependencies for language bindings of messages.
1 2019-07-16 message_relay
Package to programmatically spawn message, service, and action relays. To add support for a message/service dependency, please add to the build dependencies in package.xml and CMakeLists.txt
Package to programmatically spawn message, service, and action relays. To add support for a message/service dependency, please add to the build dependencies in package.xml and CMakeLists.txt
1 2016-10-23 message_multiplexing
Lightweight communication patterns built on top of nanomsg for use in embedded scenarios where only a single socket connection is desirable.
Lightweight communication patterns built on top of nanomsg for use in embedded scenarios where only a single socket connection is desirable.
1 2020-02-10 message_generation
Package modeling the build-time dependencies for generating language bindings of messages.
Package modeling the build-time dependencies for generating language bindings of messages.
2 2020-10-26 message_filters
A set of message filters which take in messages and may output those messages at a later time, based on the conditions that filter needs met.
A set of message filters which take in messages and may output those messages at a later time, based on the conditions that filter needs met.
1 2019-02-26 melfa_robot
The melfa_robot meta package
The melfa_robot meta package
1 2019-02-26 melfa_driver
The melfa_driver package
The melfa_driver package
1 2019-02-26 melfa_description
The melfa_description package
The melfa_description package
1 2014-03-25 media_export
Placeholder package enabling generic export of media paths.
Placeholder package enabling generic export of media paths.
1 2020-08-24 mecanum_gazebo_plugin
Plugin which uses directional friction to simulate mecanum wheels.
Plugin which uses directional friction to simulate mecanum wheels.
1 2015-12-26 md49_serialport
The md49_serialport package
The md49_serialport package
1 2015-12-26 md49_messages
The md49_messages package
The md49_messages package
1 2015-12-26 md49_base_controller
The md49_base_controller package
The md49_base_controller package
1 2019-11-18 mcmillan_airfield
The mcmillan_airfield package
The mcmillan_airfield package
1 2024-02-19 mcl_3dl_msgs
The mcl_3dl message definition package
The mcl_3dl message definition package
1 2024-10-15 mcl_3dl
3-D/6-DOF localization for mobile robots with 3-D LIDAR(s)
3-D/6-DOF localization for mobile robots with 3-D LIDAR(s)
1 2020-12-02 mbf_utility
The mbf_utility package
The mbf_utility package
1 2020-12-02 mbf_simple_nav
The mbf_simple_nav package contains a simple navigation server implementation of Move Base Flex (MBF). The simple navigation server is bound to no map representation. It provides actions for planning, controlling and recovering. MBF loads all defined plugins which are defined in the lists *planners*, *controllers* and *recovery_behaviors*. Each list holds a pair of a *name* and a *type*. The *type* defines which kind of plugin to load. The *name* defines under which name the plugin should be callable by the actions. It tries to load the defined plugins which implements the defined interfaces in
The mbf_simple_nav package contains a simple navigation server implementation of Move Base Flex (MBF). The simple navigation server is bound to no map representation. It provides actions for planning, controlling and recovering. MBF loads all defined plugins which are defined in the lists *planners*, *controllers* and *recovery_behaviors*. Each list holds a pair of a *name* and a *type*. The *type* defines which kind of plugin to load. The *name* defines under which name the plugin should be callable by the actions. It tries to load the defined plugins which implements the defined interfaces in
1 2020-12-02 mbf_msgs
The move_base_flex messages package providing the action definition files for the action GetPath, ExePath, Recovery and MoveBase. The action servers providing these action are implemented in
The move_base_flex messages package providing the action definition files for the action GetPath, ExePath, Recovery and MoveBase. The action servers providing these action are implemented in
1 2020-12-02 mbf_costmap_nav
The mbf_costmap_nav package contains the costmap navigation server implementation of Move Base Flex (MBF). The costmap navigation server is bound to the
The mbf_costmap_nav package contains the costmap navigation server implementation of Move Base Flex (MBF). The costmap navigation server is bound to the
1 2020-12-02 mbf_costmap_core
This package provides common interfaces for navigation specific robot actions. It contains the CostmapPlanner, CostmapController and CostmapRecovery interfaces. The interfaces have to be implemented by the plugins to make them available for Move Base Flex using the mbf_costmap_nav navigation implementation. That implementation inherits the mbf_abstract_nav implementation and binds the system to a local and a global costmap.
This package provides common interfaces for navigation specific robot actions. It contains the CostmapPlanner, CostmapController and CostmapRecovery interfaces. The interfaces have to be implemented by the plugins to make them available for Move Base Flex using the mbf_costmap_nav navigation implementation. That implementation inherits the mbf_abstract_nav implementation and binds the system to a local and a global costmap.
1 2020-12-02 mbf_abstract_nav
The mbf_abstract_nav package contains the abstract navigation server implementation of Move Base Flex (MBF). The abstract navigation server is not bound to any map representation. It provides the actions for planning, controlling and recovering. MBF loads all defined plugins at the program start. Therefor, it loads all plugins which are defined in the lists *planners*, *controllers* and *recovery_behaviors*. Each list holds a pair of a *name* and a *type*. The *type* defines which kind of plugin to load. The *name* defines under which name the plugin should be callable by the actions.
The mbf_abstract_nav package contains the abstract navigation server implementation of Move Base Flex (MBF). The abstract navigation server is not bound to any map representation. It provides the actions for planning, controlling and recovering. MBF loads all defined plugins at the program start. Therefor, it loads all plugins which are defined in the lists *planners*, *controllers* and *recovery_behaviors*. Each list holds a pair of a *name* and a *type*. The *type* defines which kind of plugin to load. The *name* defines under which name the plugin should be callable by the actions.
1 2020-12-02 mbf_abstract_core
This package provides common interfaces for navigation specific robot actions. It contains the AbstractPlanner, AbstractController and AbstractRecovery plugin interfaces. This interfaces have to be implemented by the plugins to make the plugin available for Move Base Flex. The abstract classes provides a meaningful interface enabling the planners, controllers and recovery behaviors to return information, e.g. why something went wrong. Derivided interfaces can, for example, provide methods to initialize the planner, controller or recovery with map representations like costmap_2d, grid_map or other representations.
This package provides common interfaces for navigation specific robot actions. It contains the AbstractPlanner, AbstractController and AbstractRecovery plugin interfaces. This interfaces have to be implemented by the plugins to make the plugin available for Move Base Flex. The abstract classes provides a meaningful interface enabling the planners, controllers and recovery behaviors to return information, e.g. why something went wrong. Derivided interfaces can, for example, provide methods to initialize the planner, controller or recovery with map representations like costmap_2d, grid_map or other representations.
1 2024-10-10 mavros_msgs
mavros_msgs defines messages for
mavros_msgs defines messages for
1 2024-10-10 mavros_extras
Extra nodes and plugins for
Extra nodes and plugins for
1 2024-10-10 mavros
MAVROS -- MAVLink extendable communication node for ROS with proxy for Ground Control Station.
MAVROS -- MAVLink extendable communication node for ROS with proxy for Ground Control Station.
2 2021-03-03 mavlink
MAVLink message marshaling library. This package provides C-headers and C++11 library for both 1.0 and 2.0 versions of protocol. For pymavlink use separate install via rosdep (python-pymavlink).
MAVLink message marshaling library. This package provides C-headers and C++11 library for both 1.0 and 2.0 versions of protocol. For pymavlink use separate install via rosdep (python-pymavlink).
1 2022-12-13 mav_system_msgs
Messages specific to MAV utils scripts.
Messages specific to MAV utils scripts.
1 2022-12-13 mav_state_machine_msgs
Messages specific to MAV state machine.
Messages specific to MAV state machine.
1 2022-12-13 mav_planning_msgs
Messages specific to MAV planning, especially polynomial planning.
Messages specific to MAV planning, especially polynomial planning.
1 2022-12-13 mav_msgs
Package containing messages for communicating with rotary wing MAVs
Package containing messages for communicating with rotary wing MAVs
1 2022-12-13 mav_comm
Contains messages and services for MAV communication
Contains messages and services for MAV communication
1 2019-04-30 master_sync_fkie
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by master_discovery_fkie node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
Synchronize the local ROS master to the remote masters discovered by master_discovery_fkie node. The registration of topics and services is only perform by local ROS master.
1 2019-04-30 master_discovery_fkie
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
Discover the running ROS Masters in local network. The discovering is done by sending an echo heartbeat messages to a defined multicast group. The alternative is to use a zeroconf/avahi daemon to register the ROS master as service and discover other ROS masters.
1 2018-03-15 marvelmind_nav
Marvelmind local navigation system
Marvelmind local navigation system
1 2024-06-17 marti_visualization_msgs
1 2024-06-17 marti_status_msgs
1 2024-06-17 marti_sensor_msgs
1 2024-06-17 marti_perception_msgs
1 2024-06-17 marti_nav_msgs
1 2024-06-17 marti_introspection_msgs
1 2024-06-17 marti_dbw_msgs
1 2024-06-03 marti_data_structures
1 2024-06-17 marti_common_msgs
1 2024-06-17 marti_can_msgs
1 2016-07-22 marshmallow
A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
1 2016-11-07 marker_rviz_plugin
The marker_rviz_plugin package contains RViz plugins to visualize messages of the marker_msgs package using RViz.
The marker_rviz_plugin package contains RViz plugins to visualize messages of the marker_msgs package using RViz.
1 2018-05-30 marker_msgs
The marker_msgs package contains messages usable to setup a marker/fiducial system. The package distinguishes between two types of messages. First messages to describe the properties of a marker/fiducial detection system and the detected markers. Secondly messages used to represent a map of markers/features with covariances as it would be produced by a SLAM system or published by a map server for self-localization.
The marker_msgs package contains messages usable to setup a marker/fiducial system. The package distinguishes between two types of messages. First messages to describe the properties of a marker/fiducial detection system and the detected markers. Secondly messages used to represent a map of markers/features with covariances as it would be produced by a SLAM system or published by a map server for self-localization.
1 2024-09-06 mapviz_plugins
Common plugins for the Mapviz visualization tool
Common plugins for the Mapviz visualization tool
1 2024-09-06 mapviz
2 2021-01-19 map_server
map_server provides the
map_server provides the
1 2024-02-19 map_organizer_msgs
Message definitions for map_organizer_msgs package
Message definitions for map_organizer_msgs package
1 2024-12-26 map_organizer
Layered costmap organizer package
Layered costmap organizer package
2 2015-03-16 map_msgs
This package defines messages commonly used in mapping packages.
This package defines messages commonly used in mapping packages.
1 2016-07-24 map_laser
Filters a laser scan to remove points that are in the current static map
Filters a laser scan to remove points that are in the current static map
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h_manager
The manipulator_h_manager package This package describes robot manager to execute manipulator_h_base_module.
The manipulator_h_manager package This package describes robot manager to execute manipulator_h_base_module.
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h_kinematics_dynamics
The manipulator_h_kinematics_dynamics package This packages provides library of kinematics and dynamics information for ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. Additionally, there are some function to calculate kinematics and dynamics.
The manipulator_h_kinematics_dynamics package This packages provides library of kinematics and dynamics information for ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. Additionally, there are some function to calculate kinematics and dynamics.
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h_gui
The manipulator_h_gui package This package provides simple GUI to control ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. This GUI is connected to manipulator_h_base_module.
The manipulator_h_gui package This package provides simple GUI to control ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. This GUI is connected to manipulator_h_base_module.
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h_gazebo
The manipulator_h_gazebo package This package provides GAZEBO simulation environment for ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. We provides two controllers such as position and effort controllers.
The manipulator_h_gazebo package This package provides GAZEBO simulation environment for ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. We provides two controllers such as position and effort controllers.
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h_description
The manipulator_h_description package This package includes URDF model of ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. Additionally, we provide full kinematics and dynamics information of each link.
The manipulator_h_description package This package includes URDF model of ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. Additionally, we provide full kinematics and dynamics information of each link.
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h_bringup
The manipulator_h_bringup package This package includes launch file to describe robotis in Rviz.
The manipulator_h_bringup package This package includes launch file to describe robotis in Rviz.
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h_base_module_msgs
The manipulator_h_base_module_msgs package This package includes ROS messages and services for manipulator_h_base_module_msgs
The manipulator_h_base_module_msgs package This package includes ROS messages and services for manipulator_h_base_module_msgs
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h_base_module
The manipulator_h_base_module package This package describes basic function to control ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. This module is based on position control. We provides joint space and task space control (forward kinematics, inverse kinematics).
The manipulator_h_base_module package This package describes basic function to control ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H. This module is based on position control. We provides joint space and task space control (forward kinematics, inverse kinematics).
1 2018-03-25 manipulator_h
ROS packages for the ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H (metapackage)
ROS packages for the ROBOTIS MANIPULATOR-H (metapackage)
1 2016-07-19 manipulation_msgs
The manipulation_msgs package
The manipulation_msgs package
1 2021-09-30 magni_viz
The magni_viz package
The magni_viz package
1 2021-09-30 magni_teleop
The magni_teleop package
The magni_teleop package
1 2021-09-30 magni_robot
The magni_robot package
The magni_robot package
1 2021-09-30 magni_nav
The magni_nav package
The magni_nav package
1 2021-09-30 magni_gazebo
The magni_gazebo package
The magni_gazebo package
1 2021-09-30 magni_desktop
Meta package for all the desktop side utilities for magni
Meta package for all the desktop side utilities for magni
1 2021-09-30 magni_description
The magni_description package
The magni_description package
1 2021-09-30 magni_demos
The magni_demos package
The magni_demos package
1 2021-09-30 magni_bringup
The magni_bringup package
The magni_bringup package
1 2022-06-20 magical_ros2_conversion_tool
The magical_ros2_conversion_tool package
The magical_ros2_conversion_tool package
1 2016-03-01 lyap_control
A node to control nonlinear dynamic systems
A node to control nonlinear dynamic systems
1 2021-10-29 lusb
Library for interfacing to USB devices
Library for interfacing to USB devices
1 2025-01-09 lpg_planner
lpg_planner: LPGL Planner (
lpg_planner: LPGL Planner (
1 2017-08-05 lost_comms_recovery
If your robot loses connection to the base station it will stop motors or navigate home.
If your robot loses connection to the base station it will stop motors or navigate home.
1 2017-06-30 look_at_pose
Rotate camera to look at a given pose.
Rotate camera to look at a given pose.
1 2017-12-30 loki_teleop
The loki_teleop package
The loki_teleop package
1 2017-12-30 loki_robot
Metapackage for loki configuration
Metapackage for loki configuration
1 2017-12-30 loki_nav
The loki_nav package
The loki_nav package
1 2017-12-30 loki_description
The loki_description package
The loki_description package
1 2017-12-30 loki_demos
The loki_demos package
The loki_demos package
1 2017-12-30 loki_bringup
The loki_bringup package
The loki_bringup package
2 2018-02-28 loki_base_node
loki_base_node has a ROS node to communicate with the Loki robot base and allow communication with the motors and sonars
loki_base_node has a ROS node to communicate with the Loki robot base and allow communication with the motors and sonars
1 2022-09-16 log_view
The log_view package provides a ncurses based terminal GUI for viewing and filtering published ROS log messages. This is an alternative to rqt_console and swri_console that doesn't depend on qt and can be run directly in a terminal.
The log_view package provides a ncurses based terminal GUI for viewing and filtering published ROS log messages. This is an alternative to rqt_console and swri_console that doesn't depend on qt and can be run directly in a terminal.
1 2017-04-21 log_server
The log_server package
The log_server package
1 2021-11-30 log4cpp
Log4cpp maintained by Orocos developers This version of log4cpp deviates from the official release by adding custom category factories. Orocos requires this for setting up real-time logging.
Log4cpp maintained by Orocos developers This version of log4cpp deviates from the official release by adding custom category factories. Orocos requires this for setting up real-time logging.
1 2021-01-08 locomove_base
Extension of locomotor that implements move_base's functionality.
Extension of locomotor that implements move_base's functionality.
1 2021-01-08 locomotor_msgs
Action definition for Locomotor
Action definition for Locomotor
1 2021-01-08 locomotor
Locomotor is an extensible path planning coordination engine that replaces move_base. The goal is to provide a mechanism for controlling what happens when the global and local planners succeed and fail. It leverages ROS callback queues to coordinate multiple threads.
Locomotor is an extensible path planning coordination engine that replaces move_base. The goal is to provide a mechanism for controlling what happens when the global and local planners succeed and fail. It leverages ROS callback queues to coordinate multiple threads.
1 2015-02-06 lockfree
The lockfree package contains lock-free data structures for use in multithreaded programming. These kinds of data structures are generally not as easy to use as single-threaded equivalents, and are not always faster. If you don't know you need to use one, try another structure with a lock around it first.
The lockfree package contains lock-free data structures for use in multithreaded programming. These kinds of data structures are generally not as easy to use as single-threaded equivalents, and are not always faster. If you don't know you need to use one, try another structure with a lock around it first.
2 2020-01-20 lms1xx
The lms1xx package contains a basic ROS driver for the SICK LMS1xx line of LIDARs.
The lms1xx package contains a basic ROS driver for the SICK LMS1xx line of LIDARs.
1 2017-10-05 lkh_solver
ROS package for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using the Lin-Kernighan heuristic.
ROS package for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using the Lin-Kernighan heuristic.
1 2017-10-05 lkh
ROS packages for solving the TSP and GTSP problems using LKH heuristic
ROS packages for solving the TSP and GTSP problems using LKH heuristic
1 2022-08-27 linux_peripheral_interfaces
Simple scripts which help utilise, monitor, interact with computer hardware abstracted by a linux OS.
Simple scripts which help utilise, monitor, interact with computer hardware abstracted by a linux OS.
1 2019-02-26 linux_networking
The linux_networking package
The linux_networking package
1 2019-02-26 linksys_access_point
A ROS node that controls a Linksys access point with a Linksys WRT610n-compatible web interface.
A ROS node that controls a Linksys access point with a Linksys WRT610n-compatible web interface.
2 2021-02-20 libuvc_ros
libuvc_ros metapackage
libuvc_ros metapackage
2 2021-02-20 libuvc_camera
USB Video Class camera driver
USB Video Class camera driver
1 2025-01-09 libsiftfast
Library to compute SIFT features
Library to compute SIFT features
1 2022-08-27 libsensors_monitor
A ROS node for using libsensors to provide diagnostics information about the sensors on a computer system.
A ROS node for using libsensors to provide diagnostics information about the sensors on a computer system.
1 2013-12-10 libsegwayrmp
This is a C++ library for interfacing with Segway's RMP line of robotic platforms.
This is a C++ library for interfacing with Segway's RMP line of robotic platforms.
1 2020-05-13 librviz_tutorial
Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features.
Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features.
1 2020-11-18 libreflexxestype2
Package with ReflexxesTypeII implementation and header files
Package with ReflexxesTypeII implementation and header files
1 2024-06-17 librealsense2
Library for controlling and capturing data from the Intel(R) RealSense(TM) D400 devices.
Library for controlling and capturing data from the Intel(R) RealSense(TM) D400 devices.
1 2018-10-26 libqt_widgets
libqt-widgets metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-widgets metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_svg_dev
libqt-svg-dev metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-svg-dev metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_opengl_dev
libqt-opengl metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-opengl metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_opengl
libqt-opengl metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-opengl metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_network
libqt-network metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-network metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_gui
libqt-gui metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-gui metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_dev
libqt-dev metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-dev metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_core
libqt-core metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-core metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2018-10-26 libqt_concurrent
libqt-concurrent metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
libqt-concurrent metapackage supporting qt4 and qt5
1 2024-02-19 libphidgets
This package wraps the libphidgets to use it as a ros dependency
This package wraps the libphidgets to use it as a ros dependency
1 2021-04-09 libphidget21
This package wraps the libphidget21 to use it as a ROS dependency
This package wraps the libphidget21 to use it as a ROS dependency
1 2024-02-19 libpcan
This package wraps the libpcan to use it as a ros dependency
This package wraps the libpcan to use it as a ros dependency
1 2024-02-19 libntcan
This package wraps the libntcan to use it as a ros dependency.
This package wraps the libntcan to use it as a ros dependency.
1 2019-09-04 libmongocxx_ros
A wrapper for the libmongocxx for mongodb_store
A wrapper for the libmongocxx for mongodb_store
1 2020-11-18 libmodbus
The iirob_filters package implements following filters: 1) Low-Pass 2) Moving Mean 3) Gravity Compensation (used for force-torque sensors) 4) Threshold Filter
The iirob_filters package implements following filters: 1) Low-Pass 2) Moving Mean 3) Gravity Compensation (used for force-torque sensors) 4) Threshold Filter
1 2024-10-10 libmavconn
MAVLink communication library. This library provide unified connection handling classes and URL to connection object mapper. This library can be used in standalone programs.
MAVLink communication library. This library provide unified connection handling classes and URL to connection object mapper. This library can be used in standalone programs.
1 2015-01-29 libfreenect
Open source libraries that will enable the Kinect to be used with Windows, Linux, and Mac.
Open source libraries that will enable the Kinect to be used with Windows, Linux, and Mac.
1 2024-02-19 libdlib
This package wraps the external c++ library dlib ( in a ROS package, so other packages can use it. The code was obtained from . For further descriptions and tutorials see the Makefile.tarball and .
This package wraps the external c++ library dlib ( in a ROS package, so other packages can use it. The code was obtained from . For further descriptions and tutorials see the Makefile.tarball and .
1 2023-05-21 libcreate
C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2
C++ library for interfacing with iRobot's Create 1 and Create 2
1 2025-01-09 libcmt
libCMT ROS Wrapper
libCMT ROS Wrapper
1 2020-10-21 lgsvl_msgs
Message definitions for interfacing with the LGSVL Simulator for ROS and ROS 2.
Message definitions for interfacing with the LGSVL Simulator for ROS and ROS 2.
2 2022-02-08 lex_node
Package providing a ROS node for interacting with Amazon Lex
Package providing a ROS node for interacting with Amazon Lex
2 2022-02-08 lex_common_msgs
Common messages for interacting with Amazon Lex using the lex_node package
Common messages for interacting with Amazon Lex using the lex_node package
1 2022-02-08 lex_common
Lex Common utilities, intended for use by Lex clients
Lex Common utilities, intended for use by Lex clients
1 2021-10-07 leuze_rsl_driver
ROS Driver for the Leuze RSL series laser scanner.
ROS Driver for the Leuze RSL series laser scanner.
1 2021-10-07 leuze_ros_drivers
The leuze_ros_drivers metapackage
The leuze_ros_drivers metapackage
1 2021-10-07 leuze_phidget_driver
The phidget interface kit driver package for leuze lasers
The phidget interface kit driver package for leuze lasers
1 2021-10-07 leuze_msgs
Contains the specific leuze messages.
Contains the specific leuze messages.
1 2021-10-07 leuze_description
This package contains .
This package contains .
1 2021-10-07 leuze_bringup
This package contains .
This package contains .
2 2023-10-31 leo_viz
Visualization launch files and RViz configurations for Leo Rover
Visualization launch files and RViz configurations for Leo Rover
2 2023-10-31 leo_teleop
Scripts and launch files for Leo Rover teleoperation
Scripts and launch files for Leo Rover teleoperation
2 2023-10-31 leo_msgs
Message and Service definitions for Leo Rover
Message and Service definitions for Leo Rover
2 2023-10-31 leo_desktop
Metapackage of software for operating Leo Rover from ROS desktop
Metapackage of software for operating Leo Rover from ROS desktop
2 2023-10-31 leo_description
URDF Description package for Leo Rover
URDF Description package for Leo Rover
2 2023-10-31 leo
Metapackage of software for Leo Rover common to the robot and ROS desktop
Metapackage of software for Leo Rover common to the robot and ROS desktop
1 2021-02-20 leg_detector
Leg Detector using a machine learning approach to find leg-like patterns of laser scanner readings.
Leg Detector using a machine learning approach to find leg-like patterns of laser scanner readings.
1 2020-05-29 leap_motion
ROS driver for the Leap Motion gesture sensor
ROS driver for the Leap Motion gesture sensor
1 2019-04-26 lauv_gazebo
Sample launch files to start a simulated LAUV in Gazebo.
Sample launch files to start a simulated LAUV in Gazebo.


Name Description
1 2022-05-09 jsk_gui_msgs
1 2024-12-09 jsk_footstep_planner
1 2022-05-09 jsk_footstep_msgs
1 2024-12-09 jsk_footstep_controller
The jsk_footstep_controller package
The jsk_footstep_controller package
1 2025-01-06 jsk_data
The jsk_data package
The jsk_data package
1 2024-12-09 jsk_control
The jsk_control package
The jsk_control package
1 2022-05-09 jsk_common_msgs
1 2025-01-06 jsk_common
1 2024-12-09 jsk_calibration
The jsk_calibration package
The jsk_calibration package
1 2025-01-09 jsk_3rdparty
2 2018-08-30 jpeg_streamer
tools for streaming JPEG-formatted CompressedImage topics over HTTP
tools for streaming JPEG-formatted CompressedImage topics over HTTP
1 2024-12-26 joystick_interrupt
Interrupt cmd_vel by joystick input
Interrupt cmd_vel by joystick input
1 2020-07-19 joystick_drivers
This metapackage depends on packages for interfacing common joysticks and human input devices with ROS.
This metapackage depends on packages for interfacing common joysticks and human input devices with ROS.
2 2023-05-04 joy_teleop
A (to be) generic joystick interface to control a robot
A (to be) generic joystick interface to control a robot
1 2024-12-09 joy_mouse
The joy_mouse package
The joy_mouse package
1 2020-04-02 joy_listener
Translates joy msgs
Translates joy msgs
2 2020-07-19 joy
ROS driver for a generic Linux joystick. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes.
ROS driver for a generic Linux joystick. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes.
1 2019-05-06 jointstick
Move any joint with any controller!
Move any joint with any controller!
1 2024-08-06 joint_trajectory_generator
joint_trajectory_generator action takes in a trajectory specified by a number of joint positions, and it generates a new smooth trajectory through these joint positions.
joint_trajectory_generator action takes in a trajectory specified by a number of joint positions, and it generates a new smooth trajectory through these joint positions.
3 2023-11-13 joint_trajectory_controller
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints.
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints.
1 2024-08-06 joint_trajectory_action_tools
2 2022-11-09 joint_trajectory_action
The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface to a joint trajectory controller.
The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface to a joint trajectory controller.
1 2021-03-30 joint_states_settler
Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 2020-12-11 joint_state_publisher_gui
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a GUI tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
2 2020-12-11 joint_state_publisher
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF.
2 2023-11-13 joint_state_controller
Controller to publish joint state
Controller to publish joint state
1 2021-01-08 joint_qualification_controllers
Controllers used in PR2 hardware testing. For testing counterbalance of PR2, and for internal WG use.
Controllers used in PR2 hardware testing. For testing counterbalance of PR2, and for internal WG use.
2 2023-10-27 joint_limits_interface
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
Interface for enforcing joint limits.
1 2021-04-06 jderobot_color_tuner
The jderobot_color_tuner tool package
The jderobot_color_tuner tool package
1 2020-06-10 jderobot_assets
The jderobot_assets package
The jderobot_assets package
1 2016-06-06 jackal_viz
Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.
Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.
1 2020-09-29 jackal_tutorials
Jackal's tutorials.
Jackal's tutorials.
1 2020-08-24 jackal_simulator
Packages for simulating Jackal.
Packages for simulating Jackal.
1 2020-09-29 jackal_navigation
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal
1 2020-09-29 jackal_msgs
Messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
Messages exclusive to Jackal, especially for representing low-level motor commands and sensors.
1 2020-08-24 jackal_gazebo
Launchfiles to use Jackal in Gazebo.
Launchfiles to use Jackal in Gazebo.
1 2016-06-06 jackal_desktop
Packages for working with Jackal from a ROS desktop.
Packages for working with Jackal from a ROS desktop.
1 2020-09-29 jackal_description
URDF robot description for Jackal
URDF robot description for Jackal
1 2020-09-29 jackal_control
Controllers for Jackal
Controllers for Jackal
1 2020-03-02 jackal_cartographer_navigation
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal using Google Cartographer
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Jackal using Google Cartographer
1 2022-04-05 ixblue_stdbin_decoder
iXblue parsing library for protocol iXblue stdbin
iXblue parsing library for protocol iXblue stdbin
1 2021-01-26 ixblue_ins_msgs
The ixblue INS defined messages package
The ixblue INS defined messages package
1 2021-01-26 ixblue_ins_driver
The iXblue_ins_driver package
The iXblue_ins_driver package
1 2021-01-26 ixblue_ins
Metapackage for iXblue INS driver
Metapackage for iXblue INS driver
1 2020-04-26 ivcon
Mesh Conversion Utility Used to generate '.iv' files from '.stl' files. This package has not been changed since 2001 and appears to be very stable. We plan on keeping this package in this revision for mesh conversions. This package is only available as a single source file for download. There are no local modifications to this package.
Mesh Conversion Utility Used to generate '.iv' files from '.stl' files. This package has not been changed since 2001 and appears to be very stable. We plan on keeping this package in this revision for mesh conversions. This package is only available as a single source file for download. There are no local modifications to this package.
1 2021-04-10 iris_lama_ros
ROS package of IRIS Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
ROS package of IRIS Localization and Mapping (LaMa).
1 2024-03-11 iris_lama
IRIS package for Localization and Mapping (LaMa). This packages includes the sparse-dense library for grid mapping, a 2D localization algorithm based on scan matching, an online SLAM solution with a dynamic likelihood field and a 2D RB Particle Filter SLAM solution with multithreading.
IRIS package for Localization and Mapping (LaMa). This packages includes the sparse-dense library for grid mapping, a 2D localization algorithm based on scan matching, an online SLAM solution with a dynamic likelihood field and a 2D RB Particle Filter SLAM solution with multithreading.
1 2021-10-30 ira_laser_tools
The ira_laser_tools package. These nodes are meant to provide some utils for lasers, like listen to different laser scan sources and merge them in a single scan or generate virtual laser scans from a pointcloud.
The ira_laser_tools package. These nodes are meant to provide some utils for lasers, like listen to different laser scan sources and merge them in a single scan or generate virtual laser scans from a pointcloud.
1 2020-11-18 ipr_extern
Package with external libraries used in Industrial and Service workspaces. Currentlly supported Libraries: Reflexxes, Libmodbus.
Package with external libraries used in Industrial and Service workspaces. Currentlly supported Libraries: Reflexxes, Libmodbus.
1 2024-04-17 ipa_differential_docking
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of ipa_differential_docking package
This package is a substitute for the private implementation of ipa_differential_docking package
1 2024-02-19 ipa_3d_fov_visualization
The ipa_3d_fov_visualization package allows to visualize the field-of-view of a camera.
The ipa_3d_fov_visualization package allows to visualize the field-of-view of a camera.
1 2021-03-30 interval_intersection
Tools for calculating the intersection of interval messages coming in on several topics. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Tools for calculating the intersection of interval messages coming in on several topics. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 2020-10-07 interactive_markers
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools.
1 2021-10-26 interactive_marker_twist_server
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers
1 2020-05-13 interactive_marker_tutorials
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
The interactive_marker_tutorials package
1 2014-06-09 interactive_marker_proxy
A Proxy Server for Interactive Markers
A Proxy Server for Interactive Markers
1 2022-08-25 inorbit_republisher
ROS to InOrbit topic republisher
ROS to InOrbit topic republisher
1 2025-01-09 influxdb_store
The influxdb_store package
The influxdb_store package
1 2021-07-15 industrial_utils
Industrial utils is a library package that captures common funcitonality for the ROS-Industrial distribution.
Industrial utils is a library package that captures common funcitonality for the ROS-Industrial distribution.
1 2021-07-15 industrial_trajectory_filters
1 2023-06-28 industrial_robot_status_interface
Exposes ROS-Industrial's RobotStatus info from hardware_interfaces for consumption by ros_control controllers.
Exposes ROS-Industrial's RobotStatus info from hardware_interfaces for consumption by ros_control controllers.
1 2023-06-28 industrial_robot_status_controller
A ros_control controller that reports robot status using the ROS-Industrial RobotStatus message.
A ros_control controller that reports robot status using the ROS-Industrial RobotStatus message.
1 2021-07-15 industrial_robot_simulator
The industrial robot simulator is a stand in for industrial robot driver node(s). It adheres to the driver specification for industrial robot controllers.
The industrial robot simulator is a stand in for industrial robot driver node(s). It adheres to the driver specification for industrial robot controllers.
1 2021-07-15 industrial_robot_client
industrial robot client contains generic clients for connecting to industrial robot controllers with servers that adhere to the simple message protocol.
industrial robot client contains generic clients for connecting to industrial robot controllers with servers that adhere to the simple message protocol.
1 2021-07-15 industrial_msgs
The industrial message package containes industrial specific messages definitions. This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program.
The industrial message package containes industrial specific messages definitions. This package is part of the ROS-Industrial program.
1 2021-07-15 industrial_deprecated
The Industrial deprecated package contains nodes, launch files, etc... that are slated for deprecation. This package is the last place something will end up before being deleted. If you are missing a package/node and find it's contents here, then you should consider a replacement.
The Industrial deprecated package contains nodes, launch files, etc... that are slated for deprecation. This package is the last place something will end up before being deleted. If you are missing a package/node and find it's contents here, then you should consider a replacement.
1 2021-07-15 industrial_core
ROS-Industrial core stack contains packages and libraries for supporing industrial systems
ROS-Industrial core stack contains packages and libraries for supporing industrial systems
1 2022-11-22 imu_transformer
Node/nodelet combination to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
Node/nodelet combination to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another.
2 2022-08-19 imu_tools
Various tools for IMU devices
Various tools for IMU devices
1 2023-11-13 imu_sensor_controller
Controller to publish state of IMU sensors
Controller to publish state of IMU sensors
1 2022-11-22 imu_processors
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data
1 2022-11-22 imu_pipeline
2 2024-09-24 imu_monitor
This package contains a single node that monitors the drift of the IMU gyroscopes. The results are published to the '/diagnostics' topic and are aggregated in the PR2 dashboard.
This package contains a single node that monitors the drift of the IMU gyroscopes. The results are published to the '/diagnostics' topic and are aggregated in the PR2 dashboard.
2 2022-08-19 imu_filter_madgwick
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on code by Sebastian Madgwick,
2 2022-08-19 imu_complementary_filter
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
Filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into a quaternion to represent the orientation of the device wrt the global frame. Based on the algorithm by Roberto G. Valenti etal. described in the paper "Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs" available at .
1 2022-02-09 imagezero_ros
A library that provides convenient methods for manipulating ROS images with ImageZero
A library that provides convenient methods for manipulating ROS images with ImageZero
1 2022-02-09 imagezero_image_transport
A plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded with ImageZero.
A plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded with ImageZero.
1 2022-02-09 imagezero
ImageZero is a fast lossless image compression algorithm for RGB color photos.
ImageZero is a fast lossless image compression algorithm for RGB color photos.
1 2025-01-07 imagesift
For every image, computes its sift features and send a new message with the image, its intrinsic parameters, and the features. Parameters include: display - shows the image on the local computer
For every image, computes its sift features and send a new message with the image, its intrinsic parameters, and the features. Parameters include: display - shows the image on the local computer
1 2025-01-06 image_view2
A simple viewer for ROS image topics with draw-on features
A simple viewer for ROS image topics with draw-on features
1 2022-12-04 image_view
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer for stereo + disparity images.
A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer for stereo + disparity images.
1 2023-02-08 image_transport_plugins
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form.
1 2025-01-07 image_transport_codecs
Image transport plugins available as C, C++ and Python libraries
Image transport plugins available as C, C++ and Python libraries
1 2020-04-03 image_transport
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video.
1 2022-12-04 image_rotate
1 2022-12-04 image_publisher
1 2022-12-04 image_proc
Single image rectification and color processing.
Single image rectification and color processing.
1 2022-12-04 image_pipeline
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing.
3 2022-04-08 image_geometry
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
`image_geometry` contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types.
1 2022-01-27 image_exposure_msgs
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
Messages related to the Point Grey camera driver.
1 2020-04-03 image_common
Common code for working with images in ROS.
Common code for working with images in ROS.
1 2021-03-30 image_cb_detector
Provide a node that extracts checkerboard corners from ROS images. This package is still experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
Provide a node that extracts checkerboard corners from ROS images. This package is still experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change.
1 2020-09-15 iirob_filters
The iirob_filters package implements following filters: 1) Low-Pass 2) Moving Mean 3) Gravity Compensation (used for force-torque sensors) 4) Threshold Filter 5) Kalman Filter
The iirob_filters package implements following filters: 1) Low-Pass 2) Moving Mean 3) Gravity Compensation (used for force-torque sensors) 4) Threshold Filter 5) Kalman Filter
1 2018-10-07 igvc_self_drive_sim
Metapackage for igvc_self_drive_sim
Metapackage for igvc_self_drive_sim
1 2018-10-07 igvc_self_drive_gazebo_plugins
Gazebo plugins for IGVC Self-Drive simulator
Gazebo plugins for IGVC Self-Drive simulator
1 2018-10-07 igvc_self_drive_gazebo
Gazebo models and runtime configuration for igvc_self_drive simulator
Gazebo models and runtime configuration for igvc_self_drive simulator
1 2018-10-07 igvc_self_drive_description
Meshes and URDF descriptions for Gem vehicle
Meshes and URDF descriptions for Gem vehicle
1 2023-09-15 ifopt
1 2024-06-25 ifm3d_ros_msgs
ifm3d_ros messages subpackage
ifm3d_ros messages subpackage
1 2024-06-25 ifm3d_ros_examples
ifm3d_ros examples subpackage
ifm3d_ros examples subpackage
1 2024-06-25 ifm3d_ros_driver
ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS main driver package
ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS main driver package
1 2019-10-16 ifm3d_core
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
Library and Utilities for working with ifm pmd-based 3D ToF Cameras
1 2024-06-25 ifm3d-ros
metapackage for the ifm3d-ros package group which interacts with the ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS package
metapackage for the ifm3d-ros package group which interacts with the ifm 3D ToF Camera ROS package
1 2021-03-02 ieee80211_channels
This package provides mapping from frequencies to IEEE802.11 channels and vice-versa.
This package provides mapping from frequencies to IEEE802.11 channels and vice-versa.
1 2021-06-18 ibeo_msgs
The ibeo_msgs package
The ibeo_msgs package
1 2019-09-04 ibeo_lux
ROS driver for IBEO LUX
ROS driver for IBEO LUX
1 2019-09-03 ibeo_core
The ibeo_core package
The ibeo_core package
3 2022-11-25 husky_viz
Visualization configuration for Clearpath Husky
Visualization configuration for Clearpath Husky
2 2022-11-25 husky_simulator
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky simulation software
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky simulation software
2 2022-11-25 husky_robot
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky robot software
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky robot software
2 2022-11-25 husky_navigation
Autonomous mapping and navigation demos for the Clearpath Husky
Autonomous mapping and navigation demos for the Clearpath Husky
1 2022-11-25 husky_msgs
Messages for Clearpath Husky
Messages for Clearpath Husky
2 2022-11-25 husky_gazebo
Clearpath Husky Simulator bringup
Clearpath Husky Simulator bringup
2 2022-11-25 husky_desktop
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky visualization software
Metapackage for Clearpath Husky visualization software
2 2022-11-25 husky_description
Clearpath Husky URDF description
Clearpath Husky URDF description
1 2022-11-25 husky_control
Clearpath Husky controller configurations
Clearpath Husky controller configurations
1 2022-11-01 husky_cartographer_navigation
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Husky using Google Cartographer
Launch files and code for autonomous navigation of the Husky using Google Cartographer
3 2022-11-25 husky_bringup
Clearpath Husky installation and integration package
Clearpath Husky installation and integration package
3 2022-11-25 husky_base
Clearpath Husky robot driver
Clearpath Husky robot driver
1 2024-02-05 human_description
This package contains a parametric kinematic description of humans. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components, notably in the context of human-robot interaction. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
This package contains a parametric kinematic description of humans. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components, notably in the context of human-robot interaction. Most users will not interact directly with this package.
1 2023-08-04 hrpsys_tools
The hrpsys_tools package
The hrpsys_tools package
1 2023-08-04 hrpsys_ros_bridge
hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind
hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind
2 2022-12-15 hrpsys
1 2023-12-18 hri_msgs
Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction
1 2023-07-05 hri
A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics
A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics
1 2021-03-02 hostapd_access_point
A ROS node that controls a hostapd-based access point. It is mainly intended for use with a wireless network adapter running in master mode. It implements the dynamic_reconfigure interface defined in the [[access_point_control]] package.
A ROS node that controls a hostapd-based access point. It is mainly intended for use with a wireless network adapter running in master mode. It implements the dynamic_reconfigure interface defined in the [[access_point_control]] package.
1 2024-02-19 hokuyo3d
ROS driver node for HOKUYO 3D LIDARs
ROS driver node for HOKUYO 3D LIDARs
1 2021-04-16 hls_lfcd_lds_driver
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2). The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
ROS package for LDS(HLS-LFCD2). The LDS (Laser Distance Sensor) is a sensor sending the data to Host for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously the detecting obstacle data can also be sent to Host. HLDS(Hitachi-LG Data Storage) is developing the technology for the moving platform sensor such as Robot Vacuum Cleaners, Home Robot, Robotics Lawn Mower Sensor, etc.
1 2020-05-13 hironx_ros_bridge
ROS-OpenRTM interfacing package for the opensource version of Kawada's Hiro/NEXTAGE dual-arm robot. NOTE: This package is multi-license -- pay attention to file header in each file where license is declared. For Creative Commons nc 4.0 applied, see
ROS-OpenRTM interfacing package for the opensource version of Kawada's Hiro/NEXTAGE dual-arm robot. NOTE: This package is multi-license -- pay attention to file header in each file where license is declared. For Creative Commons nc 4.0 applied, see
1 2020-05-13 hironx_moveit_config
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the HiroNX with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the HiroNX with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
1 2020-05-13 hironx_calibration
Launch and configuration files for calibrating hironx using the generic
Launch and configuration files for calibrating hironx using the generic
1 2021-03-18 hfl_driver
The hfl package
The hfl package
1 2019-01-31 heron_viz
Visualization and rviz helpers for Heron.
Visualization and rviz helpers for Heron.
1 2022-03-16 heron_simulator
Simulator package for Heron
Simulator package for Heron
1 2021-10-29 heron_msgs
Provides standard messages specific to Heron, especially for the microcontroller's rosserial interface.
Provides standard messages specific to Heron, especially for the microcontroller's rosserial interface.
1 2022-03-16 heron_gazebo
Simulator package for Heron
Simulator package for Heron
1 2019-01-31 heron_desktop
The heron_desktop metapackage
The heron_desktop metapackage
1 2021-10-29 heron_description
URDF description for Heron
URDF description for Heron
1 2021-03-12 heron_controller
The heron_controller package
The heron_controller package
1 2021-10-29 heron_control
Control package for Heron
Control package for Heron
1 2021-01-26 heifu_tools
Heifu Tools
Heifu Tools
1 2021-01-26 heifu_simple_waypoint
Heifu mavros interface
Heifu mavros interface
1 2021-01-26 heifu_safety
This package enables an allowable safety zone to control the drone with a joystick.
This package enables an allowable safety zone to control the drone with a joystick.
1 2021-01-26 heifu_msgs
Common message definitions for heifu
Common message definitions for heifu
1 2021-01-26 heifu_mavros
Heifu mavros interface
Heifu mavros interface
1 2021-01-26 heifu_diagnostic
Heifu diagnostic to get GPS status
Heifu diagnostic to get GPS status
1 2021-01-26 heifu_description
SDF robot description for HEIFU
SDF robot description for HEIFU
1 2021-01-26 heifu_bringup
Heifu is a ROS driver for PDMFC and BEV drone
Heifu is a ROS driver for PDMFC and BEV drone
1 2021-01-26 heifu
The heifu metapackage that installs all heifu related packages.
The heifu metapackage that installs all heifu related packages.
1 2024-02-17 hector_xacro_tools
1 2022-03-11 hector_trajectory_server
hector_trajectory_server keeps track of tf trajectories extracted from tf data and makes this data accessible via a service and topic.
hector_trajectory_server keeps track of tf trajectories extracted from tf data and makes this data accessible via a service and topic.
1 2022-03-11 hector_slam_launch
hector_slam_launch contains launch files for launching hector_slam with different robot systems/setups/postprocessing scenarios.
hector_slam_launch contains launch files for launching hector_slam with different robot systems/setups/postprocessing scenarios.
1 2022-03-11 hector_slam
The hector_slam metapackage that installs hector_mapping and related packages.
The hector_slam metapackage that installs hector_mapping and related packages.
1 2022-08-08 hector_sensors_gazebo
hector_sensors_gazebo depends on the necessary plugins for using the sensors from the hector_models repository.
hector_sensors_gazebo depends on the necessary plugins for using the sensors from the hector_models repository.
1 2024-02-17 hector_sensors_description
hector_sensors_description contains URDF xacro macros for sensors, so they are easily attachable to robot models and usable in gazebo.
hector_sensors_description contains URDF xacro macros for sensors, so they are easily attachable to robot models and usable in gazebo.
1 2021-02-15 hector_pose_estimation_core
hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node.
hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node.
1 2021-02-15 hector_pose_estimation
hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet.
hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet.
1 2022-03-11 hector_nav_msgs
hector_nav_msgs contains messages and services used in the hector_slam stack.
hector_nav_msgs contains messages and services used in the hector_slam stack.
1 2024-02-17 hector_models
hector_models contains (urdf) models of robots, sensors etc.
hector_models contains (urdf) models of robots, sensors etc.
1 2022-03-11 hector_marker_drawing
hector_marker_drawing provides convenience functions for easier publishing of visualization markers.
hector_marker_drawing provides convenience functions for easier publishing of visualization markers.
1 2022-03-11 hector_mapping
hector_mapping is a SLAM approach that can be used without odometry as well as on platforms that exhibit roll/pitch motion (of the sensor, the platform or both). It leverages the high update rate of modern LIDAR systems like the Hokuyo UTM-30LX and provides 2D pose estimates at scan rate of the sensors (40Hz for the UTM-30LX). While the system does not provide explicit loop closing ability, it is sufficiently accurate for many real world scenarios. The system has successfully been used on Unmanned Ground Robots, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Handheld Mapping Devices and logged data from quadrotor UAVs.
hector_mapping is a SLAM approach that can be used without odometry as well as on platforms that exhibit roll/pitch motion (of the sensor, the platform or both). It leverages the high update rate of modern LIDAR systems like the Hokuyo UTM-30LX and provides 2D pose estimates at scan rate of the sensors (40Hz for the UTM-30LX). While the system does not provide explicit loop closing ability, it is sufficiently accurate for many real world scenarios. The system has successfully been used on Unmanned Ground Robots, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Handheld Mapping Devices and logged data from quadrotor UAVs.
1 2022-03-11 hector_map_tools
hector_map_tools contains some functions related to accessing information from OccupancyGridMap maps. Currently consists of a single header.
hector_map_tools contains some functions related to accessing information from OccupancyGridMap maps. Currently consists of a single header.
1 2022-03-11 hector_map_server
hector_map_server provides a service for retrieving the map, as well as for raycasting based obstacle queries (finds next obstacle in the map, given start and endpoint in any tf coordinate frame).
hector_map_server provides a service for retrieving the map, as well as for raycasting based obstacle queries (finds next obstacle in the map, given start and endpoint in any tf coordinate frame).
1 2021-02-15 hector_localization
The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and angular rates from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) serve as primary measurements. The usage of other sensors is application-dependent. The hector_localization stack currently supports GPS, magnetometer, barometric pressure sensors and other external sources that provide a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message via the poseupdate topic.
The hector_localization stack is a collection of packages, that provide the full 6DOF pose of a robot or platform. It uses various sensor sources, which are fused using an Extended Kalman filter. Acceleration and angular rates from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) serve as primary measurements. The usage of other sensors is application-dependent. The hector_localization stack currently supports GPS, magnetometer, barometric pressure sensors and other external sources that provide a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance message via the poseupdate topic.
1 2022-03-11 hector_imu_tools
hector_imu_tools provides some tools for processing IMU messages
hector_imu_tools provides some tools for processing IMU messages
1 2022-03-11 hector_imu_attitude_to_tf
hector_imu_attitude_to_tf is a lightweight node that can be used to publish the roll/pitch attitude angles reported via a imu message to tf.
hector_imu_attitude_to_tf is a lightweight node that can be used to publish the roll/pitch attitude angles reported via a imu message to tf.
1 2022-03-11 hector_geotiff_plugins
hector_geotiff_plugins contains plugins that extend geotiff maps generated by hector_geotiff.
hector_geotiff_plugins contains plugins that extend geotiff maps generated by hector_geotiff.
1 2022-03-11 hector_geotiff
hector_geotiff provides a node that can be used to save occupancy grid map, robot trajectory and object of interest data to RoboCup Rescue compliant GeoTiff images.
hector_geotiff provides a node that can be used to save occupancy grid map, robot trajectory and object of interest data to RoboCup Rescue compliant GeoTiff images.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_worlds
hector_gazebo_worlds provides gazebo scenarios used by Team Hector Darmstadt
hector_gazebo_worlds provides gazebo scenarios used by Team Hector Darmstadt
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_thermal_camera
hector_gazebo_thermal_camera provides a gazebo plugin that produces simulated thermal camera images. The plugin uses modified code from the gazebo_ros_camera plugin.
hector_gazebo_thermal_camera provides a gazebo plugin that produces simulated thermal camera images. The plugin uses modified code from the gazebo_ros_camera plugin.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo_plugins
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin.
1 2022-08-08 hector_gazebo
hector_gazebo provides packages related to to simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.)
hector_gazebo provides packages related to to simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.)
1 2022-03-11 hector_compressed_map_transport
hector_compressed_map_transport provides means for transporting compressed map data through the use of image_transport.
hector_compressed_map_transport provides means for transporting compressed map data through the use of image_transport.
1 2024-02-17 hector_components_description
hector_components_description contains URDF xacro macros for robot components, so they are easily attachable to robot models.
hector_components_description contains URDF xacro macros for robot components, so they are easily attachable to robot models.
1 2019-09-06 hebi_description
ROS models for HEBI components
ROS models for HEBI components
1 2024-06-06 hebi_cpp_api
A ROS package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
A ROS package providing access to the HEBI C++ API.
2 2022-02-08 health_metric_collector
The health_metric_collector package
The health_metric_collector package
1 2019-09-22 haros_catkin
Catkin integration for HAROS (version 3.6.0)
Catkin integration for HAROS (version 3.6.0)
2 2023-10-27 hardware_interface
Hardware Interface base class.
Hardware Interface base class.
1 2020-10-25 handeye
The handeye package
The handeye package
2 2022-02-08 h264_video_encoder
ROS1 H264 encoder node
ROS1 H264 encoder node
1 2022-02-08 h264_encoder_core
Common base code for ROS1/ROS2 H264 encoder node
Common base code for ROS1/ROS2 H264 encoder node
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_gazebo
gundam_rx78_gazebo contains launch scripts for simulating the GUNDAM RX-78 robot in the gazebo simulation
gundam_rx78_gazebo contains launch scripts for simulating the GUNDAM RX-78 robot in the gazebo simulation
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_description
gundam_rx78_description contains the ROS URDF file of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
gundam_rx78_description contains the ROS URDF file of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
1 2020-08-28 gundam_rx78_control
gundam_rx78_control contains launch and configuration scripts for the ros controller of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
gundam_rx78_control contains launch and configuration scripts for the ros controller of the GUNDAM RX-78 robot
1 2020-08-28 gundam_robot
gundam_robot is a meta package for GUNDAM RX-78 robot controller and simulator
gundam_robot is a meta package for GUNDAM RX-78 robot controller and simulator
1 2018-09-06 gscam
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
A ROS camera driver that uses gstreamer to connect to devices such as webcams.
1 2023-05-12 grpc
Catkinized gRPC Package
Catkinized gRPC Package
1 2023-11-13 gripper_action_controller
The gripper_action_controller package
The gripper_action_controller package
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_visualization
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
Configurable tool to visualize grid maps in RViz.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_sdf
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
Generates signed distance fields from grid maps.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_rviz_plugin
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
RViz plugin for displaying grid map messages.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_ros
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
ROS interface for the grid map library to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_pcl
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
Conversions between grid maps and Point Cloud Library (PCL) types.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_octomap
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
Conversions between grid maps and OctoMap types.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_msgs
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
Definition of the multi-layered grid map message type.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_loader
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
Loading and publishing grid maps from bag files.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_filters
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
Processing grid maps as a sequence of ROS filters.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_demos
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
Demo nodes to demonstrate the usage of the grid map library.
3 2024-10-18 grid_map_cv
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.
Conversions between grid maps and OpenCV images.